NRA is a force for destruction
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"The nation's police chiefs have a serious problem. Their troops are being out-gunned, and to correct the situation taxpayers must increase law-enforcement budgets substantially or find some way to ban the circulation of weapons and ammunition meant for the battlefield - mainly, semiautomatic assault rifles and armor-piercing bullets."
"Because the latter alternative is not politically practical, the cost of law enforcement can be expected to rise considerably. And where citizens are unwilling to spend the money to equip their guardians with weapons and armor now readily available to criminals, the threat to themselves and those they hire to protect them is likely to increase proportionately. It's just that simple." ... -------
KABA Note: Which is why those same citizens must be allowed to fully exercise their fundamental, individual civil, Constitutional and human right to arm themselves as they see fit. |
Guns are back on the table (BFA)
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Buckeye Firearms Association
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"During the last ten years as concealed carry and castle doctrine laws swept the nation, Sarah Brady repeatedly remarked that the anti-gun movement would rise again. She was clear to remind everyone that all they needed was a good break. Since the Democratic leadership in the House, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and all of the Democratic front-runners for the 2008 presidential nomination have dubious records on guns, it turned out to be exactly the break Brady and people of her ilk hoped for." ...
"Lining up to take [President Bush's] place is a long list of candidates with a poor record on guns. Both Rudolph Giuliani and Senator John McCain (R-AZ) have supported gun-control during their time in public service. ..." ... |
Famous hunter did not deserve his fate
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"The biggest news in the outdoors world right now is the fall of Jim Zumbo, the world's most-famous hunter, who fell victim to the Pro-Gun Right's double standard in his ill-thought Feb. 16 blog on the Outdoor Life's Web site."
"Associated with the famed outdoors publication for three decades and Hunting Editor since 1979, Zumbo had the audacity to say in print (actually, cyberspace) that rifles patterned after assault weapons had no place in hunting. He called them terrorist weapons and wished aloud that the various state game departments would outlaw them from hunting." ... |
Rudy Redux: Why Is He "Their" Guy?
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Many of the emails I received regarding my recent column on Rudy Giuliani agreed with my premise that his social liberalism outweighs his important stances on national defense and fiscal conservatism. Still, many more are willing to overlook this; they remain convinced that Rudy is their guy, based mainly on his promise to appoint originalist judges ..."
"As to the first -- what, besides his say-so, gives so many conservatives the idea that he'll appoint strict constructionalists? One reader lauded Giuliani's 'consistency of sticking to his views' as one reason. But consistent or not, his view of Second Amendment rights is surely not that of someone with an 'originalist' mindset:" ... |
America's original Homeland Security: Second Amendment more than gun rights
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"'By God, we have a constitutional right to own guns and they'll have to pry my gun from my dead hands.' Those are the words of Charlton Heston -- a legendary actor (with high profile roles such as Moses and God), but also an abrasive gun advocate. For some people, gun ownership is a culture: collectors, gun experts, hunters, target shooters and others that take full advantage of the rights of the Second Amendment. You can even own an automatic rifle if you want one (AK-47s come cheap these days). To some people, this is scary. But to other people, it is freedom." ... |
Take a Shot at These Gun Stocks
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"There are only two major gun and firearms manufacturers in the United States, one of which is Sturm, Ruger & Co. Inc. (RGR), which trades on the New York Stock Exchange." ...
"The other American gun manufacturer that you can take a shot at is the NASDAQ traded Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. (SWHC), a famous name in firearms which has been around since 1856. ..." ... |
AR: License to carry
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A pistol's sharp report pierces the morning calm as J.B. Galloway lowers his .25 automatic. He scans the bullet-riddled target paper at the firing range as a biting wind ruffles his grey hair."
"'Batesville now is a different place than Batesville when I was growing up,' the 67-year old says quietly. 'Back then there was no such thing as dope, no such thing as thievery - I want to feel protected and I want to be legal.'"
"Self-protection seems to be the common factor that has brought Galloway and others to this muddy field on a rainy February afternoon to hone their marksmanship and acquire their conceal and carry license." ... |
NY: Michelle Schimel Seeks State Seat
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"'I'm excited; in the sum total of my life experiences, all roads lead to Albany,' Michelle Schimel told Anton Newspapers last week she kicked off her campaign as the Democratic Party's choice for New York State's 16th Assembly District. Schimel is running for the seat recently vacated by fellow Great Neck resident Tom DiNapoli who was appointed New York State Comrptoller. ..." ...
"Calling herself a 'grass roots legislator,' she has been an unpaid lobbyist since 1994. Her candidacy is now targeted by the NRA. She joined New Yorkers Against Gun Violence early on, and after the LIRR shooting became involved 'big time,' eventually forming the Long Island Chapter with Rep. Carolyn McCarthy." ... |
UT: Gun bill effects limited to dorm rooms
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"University administrators and gun-rights advocates celebrated the passage of a bill that would allow dorm residents to choose to room with a non-gun carrier."
"SB251, sponsored by Sen. Greg Bell, R-Fruit Heights, originally allowed faculty members to restrict guns in their offices. However, the House amended that provision out of the bill."
"'We'd like more, but the political realities weren't going to allow that to happen,' said Kim Wirthlin, University of Utah lobbyist. 'Our primary concern is the safety of students, and this bill addresses that.'" ... -------
Submitter's Note: Just how does being able to request a non-permitted roomate address "the safety of students"? |
Journals of the Continental Congress, "to disarm all such Persons of whom it may be proven that they are disaffected to the American Cause", Feb. 1, 1777
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"...That it be recommended to the general assembly, aforesaid, to direct, that a day be given to all the inhabitants of the said counties, to assemble at appointed places, and take the oath of allegiance required by the said State, and that all who shall refuse or neglect so to do, be disarmed..."
"...That it be recommended to the Legislatures of the several States to make proper Laws for the punishment of those who shall unlawfully take, secret, refuse, or designedly neglect to deliver any Continental Arms or Accoutrements which they may have in their Possession..." |
the President of the Massachusetts Council, "Purchase the Same from the Inhabitants", April 3, 1776
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"The Congress being Inform'd by a Letter from Genl. Washington, that two Thousand of the Continental Troops at Cambridge & Roxbury are deficient in Fire Arms, & that he has not been able to Purchase the Same from the Inhabitants..."
"...The eastern District Consists of the N E Colonies, who during the whole of this Conflict have discover'd the firmest Attachment to American Liberty & the warmest Zeal & Ardor in it's Defence. Should they at any Time fail in this, or Nelgect to Supply their Quota's of Men & Arms they must in Consequence hereof be the greatest Sufferers..."
"...all Persons whatever are Prohibited from Purchasing or selling Fire Arms to be carried from the same..." |
Journals of the Continental Congress, "who have not manifested their attachment to the American cause", Aug. 26, 1777
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"...Whereas, the states of Pensylvania and Delaware are threatened with an immediate invasion from a powerful army, who have already landed at the head of Chesapeake bay; and whereas, the principles of policy and self preservation require that all persons who may reasonably be suspected of aiding or abetting the cause of the enemy, may be prevented from pursuing measures injurious to the general weal..."
"...Resolved, That the executive authorities of the states of Pensylvania and Delaware, be requested to cause all persons within their respective states notoriously disaffected, forthwith to be apprehended, disarmed..." |
In Provincial Congress, "that they carry their Arms and Ammunition with them", June 17, 1775
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"WHEREAS the hostile Incursions this Country is exposed to, and the frequent Alarms we may expect from the Military Operations of our Enemies, make it necessary that the good People of this Colony be on their Guard, and prepared at all Times to resist their Attacks, and to aid and assist their Brethren..."
"...It is further recommended to the Inhabitants of this Colony, living on the Seacoasts, or within twenty Miles of them, that they carry their Arms and Ammunition with them to Meeting, on the Sabbath and other Days, when they meet for public Worship..." |
NJ: Police Officer Indicted In Wife's Killing
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A Millville police officer has been indicted for allegedly killing his wife with his service revolver, The Press of Atlantic City reported on Thursday.
Robert Vanaman, 37, faces six counts in the May 11 death of his wife, Barbara, who died of two gunshot wounds to the chest.
It took authorities more than six months before they charged Vanaman last November.
The 15-year veteran of the police force claimed he was acting in self-defense, but authorities contend that his knife wounds were self-inflicted. |
GA: Ga. lawmakers want to toughen no-knock warrant requirements
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A group of lawmakers wants to make it harder for police to use 'no-knock' warrants in the wake of a shootout that left an elderly woman dead after plainclothes officers stormed her home unannounced in a search for drugs."
"The measure would allow judges to grant the warrants only if officers can prove a 'significant and imminent danger to human life.'"
"The measure was prompted by the Nov. 21 shootout between Kathryn Johnston and three police officers during a no-knock search of her Atlanta home. When the officers entered without warning, police say that Johnston, 92, fired a handgun at them and that the officers returned fire, killing her. An autopsy concluded she was shot five or six times." ... |
UT: Frantic calls to 911 on night of mall shootings
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The callers were anxious and fearful. They had locked themselves in storage rooms, bathrooms and restaurant kitchens, dialing 911 as gunshots echoed throughout Trolley Square."
"Police released recordings of emergency calls from that night, a collection of urgent messages, even whispers, about someone in the mall shooting people." ...
"Although there were more than 600 calls, Detective Jeff Bedard said they 'absolutely' helped officers pin down Talovic's location ..."
"'The fact that these people had cell phones, business phones — we were alerted to it almost immediately,' Bedard said." ... -------
Submitter's Note: And still 9 people were shot and 5 killed. How many more would have been killed in that 6 minutes if an armed man had not pinned the shooter down? |
MN: Hunting with assault rifles? Zumbo was right to scoff
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "I know the whole "slippery slope" argument, that any infringement on our rights to own a handgun, assault rifle or howitzer could eventually lead to the repeal of the Second Amendment. I know that hunters are a minority in this country -- and a dwindling minority at that."
"But do I think my right to own a shotgun or rifle is in danger? Not at all -- because I have confidence that the majority of non-hunting Americans will ignore the yelling from both sides of the gun-control issue, choosing instead to find that middle ground in which people will be allowed to hunt, shoot recreationally and defend themselves, if necessary, with firearms." ... -------
Submitter's Note: A recent change to Cook County IL's "assault weapon" ban appears to ban semi-auto and pump shotguns. Last fall CeaseFire Maryland called for their 'assault pistol' ban to be expanded "to include assault rifles and shotguns". (Sixth paragraph) |
DC: Rifles and Rhetoric
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Bruce W. Krafft
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I was amused by the Feb. 24 news story " 'Terrorist' Remark Puts Outdoorsman's Career in Jeopardy; Zumbo's Criticism of Hunters Who Use Assault Rifles Brings Unforgiving Response From U.S. Gun Culture," about the National Rifle Association's efforts to silence hunter Jim Zumbo over an off-the-cuff remark about assault rifles.
I guess the NRA won another victory for the Second Amendment right to bear arms. Just as a matter of consistency, though, could someone please remind the NRA about the First Amendment right to free speech?
Cheverly |
VA: My Boys Like Shootouts. What's Wrong With That?
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"As the father of four kids younger than 9, I confess to being an overly obsessive and doting parent. ... Yet for some parents in my neighborhood, my kids and I are the risk to be avoided, even if it means removing their children when we show up at the park. The reason: toy guns." ...
"I first noticed the 'shunning' at the most unlikely of events. ... Last year, we turned our red wagon into a replica Conestoga wagon with ... yes, plastic rifles. It was a big hit and the kids won first prize for their age group. The celebration, however, was short lived. As soon as one mother spotted the toy rifles inside the wagon, she pulled her screaming children out of the event, announcing that she would not 'expose them' to guns." ... |
Italy: Woman Finds WWII Grenade in Potatoes
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A woman in a town near Naples got an unwelcome surprise when she bought a sack of potatoes at a nearby market, put them into water to peel and discovered one of them was a hand grenade apparently left over from World War II. Olga Mauriello had put the potatoes in a vat of water and had just begun peeling them Tuesday when she found the explosive, covered in dirt, police said Wednesday. An alarmed Mauriello, 74, called neighbors, who in turn called police. Officers detonated the grenade in a park on Wednesday, state police said. The grenade was believed to have traveled with the potatoes from France, the ANSA news agency reported. -------
Submitter's comment: This was a REAL potato masher!
Some of the worst abuses of government force in recent years were precipitated by technical and victimless gun-law violations. For example, the BATF claimed that the Branch Davidians possessed machine guns without paying the required federal tax and filling in the proper registration forms. So a tax case worth less than $10,000 led to a 76-man helicopter, machine gun, and grenade assault on a home in which 2/3 of the occupants were women and children. — Dave Kopel and Dr. Michael S. Brown, Prohibition Fever, NationalReview.com |