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Newslinks for 3/17/2007

Dave Workman: D.C. gun ruling crushed years of misrepresenting Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wasting no time after a federal appeals court for the District of Columbia struck down a 31-year-old handgun ban in Washington gun control proponents unwittingly revealed the true nature of their movement. It’s founded on fraud and fear of self-reliance."

"Despite what they may claim here and there about not wanting to ban guns, they really do. The shrieks expressed over the landmark ruling by Senior Judge Laurence Silberman ... suggested proponents of restrictive gun control felt a wooden stake being driven through the heart of their movement."

"Gun control proponents have misrepresented the Second Amendment for years by misinterpreting a 1939 Supreme Court ruling, claiming that it only protects a 'collective right' of the states to form militias. Judge Silberman just straightened them out." ...

Court Rediscovers 2nd Amendment, Liberals Fear Other 'Rights' May Soon be Found
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tragedy struck leftists all across America last week when a federal appeals court reviewing the District of Columbia’s handgun ban, ruled that the right of the people to keep and bear arms cannot be infringed upon by the District. ..." ...

"'[T]his radical ruling will inevitably mean more people killed and wounded as keeping guns out of the city becomes harder,' the [Washington] Post continued, sagely foreseeing a day in the near future when the district might not be the safe gunfree enclave of sanity that it now is. One wonders if D.C. might someday even become the murder capital of the United States without its protective cloak of gun control disarming its law-abiding citizens." ...

Gun control ruling and the Bill of Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Constitutional purists and social engineering activists may be headed for the ultimate venue in the battle over gun control and the Second Amendment."

"That venue is the Supreme Court of the United States."

"Count us among the purists. We believe the Bill of Rights means what it says."

"The issue arises because the District of Columbia's anti-gun city officials just lost an important decision in the U.S. District Court of Appeals." ...

"The city plans to appeal."

"That means this case is likely headed for the right place to settle such a fundamental difference over the Bill of Rights. Experts say it could wind its way to the Supreme Court in 2008 -- right in the middle of an election year." ...

Second Amendment no dead letter, says appeals court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The Population of the Nanny State, being composed of irresponsible rednecks, rejects and retards, must not be allowed to have Arms.'
- The Second Amendment as seen through liberal eyes, according to Human Events columnist Mack Johnson.

"That's how many on the left would indeed phrase the amendment, but now we have a substantial opinion from an influential federal appeals court saying they are wrong."

"A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit voted 2-1 last Friday to reject on constitutional grounds a D.C. law unduly restricting the private ownership of firearms. " ...

Right to carry v. right to know: This month's Non-Compos Mentis Award winner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... I relate his story only as a segue to introduce the real winner."

"That would be one Christian Trejbal, a writer with the Roanoke Times in Virginia." ...

"In the interest of public safety, Trejbal and the Roanoke Times would have done a fine public service by launching, say, an Internet database listing paroled violent felons, stalkers and murderers. Instead, however, he went after what he apparently considers an equally dangerous lot."

Trejbal wrote, 'A state that puts sex offender data online complete with an interactive map could easily do the same with gun permits, but it does not. ... There are plenty of reasons to question the wisdom of widespread gun ownership, too.'" ...

A Statement of Position on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The recent Parker decision, has as usual brought out the opponents of the second amendment; those who would repeal it, or make it’s repeal effective through the disingenuous twisting of language."

"These people must be opposed, refuted, educated, and actively resisted at all turns, by all free men; as must all attempts to abrogate our essential rights and freedoms."

"The second amendment has a very clear, and very important purpose:"

"All men by their essential nature have the right to defend themselves and their property from harm or oppression, be it by other individuals, or by the state; through whatever means necessary up to and including lethal force." ...

Second Amendment Used to Dump Gun Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Judge Laurence H. Silberman has written a landmark legal decision using the Second Amendment to overturn the D.C. gun ban. No court has ever used the Second Amendment to overthrow a gun law. The case is known as Parker v. District of Columbia."

"With the overturn of the DC gun ban, the very restrictive law on the books before the 1976 ban is once again the law in D.C. But, people can at least once again buy a handgun and keep it in their house." ...

"Think about it – if people can protect themselves, they might start thinking for themselves. Isn't that what is 'wrong' with flyover country?" ...

Va. gun enthusiasts taunt NYC mayor with "Bloomberg Gun GiveAway'
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Amid the Confederate flags, anti-Yankee bumper stickers and Civil War relics displayed throughout Bob Moates Sport Shop, a new, rather uncivil war is brewing."

"'Ask about the Bloomberg Gun GiveAway' reads a sign taped to the gun shop's register, beckoning customers to enter the drawing named for New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, whose federal lawsuits against gun dealers in five states have drawn the wrath of Virginia's gun enthusiasts."

"Bloomberg calls the dealers holding the contest sick. The dealers call Bloomberg words that aren't fit to print." ...

Second Amendment decision has Copper Country connection
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It takes a lot of history to explain how a retired Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park ranger had anything to do with last Friday’s federal appeals court decision overturning Washington D.C.’s handgun ban."

"But history, especially of the constitution and its second amendment, is what David Young is all about." ...

"'I realized that I really didn’t understand the whole context,' Young said. 'I decided to quit writing those articles and focus on collecting every document that was available.'"

"For 20 years, he did just that. The result was a heavy, 800-page book ... 'The Origin of the Second Amendment: A Documentary History of the Bill of Rights in Commentaries on Liberty, Free Government and an Armed Populace, 1787-1792.'" ...

PRO-CON: Was court right to scrap D.C. handgun ban? NO
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In overturning the District of Columbia’s longstanding ban on handguns, a federal appeals court turned its back on nearly 70 years of Supreme Court precedent to give a new and dangerous meaning to the Second Amendment. If allowed to stand, this radical ruling will inevitably mean more people killed and wounded. Moreover, if the legal principles used in the decision are applied nationally, every gun-control law on the books would be imperiled."

"The National Rifle Association predictably welcomed the ruling. According to its myth, only criminals have had guns in the city ... Mayor Adrian M. Fenty counters that argument with the sad record of what results from a proliferation of guns." ...

Second Amendment rights activist hails overturn of DC gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An advocate for gun owners' constitutional rights is praising a court ruling that throws out a Washington, D.C., gun ban that was one of the strictest in the United States. ..."

"Law Enforcement Alliance of America (LEAA) spokesman Ted Deeds says the court's ruling is huge because it reaffirms Second Amendment rights in a city that has denied those rights to law-abiding citizens for 31 years. 'It's wonderful to see judges in such an important circuit respect the Constitution and the limitations that the Constitution puts on government,' he observes, 'particularly where government wants to take away such a clearly constitutionally protected right.'" ...

MO: Man with concealed weapon shoots alleged robber
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Riccardo Crossland used a pellet gun to rob a man legally carrying a real gun outside a Bridgeton motel Tuesday morning and ended up shot, police said."

"Crossland went off to a hospital with wounds of the hand and leg; the victim went on his way with the congratulations of police."

"'Here was a robbery where we have a good ending for once,' said Bridgeton Police Major Don Steinman, who said the shooting was clearly self-defense."

"The 23-year-old victim holds a concealed-carry permit from his home state of Florida, which is honored in Missouri, officials said." ...

Bloomberg: Stop Illegal Gun Traffic
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg spoke passionately about the need to get illegal guns off the streets on his weekly radio interview this morning in the aftermath of the Greenwich Village shootout that left four people dead, including two auxiliary police officers."

"'We can't keep losing police officers and kids, and we've got to do something,' Mr. Bloomberg said on WABC radio. The mayor has made stopping the flow of illegal guns a focal point of his administration, even using private investigators to conduct undercover sting operations to uncover straw purchases used to skirt mandatory background checks." ...

PRO-CON: Was court right to scrap D.C. handgun ban? YES
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Last week's federal appeals court ruling striking down the District of Columbia's 30-year-old ban on possessing handguns is remarkable for several reasons — not the least of which is the conclusion the Constitution’s framers really meant what they wrote.

The D.C. handgun ban essentially has kept guns from law-abiding citizens, leaving murderers, robbers and other criminals armed.

The ruling is the first time a federals appeals court has overturned a gun-control law by declaring a Second Amendment right to firearm possession. Almost certainly it will be tested at the Supreme Court.

When it reaches the high court, we hope the justices find that the Constitution recognizes an inherent right for individuals to bear arms as opposed to one granted to the citizenry by the government.

ND: Changes considered to "Shoot the burglar" bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Why changes may be made to a bill dealing with deadly force."

"The debate heats up in the Legislature over the right to use deadly force to protect you and your family in your home."

"Donnell Preskey has more from the hearing."

"(Donnell Preskey / Reporting) Two years ago, Representative Ron Carlisle came home to find someone had broken into it."

"(Rep. Ron Carlisle / (R) Bismarck) 'I went in looking, had we had a confrontation, I would've done what I had to do.'"

"That's the reason he supports the deadly force bill."

"But attorneys say that's what's being misunderstood." ...

MD: Maryland Senate Committee Members Block Assault Weapons Ban (Brady Campaign)
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Baltimore County Senators James Brochin and Norman Stone yesterday joined with other gun lobby-backed legislators to block an assault weapons ban bill from moving forward in the Maryland Legislature."

"A 5-5 tie vote in the Senate Committee on Judicial Proceedings blocked Senate Bill 43 from advancing. The bill would have helped protect police and Maryland residents by prohibiting the sale of military-style semiautomatic assault rifles, including the Bushmaster rifle used by the notorious Washington DC area snipers in 2002." ...

NY: Grand Jury Indicts 3 in NYPD Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three of the five policemen whose 50-bullet barrage killed an unarmed man on his wedding day were indicted Friday in a case that heightened racial tensions and renewed allegations that the city's officers are too fast on the trigger."

"Attorneys for officers Marc Cooper, Gerscard Isnora and Michael Oliver said their clients had been indicted, but they did not know what offenses the officers had been charged with. ..."

"The three officers fired the most shots _ Cooper, 4, Isnora, 11, and Oliver, 31 _ in the Nov. 25 confrontation that killed 23-year-old Sean Bell and wounded two of his friends as they left Bell's bachelor party at a strip club in Queens." ...

Wild Shootout: Mayor Repeats Need For Gun Control
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The city is looking for ways to compensate the families of two slain auxiliary police officers who are not entitled to line of duty death benefits because they were volunteers, the mayor said Friday."

"Bloomberg, speaking on his radio show Friday, said he was saddened by having to talk about money because 'it doesn't bring back their lives.'"

"The mayor, a vocal gun control advocate who has gone to Capitol Hill many times to argue his case, also used Wednesday night's shooting to dial up the pressure on lawmakers. After spending hours with the victims' loved ones at the hospital, Bloomberg put in a call to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday, and said on his radio show that 'there is just a point that we have to say, 'Enough.'" ...

MI: Police: 2 Detroit cops held in drinking, driving incidents
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Two veteran Detroit police officers are in trouble with the law after they were arrested in alleged drinking and driving incidents this week."

"Investigator Markus Ira Perttunen, 42, assigned to the Eastern District investigations unit was arrested on Wednesday night after his personal car collided with a parked car on Fairmont, on the city's east side."

"In another incident, Officer Brian McClarty, 31, a nine-year veteran assigned to the Western District was arrested Tuesday night by Livonia Police after he allegedly shot up the car of another motorist with whom he tangled in a road-rage incident on Interstate 96. Police said open liquor was found in McClarty's car. No one was injured in the incident." ...

Submitter's Note: Funny, I thought we were supposed to worry about carry permit holders snapping in road rage incidents and shooting people.

MI: Detroit Officer Involved In Road-Rage Incident
Submitted by: Michigan Gun Owners

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"Livonia police said they responded to the scene of a road-rage incident involving a Detroit police officer on Wednesday."

"When police arrived at the scene on westbound Interstate 96 near Stark Road, they found a black SUV with its windows shot out, and a silver Dodge Magnum nearby." ...

"The driver of the Magnum, a Southfield man who is also a Detroit police officer, was taken into custody, Wynn said, adding that the officer also had open intoxicants inside his vehicle. Wynn added the officer probably shot off about four or five rounds." ...

NY: A crackdown on guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Danielle Baker was only 14 years old when she was killed in a shooting at a birthday party in North Amityville in April."

"Yesterday, law enforcement authorities, Baker's family and community leaders made ardent calls to residents to continue preventing illegal guns - like the one that killed Baker - from falling into the wrong hands."

"Police and the Suffolk district attorney's office are asking all county residents with information regarding where or in whose possession an illegal handgun can be found to call Crime Stoppers. The tips will be kept confidential and can be rewarded with up to $2,000." ...

NJ: Gun owner sues to lift firing ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Lower Saucon Township gun enthusiast is suing Northampton County, the township and his neighbors in federal court over his right to target shoot in his backyard."

"Richard Seruga and his wife, Margaret, want a federal judge to lift the state-ordered restraining order barring them from shooting in their Bee Line Drive backyard. They are also seeking unspecified compensatory and punitive damages along with legal fees." ...

"The Serugas' neighbors ... won a temporary injunction in December that ordered Richard Seruga to stop shooting in his yard. ..."

"Last month, township officials countered by passing an ordinance prohibiting the firing of a firearm within 450 feet of an occupied structure. ..." ...

NM: Gun club locks and loads
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment is alive and well in Cibola County and the area's new gun club is getting ready to lock and load."

"The object of the gun club now forming in Milan is to offer a safe, family-friendly environment. The main concern up until recently was deciding on an appropriate name for the new group."

"According to Mike Gregory of the new club, 'The club itself was originally formed back in 1942 and at that time was called The Cibola Trap Club. We were on property near where the federal prison is now and eventually we had to move. Some members moved away from the area, including myself. I went to Washington state to finish my retirement and the club disbanded somewhere around 2001.'" ...

OH: OhioGOP one step closer to pro-gun leader (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite reports in recent weeks that Ohio GOP chairman Bob Bennett was considering an abandonment of his plan to orchestrate an orderly transfer of power within the OhioGOP via the creation of the position of Deputy Chairman, the Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that the party's central committee voted on March 9 to create a deputy director position. The person to fill it will work along side Bennett, who plans to retire after the 2008 presidential election." ...

"Many gun owners have lamented the apparent OhioGOP disconnect to us during the past two decades. There has been much speculation as to whether or not Bennett ... would keep our Second Amendment rights in mind when choosing a successor. ..." ...

OH: OFCC Raises Awareness of Media Access Loophole (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A story, Pro gun journalist' seeks lists of permits was recently published by The Cleveland Plain Dealer that reports on Ohioans For Concealed Carry's attempt to further study the current media access loophole that exists in Ohio law permitting journalists to obtain the personal information of those that have obtained an Ohio Concealed Handgun License (CHL)."

"What the Plain Dealer didn't tell you is that OFCC has requested the same information that journalists request from Ohio Sheriffs for three reasons, including an effort to end the journalist loophole either through legislative reform or the courts." ...

OR: Gunning for perfection? S-M surefire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The First Amendment is our first love, and we on Team Best of ... hope that it shows. But we also have an abiding respect for the Second Amendment as well."

"Of course, in order to keep and bear arms, one must first have arms."

"Certainly, firearms are available from any number of perfectly legitimate sources. But, in keeping with the team's high standards, we set our sights on the very best gun shop among the five major purveyors in the metro area." ...

"But this is not about pistol ranges. This is not about coffee breaks. This is about gun shops. And in that category, S-M Gun Shop at 1375 River Road hits the bull's-eye." ...

The Constitution is a written instrument. As such, its meaning does not alter. That which it meant when it was adopted, it means now. — SOUTH CAROLINA v. US, 199 U.S. 437, 448 (1905)

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