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FL: Florida lawmakers need to answer important questions about permitless gun carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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You can make a difference by getting them to answer some specific questions. Confronted with these questions, hopefully they’ll understand the bill’s flaws and open their minds to a much better way to ensure every citizen’s right to safely bear arms, pursuant to the Second Amendment. It should also help them to understand that since this bill will seriously impact the safety of everyone in the state, Florida residents should get to vote on the issue as a proposed amendment to the Florida Constitution.

News Flash: Second Amendment Is For Everyone, Including Minority Communities
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Times, and gun ownership, are changing. Much to the chagrin of those who oppose lawful gun ownership, it is becoming increasingly difficult to paint the stereotype of today’s gun owner as pale, male and stale.

The firearm industry has always said it: the Second Amendment is colorblind. The right of law-abiding Americans to buy and own firearms is for everyone. For many in the media, that notion is unthinkable. If they were paying attention instead of projecting an antigun agenda, it wouldn’t be surprising.

IL: Sheriffs group sides with opponents to Illinois weapons ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With four federal lawsuits consolidated, and a schedule of responses and oral arguments set, the Illinois Sheriffs’ Association is officially taking sides opposing the state’s gun ban.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker enacted a gun and magazine ban Jan. 10. Residents are not allowed to purchase any of the more than 170 different semi-automatic firearms and magazines over a certain capacity.

WA: Bill Crossover Next Week – Action Still Needed
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Good news, Feb. 17 and 24 were the deadline dates for bills to respectively report out of the policy committee and the fiscal committee in their house of origin. There were several bills of concern to sportsmen that failed to pass out of committee. These bills (listed below) are essentially dead for the year, but the Sportsmen’s Alliance will continue to monitor their status as gun-control fanatics might try a procedural move to revive them.

Why Gun-Control Activists Can’t Have Intelligent Discussions
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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David Hogg, co-founder of the March for Our Lives gun-control group, recently tweeted what he thinks the Second Amendment means.

“After reading about the history of the second amend and talking with a lot of hist & law professors- I believe the second amendment has been intentionally misinterpreted. It was never meant as an individual right it was created to protect state militias like the national guard,” read Hogg’s tweet.

That legal theory he is parroting has been debunked by historians, by many legal scholars and by the U.S. Supreme Court.

ID: Crapo Stands Up for Idahoans’ Second Amendment Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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--The Hearing Protection Act, which would help provide recreational gun users better access to hearing protection equipment by reclassifying suppressors to regulate them like a regular firearm;

--The Congressional Review Act (CRA) Joint Resolution of Disapproval to block a rule submitted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) that would mandate the taxation and registration of firearms with stabilizing braces;

--The Pistol Brace Protection Act, which would make clear that pistol braces are not subject to taxation and regulation under the National Firearms Act (NFA);

KY: Two KY bills would lower carried conceal age, abolish government-mandated gun-free zones
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Dry Ridge native and Kentucky Republican Representative Savannah Maddox has introduced two House Bills that would expand gun accessibility in Kentucky.

House Bill 118, if passed, would lower the age Kentuckians could receive a concealed carry license from 21 to 18. The currently existing processes for obtaining a concealed carry license would still apply, but the bill would open the application process to 18-, 19-, and 20-year-olds living in Kentucky.

MT: Montana House, Senate hold first day of marathon floor debates ahead of transmittal deadline
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Other bills that passed preliminary votes in the House Wednesday include:

House Bill 584, sponsored by Rep. George Nikolakakos, R-Great Falls, would prohibit government entities from suing gun and ammunition makers, trade associations or sellers for “the lawful design, manufacture, marketing, or sale of firearms or ammunition.”

CA: California City to Charge More Than $1,000 for Gun Carry Permits
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Residents of one Los Angeles County suburb will have to shell out big bucks to exercise their right to carry a firearm.

On Thursday, the La Verne Police Department announced it was opening an application process for city residents who wish to obtain a Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) license. The department’s website spells out a lengthy application process, including a department-approved psychological screening and a series of fees totaling nearly $1,100 for all first-time applicants. Renewing applicants will also be forced to pay almost $650 every two years after that.

NY: Defendant Agrees Appeals Court Should Uphold Injunction Blocking New York’s Law Banning Carrying Guns in ‘Sensitive Places’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A defendant in the Second Amendment Foundation’s challenge of New York’s gun control law has filed a brief with the federal appeals court supporting the plaintiffs’ application for a preliminary injunction, a move which SAF’s Alan Gottlieb welcomed as a pleasant surprise. The case is known as Hardaway, Jr. v. Nigrelli.

Gottlieb, who is SAF founder and executive vice president, said the brief filed by Niagara County, New York District Attorney Brian D. Seaman reinforces plaintiffs’ assertion that the gun control law, which prohibits concealed carry in broadly-defined “sensitive places” including places of worship, is unconstitutional.

NE: Legislature opens debate on permitless concealed carry bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As he has done several times before, Sen. Tom Brewer introduced so-called “constitutional carry” legislation, to allow Nebraskans to carry concealed weapons without the permit that’s currently required. Brewer said the right to keep and bear arms is a constitutional right like free speech. But unlike free speech, exercising it costs money.

“In order to have that right to keep and bear arms, you're going to have to pay $100 to $200 for a class. You're going to have to go to State Patrol office, got to pay them $100. And then you're going to have to wait for months to get the permit back. Colleagues, a person in Nebraska should not have to pay money to the government in order to exercise a constitutional right,” Brewer said.

WV: Gov. Justice Signs NRA-Backed Campus Self-Defense Act
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association joined West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice today for the signing of the Campus Self-Defense Act, NRA-backed legislation that ensures law-abiding adults may exercise their right to self-defense when visiting or attending a college campus.


The law will go into effect on July 1, 2024.

Ed.: WV is the 12th Campus Carry state.

WV: Gov. Justice signs campus carry bill into law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Governor Jim Justice has signed the controversial campus carry bill, which aims to strengthen 2nd amendment protections in the state, into law.

The bill, also called the Campus Self-Defense Act, will allow adults 21 years and older to carry handguns on college campuses as long as they have a valid permit. The West Virginia Legislature held a public hearing on Senate Bill 10, or the Campus Self-Defense Act, on Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2023.

WI: Kyle Rittenhouse slams lawsuit from man he shot during riots: Attack on 'our rights to self-defense'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Kyle Rittenhouse says he's frustrated by the lawsuit he now faces for shooting a man during the 2020 Kenosha, Wis. riots and sees his latest legal battle as an assault on his right to self-defense.

Gaige Grosskreutz, who was shot in the arm by Rittenhouse during the riots, has filed a lawsuit against him and Wisconsin police and officials, alleging they "conspired" to let armed individuals patrol the streets and "mete out justice as they saw fit."

The Feb. 14 lawsuit seeks "damages for emotional distress, humiliation, loss of enjoyment of life, and other pain and suffering on all claims," and punitive damages.

Rittenhouse said news of the lawsuit was "very frustrating" and "upsetting."

CA: Following national trend, Palo Alto looks to establish gun-free zones
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Responding to a recent Supreme Court ruling that loosened restrictions on concealed firearms, Palo Alto is preparing to join a growing movement of cities and states looking to designate certain types of spaces as gun-free zones.

The City Council on Monday could follow the lead of Mountain View and Sunnyvale in adopting a list of "sensitive places" where firearms would be banned. While the list will initially include schools, government buildings and polling places, it could later be expanded to include other locations such as playgrounds, health care facilities and homeless shelters.

CA: SF Jury Agrees Man Not Guilty of Attempted Murder in Defense of Self, Pregnant Wife – Defense Decries Year in Jail Awaiting Justice
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Mario Ramirez was found not guilty by a jury here Monday of attempted murder and related charges after the jury agreed Ramirez was only acting in self-defense and defense of his then-pregnant wife when he shot a man in January 2022, said the SF Public Defenders Office.

Criticizing, again, the “extreme backlog” in SF County Superior Court, the SFPD’s Office said Ramirez spent the last year in jail waiting for his trial, nine months past the “constitutionally mandated trial deadline.”

MI: Committees Hearing Long Gun Registration, Red Flag Gun Seizure & Storage Mandates
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Today, starting at 3:00PM EST, the House Judiciary Committee will hear four gun control bill packages, three of which correspond with the bills in the Senate. On Thursday, starting at 12:00PM EST, the Senate Civil Rights, Judiciary and Public Safety Committee is scheduled to hear three gun control bill packages they were unable to hear last week. These criminalize private transfers, require firearms be made unavailable for self-defense, allow Second Amendment rights to be suspended without due process, and expand areas where law-abiding citizens are left defenseless. Please contact committee members and ask them to OPPOSE these gun control schemes.

IL: Protecting and Serving: Springfield, IL Police Seized Homeowner’s Gun After Investigating Her Report of a Prowler
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“We’re from the government and we’re here to help.” Those words should strike fear into the heart of any American. Too often government “protects and serves” the little people – good and hard – making any situation worse.

Imagine you’re a senior citizen living as a single woman in a not-so-great neighborhood in Illinois’ capital city. You’re in the bathroom and you hear what sounds like someone trying to break out a kitchen window to gain entry. You holler for the would-be intruder to go away and call 911.

The Supreme Court’s Radical Second Amendment Jurisprudence is Sowing Chaos in the Lower Courts
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In New York State Pistol & Rifle Ass’n v. Bruen, decided last June, the Supreme Court issued one of the most unusual and dangerous opinions in American history. Clarence Thomas’ majority opinion instructed lower court judges to rely exclusively on history and tradition to resolve Second Amendment cases and to completely ignore the government’s asserted safety interests in passing gun control laws. Assuming that a person’s conduct is arguably covered by the Second Amendment’s text, the Justices said, the government can only prevail if it demonstrates that similar laws were enacted in the past.

CO: Assault on arms only curbs the law-abiding
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Four separate gun control measures recently launched in the legislature will do little to impact violent crime or suicides. They are a product of the emotional and reactive “gotta do anything” mindset that drives all discussions of firearms under the Gold Dome.

SB 169 seeks to increase the age at which any firearm can be purchased or possessed in Colorado from 18 to 21, claiming to reduce “gun violence.” It will have negligible impact on suicides, homicides, or other violent crimes.

WY: House Passes Bill To Restore Gun, Other Rights Of Nonviolent Felons
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Wyoming House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a law restoring nonviolent felons’ gun rights as soon as they complete their sentences, despite opponents’ concerns that the bill could be inadvertent gun control.

Rep. Ken Pendergraft, R-Sheridan, stalled the bill for another discussion just before its final House vote. He and others had voiced concerns this week that SF 120 had a secret gun control provision.

OK: Oklahoma House Committee Passes Bill Banning Enforcement of Future Federal Gun Control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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HB2063 specifically defines a “federal ban” as “a federal law, executive order, rule or regulation that is enacted, adopted, or becomes effective on or after November 1, 2023, or a new and more restrictive interpretation of a law that existed on November 1, 2023, that infringes upon, calls in question or prohibits, restricts, or requires individual licensure for or registration of the purchase, ownership, possession, transfer, or use of any firearm, any magazine or other ammunition feeding device, or other firearm accessory.”

FL: With DeSantis directing, here are five issues to watch this Florida Legislature session
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a strange crossfire, though, the pro-gun bill is drawing heat from both sides of the battle over access to firearms.

So-called ‘constitutional’ carry advocates are angry because they want people allowed to openly display weapons, a step not allowed in the legislation. Supporters of more gun limits call it crazy to give more untrained Floridians the opportunity to wield guns.

But the delicately crafted ‘permitless’ compromise has the support of the Florida Sheriffs Association and other law enforcement groups, who balk at open carry. A question hovering: Will DeSantis sign a bill that doesn’t satisfy Second Amendment ideologues?

TX: Advocates call for stronger gun laws at Texas Capitol rally
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Texans gathered outside the Capitol on Tuesday to ask lawmakers to pass stricter gun legislation. More than 50 people affected by the mass shooting in Uvalde were there. They’ve been calling on lawmakers to pass stronger gun laws since the shooting last May, but nothing has been done.

The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword, because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops. — Noah Webster, An Examination into the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution Proposed BV the Late Convention (1787).

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