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Newslinks for 3/18/2013

DHS deploying in Homeland with ‘weapons of war’
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Depending on one’s level of trust for this administration and its Homeland Security Secretary, his dire concerns will obviously not be shared by all. What should be are his questions, and one should not have to go tracking down links and sorting through motivations and agendas to get straight answers. Above all, any debate should not be dependent on ideologically-based speculation."

NRA opposes U.N. small-arms treaty
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The National Rifle Association, which is battling a raft of gun control measures on Capitol Hill, also has an international fight on its hand as it gears up to oppose a U.N. treaty designed to restrict the flow of arms to conflict zones.
Negotiations open Monday in New York on the Arms Trade Treaty, which would require countries to determine whether weapons they sell would be used to commit serious human rights violations, terrorism or transnational organized crime.
The gun lobby fears that the treaty would be used to regulate civilian weapons.

IL: City settles 3 more lawsuits in cases of police abuse, wrongdoing
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Mayor Rahm Emanuel set aside $27.3 million to settle lawsuits against the city for all of 2013. He’s already spent nearly twice that much just to settle cases stemming from allegations of police abuse and wrongdoing.

The City Council’s Finance Committee made certain of that on Monday by signing off on three more settlements — for $4.5 million, $1.8 million and $515,000 respectively.


AL: Ala. man acquitted at trial sues for false arrest
Submitted by: anonymous

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A jury found Carr not guilty of attempted murder and second-degree assault last October. Police had arrested him at a car wash in February 2012 after a confrontation with another man.

The lawsuit says a police officer wrote in an arrest report that Carr said of the man, "I tried to run over him because I wanted to kill him,' but the officer later testified in court that statement wasn't true.


Growing Number Of States Eye Bills To Defy Federal Gun Laws
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Shortly after voters in Colorado and Washington State approved measures that legalized the recreational use of marijuana, President Obama told Barbara Walters that his Justice Department would not prosecute pot users in these states.
"We've got bigger fish to fry," Obama said.
Although the state measures defy federal law, it appears Barack Obama is giving each state a pass on this issue.
But, will Obama also respect states that pass legislation in defiance of federal law when it comes to firearms?
... states across the nation are introducing their own legislation to preemptively defeat any new federal gun laws.

NY: City settles police abuse case
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TROY — The city has reached a settlement with a man who claimed his civil rights were violated when he was falsely arrested by city police officers in June 2010.

James Foley sued the city in U.S. District Court in Albany, alleging that he was subjected to extreme force by police officers during the arrest in which he suffered a broken ankle and other injuries.

Corporation Counsel Ian Silverman said Wednesday night that the settlement had been reached. The case had been set to go to trial on Tuesday when the sides agreed on a monetary settlement. Silverman declined to discuss the terms or amount of the settlement.

NY: Urging Congress to Pass Gun Safety Legislation
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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As the Co-Chair of the New York Chapter of State Legislators Against Illegal Guns (SLAIG), traveled to Washington, D.C. Friday to lobby members of Congress to take New York’s lead and pass comprehensive gun-safety legislation. Congress Members Carolyn McCarthy, Jerrold Nadler, Yvette Clark, Charlie Rangel, Grace Meng, Hakim Jeffries, Sheila Jackson Lee and Danny Davis participated in a roundtable discussion with SLAIG members, New York State Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Legislative Caucus and advocates to discuss the issue of gun violence.

FL: Fort Lauderdale settles false arrest lawsuit for $62,500
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Rather than go to trial, commissioners approved the settlement at their Feb. 19 meeting.


NY: Lying Former Cop Convicted Of False Arrest Only Spends 1 Day In Jail
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The former NYPD officer who was convicted of falsely arresting a Brooklyn man last year was given a slap on the wrist plea deal this week—and it turns out he was given a deal on THAT plea deal as well. Former officer Diego Palacio pleaded guilty to the false arrest on Tuesday in Brooklyn Supreme Court in exchange for his resignation from the NYPD and four days in prison. But he only spent one night in jail—because, according to the Post, state law mandates that inmates are to be released on Friday if their discharge date lands on a weekend. So the man Palacio falsely arrested had to spend three days in jail, and the officer who actually did something illegal only got a day.


ID: Not gunning for safety laws
Submitted by: Anonymous

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National study rates Idaho weak for gun safety regulation

"I don't feel like we need any more regulation in Idaho on gun ownership," Vick said. "People are too quick to blame the gun for the problem, and not the person behind the crime. We have to deal with the issue of people. It's always a people problem."

Oris it?

But a recent study suggests otherwise.

U.S. states with the most firearm-related legislation are also the states with the lowest rates of firearm deaths, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Overall, states with the most firearm safety regulations had a 42 percent lower gun death rate than states with the least number of laws, the researchers found.

CO: Oneida County officials evaluating false arrest claim
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Kibler, 24, alleges he spent more than a month behind bars after he was taken into custody back in October on a false criminal complaint.

In his claim, Kibler states he was arrested after the Oneida County District Attorney’s Office filed a complaint in which he was named as the defendant but none of the supporting documents (police reports) contained his name.

He claims he was held in the Colorado Justice Center in Colorado Springs, Colo., for 33 days and told he would eventually be extradited to Wisconsin. He was released when the State of Wisconsin failed to follow through with the proper extradition papers, according to the claim.

UT: Anyone can carry--Herbert should veto gun bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Utah Legislature last week passed legislation erasing the state law requiring a permit and a background check to legally carry a concealed weapon, an irresponsible move that is as unsettling as it is unnecessary. Gov. Gary Herbert should waste not a moment in vetoing it.

Though HB76 passed both houses of the Legislature with veto-proof majorities, the governor should act on his previously stated belief that the legislation appears to be an attempt to fix something that isn’t broken. He is right, and should not allow the possibility of a veto override to persuade him otherwise.

MI: Mich. lawmaker: Ban openly carried guns in schools
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"A gun-free zone is not truly gun-free," Rep. Andy Schor, D-Lansing, said during a Capitol news conference. "As a gun owner, I recognize the importance of the Second Amendment. But in this case, allowing openly armed civilians to roam the halls of our schools is a recipe for disaster."

WA: Times’ case study on gun bill lacking some key points
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sunday’s Seattle Times has an analysis on the failure of House Bill 1588 — the controversial “universal background check” measure — that gun owners have quickly seen is lacking some key perspectives.

The piece, written by Danny Westneat, looks at the switched vote of Walla Walla Rep. Maureen Walsh, a Republican who initially supported the measure. Westneat’s take is that she changed her vote because of pressure from the National Rifle Association, and that it is this sort of effort by the gun lobby that will prevent doing “anything about guns.”

I'm for more gun control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The next time you hear an elected or appointed federal official suggesting further restrictions on firearms and ammunition purchases by citizens, understand what is happening. The federal government is attempting to monopolize armed force in America. This is directly contrary to the spirit and letter of the Constitution’s Second Amendment.

America’s founders were not attempting to protect the rights of hunters and sportsmen when they ratified the Second Amendment. Their intent was clear: Like almost everything else they wrote in the Constitution, it represented a check on the tendency of a central government to grab more and more power over time.


Cruz Sends Scarborough and Maddow of MSNBC Into Conniptions
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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And the question I would pose to the senior Senator from California [Feinstein] is, would she deem it consistent with the Bill of Rights for Congress to engage in the same endeavor that we are contemplating doing with the Second Amendment in the context of the First or the Fourth Amendment? Namely, would she consider it constitutional for Congress to specify that the First Amendment shall apply only to the following books, and shall not apply to the books that Congress has deemed outside the protection of the First Amendment?

NY: Chemung, Schuyler condemn SAFE Act
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Two more local counties have joined the fight against New York’s new gun law, which has received condemnation from most county governments in the state.

The legislatures in Chemung and Schuyler counties voted unanimously last Monday to approve resolutions that call on the state government to repeal the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act.

MN: Gun proposals split DFLers at Capitol
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Minnesota House committee is scheduled to debate a gun bill this week that is dividing Democrats.

The House Public Safety Committee will hold a hearing Tuesday on legislation that would require background checks on every gun purchase in Minnesota.

DFL Rep. Michael Paymar of St. Paul said he intends to push for background checks despite signs that a bipartisan group of lawmakers, the NRA and the Minnesota Sheriffs Association prefer a different bill.

IL: Students see benefits in conceal carry law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Students may soon be allowed to pack concealed heat off campus.

A 2012 Supreme Court ruling deemed the Illinois ban on concealed carry unconstitutional. The repercussions of this action mean Illinois lawmakers have until June 9 to implement regulations for concealed carry before the federal government steps in to rectify the situation. Current gun laws allow for the transport of firearms only if the weapon is broken down in a non-functioning state, not immediately accessible, or is unloaded and enclosed in a case.

WV: How Far Would You Go To Protect Your Home? "Stand Your Ground Law" Facing Changes
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"You can't just shoot someone because they're walking on your property. You've got to be in fear for your safety. It still has to be investigated. It's just not automatic, where you shoot and kill someone, and then you're off the hook. It doesn't work like that."

Changes in the bill would remove the part requiring self-defense to be proportionate to the attack. It would also mean you could use force to protect another person. And it authorizes the use of deadly force against someone they believe is committing a robbery.

Sen. Moran and 28 Senators: Second Amendment Rights Are Not Negotiable
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS) introduced a concurrent resolution co-sponsored by 28 of his Senate colleagues which outlines specific criteria that must be met for a United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) to be ratified by the U.S. Senate and recognized as customary international law. On Monday, March 18, 2013, the Obama Administration will continue its reversal of the policies of both President Bill Clinton and President George W. Bush and engage in a new round of negotiations of the U.N. ATT in New York. The companion resolution was introduced today in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA).

AR: Independence Co. shooting death found to be "justified"
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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David Martin, 55, was found dead by officers at the front door of his brother's Pleasant Plains home at the 1700 block of Wish Street. Officers say Martin had died from a gunshot wound to the abdomen.

The news release states the prosecutor's office has decided the shooting was a case of "justified self-defense". It was determined, according to the sheriff's department, that Martin's brother 51-year-old Randy Martin was acting in defense of himself inside his own home.

KS: Western Kansas town adopts resolution supporting the Second Amendment right to bear arms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A western Kansas town has adopted a resolution supporting the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The Garden City Telegram ( ) reports that the Syracuse City Council approved the resolution earlier this month.

Syracuse Mayor Joe Stephens says he hopes other towns will follow suit.

IA: Letter-writer has it all wrong on Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Secondly, the Second Amendment does not give us the right to defend ourselves; that is a God-given right. The Second Amendment points out that the government shall not infringe on that right. Infringe: to encroach or trespass on a right or privilege.

The first among many lawful uses of firearms is self-defense. At one time in history, some Americans were denied possession of firearms. Those people were known as slaves. Slavery: the opposite of liberty.

History of America’s Right of the People to Keep And Bear Arms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The right to own weapons in America is under ever-increasing scrutiny and pressure, with constant demands for a blockade against such an antiquated notion. The recurrent specter of massacres which are endlessly replayed upon mainstream news stations only add to the sense that the US Constitution is an old instrument completely out of tune with the modern tenor.

37 gun rights groups form 'Coalition Against Universal Background Checks'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last Monday a "divided Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday narrowly approved a Democratic bill expanding required federal background checks for nearly all gun [transfers and not just] purchases . . . by 10-8, supported by all Democrats and opposed by every Republican." But now a broad coalition of 37 gun rights groups from across the United States has stood up to stop the bill.

OR: Oregon homeowner shoots burglar while waiting for police to arrive
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Friday night, March 15, in the coastal community of Hammond, Ore. a homeowner found himself the victim of a home invasion. However, when the intruder broke into the home, the homeowner was able to hold him at gunpoint while his neighbor called the police, according to a report by KOIN Local 6 News.

As Officer Ray Ayers, arrived on the scene, he heard a single gunshot come from inside the home. Upon entering, it was discovered that the intruder, identified as 25-year-old Tony J. Tischer, had been shot by the homeowner with a 12-guage shotgun.

Second Amendment Challenge Coins
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Challenge of the Second Amendment seems to be a daily topic in the news, so it seems fitting that a challenge coin is available showing support of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Graham digs in to ban mentally ill from guns, as Dems focus on assault weapons
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A proposal on the issue was introduced this month by South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who on Thursday again expressed his interest in getting the measure passed.

Ed.: Another republican fighting for more gun control.

The assault weapons ban: A case study in the politics of frivolity
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The New York Times story detailing the measure's passage described the bill as "almost certain to fail if brought before the entire Senate." It "has almost zero chance of even receiving a hearing in the House." Nor should it be since all available evidence suggests that an assault weapons ban would have a negligible impact on safety.

CO: Colorado Sheriffs Threaten Not To Enforce Their Own State’s Gun Laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa also said Thursday that several of the laws are unenforceable and that he would willfully ignore the high-capacity magazine limit. And Cooke’s position appears to have the support of a number of other state sheriffs; during testimony calling the law unenforceable, 20 other county sheriffs stood behind him in solidarity.

WA: Seattle police shocker: Felon arrested with stolen gun
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Seattle Times and on-line Seattle reported Sunday afternoon that an unidentified felon was arrested early in the morning by Seattle Police after making telephone threats to shoot someone, and when he was searched, a stolen pistol was found in his pocket.

According to the Seattle Police Blotter, the gun was identified as a .40-caliber Smith & Wesson that had been taken in a car prowl in Seattle almost three years ago.

Northwest gun right activists might take out their watches and start keeping time to see how long it will take the gun prohibition lobby to blame the fact that this guy was armed on the failure of lawmakers in Olympia to pass a universal background check bill.

IL: Illinois liquor store employee shoots armed robber during attempted hold-up
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The two robbers were seen sneaking around outside the store before they entered, and that’s when the employee armed himself with a revolver. The two entered the store shooting. When one of them, identified as 20-year-old James Taylor, jumped over the counter, still shooting, that’s when the employee, who wishes to remain anonymous, shot him.

"Judges ought to remember that their office is jus dicere, and not jus dare; to interpret law, and not to make law, or give law." --Francis Bacon, From "The Essays of Counsels, Civil and Moral"

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