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Newslinks for 3/21/2013

Gun ban advocates must decide if they're willing--and able--to kill 50,000,000+
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "But if we step back away from the minutiae of the demographic breakdown, we have somewhere between 64 and 80 percent who will not comply with any confiscatory gun bans. And make no mistake, the specter of confiscatory bans is not 'paranoid, right-wing delusion,' as can be seen be seen in the obscenely misnamed 'SAFE Act,' in New York, an active program of confiscation of registered firearms in California, and proposals for similar abominations at the federal level:" ...

Judiciary Committee set to consider Obama nominees, including Reese prosecutor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Senate Judiciary Committee has announced it will conduct a full committee Executive Business Meeting Thursday at 10 a.m. in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 226, to evaluate the nominations of Jane Kelly for United States Circuit Judge for the Eighth Circuit, and Kenneth John Gonzales for United States District Judge for the District of New Mexico." ...

BREAKING: NYT Discovers Bad People Do Bad Things
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reporter Michael Luo, of The New York Times reports that In Some States, Gun Rights Trump Orders of Protection. He sets things up by presenting a sympathetic victim and her horrifying story:"
"Early last year, after a series of frightening encounters with her former husband, Stephanie Holten went to court in Spokane, Wash., to obtain a temporary order for protection."

"… In neat block letters she wrote, 'He owns guns, I am scared.' …" ..." ...

Colorado now ‘occupied territory’ and Magpul is leaving
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Colorado’s most high-profile company is today calling the Centennial State 'occupied territory' after Democrat Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper signed major anti-gun legislation and set in motion the loss of state revenue from Magpul Industries, which manufactures magazines for semi-automatic sporting rifles." ...

"Anti-gunners as far away as Puget Sound are cheering todays’ events, but their perceived victory may be hollow and costly to the Colorado economy. What seems like trophy legislation now may soon be replaced on their mantle by an economic urn. Magpul made no secret that it will be moving out of Colorado as soon as possible. ..." ...

Soon a Gun Registry May Be Unnecessary
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am an Internet marketer by trade and in my industry it’s the companies with the most data that stand to make the most money. At my disposal I have over 200 million email addresses in the United Stated with over 3 billion points of data. From your email address alone there is a good chance I can tell you your age, sex, location, race, and interests. And yet my information pales in comparison to what companies like Google know about you . . ." ...

Ask Foghorn: Meters v. Yards for Zero Distance?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jeremy writes:"
"I don’t know if you guys have gotten this question before, or if it would warrant writing an article, but do you have any feedback on zeroing a rifle on a range measured in yards, and then how accuracy would be affected when shooting that rifle estimating distance based on meters? The difference @ 100m vs. 100 yards is going to be about 9′ so my assumption is that even to the max effective range of a 5.56 round, there isn’t going to be enough of a difference to see a noticeable POI shift. Do you have an opinion?"
"Good news for the lazy among us: for the typical zero on a 5.56 gun, it doesn’t matter . . ." ...

Michael Moore wants dead children exploited to 'revise or repeal' 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One might be forgiven for believing that when U.S. Representative Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) urged President Obama to 'exploit' (Nadler's term) the murdered children of Sandy Hook Elementary, forcible citizen disarmament advocates could go no lower, become no more contemptible. As understandable as that belief is, it is unfortunately also untrue."

"Insatiable 'gun control' advocate Michael Moore's enormous appetite for oppressive gun regulation is such that he is gleefully predicting that photos of the butchered children will be leaked to the public, causing such a tsunami of anti-gun hysteria ... that the public will join Moore and his fellow anti-gun jihadists in demanding that the American people be disarmed. ..." ...

Federal Gun Registry: MAIG’s Last Stand?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You may recall that the Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) began their post-Newtown civilian disarmament campaign with 'Demand a Plan.' As we pointed out on numerous occasions the 'plan' they were demanding was . . . demanding a plan. Mayor Bloomberg’s homies didn’t crusade on ammunition magazine capacity limits or banning modern sporting (a.k.a. assault) rifles or anything specific, really. They simply waved the bloody shirt, trusting that their supporters would let Bloomberg’s backroom boyz iron-out the details. Now that a federal assault weapons ban is DOA and mag cap limits are a non-starter, MAIG has suddenly focused on a specific proposal. And no wonder . . ." ...

Gun Tweet of the Day: So Now It’s Stats, Is It?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This bit of aggravating agitprop tweeted by @BarakObama is all kinds of awesome. When the Civilian Disarmament Proponent in Chief relies on facts to win support for gun control he’s on a hiding to nowhere. The facts simply don’t support the gun grabbers’ position. ..."

Bashir & Company: NRA is an Internet Scam Operation (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Arming warlords? Aiding transnational organized crime? Support for murderous war criminals? As the literally dozens of viewers who tune into Martin Bashir’s anti-gun afternoon antics can attest, no outrage is beneath the NRA. The gun rights org’s latest transgression against polite society: opposition to the UN’s arms trade treaty. As Marty points out, 150 countries are on board, so what’s not to like? Assembling a panel representing the full spectrum of political views from left all the way to far-left, Bashy, Grumpy and Epstein wring their hands over the gun industry-supporting NRA that’s now nothing more than a 'direct mail Internet scam operation' . . ." ...

NY: Gunners outraged at $500 reward to report illegal firearm possession
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"State pro-gun organizations including SCOPE and NYSRPA report that the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services has sent this letter to police agencies as originally reported by our friends at NYSRPA." ...

NY: Major legal challenge to NY-SAFE Act coming tomorrow
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The National Rifle Association's affiliate in New York will file a lawsuit in court tomorrow seeking to overturn the state's gun control law."

"Tom King, president of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, would only say the suit will challenge 'the constitutionality of a number of issues' contained in the NY-SAFE Act, which was passed in January." ...

NY: McLaughlin panicked by year-old illegal guns tipline
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin’s latest salvo against the NY SAFE law takes issue with a state tipline inviting residents to report illegal firearms possession. While cracking down on illegal guns is usually something that Republicans support wholeheartedly, McLaughlin says this initiative 'seeks to turn neighbor against neighbor' — which is certainly not an allusion by McLaughlin to any other historical period in which neighbors informed on each other." ...

NY: Town Board joins chorus opposing new state gun control law
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The town of Batavia has joined in requesting the state repeal its restrictive new gun-control law and seek public input on the issue for future consideration."

"A resolution, approved on a 5-0 vote at Wednesday night's Town Board meeting, opposes any legislation, including sections within the first chapter of the SAFE Act 'which infringe upon the (Constitutional) right of the people to keep and bear arms.'" ...

NY: Gun Owners Will Challenge Constitutionality of SAFE Act in Court
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"State gun owners have been fuming over the New York SAFE Act since its passage in January, and now the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association and other plaintiffs will challenge the constitutionality of the gun regulations in a lawsuit they plan to file in state Supreme Court today." ...

DiFi dissed as Dems drop gun ban from agenda
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anti-gun California Sen. Dianne Feinstein is wearing a long face today after learning from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid that her coveted ban on so-called 'assault weapons' will not be part of the Democrats’ gun control package in April." ...

Getting a Scolding not an Answer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California wants us to know that she is 'not a sixth-grader.'"

"Anyone who saw the recent exchange before the Senate Judiciary Committee between Feinstein and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas over guns and the Constitution might speculate that the reason she said this is because she couldn’t pass the entrance exam."

"As for Cruz, a friend of mine for a decade, it turns out that the most important of the 'Senate rules' is unwritten: Thou shalt not embarrass a fellow senator – even one in the opposing party – by making him or her look unprepared, uneducated or uninformed." ...

WA: Roach rips possible erosion of state gun owner privacy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republican State Senator Pam Roach furiously ripped what she sees as an attempt to expose Washington State gun owners to privacy invasions during a meeting Tuesday of the Public Record Exemptions Accountability Committee, also known as the 'Sunshine Committee.'"

"Under current statute, most people believe that concealed pistol license information is exempt from public disclosure, but that view is now in dispute, with Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes, who serves on the Sunshine Committee with Roach, suggesting otherwise." ...

WY: Gun bills not worthy of support
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE ISSUE: Two controversial measures on guns go before the state Senate’s Judiciary Committee on Wednesday."

"WE BELIEVE: HB 103 and HB 104 should be killed. One is an improper interference in local matters; the other seeks to cancel federal powers." ...

"OK, we get it. Lawmakers love their guns."

"It would be hard not to figure that out, actually, given the way that they have been waving firearms around n figuratively n during the current session of the Legislature." ...

MN: Minnesota House Democrat drops universal background checks from gun bill
Submitted by: Stewart Naaden

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"The farthest-reaching gun control bill in the Minnesota House, which would have expanded background checks to nearly all firearm sales, has been abandoned."

"The bill's sponsor, Rep. Michael Paymar, DFL-St. Paul, said he will instead focus on a plan to extend background checks to all purchases at gun shows, but not other private gun sales or transfers. It will also have provisions from a bill backed by the National Rifle Association, including beefing up information included in the state's existing background check system and giving prosecutors more tools to crack down on illegal gun owners" ...

CO: Colorado Gov. Hickenlooper signs landmark gun-control bills
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper signed landmark new gun laws on Wednesday expanding background checks on gun purchases and limiting the size of ammunition magazines, placing the traditionally firearm-friendly state among the handful to pass new restrictions in the wake of the shooting in Newtown, Conn." ...

"Legislators who had opposed new laws restricting gun ownership said on Wednesday the new gun bills may have electoral consequences for state Democrats."

NY: A closer look at criticisms of New York's new gun law
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The NY Safe Act has stirred such a protest from gun owners that some Albany lawmakers are taking another look at the nation’s toughest weapons ban that they passed in January."

"So what exactly is the gun owners’ beef? Here’s a factual examination of some of the criticisms of the law." ...

NY: Cuomo Defends Changes to New York's Gun Law As "Technical Corrections"
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Gov. Cuomo insisted today that the changes being proposed to his landmark gun control law were simply technical corrections intended to deal with 'inconsistencies' in the recently-adopted measure."

"The governor shot down the notion – argued by many gun rights owners – that the proposed changes prove that the original bill was rushed and flawed from its inception." ...

NY: Silver says gun-control changes “a matter of commerce”
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, D-Manhattan, defended a planned change to the gun-control law, saying a move to allow the sale of a 10-bullet magazine won’t infringe on the intent of the tough law."

"Silver told reporters this afternoon that gun manufacturers simply don’t make seven-bullet magazines. The proposed change would allow for the sale of 10-bullet magazines, but they could be used on shooting ranges or in competitions. Otherwise, gun owners will be only allowed to put seven bullets in the magazine."

"'It’s a change to accommodate commerce, basically. They are not being made in the sevens,' Silver said." ...

SC: Senate panel OKs bill allowing open gun carrying
Submitted by: Doug Huffman

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"A Senate subcommittee passed a bill to thunderous applause Wednesday that would allow people to carry guns in public in South Carolina without a concealed weapons permit."

"The vote was taken after a public hearing packed with gun supporters, who listened politely and cheered anyone who spoke about protecting the Second Amendment or pointed out criminals weren’t likely to follow any gun laws." ...

"... Others, like Charleston Police Capt. Brian Ambrose, worry it will make officers’ jobs harder because they will have to wait for someone openly holding a gun to commit a crime before they can confront them. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Imagine that, police having "to wait for someone openly holding a gun to commit a crime before they can confront them." Makes a good meme rallying cry, CRIME BEFORE CONFRONTATION!

Chief’s ‘easy machine gun conversion’ challenge unanswered after three years
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Will Bellevue Chief Pillo demonstrate how easy it is to convert a semi-auto to a machine gun?' this column asked over three years ago. The occasion was a Washington State Senate Judiciary Committee hearing the chief testified at, supposedly as a private citizen, but conveniently in uniform and armed, to urge a ban on so-called 'assault weapons.' One of her reasons:

"Assault weapons can also be easily converted to fully automatic machine guns." ...

SWATting: It Could Be You!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In today’s Question of the Day, I asked to what depths the civilian disarmament industry could sink to deny Americans their Constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms. Here’s a cautionary tale from about an incident that went down last Thursday: 'It was around 5pm. [security blogger Brian] Krebs, 40, had just finished preparing his home for a small dinner party he had planned for later that evening. While vacuuming his home, his phone rang a few times, but he decided not to answer since he didn’t want to get held up. When he finished, he realized there was still some tape at the entrance of his house where Christmas lights had been. He thought it made sense to remove it before his guests arrived . . ." ...

U.S. Aid Arms Mexican Cartels
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I suppose it’s human nature. Why wouldn’t the media focus on comely killers rather than the garden variety gun-toting cartel members who’ve raped, tortured and slaughtered thousands of their compatriots? In the same way, we’re getting a new spate of articles about Mexican gun smuggling rather than anything about U.S. government sales to the Mexican Army and police (which seep to the cartels). Check this from . . ." ...

NJ: Facebook gun photo controversy: 'No laws broken,' police say
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Shawn Moore was at a friend’s house on Friday when he got a call from his wife."

"It was about 8:15 p.m. and the police were at his house with Department of Children and Families caseworkers, and they were asking to see his guns."

"Moore had recently given his son, Josh, a .22-caliber rifle for his upcoming birthday and posted a picture on Facebook of the 10-year-old showing off his gift."

"His lawyer, Evan Nappen, who specializes in Second Amendment law, compared the gun to one used by the Boy Scouts to earn their rifle shooting merit badge." ...

MI: Attorney General: Macomb County deputy, New Baltimore woman falsified breathalyzer tests
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A 24-year veteran of the Macomb County Sheriff’s Office falsified breathalyzer test results for a New Baltimore woman who was on probation in Novi, according to the Michigan Attorney General’s Office." ...

NY: New York state offers $500 reward for reporting gun owners
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"For more than a year, New York state has maintained a tip line allowing people to report illegal gun owners and collect a $500 reward."

"CBS-6 news reported the existence of the tip line on Wednesday. It was previously a “well-kept secret” that received little promotion from state officials or fanfare in the media, according to the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association." ...

KABA Note: Now antis can get paid for SWATting their neighbors!

IL: Chicago Cops Shoot Wrong Man - 11 Times
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Chicago police shot a store owner 11 times after armed gunmen robbed him, then handcuffed him to his hospital bed and harassed him to cover up their 'gross misconduct,' the businessman claims in court. ...

MI: Gun owners rally, lobby at Capitol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hundreds of gun owners are rallying at the Michigan Capitol to remind lawmakers of their right to bear arms."

"Some of the people freely and legally carried guns at Wednesday’s rally. Others held pro-Second Amendment signs." ...

NY: First SAFE Act arrest made
Submitted by: Anonymous

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First SAFE Act arrest made and I would also like to ask what the hell an 'AR-10 Magnum' is???"
"Add to that, he was willing to sell to someone without knowing anything about their background, and it’s exactly the type of dangerous and illegal activity that can lead to more gun violence in our communities,' State Police Superintendent Joseph D’Amico said in a statement Thursday." ...

DC: 13 people injured in drive-by shooting in Northwest (video available)
Submitted by: Mike the Limey

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"D.C. Councilman Tommy Wells on Tuesday is meeting with community members in the northwest D.C. neighborhood where a drive-by shooting injured 13 people Monday morning." ...

Submitter's Note: How could this possibly happen with the plethora of gun control laws enacted in Washington, DC?

I guess legislators had better introduce even more laws making it double bad to drive around shooting up the place & introduce magazine limits & make attempted murder illegal....

...oh, wait......

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