Zumbo fields criticism for disparaging remarks
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"When Outdoor Life icon Jim Zumbo recently made disparaging remarks toward semi-automatic rifles such as the AK-47, he touched off a powder keg of reaction that cost him many of his major sponsors and much of the high regard with which he was held in the sporting community." ...
"Apparently he underestimated how many hunters actually like these 'black rifles' and how accurate some of them are, as the firestorm that followed was swift and sudden. He was called a traitor by many Second Amendment supporters who felt his words gave ammunition to those who would disarm free Americans, one weapon type at a time." ... |
Assault rifle stereotype stirs up controversy among hunters
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"Recent comments from noted hunting writer Jim Zumbo, and the outcry he provoked, shed some light on a couple of changes in America."
"One, the speed of the Internet and the ability to link and post anything to the Web is a very powerful and cruel thing."
"Two, gun owners are ready to be stirred up and brought to action. They are justifiably afraid for their right to keep and use certain weapons. Given the need, with the power of the Web, this group can wield a significant amount of force." ... |
Congress Urged to Move Carefully on DC Gun Ban
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"Attempts by 'well-meaning members of Congress' to repeal the 1976 Washington, D.C., gun ban could backfire by keeping the case out of the U.S. Supreme Court, said attorneys representing six D.C. residents in a high-profile Second Amendment case."
"'We appreciate that the Second Amendment's many friends in Congress want to express themselves on the D.C. gun ban ...' said Alan Gura, lead counsel in Parker v. District of Columbia ..."
"But 'Congress has to act very carefully,' Gura told Cybercast News Service ..."
"'A congressional repeal of the D.C. gun ban right now could erase the recent court victory,' he said ..."
"'All of our hard work would be wasted,' Gura warned." ... |
Gun Ban Bill Would Cripple the Second Amendment, Group Warns
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"Anti-gun Democrats are trying to make up for lost time by reintroducing legislation intended to ban so-called 'assault' weapons, a Second Amendment group warns."
"Gun Owners of America says the 'queen of gun control,' Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), is trying once again to outlaw many types of weapons based on their cosmetic features."
"McCarthy's Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2007 (H.R. 1022), introduced last month, has 30 cosponsors -- the 'usual anti-gun suspects,' GOA said."
"The bill would reinstate all of the now-defunct provisions pertaining to semi-automatic firearms and large-capacity magazines. The manufacture and/or importation of many firearms would be prohibited." ... |
House Dems reveal true colors; voting rights sacrificed over gun issue
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"Congressional Democrats claim at every turn they 'support the Second Amendment,' but the truth came out Thursday when they pulled a coveted District of Columbia voting rights bill because of an amendment that would have ended the long-standing handgun ban."
"'This shows the true colors of the Democrat leadership,' Alan M. Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms stated. 'It should have been easy for the Democrat caucus to agree to the Republican- sponsored amendment, because of the recent federal appeals court ruling that declared the handgun ban unconstitutional under the Second Amendment.'" ... |
Foiled by the Gun Lobby
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"In a sleazy political stroke, Republicans played the gun lobby’s card yesterday as the House was on the verge of redressing one of the longest-running injustices of American democracy: the denial of a Congressional vote to the taxpayers of the District of Columbia. The historic proposal for full representation in the House was derailed by a G.O.P. motion to attach a ban on Washington’s legitimate attempts to outlaw firearms in the city limits. Democratic leaders had to retract the bill and promise to prevail later without such a poison pill." ... |
Gay scholar helps overturn D.C. gun law
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"A gay man who works for a libertarian advocacy group is one of six Washington residents who filed the lawsuit that prompted a federal appeals court last week to overturn a D.C. law prohibiting residents from keeping guns in their homes."
"The 2-to-1 decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit outraged Mayor Adrian Fenty and alarmed city police officials who warned that allowing people to have handguns and rifles in their homes could worsen the city's violent crime problem."
"But to Tom Palmer, a gay libertarian activist and scholar, the decision would eliminate a law he considers unconstitutional and which he says prevents law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves in their own homes." ... |
DC: Council gun hearing: Protection vs. 'nutty experiment'
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"The acting chief of the Metropolitan Police Department told the D.C. Council yesterday that legalizing guns in the District would lead to an increase in homicides since most killings in the city occur after confrontations or petty disputes."
"'My greatest concern is that even a legally registered firearm can get into the wrong hands, and lead to a heartbreaking outcome," Chief Cathy L. Lanier said during a hearing exploring ways to reduce gun violence."
"Chief Lanier said that 137 of the District's homicide victims were killed with a gun last year, and that there were seven times more serious gun assaults." ... |
DC: The District's Gun Ban (WAPO-Letters to the Editor)
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"Regarding the March 18 front-page article 'Lawyer Who Wiped Out D.C. Ban Says It's About Liberties, Not Guns,' concerning Florida millionaire Robert A. Levy, a onetime Washington resident:"
"If this doesn't fire up gun control advocates such as myself, I don't know what will. Mr. Levy's actions are so hypocritical. If he wants everybody to bear arms in the District, why doesn't he just move back up here, buy a gun and put it on his bedside table?" -------
Submitter's Note: Err, wasn't there a ban in DC? In Florida, where he lives, it is legal to carry and possess firearms. |
OH: Intruder killed by homeowner
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"The sledgehammer-wielding intruder who was shot to death during an alleged home-invasion burglary this morning was a convicted felon."
"And so far, the shooting appears to have been justified, authorities said this afternoon."
"Millard Brandenburg, 31, of Hamilton, died on the kitchen floor of a Bishop Avenue home early today."
"He suffered a fatal gunshot to the head plus three shots in the chest and a fifth shot in the left side, Butler County Coroner Richard Burkhardt said." ... |
IL: Jury finds Teague innocent of murder
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"A Rock Island County circuit court jury deliberated for less than two hours today before finding an East Moline man innocent of first degree murder in a case in which no one contended he actually killed anyone."
"Joe Willie Hicks Teague, 34, had been accused in the Sept. 11, 2005 death of his cousin, James Teague Jr. Mr. Teague ... was shot in the chest during an alleged robbery attempt ...
"Prosecutors decided the man who actually pulled the trigger ... acted in self-defense and didn't pursue criminal charges against him. Joe Teague is being prosecuted on the premise that as a co-conspirator in a felony he's as responsible for his cousin's death as if he'd done the shooting." [emphasis added] ... |
LA: New Orleans Residents Arming Themselves
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"Sixty-four-year-old Vivian Westerman rode out Hurricane Katrina in her 19th-century house. So terrible was the experience that she wanted two things before the 2006 season arrived: a backup power source and a gun. ... People across New Orleans are arming themselves - not only against the possibility of another storm bringing anarchy, but against the violence that has engulfed the metropolitan area in the 19 months since Katrina, making New Orleans the nation's murder capital."
"The number of permits issued to carry concealed weapons is running twice as high as it was before Katrina - this, in a city with only about half its pre-storm population ... Attendance at firearms classes and hours logged at shooting ranges also are up ..." ... |
Democrats fear Fred Thompson...and should
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"Beyond the field of announced GOP candidates with questionable conservative pedigrees, there is a potential suitor on the horizon who could close the wide breach between Republicans and conservatives. Fred Thompson, the former Republican Senator from Tennessee, is perhaps America's brightest and most capable prospect for President in 2008." ...
"Fred voted for limits on death penalty appeals, product-liability punitive-damage awards and class-action lawsuits. ... He supported an amendment to prohibit flag burning and voted for numerous measures in support of Second Amendment rights. (Charlton Heston campaigned for him in '94.)" [emphasis added] ... |
As '08 Candidate, Giuliani Strikes a New Tone on Guns
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"As mayor of New York City, Rudolph W. Giuliani became the favorite Republican of gun control advocates."
"He spoke in favor of a licensing system for gun owners that would require trigger locks and firearms training, and he lobbied Congress to outlaw most military-style assault weapons. ..." ...
"But as a presidential candidate, Mr. Giuliani now talks very differently about guns as he tries to allay the concerns of Republican primary voters. He says he supports the right of individuals to bear arms, and that states — and generally not the federal government — should decide whether to put some limits on that right. ..." ... |
IA: Bill aims to keep guns from abusers
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"Heather Fredrickson was blow-drying her hair one morning in 2001 when, in the mirror, she saw the tip of a gun poking through the bathroom doorway."
"Her husband, Larry Dean White, a convicted abuser, was pointing a shotgun at her." ...
"'I thought he was going to kill me,' Fredrickson said after a news conference at the Iowa Capitol Wednesday that highlighted proposed legislation to keep guns out of the hands of abusers." ...
"There is already a federal law, but it's not enforced frequently enough in Iowa, [Attorney General] Miller said." ... |
CO: Hysteria trumps reason in 'Make My Day' debate
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"Hysteria trumped reason yet again at the State Capitol when a senate committee killed the so-called 'Make My Day Better' bill on a party-line vote."
"Responsible gun owners regularly find themselves subjected to this kind of treatment by wet-diaper, nanny-state liberals who believe that any Colorado resident with a gun is barely capable of suppressing some ravenous urge to shoot everyone who casts so much as a cross-eyed glance."
"House Bill 1011 was sound and reasonable, extending to workers in a business the right to protect themselves against an imminent criminal threat — the same right that Coloradoans have enjoyed in their homes since 1985." ... |
TN: Bill restricting governor’s rights to take guns in emergencies opposed by Bredesen
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"A bill that would prohibit the governor’s ability to seize firearms and restrict ammunition sales during an emergency has run into opposition from the governor himself."
"Senate Republican Leader Mark Norris ... is sponsoring a bill to prohibit the governor from seizing, suspending or restricting the possession, sale or use of firearms or ammunition during an emergency." ...
"Gov. Phil Bredesen doesn't have a specific problem with Norris' legislation, but has a 'general issue' with eroding the powers of a governor during an emergency." ... -------
Submitter's Note: If the Second Amendment is up for grabs, how about the 13th Amendment? Some slave labor would come in handy 'during an emergency'. |
FL: Employee, company property rights to clash again over gun bill
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"The business lobby and gun-rights advocates are set to clash in the Legislature over private property rights - a fight many Florida Republicans likely want no part of because it splits their core supporters."
"A legislative hero to Second Amendment backers has filed a bill that would prevent companies from prohibiting employees from keeping firearms locked in their cars in company parking lots." ...
"Supporters of the bill can't point to specific examples in Florida where employees with guns in their cars have been fired or had their weapons confiscated. ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Please see the story of Doug and Linda Gray. |
TX: Gun bill encourages violent confrontations
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NOTE: Use the following information to access this article: Site username: Newslinks@KeepAndBearArms.com Site password: Newslinks Must have cookies turned on for it to work. -------
"Gov. Rick Perry would be wise to side with Texas prosecutors and veto Senate Bill 378 that permits any citizen who feels threatened by someone to shoot that person instead of walking away from a confrontation." ...
"To be blunt, the bill gives cover to those who shoot rather than retreat or call 911 by giving them a legal presumption of self-defense. Further, the bill provides shooters self-defense protection in civil cases."
"That sounds terrific, but Kepple predicts that criminals are the most likely to exploit that provision. A gang member who shoots and kills a person approaching his car can claim that he felt threatened by the approach because the other guy was wearing the colors of a rival gang." ... |
State v. Nieto, J. Wanamaker in dissent - “Mr. Burglar, hand me my gun.”, 1920
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"...The specific question is the right to possession of a weapon in one's home, however humble, to defend one's inalienable right of life, liberty, person, property, and home. The mere fact that this question is so vital, and involves the rights of so many of our citizens."
"Origin of Human Rights.--Human rights were born when humanity was born. Both were divine creations. They antedated states, kings, and parliaments. States, Constitutions, and statutes followed centuries after. The latter were human creations. Their primary and paramount purpose was to conserve those human rights, not to deny or destroy them..."
"...The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security..." |
State v. Rosenthal, "may carry a dangerous or deadly weapon, openly or concealed", May 30, 1903
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"...Section 24 of the city charter gives the city council power to make, establish, alter, amend, or repeal ordinances, regulations, and by-laws, not inconsistent with the charter or with the Constitution or laws of the United States or of this state, for the purposes enumerated. . . . But section 4926 provides that the two preceding sections shall not apply where firearms are used in self-defense or in the discharge of official duty, or in the case of justifiable homicide. Under the general laws, therefore, a person not a member of a school may carry a dangerous or deadly weapon, openly or concealed..."
Indicting Cops is One Thing, Convicting Them is Another
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... "New York attorney Philip Karasyk minced no words when a reporter asked about the prospect that his client New York City police officer Gescard Isnora will be acquitted in the killing of Sean Bell. Karasyk flatly said that he'd be vindicated. This was not typical attorney bluster; the odds are that Karasyk is right. The Nov. 25 shooting ... stirred public rage and protests. And there was good reason to expect that some of the cops that fired the volley of shots that killed Bell would be indicted."
"But expectations, not to mention witness testimony, seemingly unimpeachable evidence, and even the official condemnation of the deadly shooting by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg won't guarantee that Isnora and the other two indicted officers are convicted." ... |
IL: 'Common sense' and 'common good' target gun lobby
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"Standing next to a combat rifle that is 5 feet long, weighs 35 pounds and can blow holes through armor a mile-and-a-half away, Gurnee Police Chief Robert Jones wonders why civilians still can legally buy this weapon in Illinois."
"'What do we need to wait for?' Jones says. 'Do we need to wait for someone to shoot down a plane or a helicopter?'" ... -------
Submitter's note: Again, could someone explain that Police Chief that "Shall Not Be Infringed" part?
KABA Note: And someone should also explain that a .50 couldn't shoot down a plane, and a 9mm can shoot down a helicopter. |
IL: Local gun owners promote safety and defend rights
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"A group that one of its members describes as one of White County's best-kept secrets is working hard to enhance safety and protect all Americans' constitutional rights, a Carmi audience was told Thursday."
"The speaker at Thursday's weekly luncheon meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Carmi was Valinda Rowe of Enfield, accompanied by her husband, Mike."
"Both are members of the Carmi Rifle Club, an organization Rowe said was founded in the '40s and now claims between 50 and 60 members. ..."
"Rowe said the club has an indoor shooting range where .22 caliber pistols may be discharged, as well as a 100-yard range outside. Members (who pay an annual fee of $35) get a key to the gate and can use the outdoor facility at any time." ... |
NY: Engineers study their shooting sport
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"Like engineers, they broke down target shooting into its components, examined them and aimed for incremental improvements. They won New York state titles and finished among the top shooters in national matches."
"Now Bruce Martindale and Rick McConnell, both General Electric Co. engineers, have an eye on repeat performances. But like other sports, shooting air pistols and .22-caliber semiautomatics among the elite requires practiced steadiness under pressure and serious training time." ... |
Northern Ireland: Teachers need classes in self-defence, says union
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"Northern Ireland's teachers need self-defence classes as part of their training to cope with a rising tide of disruptive behaviour, it was claimed today."
"And the government must better resource its policy of inclusion of special needs children in mainstream classes to ensure other pupils' education does not suffer, according to the Ulster Teachers' Union."
"'As the number of pupils with behavioural needs in the mainstream rises, teachers must be adequately trained in how to protect themselves and other pupils,' Avril Hall Callaghan, general secretary of the Ulster Teachers' Union, told UTU delegates at their annual conference today in Newcastle, Co Down." ... |
"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun." — The Dalai Lama, (May 15, 2001, The Seattle Times) speaking at the "Educating Heart Summit" in Portland, Oregon, when asked by a girl how to react when a shooter takes aim at a classmate |