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Newslinks for 3/20/2013

FL: Most gun bills are languishing in firearm-friendly Florida legislature
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"There have been more gun control bills filed in the Florida Legislature this year than any in recent memory — but you wouldn’t know it. Despite Democrats’ push to spark a “conversation” about guns after the Trayvon Martin and Newtown, Conn., tragedies, the Republican-led Legislature has traditionally shown little interest in entertaining the gun control debate."

"As more than two dozen gun control bills languish in a sort of legislative purgatory, one Democratic proposal defied the odds Tuesday, getting a hearing before lawmakers." ...

NH: 'Stand your ground,' Medicaid expansion on busy NH House agenda
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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... "The House will take up the 'stand your ground' repeal bill, sponsored by House Majority Leader Steve Shurtleff, D-Concord, which would return the state to the Castle doctrine."

"Current law allows the use of deadly force in self-defense anywhere a person has a right to be, while the bill would restrict the use of deadly force to a person's home and property."

"A large crowd turned out to oppose House Bill 135, but the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee voted 12-6 to make the change." ...

MT: Western states take different approaches to guns on college campuses
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"Colorado and Montana are headed in different directions when it comes to allowing guns on college campuses."

"Following a 2012 court ruling striking down University of Colorado policies banning permitted guns from campus, the state legislature is weighing a new law to keep guns out of the classroom. Meanwhile in Montana, the state senate is set to consider House Bill 240. The proposal, from Rep. Cary Smith, R-Billings, would end, the Montana Board of Regents power to regulate guns on college campuses." ...

Photo of trained child with gun prompts police visit to N.J. home
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"That’s why this particular young person is fortunate to have parents who care about his safety and happiness enough to give him age-appropriate training, and importantly, age-appropriate trust. And he’s especially fortunate to be raised in a home where the parents understand and will not surrender their rights in the face of intimidating authorities demanding otherwise."

Halvorson defeat less about guns than race-based voting
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Indeed, the demographics show a marked disadvantage for a white candidate if race is considered as a valid motivating factor in candidate preference, and if the 2nd Congressional District’s past 30-plus years with an African-American chosen as representative is any indicator, to deny that would be to deny the obvious."

Bloomberg coalition mayor under investigation for ‘gun crime’
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"While allegations that Schiliro waved three handguns around, put one to his head saying he didn’t want to live any more, and made a hostage threat may be difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, the accusation that he fired his gun into the floor is substantially supported by police removing from the premises 'a spent projectile, a section of wood with two holes [and] three 9mm bullets.'”

Campus gun ban had no deterrent effect on UCF shooting
Submitted by: David Codrea

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“'The University of Central Florida prohibits the possession, use, or storage of weapons on property owned or controlled by the University of Central Florida, including in a vehicle brought onto university property, on one’s person, or in one’s office or residence hall,' UCF Policy 3-119, 'Weapons on University Property and at University Events' states unequivocally."

Assault weapons ban dropped from Senate bill
Submitted by: D. Smith

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A ban on assault weapons won't be included in major gun legislation set to take shape this week -- all but guaranteeing it won't pass Congress.

Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a onetime ally of the National Rifle Association, informed California Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Monday that the proposal to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines won't be included in a broad package of new gun laws that's taking shape this week and will be considered on the Senate floor in April.

"People say well, are you disappointed? Obviously I'm disappointed," Feinstein told reporters Tuesday.
“The enemies on this are very powerful. I've known that all my life,” she said.

NY: 2,000 say no to Cuomo gun law
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Their anger at what they see as over-reaching by the government keeping them warm under icy gray skies, as many as 2,000 anti-Cuomo, pro-gun protestors gathered on the front lawn at the Schoharie DAR Saturday in a We The People rally.

NY: Poll: GOP NYers ditch Democrat Cuomo after gun law
Submitted by: Donald W. Bohlken

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Governor Cuomo loses support in the polls due to passage of oppressive gun legislation.

The assault weapons ban was always doomed
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Senate Democrats bowed to the politically inevitable on Tuesday, stripping a measure aimed at curbing gun violence of a provision that would have re-instated the assault weapons ban.
While Democrats insisted that the assault weapons ban would get an up or down vote on the Senate floor, even California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who had championed the legislation since the shootings in Newtown, Connecticut in late 2012, acknowledged that its chances of becoming law were somewhere between slim and none. “I very much regret it,” she told Roll Call newspaper. “I tried my best, but my best, I guess, wasn’t good enough.”

NY: Silver: SAFE Act Changes Under Consideration In Budget Talks
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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State lawmakers are discussing the possibility of scaling back some provisions of the state’s January gun control law that would increase the number of rounds in a high-capacity magazine back to 10 for personal use. Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver confirmed Newsday’s scoop from earlier in the day that budget negotiations have included talk of allowing 10 rounds for home use or at a gun range.

NY: Opting in or out, Cayuga County officials say they're keeping gun info private
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Cayuga County Clerk Sue Dwyer and Sheriff David Gould are encouraging every pistol permit holder in the county, all 10,000, to file a form to keep their information private. And if they don’t, Dwyer said she’ll keep the information private anyway.

Obama's gun control plans weaken in Senate
Submitted by: Anonymous

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An assault weapons ban sought by President Barack Obama ran into serious trouble on Tuesday when Majority Leader Harry Reid acknowledged there was not enough support for it in the Senate.
It was the latest blow to the White House's gun control plans which are fading as Republicans and even some Democrats baulk at taking on the powerful gun lobby.
Less than half of the Senate backs the assault weapons ban, Reid said, which would condemn it to failure when gun control legislation comes to the floor of the chamber next month.

Assault weapons ban won't be in Dems' gun bill
Submitted by: Donald W. Bohlken

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Senator Feinstein's assault weapons and large capacity magazine ban will not be offered in the Democrat comprehensive gun control bill in the senate.

AK: Dyson resolution on Second Amendment passes House
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Alaska House has passed a resolution urging the federal government to protect the Second Amendment.

SJR6, from Sen. Fred Dyson, asks Congress to maintain its authority over the president to protect the Second Amendment. It also urges the president to "refrain from any further efforts" to restrict firearm ownership.

When Did Grandpa’s Shotgun Get a High Capacity Magazine?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A double aught buckshot shell holds 9, roughly .32 caliber projectiles, while other less powerful shells, such as “bird shot” can hold as many as 30, albeit smaller individual projectiles. That being said, while bird shot is clearly no where near as devastating as OO buckshot, if its powerful enough to bring down a goose, duck, pheasant, grouse or other game bird at ranges of 50 ft, I still wouldn’t want to be shot with it !

CA: Glendale City Council bans gun shows in city
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Glendale City Council voted 3-2 tonight to approve an ordinance banning gun shows at city-owned buildings and parks, a move that would evict the Glendale Gun Show from its traditional home at the Glendale Civic Auditorium.

The ordinance is a response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn. that left 20 students and six adult staff members dead, Joal Ryan, a co-founder of the Coalition for a Better Glendale, told Fox11.

VA: Teen shot fatally, accidentally sneaking into wrong home
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Shawn and Jennea Gordley, two heartbroken parents grieving the loss of their teenage son, spoke of their pain at press conference Tuesday near Sterling.

They spoke of their 16-year-old son Caleb as a lover of music and sports. Then they spoke about the man who took their son’s life.

“I just want you to know I forgive you. I understand this was an accident,” said the teen’s mother Jennae Gordley.

The teenager made a fatal mistake Saturday night. The teen was returning home quietly through a back window late at night, after sneaking out to a party.

New cell phone app shows nearest gun-free zones
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A new cell phone app will let people know whether the building they are about to enter is a gun-free zone.

The Gun Free Zone app uses the GPS tracking system in smart phones. Users will see a map of their surrounding area, including a list of the 20 nearest public places and whether they allow permit guns.

By itself, the app has no way of knowing where the gun-free zones are. That information will be supplied by users, who are prompted to mark a box indicating whether a given location allows guns. The app keeps track of how many people marked a spot as gun-friendly or gun-free, and provides such information to all users. It does not gather data on private homes.

IL: Congresswoman Admits ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban is ‘Just the Beginning’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When the reporter said, “We’ll never get a handgun ban with the Second Amendment as stated.” Schakowsky responded, “I don’t know. I don’t know that we can’t. And there may be an allowance, once again, for communities–I have communities in my district that prohibited handguns within their borders. The rights of municipalities and states to view that as a sensible way to keep people safe–I don’t think it’s precluded.”

Ed.: Um, yes. Heller and McDonald preclude handgun bans.

NC: Multiple Pro-Gun Bills on the Move
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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North Carolina’s General Assembly is now beginning to consider firearm-related legislation.

Several pro-gun reforms have been introduced, and the NRA is working with key legislative supporters to promote those bills that would protect our Right to Keep and Bear Arms and hunting heritage.

AL: NRA-Supported Omnibus Firearms Bill Expected to be on the Senate Floor
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last week, Senate Bill 286 passed in the Senate Judiciary Committee by a bipartisan 7 to 1 vote.

This NRA-supported pro-gun bill could be considered on the Senate floor as early as Thursday, March 21 21013.

Please contact your state Senator TODAY and respectfully urge him or her to support SB 286, along with any pro-gun amendments proposed by the bill sponsor or cosponsors. Contact information for your state Senator can be found here.

KS: Kansas House mired in gun debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Much like the rest of the nation, Kansas is attempting to shore up the rights of gun-owners while its citizens stockpile weapons just in case the federal government bans them.

We had hoped the mass killing of children in Newtown, Conn., would have led to careful consideration of existing laws and thoughtful debate about the number guns in circulation. Neither has happened. If anything, paranoia about the other’s intentions have pushed both sides further into their corners.

Here in the Sunflower State, applications for concealed carry permits are setting records. And if the Legislature has its way, there will be even more locations for citizens to legally tote them if so desired.

WY: Guns make us safer
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It urged striking “a balance between gun rights and public safety.” Of the proposed laws limiting the restrictions on law-abiding citizens right to bear arms considered by the Legislature, please explain how any would have decreased public safety. The key phrase here is “law-abiding citizens.”

Criminals don’t pay attention to laws, hence why they are criminals. And when you pass laws that restrict the rights of citizens to bear arms, therefore creating more “gun-free zones,” you are decreasing public safety. If you would look at recent history, all of the mass shootings have taken place in gun-free zones. And the carnage only ends when someone with a firearm confronts the bad guy.

GA: With gun ownership comes responsibility
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Owning a firearm is a constitutional right in the United States, one every bit as important as freedom of speech and freedom from a state-sponsored religion. But ownership of a gun — whether it’s a handgun, shotgun or one of the “assault-style” rifles that are fueling debate in Washington — also is a responsibility.

Gun owners are responsible for taking basic precautions to prevent their self-defense or sporting weapons from falling into the hands of criminals who would use them to do harm to others. Arming criminals, in fact, defeats the entire purpose of self-defense.

NY: Feedback: Gun Owners Deal With Ammo Shortage
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It's quiet at the gun range.

The vice president of the Watertown Sportsmen Club says he knows why.

"There isn't a store in Watertown that has the common ammo - .22, .223, 5.56, 7x62. Everybody's out of it," said Bill Scott, first VP of the Watertown Sportsmen Club.

Shooters say new gun laws and a huge buy of ammunition by the federal government have sparked a run on ammo.

UK: Gun law: A second chance for the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The order passed by a senate panel this week and the polls of popular opinion show a turning of the tide. All steps in the right direction, yet still limited. Opinions aren’t the same as action and the decision of the panel is unlikely to go much further and, disappointingly, it would only ban the sale of 157 kinds of semi-automatic weapons, guns that automatically reload, and large-capacity ammunition magazines carrying more than 10 rounds. Adopted in 1791, it is time for the second amendment to be given a new lease of life.

ND: North Dakota state officials coming out against gun bills
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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State officials took stands against two gun-related bills Tuesday.

Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem urged lawmakers to defeat legislation that he says would pit local and federal law enforcement against one another, while Superintendent of Public Instruction Kirsten Baesler testified against allowing concealed weapons in public schools.

Stenehjem told the Senate Judiciary Committee that House Bill 1183, which would prohibit state law enforcement from enforcing any new federal firearm law passed after Jan. 1, 2013, is overreacting to the threat of federal firearm bans, since no laws have been passed yet.

CO: New gun laws will have significant (bad) impacts
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Reporter-Herald's March 15 editorial regarding the public response to Colorado's recent gun legislation misses the mark. Few, if any, gun owners believe that this legislation will result in the outright confiscation of firearms. However, some of these bills have a significant impact on citizens' Second Amendment rights.

Most notably, HB 1224 places arbitrary restrictions on magazine capacity. It would greatly restrict the sale, possession, transfer, and inheritance of most gun magazines, rendering the bill unconstitutionally vague. It would ban the possession, sale and transfer of many existing firearms. And, it is effectively unenforceable.

Too Far? Michael Moore: If Gunman Killed Harry Reid’s Grandkids, He Wouldn’t Drop Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Michael Moore sat down with Piers Morgan tonight to react to the assault weapons ban dying quietly in the Senate without even being brought to a floor vote and how much influence the NRA has over members of Congress. Moore was particularly critical of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for letting the assault weapons ban go without even being voted on, remarking that if a crazed gunman killed Reid’s grandchildren, he would not be so willing to let the ban die in the Senate.

CO: Colo. governor to sign landmark gun bills
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"I'm telling you, they have overreached, and there are going to be electoral consequences," said Republican Sen. Greg Brophy.

A Colorado-based manufacturer of magazines plans to relocate because of the new restrictions. Republicans have bashed Democrats, saying their proposal to limit magazine sizes will drive jobs from the state, and ultimately won't prevent criminals from getting larger magazines in other states.

Some county sheriffs also opposed the new background checks, arguing they're unenforceable and endanger people's Second Amendment rights. Two ballot measures have already been proposed to try to undo the gun restrictions.

CO: Routt and Moffat county sheriffs say they won't, and can't, enforce new Colorado gun laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Routt County Sheriff Garrett Wiggins and Moffat County Sheriff Tim Jantz said they will join Weld County Sheriff John Cooke and not enforce gun-control measures expected to be signed into law by Gov. John Hickenlooper on Wednesday.

#Wiggins and Jantz maintain the legislation passed by Colorado's House and Senate won't keep guns out of the hands of criminals and instead will punish law-abiding citizens. Both sheriffs said Tuesday that gun control has been the No. 1 concern of their constituents in recent months, and that every email, phone call and comment they have heard is from residents who oppose gun control legislation.

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. — LORD ACTON (1887)

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