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Newslinks for 3/19/2007

The Right to Bear Bazookas: A New Take on the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Court of Appeals in the District of Columbia has decided to strike down a gun control law as a violation of the Second Amendment. The decision, known as Parker, casts aside more than 70 years of established jurisprudence. The Appeals Court’s revisionist reading of U.S. v. Miller, (1939) the controlling Supreme Court precedent, is highly problematic.

Second Amendment Used to Dump Gun Law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Judge Laurence H. Silberman has written a landmark legal decision using the Second Amendment to overturn the DC gun ban. No court has ever used the Second Amendment to overthrow a gun law. The case is known as Parker v. District of Columbia.

With the overturn of the DC gun ban, the very restrictive law on the books before the 1976 ban is once again the law in D.C. But, people can at least once again buy a handgun and keep it in their house.

DC: Gunfight at D.C. Corral
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Washington (The Weekly Standard) Vol. 012, Issue 27 - 3/26/2007 - When Blackstone described the right to carry arms as part of the natural right of "self-preservation," he could not have envisioned the situation of a professional woman coming home late to an empty Washington, D.C., apartment. Yet in a city declared by its police chief to be in a state of "crime emergency" last summer, where being followed home from Metro stops is a not uncommon experience for female residents, where, according to
FBI statistics, 3,577 burglaries were reported in 2005, and where even nonlethal Taser guns are a prohibited means of self-defense, Blackstone's description rings powerfully true.

MO: Lobbyist works to sway lawmakers to give Missourians more firearm freedoms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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JEFFERSON CITY — Tim Oliver has spent 16 years in Jefferson City attempting to change the way that Missouri and its legislators view gun laws.

As a volunteer lobbyist and private investigator, Oliver’s efforts began in 1991, when he lobbied in favor of concealed carry, an issue that was becoming prevalent with gun-rights groups throughout the country. It was a career created more out of practicality than out of any deep-rooted desire to get into politics.

Canada: Women who slashed man acquitted on self-defence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Victoria -- A woman who slashed a man's penis with a knife during an intimate encounter in Victoria has been acquitted on grounds of self-defence.

Deanna Quiring was found not guilty of aggravated assault by a B.C. Supreme Court jury.

Australia: Living with guns. Dying with guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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For almost 40 years, Jim Zumbo was one of America's best-known hunters and gun enthusiasts, a cult figure among the millions of Americans who have what amounts to an almost mystical relationship with guns.

ND: Deadly Force Bill Debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The debate heats up in the Legislature over the right to use deadly force to protect you and your family in your home.

MT: Firestorm unleashed: Repercussions from blogger's assault rifle comments show government isn't the only power that can restrict freedom of the press
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As one of America's best known outdoor writers, Jim Zumbo has fired off countless shots, literally and figuratively. The most memorable, however, is the rhetorical hipshot he let fly three weeks ago in his Outdoor Life blog. It was the shot heard 'round the cyber world.

VA: Should gun data lists be muzzled?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One thing does seem clear: A growing number of states -- including Florida, Ohio and South Dakota -- have passed laws in recent years to remove or restrict concealed-weapon information from the public domain.

Virginia could be headed in that direction, as the blowup over Trejbal's column has some state lawmakers talking about introducing bills at next year's General Assembly.

"The trend has been moving in the direction of protecting people's privacy rights," said Alan Gottlieb of Second Amendment Foundation, a gun rights organization based in Washington state.

A Litigator For Liberty
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Meet the lawyer who conceived the lawsuit that gutted the District’s tough gun-control statute this month. Meet the lawyer who recruited a group of strangers to sue the city and bankrolled their successful litigation out of his own pocket.

Meet Robert A. Levy, staunch defender of the Second Amendment, a wealthy former entrepreneur who said he has never owned a firearm and probably never will.

“I don’t actually want a gun,” Levy said by phone last week from his residence, a $1.7 million condominium in a Gulf Coast high-rise. “I mean, maybe I’d want a gun if I was living on Capitol Hill. Or in Anacostia somewhere. But I live in Naples, Florida, in a gated community. I don’t feel real threatened down here.”

TN: Community Suggests Gun Possession Is Illegal For Residents
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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ANTIOCH, Tenn.- Some people in a Nashville neighborhood are furious over a new rule that makes it illegal to own a gun.

Residents in Nashboro Village said it's unconstitutional and leaves them defenseless.

Two weeks ago, residents received a from their homeowners' association indicating that guns are not allowed on the property.

WA: Column on writer sparks strong reaction
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Jim is entitled to his opinion and to the free expression of them. He must also bear the responsibility for them. We are entitled to our opinion as well. We are further entitled to provide social, political, and financial feedback to him and those who keep company with him when he tramples others. Opinion is not without consequence, and should not be.

NY: Officers Marshalik and Pekearo Died For Nothing
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Let me be frank: In encountering a wild shooter in New York’s Greenwich Village last week, reservist officers Eugene Marshalik and Nicholas Pekearo died needlessly.

I am informed by police who correspond with me that police are not really trained to handle crimes they witness off-duty. Some write me that it’s discouraged as their departmental policy. What the hell went wrong?

In observing the shooter and determining his location as they had heard the call go down – they went to face him anyway – Marshalik and Pekearo made two fatal mistakes: the first is that they didn’t take cover and faced him openly to ‘talk with him’ it’s reported, and the second is that they were unarmed and had no power to stop him.

NY: Mike calls on Pelosi to end gun 'craziness'
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The shooting deaths of two auxiliary cops must spur the Democratic-controlled Congress to pass tougher gun legislation, Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday. He also called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Thursday to urge her to act - and said that if she didn't she'd have blood on her hands, the mayor said. "The Democrats have said repeatedly that they blame the Republicans for no gun legislation," an angry Bloomberg said during his WABC radio show. "Well, now they're in charge. OK, stand up. And if not, I'm going to tell everybody."

IA: D.M. resident shoots, kills alleged burglar
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A Des Moines homeowner shot and killed an apparent burglar Saturday shortly after 3 a.m., police said. Police found the alleged burglar's body outside the homeowner's residence. The burglar had been shot inside the home, police said. Police did not identify the alleged burglar or shooter.

AZ: Home invader shot by tenant
Submitted by: M. Bills

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A North Side resident shot a man participating in an invasion of the resident's apartment Friday, Tucson police said.
The man who was shot is in serious condition at University Medical Center. Two others who participated in the invasion are in custody and one suspect is on the loose, Sgt. Decio Hopffer said.
Police received a call from an apartment complex in the 100 block of West Limberlost Drive about 4 p.m. alerting them that three men and one woman tried to break into an apartment.

NJ: NJ Taking aim at a gun control law
Submitted by: Anonymous

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There was a time, I confess, when I would not have thought it necessary to enact an official state ban on a rifle that's four feet long, costs a bundle and weighs almost 35 pounds when fully loaded.

I mean, it's preposterous to imagine anyone hijacking a Mercedes or holding up a convenience store with a weapon the size of a lawnmower.

Gun control may reemerge as sore point for Democrats
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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By striking down the District of Columbia's extraordinarily strict gun control law, which essentially bans guns, a federal appeals court may have revived gun control as a political issue. It has been mostly dormant since autumn 2000, when Al Gore decided he was less interested in it than in carrying states such as Michigan and Pennsylvania: "Gore Tables Gun Issue As He Courts Midwest" (New York Times, Sept. 20, 2000). The appeals court ruling appalls advocates of gun control laws and should alarm the Democratic Party.

IA: Police: Des Moines Woman Shoots Alleged Intruder
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Des Moines police said a woman shot and killed a woman who she said was trying to break into her apartment on Saturday morning. Police said what's unusual about the case is that the intruder was a woman. The victim was in her bedroom at about 3 a.m. when she told police she heard someone trying to break in. Police said she used a shotgun to shoot at the intruder. When police arrived, they found a dead woman lying outside the apartment building. Police said this was a case of self-defense and the woman in the apartment will not be charged.

Ireland: Judge apologises over shotgun comment
Submitted by: Haddock

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AN Irish judge apologised today after he told a court he would blow the head off intruders into his home if he owned a shotgun.

Judge Sean McBride said he regretted his choice of words during the sentencing of a man for stealing from a pensioner's home.

"The words were used ... in an attempt to highlight the vulnerability of those who are aged, and who live alone," he said.

Faced with rising levels of gun crime, Justice Minister Michael McDowell last month proposed new laws that would allow police to hold those suspected of using a firearm to kill or endanger life for up to seven days.

Judge McBride said he was opposed to all violence, including the use of guns.

Some of the worst abuses of government force in recent years were precipitated by technical and victimless gun-law violations. For example, the BATF claimed that the Branch Davidians possessed machine guns without paying the required federal tax and filling in the proper registration forms. So a tax case worth less than $10,000 led to a 76-man helicopter, machine gun, and grenade assault on a home in which 2/3 of the occupants were women and children. — Dave Kopel and Dr. Michael S. Brown, Prohibition Fever,

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