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Newslinks for 3/22/2007

The Witch Hunt Against Gun Owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The Second Amendment,' Charlton Heston used to say, 'is America's first freedom.' The Second secures the rest."

"It's a message narcissistic journalists need to hear again. ..." ...

"... While courts have recently bolstered Second Amendment rights, endangering gun owners in the name of free speech continues to be the blood sport of the Fourth Estate."

"Two weeks ago, the Roanoke (Va.) Times published ... the names and street addresses of some 135,000 Virginians with permits to carry concealed weapons. ..."

"Trejbal denied that compiling the concealed carry permit holders list was 'about being for or against guns.' But he exposed his true agenda when he compared law-abiding gun owners to . . . sex offenders ..." ...

40 Reasons to Ban Guns
Submitted by: Mile66

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"1. Banning guns works, which is why New York, DC, Detroit & Chicago cops need guns."

"2. Washington DC's low murder rate of 69 per 100,000 is due to strict gun control, and Indianapolis' high murder rate of 9 per 100,000 is due to the lack of gun control."

"3. Statistics showing high murder rates justify gun control but statistics showing increasing murder rates after gun control are 'just statistics.'"

"4. The Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban, both of which went into effect in 1994 are responsible for the decrease in violent crime rates,which have been declining since 1991." ...

Submitter's Note: It's a Satire.

3 Gun Stores Settle NYC Lawsuit
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Three more gun shops have settled a lawsuit accusing them of selling weapons that later fell into the hands of New York criminals, city officials announced Tuesday."

"The shops, in Marietta, Ga., Youngstown, Ohio, and North Myrtle Beach, S.C., were among 27 gun dealers sued by New York City last year as part of an unorthodox legal battle against the firearms industry."

"City lawyers argued the shops failed to abide by rules aimed at preventing illegal sales known as straw purchases, which is when one person buys a weapon on behalf of someone else." ...

Mayor Bloomberg Announces Three More Gun Dealers Named in New York City Lawsuits Have Settled With City (another view)
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg today announced that three additional gun dealers named in the New York City lawsuits against dealers caught violating federal law have agreed to settlements with the City. This brings the total number of gun dealer settlements to 12, which is close to half of the 27 dealers named in the two lawsuits. ..." ...

Hurtt: Right to bear arms gets shot in the arm from court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Washington, D.C., Circuit Court last week restored the Second Amendment by a vote of 2-to-1 ..."

"The Honorable Karen LeCraft Henderson dissented, noting that the District of Columbia was not a state and its citizens were not guaranteed the rights afforded to states in the Constitution. Following Judge Henderson's logic, the 10th, 11th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 19th, 24th and 26th amendments also do not apply to residents of Washington, D.C. ..."

"Henderson should have noted that during the time the Second Amendment was written, the militia included only able-bodied men; therefore, obese, malnourished or otherwise physically handicapped males, women and children should not be allowed to keep and bear arms." ...

A Right to Keep and Bear Arms?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued the biggest gun control decision in decades on March 9, perhaps setting the stage for the biggest Supreme Court gun control decision ever. Rejecting the views of most other courts, Judge Laurence Silberman held for the 2-1 majority, 'The Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms'—not just to have guns when needed for service in now-defunct state militias. ..."

"The decision, Parker v. District of Columbia, is right and should be affirmed. And contrary to a widespread myth, confirmation by the justices that Americans have an individual right to keep and bear arms would not invalidate reasonable gun control laws." ...

Signs of Life in the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For nearly 70 years, the Second Amendment has been the Jimmy Hoffa of constitutional provisions -- missing, its whereabouts unknown, and presumed dead. The right to keep and bear arms, though treasured by many Americans, was a complete stranger to the Supreme Court. But recently, a federal appeals court did something no federal court had ever done before: It struck down a gun control law as a violation of the Second Amendment." ...

Reading is fundamental
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week the federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., issued the most important gun control ruling in 70 years when it used the Second Amendment to overturn a gun ban in the nation’s Capitol. ..."

"... D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty argued that the outrageous ruling would reverse the laws that have 'helped decrease gun violence in the District of Columbia.' Really? The murder rate in his city is actually 26 percent higher than it was when the gun ban was first instituted in 1978. ..."

"Frankly, the D.C. Court of Appeals did engage in a rather unusual approach to interpreting the Second Amendment in this case: the judges actually read what the Constitution says. Shocking isn’t it? ..." ...

DC: The People Debate Fate of Gun Ban
Submitted by: Dave Stephens

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"When the night spits bloody fire and gunshots bang outside your door, when metal bars can't keep a thug out, when the crack pebble rules, when the boys on the corner think 'going hard' is spraying bullets at the back of someone's head: How are the "good people" supposed to protect themselves?"

"When there is talk that police take too long to come or may not come at all and that real justice belongs to the street, and retaliation is the No. 1 motive of homicides in the city, and somebody's knocking at your door round midnight, is that the time to engage in a debate about the commas placed in the Second Amendment?" ...

Second-Amendment Setback
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two judges have threatened gun controls nationwide by overturning the District of Columbia's ban on handguns in homes."

"... The bare-majority opinion authored by Judge Laurence H. Silberman said the Second Amendment right to bear arms applies to individuals, not just to state militias."

"This is a dangerous ruling, even if - for the moment - it applies only to a tiny district."

"Nine other appeals courts have taken a far narrower reading of the Second Amendment. Nevertheless, the D.C. court's influence is great. The U.S. Supreme Court could affirm the decision if it is appealed. That could undo decades of gun controls that have been upheld by other courts for years." ...

Want to help derail McCarthy's gun ban? (HR 1022)
Submitted by: Mile66

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"As many of you probably know by now, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy's noxious HR 1022 now has at least 30 co-sponsors in the House, all of them Democrats. Many of us have been caught off-guard by this - until now."

"This was previously shared only on the Amendment II Democrats Discussion Group, but frankly, all pro-RKBA Democrats need to know about this. Starting immediately, I want volunteers who are willing to pressure their Democratic Representatives not to sign on as co-sponsors of HR 1022." ...

KS: Bill blocks stricter local controls on concealed guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Local governments couldn't impose their own restrictions on people's ability to legally carry concealed guns under a bill that gained first-round approval Tuesday by the House."

"The voice vote put the bill in position for a final vote Wednesday. If it passes then, it will go to the Senate."

"Last year, lawmakers enacted the concealed carry law over the veto of Gov. Kathleen Sebelius. This year's bill makes sure the state has the final word on how the law is applied."

"'Absolutely, it takes away local control. The state occupies the field of concealed carry, period,' said Rep. L. Candy Ruff, who handled the bill."

"Nobody spoke against the bill, although House members generally are boosters of local control." ...

FL: Update on Florida's NRA-Backed 'Individual Personal Private Property Protection' Legislation (NRA-ILA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"House Bill 1417 and Senate Bill 2356 are companion bills that have been introduced to stop businesses from searching customer and employee vehicles in parking lots and from taking punitive action against people who keep firearms in their vehicles for self-defense and other lawful purposes."

"You may think this does not happen, but it does!"

Below is a letter received by Marion Hammer, former NRA President ... from Ernest J. Myers, Esq. Mr. Myers represents a couple who were fired from their jobs of 10 years because they had a firearm in their locked vehicle on their employer's property."

"Please take the time to read this letter. This is the ugly truth of what is happening in Florida." ...

TX: Workers' handgun bill passes Senate panel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Senate panel on Tuesday approved a bill, fiercely opposed by businesses, that gives workers the right to lock concealed handguns in their cars, even if the parking lot is owned by their employer."

"While businesses testified the bill undermines their private property rights, supporters said those rights must be balanced against the safety rights of licensed concealed handgun owners."

"'It just says, whether it's a public or private employer, you cannot discipline, discharge or discriminate against an employee who has a handgun in the parking lot,' said Rep. Glenn Hegar, R-Katy, author of the bill." ...

TN: The 'Castle Doctrine'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State lawmakers want to broaden civil liability protections for private citizens who hurt or kill someone in self-defense."

"Multiple bills circulating in the Tennessee General Assembly are touting the 'Castle Doctrine.' The legislation's language says it would '...provide immunity from civil liability for a person who uses lawful force in defense of self, others or property...' In short, a private citizen could not be sued by an attacker or the attacker's family if the attacker is hurt or killed by the citizen's lawful act of self-defense." ...

TX: Does self-defense measure extend to red-light runners?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Re: The article 'Self-defense measure gives Texans right to shoot when threatened' ..."

"... If the Texas Legislature has anything to say about it, there will soon be a solution to the red-light running problem that has blossomed across our fair state. It will require that you keep your wits about you, along with your sidearm at the ready."

"If you, while tooling along in your chariot, legally happen into a traffic-light controlled intersection and notice another vehicle rocketing down on you having just run the red light, swiftly pull your trusty legally sanctioned concealed weapon, take careful aim and blow the driver away. He/she obviously means you and yours serious harm, and the Legislature wants you to take him/her out." ...

OH: Cleveland police union to NRANews: We won’t enforce illegal laws (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cam Edwards, host of Cam & Company at has followed up on a story published last week which revealed that Cleveland's police union is not pleased with Mayor Frank Jackson's order to ignore HB347."

"... in a follow-up segment yesterday, Edwards blew the story wide open during an interview with Officer Steve Loomis, the president of the Cleveland Police Patrolman’s Association." ...

"Officer Loomis told me that the mayor has instructed the police to continue to enforce the local ordinances that have been pre-empted, but Officer Loomis also told me that he has told the police to not follow the mayor’s order, because he believes the mayor is telling the officers to act illegally." ...

NJ: Charge: Officer played cards in room filled with pot smoke
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Jersey City cop playing cards in the Heights apartment of a convicted drug dealer where marijuana was being smoked was busted early yesterday morning by his fellow officers."

"Officer Joseph Clesiak, 28, of Kensington Avenue in Jersey City, was arrested at 2 a.m. inside the Laidlaw Avenue home and charged with official misconduct, reports said. If convicted, he could face up to 10 years in prison. The three-year veteran of the force has been suspended without pay, Police Director Sam Jefferson said." ...

NJ: Cop charged with domestic violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Jersey City police officer was arrested yesterday and charged with domestic violence and simple assault, officials said - the second arrest of a Jersey City cop in one day."

"Officer Christopher Starks, 31, of Jersey City, was arrested after a complaint was signed by a Jersey City woman yesterday afternoon alleging he assaulted her on Monday, police reports said."

"The relationship between the woman and Starks was not clear, Police Lt. Edgar Martinez said yesterday."

"The victim suffered no injuries and required no medical attention, reports said, adding the charge is not a criminal offense but a disorderly persons offense." ...

NJ: Six cops, two firefighters told: You're under arrest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the last five and a half months, six Jersey City police officers and two Jersey City firefighters have been arrested on various charges."

"Nov. 1: Police Officer Dean Hashmi is charged with falsely reporting his car as stolen. He is rearrested the next day when stolen property is found in his police locker."

"Jan. 23: Police Officer Kevin Freibott is charged with driving while intoxicated, aggravated manslaughter and assault by auto after an accident on the Pulaski Skyway that critically injures a mother and fatally injures her 2-year-old son."

"Feb. 12: Police Officer Edward G. Kopf is charged with falsely reporting that his car has been stolen." ...

India: Constables turn looters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Adding shame to the Indian Railways, the Railway police in UP have looted the train passengers. Five GRP constables named -- Sheshnath, Kishanveer Singh, Satyaveer Singh, Rambir Singh and Amod -- have been suspended after they were caught red-handed robbing on board 'Patna Express' passengers in Agra."

"Posing as the ticket checkers, the constables boarded the 'Patna Express' at Delhi on Tuesday (March 20) night. They tried to forcibly occupy reserved seats. When the passengers protested, they robbed the passengers of money and even their mobile phones."

"... an eyewitness stated, 'These constables were taking money from the passengers and they forcibly got some seats vacated, which they sold to other passengers.' ..." ...

MN: The right to bear handguns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Earlier this month, a federal appeals court struck down a law in the District of Columbia that banned handguns inside of homes. ..."

"This series of events represents a unique political battle our country faces. Even though handguns are involved in thousands of deaths each year, any effort to control these weapons is met with intense legal and social opposition. ..."

"... we must compare them to the social costs our country pays for handguns. The Second Amendment protects our right to bear arms, but it is unwise to approach an issue in terms of absolutes, without any regard to their context. According to FBI statistics, each year handguns are involved in more than 7,000 murders in this country. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: And approximately 75% of those murders were felons killing other felons in drug trade disputes.

TN: Community Suggests Gun Possession Is Illegal For Residents
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some people in a Nashville neighborhood are furious over a new rule that makes it illegal to own a gun."

"Residents in Nashboro Village said it's unconstitutional and leaves them defenseless."

"Two weeks ago, residents received a letter from their homeowners' association indicating that guns are not allowed on the property." ...

"Officials with Ghertner and Company, the property manager at Nashboro Village, would not make an on-camera comment about the gun policy but said they plan on changing the rule soon to allow firearms on the property."

"However, they would make it illegal to fire those guns, which residents say is still unconstitutional." ...

OH: Anti-gun article was poorly written
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This letter is in regards to the article which appeared in the paper titled, 'Law change will allow Ohio motorists to have hidden guns,' by John McCarthy."

"First, I must say that article was without a doubt the worst written article I have ever read in any daily news journal."

"Since when did a question and answer format become newsworthy? It is quite simple for anyone to arrange answers to fit their personal questions."

"It is also plain to see that Mr. McCarthy really doesn't care for the Second Amendment that our constitutional brothers left us. But he sure does like his first constitutional amendment of free speech." ...

OH: Enquirer reporter reveals proof that criminals don't get Ohio CHLs (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Greg Korte, the Cincinnati Enquirer reporter who recently found himself in the middle of a lawsuit by sending requests for the list of CHL-holders to all 88 Ohio county sheriffs, has published a blog article that graphically illustrates a fact long-held by this political action committee:"

"Criminals do not apply for concealed handgun licenses, and are not deterred by gun control laws."

"In his blog post, Korte notes that charges for illegally carrying a concealed weapon and for having a weapon while under a disability 'are up significantly since 2000, according to statistics from the Hamilton County Prosecutor's Office.'" ...

OH: Cleveland Gun Laws Fail: Another Teen Shoots Himself (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On March 14th, the first day of statewide firearms preemption in Ohio, the City of Cleveland issued a press release titled 'City of Cleveland Fights for the Right to Protect its Children'. This release announces the city's lawsuit against Ohio's enactment of statewide uniformity for firearm laws."

"Mayor Frank Jackson argued in the release 'Our gun laws were created to protect our children...' ..."

"Cleveland police announced on Tuesday night that a 16-year-old Cleveland boy shot himself in the head while supposedly demonstrating to his girlfriend that the gun 'couldn't' fire with its safety engaged. Most gun owners know that you:"

"a) never trust a physical safety and"

"b) never point a gun at something you do not intend to destroy, like your brain or another human being." ...

NY: Gun crimes soar in upstate N.Y.
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The number of gun-related crimes committed in the state outside New York City jumped almost 22 percent from 2004 to 2005, according to a new report."

"Guns were used in 5,750 violent crimes outside the city in 2005, compared with 4,725 the year before, according to a report prepared by the state Department of Criminal Justice Services."

"In 2005, half of the 335 murders committed were carried out with firearms. They were also used in 51 rapes, 3,243 robberies and 2,288 aggravated assaults -- 20 percent more than the year before." ...

UK: Teenagers fear streets of violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"STABBINGS, physical and verbal abuse and motorcycle chain fighting."

"These are just some of the vicious outbreaks of terror seen by Blackpool young people in their time growing up."

"And resort teenagers say things are only getting worse."

"Gang warfare in London has seen young people stabbed to death while three men in Greater Manchester were fatally injured in knife attacks in the last week alone."

"Sadly, in some areas, it has become a part of our young people's culture."

"Blackpool may not be the mean streets of urban gangland, but local children are fully aware of the threat." ...

The maintenance of the right to bear arms is a most essential one to every free people and should not be whittled down by technical constructions. [State vs. Kerner, 181 N.C. 574, 107 S.E. 222, at 224 (1921)]

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