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Newslinks for 3/22/2005

Second Amendment Foundation Endorses Call to Review Patriot Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) today endorsed efforts by Patriots to Restore Checks and Balances ... to have certain sections of the Patriot Act reviewed. The coalition is meeting Tuesday in Washington, D.C."

"'As a civil rights organization, we are very concerned about sections of the Patriot Act that allow invasions of privacy under the guise of some investigation that may be nothing more than a legal fishing expedition,' said SAF Founder Alan M. Gottlieb. 'A search conducted without the knowledge or consent of a citizen, including a so-called 'sneak-and-peek' search, is an anathema to the foundations of our legal system. Sections of the Patriot Act allow the use of so-called 'delayed-notification' search warrants that let police search homes and businesses and remove property, including firearms, before telling the owners.'" ...

MT: Montana Gun Group Accuses NRA Staff of Malfeasance -- NRA Shoots Itself In Foot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Montana Shooting Sports Association (MSSA) is harshly critical of National Rifle Association staff for conduct MSSA says is killing pro-gun legislation in Montana. MSSA recently had a bill before the Montana Legislature, HB 693, to clarify the right to self defense with firearms. MSSA blames the failure of this important bill on a deliberate determination by a mid-level NRA staffer to undercut the bill by withholding NRA support." ...

"MSSA President Gary Marbut commented, 'Despite these strong positions by LaPierre, Randy Kozuch, director of NRA/ILA's State and Local division, actively headed off NRA support for Montana's HB 693, which would have accomplished exactly what LaPierre called for and praised in his February and March columns. ..." ...

Chris Guelpa: Gun ownership prompts evolution
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Imagine, you cross the mall and instead of a tent selling cell phone covers and long distance plans there is a representative from Smith & Wesson offering you a smoking deal on the newest and most powerful gun on the market. And if you act now he will throw in a new rubberized grip and matching silencer free of charge."

"This type of world (mandatory handguns) seems like the only possible direction left to take since current efforts to deal with handguns aren't having the desired effect."

"If everyone owned a handgun, all gun-related incidents would happen less often, not only because people would be more fearful of what piece any particular person was carrying but also because it would create a Darwinian mechanism in American culture."

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Gun Violence Renews Legislative Debate
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"The massacre at a Wisconsin church service 10 days ago left Corey Graff outraged."

"Outraged at the loss of life, of course. But furious, too, at state legislators who have refused to grant citizens the right to carry concealed handguns."

"Graff plans to push the issue again this spring. This time, the Wisconsin activist hopes that lawmakers will imagine themselves in that church service — cowering, crying, wishing they had a gun at hand to defend themselves." ...

"With dozens of gun-related bills working their way through state legislatures around the country, activists on both sides of the issue have come to regard a recent spate of high-profile shootings as a catalyst to advance their causes." ...

Elites deserve special privileges
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Those who do not understand the motives of our enlightened elites might be tempted to accuse them of hypocrisy. However, we should all realize that our elite class only has our best interests at heart. In gratitude, we should be willing to allow them a few minor special privileges." ...

"Michael Moore's concern about the gun culture should not apply to his bodyguard, who was arrested for illegally carrying his gun in New York. Nor should it apply to gun control advocate Rosie O'Donnell, whose bodyguard requested permission to carry his gun on school grounds when picking up her children. After all, the lives of Rosie's children and Michael Moore are more important than the lives of commoners."

FL: We'd all like to read your diary . . .
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The weakening of First Amendment rights sounds an alarm here and there, maybe putting a new crack in the Liberty Bell. The notion that church records no longer have any protection under the Bill of Rights coincides with the claim that news media records are in the same leaky boat. Journalists are locked up because they protect their notes and the identity of news sources."

"The National Rifle Association is stubborn about the slightest move toward new controls over firearms. This seems to many of us to be an awful stubbornness, because we believe firearms are dangerous. ..."

"Churches and the media were once that stubborn, and some still are. But their message, their insistence on institutional aloofness in the cause of unhampered communication, has been diluted and much of the public couldn't care less."

Wanted: New Generation Of U.S. Infantry Weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Army wants arms makers to come up with replacements for virtually all of its infantry weapons, including its lightest machine gun, and plans to hold an open competition this summer to select a replacement for its M16 rifles, M4 carbines and M249 squad automatic weapons by early fall."

"The winning company will be awarded a low-rate initial production contract to produce up to 4,900 weapon systems, and could receive an initial full-rate production contract to make more than 134,000 weapons, according to a presolicitation notice posted on the Internet."

"This new family of weapons could be ready for fielding by the second half of fiscal 2006." ...

DC: The So-Called Capitol of the Free World (Blog)
Submitted by: TriggerFinger

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With all the action in the Seegars v Ashcroft and Parker v DC cases, gun rights advocates are focused on the situation in the District of Columbia. Opposition to the near-complete ban on handguns within that city is running high. But what about the guns that are, purportedly, legal to own? As you might expect, it's not easy to buy a gun in the so-called capitol of the free world.

MN: 8 die, 14 hurt in shootings on Minn. Indian reservation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A student went on a shooting spree Monday, killing his grandparents and five people at his high school on an Indian reservation. The gunman himself was later found shot to death, authorities said." ...

"He declined to talk about a possible connection between the suspect and the couple killed at the home, but Red Lake Fire Director Roman Stately said they were the grandparents of the shooter. Stately told several media outlets that the grandfather was a police officer whose guns may have been used in the shootings."

"All of the dead students were found in one room. One of them was a boy believed to be the shooter, McCabe said. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Under MN's 'shall issue' law, permit holders are barred from carrying on school property.

CA: The 2005 San Francisco Gun Ban: Pushing Away The People's Greatest Ally.
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Disarming citizens does not always put constituents at the mercy of government –Liberty nuts such as myself don’t loathe government but official misconduct – disarming citizens always puts constituents at the mercy of criminals where government is unable to act to protect its greatest asset, the sovereign citizen, as in D.C. This becomes a transfer of wealth some find hard to imagine as self-governance slips away."

GA: Your best defense - compliance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If an armed man approached her and demanded her car, Susie Kelley knows just what she would do."

"'Give it to him,' Kelley said."

"Last week's incident in which courthouse shooting suspect Brian Nichols carjacked or otherwise attacked several people may have some looking into taking a self defense class. Morrow resident Kelley, however, isn't interested." ...

"... Tae Kwon Do is a Korean martial art, and as a master Wilch has one piece of overall advice for anyone who finds themselves confronted with someone like Nichols."

"'Don't try to defend yourself. Just stay alive, Wilch said. 'What the police have been saying all these years is right. Don't try to fight a gun, I don't care how good your martial arts are.'" ...

Submitter's Note: True but misleading, because study after study has shown that resisting with a gun is even safer than complying.

ND: A commitment to end violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Angela Longtin lost her best friend, Brenda Rau, when her estranged boyfriend, Edward Brown, killed her April 23, 1996."

"Rau, who lived in Grand Forks, filed a restraining order in January because Brown was abusive and had threatened to kill her."

"But the restraining order didn't keep Brown, 29, from shooting the 25-year old social worker, with a semi-automatic rifle in her apartment building. Grand Forks police were forced to shoot Brown, who later died in the hospital, after he refused to surrender his weapon."

"Rau's murder brought the issue of domestic violence to the attention of the community and the military, as Brown was a sergeant in the U.S. Air Force stationed at the Grand Forks Air Force Base." ...

NM: New Mexico HB 641 Is On Its Way to the Governor (NRA-ILA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the waning hours of the legislative session, the New Mexico Senate gave final approval to HB 641, the NRA-backed Right To Carry Reform bill, on a 32-7 vote. HB 641, sponsored by Rep. John Heaton (D-Carlsbad) & Sen. Shannon Robinson (D-Albuquerque) lowers the minimum age requirement for a Concealed Handgun License from 25 to 21, extends the term of a license from 2 to 4 years, allows you to qualify with any caliber handgun and carry any caliber smaller than that, and gives DPS the authority to enter into reciprocal agreements with certain other states. The bill now goes to Governor Bill Richardson (D), who strongly supported the measure throughout the legislative process, for his expected signature." ...

IL: Cities may not be able to further gun restrictions
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"What began as a bill to legalize the use of handguns for turkey hunting may stop local governments from placing further restrictions on state gun laws."

"Illinois is one of eight states that allow municipalities to prohibit and regulate the use of firearms."

"Heavily-populated areas such as Chicago, Aurora, Carol Stream and Wilmette will continue to have extra requirements on guns, said Todd Vandermied, lobbyist for the National Rifle Association."

IL: Daley's push for gun limits deserves Legislature's OK
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"Gun control in America remains a delicate balancing act between protecting the Second Amendment right of law-abiding citizens to own guns and the necessity of preventing the sale of guns to those who might misuse them. We too often come up short on that second part, not only in failing to enforce the gun control laws we have but also in failing to pass needed new laws to monitor the purchase and sale of firearms. That's the point of the legislative package Mayor Daley sent to the Illinois General Assembly, and we hope legislators find the gumption to support it."

Malaysia: FOCUS: When self - defence is no defence, sometimes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"BAMBANG Riyanto and Adi Wardana Toyo of Indonesia were working in a sand mine in Malacca last month when they were confronted by robbers posing as policemen."

"The workers saw through the ruse and grabbed a parang from one of the three robbers and fatally slashed one of them, ex-convict Abd Aziz Sharif Due to the numerous slash wounds on Aziz's body, police had recommended that the Attorney-General charge the Indonesians with culpable homicide not amounting to murder. The Indonesians, they said, had exceeded their right of self-defence. Both Bambang and Adi, who also suffered injuries during the scuffle, face a maximum sentence of 20 years and whipping or fine, if convicted. When does one exceed his right of self-defence? ..." ...

Ski-trek Briton scares off polar bear with gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A BRITON bidding to become the first woman to ski solo to the geographic North Pole has had to scare off a polar bear with her .44 Magnum pistol."

"Ann Daniels, a 40-year-old mother of four, said on day nine of her trek: 'I had a scary wake-up call this morning. I had just finished packing up my kit, and was halfway out of my sleeping bag, when a shadow passed across the tent.'"

"'I unzipped the tent, pistol ready, and peered out. There was a big male bear eyeing up my tent. I fired one shot into the snow in front of him and one in the air as he retreated. I finished packing quickly and ran away, north.'" ...

Malaysia: Armed to fend off road bullies [second story on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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HOW to beat the road bully? Get armed. Malaysians are fashioning all sorts of weapons to fend off the latest fear-factor on their roads.

Housewives, businessmen, office workers, even the muscular, see no option other than carrying steel rods, golf clubs, baseball bats, hockey sticks, samurai swords and assorted 'arms' in their cars for self-defence. Road rage is on a high in Malaysia and help often reaches the victims quite late.

It appears carrying weapons for defending oneself has become an absolute necessity. Drivers in Kuala Lumpur and other cities and towns in Malaysia are easily losing their tempers after minor traffic disputes. No-one wants to be unprepared if a parang is suddenly swung his/her way.

NJ: Inclusion best option for gun control group
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"To the students who have established the Rutgers Firearms Association:"

"First off, good luck. The Second Amendment to the Constitution, for good or ill, is part of the highest law in the land. Your organization has chosen to get involved in an era of apathy. For that you should be applauded."

"My only advice is that you remember that gun ownership was established in the Constitution in order to protect the other rights. To that respect, I ask you to be vigilant of governmental interference of the press. You should worry about governmental invasions of privacy. You should be concerned about your government holding people without due process."

"Otherwise, there really isn't much of a point, is there?" ...

PA: Student Faces Gun Charge
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Philadelphia police arrested a Roxborough High School student today for allegedly bringing a gun to school.
Authorities tell Action News that the student was caught with the gun when he tried to pass through the metal detectors. It was found inside his book bag.

Police say the student told them that he found the gun on the way to school. It wasn't loaded and there were no bullets in the bag.


UT: Concealed weapons permit class to be held on campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Guns are not new to the Weber State University campus, according to Students for the Second Amendment Club staff adviser Nickie Wagner."

"'There are more people carrying guns on campus than you are aware of,' Wagner said. 'I know personally 15 people.'"

"Students for the Second Amendment is offering a class at WSU for the Utah concealed carry weapon permit. Craig Ball from Impact Guns will teach the three-hour class in the Shepherd Union Building Lair on Monday from 7 to 10 p.m. The class costs $25 for students who belong to the Second Amendment Club and $65 for nonmembers." ...

IA: Sheriffs explain gun permit policies
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"There are more than 100 people in Des Moines County who have it, more people who want it and one person who regulates it — Sheriff Mike Johnstone."

"The process of obtaining a permit to carry a concealed weapon varies from county to county in Iowa, which prompted a closer examination during a recent Freedom of Information audit by 15 Iowa newspapers and Drake University journalism students."

"One of the areas looked at by reporters from The Hawk Eye was the issuance of concealed weapon permits by sheriffs in Des Moines, Lee, Louisa and Henry counties."

OH: Gun loss adds to security probe
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"As Evendale Police Officer Stephen Roach was being reprimanded today for losing his gun at the Hamilton County Courthouse, a judge announced formation of a fact-finding committee to investigate courthouse security." ...

"Roach was in court March 14 for a civil trial in which he was sued over accusations that he roughed up a man during a 2000 arrest when Roach was still a Cincinnati police officer. During the trial, that ended with Roach being exonerated, Roach left his private gun in a courthouse bathroom. Three hours later, he reported to Sheriff's deputies, in charge of courthouse security, that he lost the gun. It hasn't been found."

UK: Raid widower launches police attack
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"Distraught widower Victor Bates has launched a bitter attack on the chief constable of Nottinghamshire Police."

"He described him as a 'menace to law and order' and claimed taking officers off the streets had cost the lives of dozens of people in the city."

"Mr Bates, 66, said Nottingham was becoming 'lawless' and criminals were being allowed to flourish under a regime which he believed has replaced officers on the beat with community wardens who have no power or control."

Philippines: Owner of security agency nabbed for gunrunning
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"An owner of a security agency has been arrested by police in Sampaloc, Manila over the weekend for gunrunning."

"The arrest of Gilda Toledo, 38, a widow, and owner of Philippine Guard and Security Services Inc., was an offshoot of a recent directive by Chief Superintendent Ricardo Dapat, chief of the Philippine National Police-Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (PNP-CIDG), to neutralize the sources of illegal firearms being used by criminals in their illegal activities."

"According to Western CIDG chief Superintendent Nelson Yabut, one of his agents managed to buy two caliber .38 paltik revolvers from Toledo last Jan. 6."

AZ: ACLU to keep tabs on protest
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Mr. Ybarra also said the organization will have lawyers on standby ready to file civil cases against the volunteers, who he described as 'vigilantes' who will 'attempt to take out their frustrations on a group of individuals who are simply in search of a better life.' "

Submitter's Note: But never mind about the Arizona and Texas property owners who have been invaded and shot at.

" 'We are American citizens who want to freely assemble under the First Amendment to express our displeasure with federal, state and local appointees who have been charged with U.S. immigration laws and have left us wide open for another terrorist attack,' Mr. Gilchrist said."


UT: Free Gun Locks Available
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"Seven thousand gun locks were handed out at the International Sportsmen's Expo over the weekend."

"If you missed out on the free locks, you can still get some."

"These locks are also in the hands of local police departments, and county sheriff's offices. ..."

UK: Armed raider hit by poker in hotel raid
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"Hotel staff fought with an armed gang who fled empty-handed after a raid near Coventry."

"Three men using scarves and balaclavas to cover their faces and carrying a gun, which police say could have been an air rifle, struck at the Ansty Hall Hotel in Main Road, Ansty, near Coventry, just before midnight last night. The three men demanded that staff open the safe and a fight started when they refused."

"During the fight, one of the raiders was hit with a poker."

Australia: Guard, armed man in Sydney shootout
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A security guard and an armed man shot each other several times during a gun battle at close range outside a western Sydney hotel yesterday."

"The guard suffered gunshot wounds to his shoulder and hand while a man aged in his 30s suffered wounds to his chest, stomach and leg, police said." ...

"St Marys Superintendent Ray Filewood said the alleged offender was in a critical condition while the security guard, in his 40s, remained in a serious condition."

"'It would indicate at this stage that they were only a metre apart - that's very close range to be shooting at one another,' he said."

"'The injuries, one would think, would be quite severe.'" ...

Australia: Teen 'shoots at youth' after row
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A MINOR argument escalated when a Northern Territory teenager fired a rifle, police said yesterday."

"A 17-year-old boy was arrested at a unit in Katherine after the shooting." ...

"Katherine police received a report of shots being fired in Quinn St and later in Frangipanni Court on the other side of town at about 6.30am on Saturday."

"Police found a 15-year-old boy who told them he had been approached by a 17-year-old youth."

"The two had argued earlier."

"Another argument broke out between the pair and the 15-year-old ran off."

"Police allege the 17-year-old, who was holding a .303 rifle down to his right side, lifted the gun and fired a shot at the other boy." ...

Canada: Gun-toting teen robs man for beer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 17-year-old boy is the third teen in custody for a weekend firearm charge. The teen was arrested early Sunday morning after someone robbed a 32-year-old man walking in the 300 block of Atlantic Avenue."

"The man gave up an undisclosed amount of cash and quantity of beer after he was threatened with a shotgun, said spokeswoman Const. Shelly Glover."

"The three arrests underline what Glover says is a disturbing trend."

"'It's becoming alarming. We are concerned. There has been a dramatic rise in the number of firearms we are seeing in the hands of teens,' said Glover, who urged parents to be suspicious of their children and to look in closets and under beds." ...

Australia: NSW community shocked at murder-suicide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Neighbours say a family killed in a triple murder-suicide in the NSW Hunter Valley had lived in their home for a year but weren't well known."

"Residents of the semi-rural Oakhampton Heights estate have been shaken by the tragedy in which police believe Sally Winter, 32, shot dead her husband Steven, also 32, and children Jake and Casey, aged four and three, before turning the gun on herself."

"A relative found the bodies inside the family's relatively new home at 2.30pm (AEDT) on Sunday."

"Police also found a gun at the scene and are continuing investigations."

"Oakhampton Heights resident Nick Serras says the community is staggered by the gruesome events."

"'It's a tragedy,' he said." ...

Philippines: Rub outs go on: 2 more victims
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"A day after an ex-convict was gunned down, two former Cebu City jail inmates were shot dead Monday in what appeared to be two more cases of vigilante-style killings in Cebu City."

"One of the victims was an ex-convict who was jailed for robbery, rape and homicide, while the other was an alleged 'extortionist' with a string of robbery cases."

"If proof shows that they were killed by vigilantes, Monday's killings would bring to 36 the number of victims summarily executed in Cebu City since Dec. 22."

Australia: Bank robber bombs out
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"AN inconspicuous getaway it wasn't."

"A bank robber who unwittingly put a dye bomb in his bag with his loot fled with plumes of red-purple smoke trailing in his wake."

"The bomb is likely to have made his large haul worthless, wrinkling the polymer notes when it ignited and soiling them with the dye."

"Police are now appealing for anyone who sees the contaminated notes or a man with dye on his skin to come forward."

"The bandit, carrying a pistol and wearing a balaclava, rushed into the National Australia Bank in Carlisle St, Balaclava, about 9.40am yesterday." ...

Australia: Court told of gun threat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A MAN who allegedly brandished a pistol and threatened to 'put a hole' in another man has been committed to stand trial in the District Court at Albury."

"West Australian man Mr Terry John Ayers, 52, threatened three central Albury business employees with a black pistol in a laneway after allegedly breaking into one of their cars."

"Mr Ayers was committed for trial on a charge of assault with intent to rob when armed with a dangerous weapon." ...

UK: Robbers target diner again
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"Staff at KFC, the Shires Retail Park, Leamington, have been targeted by armed robbers for the second time in a month."

"Masked raiders threatened workers at the fast-food outlet with metal bars after they entered through a side door at 12.30am today."

"They assaulted the manager and told him to open the safe, but another member of staff ran out with the keys to the safe."

Americans need not fear the federal government because they enjoy the advantage of being armed, which you possess over the people of almost every other nation. — James Madison.

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