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Newslinks for 3/26/2013

Press rushes to ‘exonerate’ DHS as OIG report raises more questions than answers
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"And we’re supposed to not only accept without question that scenario, but conclude that Napolitano, with an obvious and important vital interest in a high-stakes game reaching to the White House, and an intelligence-gathering apparatus that makes Orwell’s Big Brother appear like inept neighborhood snoop Gladys Kravitz on 'Bewitched' by comparison, was flat-out uninformed and waiting for The Washington Post to notice? Based on what the auditors admit they did not find evidence on, as opposed to finding evidence to corroborate such claims ... ?"

NY: Nojay takes aim at firearms ‘tip line’
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Assemblyman Bill Nojay, R-Pittsford, is calling on the state to scrap a tip line to report illegal firearms. Nojay, in his first term in the state Legislature, recently reacted to a leaked memo sent by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services to the State Association of Chiefs of Police. In response, Nojay has sent a letter to Michael Green, executive deputy commissioner of the Division of Criminal Justice Services, asking him to terminate the newly-expanded program.

Father of slain police officer: NY Safe gun law is a mistake
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Four men left Philadelphia with an illegally purchased .40-caliber handgun and a list of the stores where the Rolex USA people said they sell their watches. They drove to New Hartford, N.Y. One man held the gun to the head of the store clerk at Lennon’s W. B. Wilcox Jewelers, while another yelled to shoot her. When police arrived, the four fled. New Hartford Police Officer Joseph Corr chased. One of the robbers, Walter Richardson, fired a shot that hit Corr in the neck and killed him on Feb. 27, 2006. Seven years and one day later, the slain officer’s father gathered the courage to stand in front of thousands of people at a rally outside the state Capitol in Albany.

Baltimore Ravens Cornerback Chris Johnson Is a Gun Nut
Submitted by: Anonymous

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He is one of us!

Cuomo’s Strongest Push Back Yet To Gun Groups
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Gov. Andrew Cuomo this morning gave his strongest push back yet to groups opposed to the January gun control law, accusing them of spreading fear and propaganda even as the 2013-14 state budget suspends a provision of the measure. Interviewed on Susan Arbetter’s The Capitol Pressroom today, Cuomo said he hoped Washington lawmakers could deal with the issue as well. “The paralysis in Washington is sad, frankly,” Cuomo said. He added that “people are begging” for sensible gun laws.

Retired Military Officer Demands that Federal Agencies End Preparation for War Against US Citizens, Turn Weapons Over to DoD
Submitted by: Anonymous

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This past weekend, a retired military officer shared his letter to Senator John Cornyn, demanding answers about the hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition and thousands of armored vehicles being prepared for domestic law enforcement.
Since its posting, the letter has gone viral. Here it is in its entirety:

NJ: Shaq Buys Into the Lie of Gun Buybacks
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Shaquille O’Neil met with Chris Christie the other day because he wants to do a gun buyback.

Associated Press Defends Hitler – Seriously
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The Associated Press tries to make the case that Hitler banning guns was not really that big of a deal.

Americans 'Begging' For 'Sensible' Gun Control: Gov. Cuomo
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Gov. Cuomo this morning accused the NRA of engaging in a strategy of fear to counter the fact that people across the country "are begging their government" to "please give us some sensible gun control." Reiterating much of what he told our Mike Lupica in today's editions, Cuomo vowed the state will defend its new gun control law all the way up to the US Supreme Court if need be. Appearing on public radio's "The Capitol Pressroom", Cuomo told host Susan Arbetter that recognizing 2nd Amendment rights doesn't mean there should be no system of regulation. He called on people to "let common sense enter the discussion."

“There are certain times we should infringe on your freedom”
Submitted by: John Pierce

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“There are certain times we should infringe on your freedom.” These words, or ones very much like them, are powerful words indeed. They have been spoken countless times throughout history by pharaohs, and kings, and emperors, and men with far too much power over the weak and defenseless.

And once spoken, they have shaped the blood-spattered history of mankind. They are the words of tyrants … of dictators … of slaveowners.

And always … what followed was misery, and suffering, and then ultimately … horror and death.

Most recently, these words came from the mouth of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has long made it clear that he is far more qualified to run your life than you are.

NY: Schimel in push for federal gun control
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel, D-Great Neck, traveled to Washington, D.C. earlier this month to speak with federal lawmakers about the potential passage of a number of federal gun laws. Her trip coincided with Colorado's passage of gun restrictions which take effect July 1. The Colorado laws include universal background checks and bans on magazines that can hold more than 15 bullets or eight shells. Schimel, who is the co-chair of State Legislators Against Illegal Guns and a long-time advocate for gun control issues in New York, said she was pushing for universal background checks on the federal level.

NY: Mayor Bloomberg says he will spend millions more to defeat the National Rifle Association and pro-gun pols
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The $12 million ad blitz targeting senators wavering on gun control will be just the beginning, Mayor Bloomberg warned Sunday. ...
Bloomberg launched the ad campaign, which will start airing Monday, in a dozen states where Bloomberg believes key senators can be swayed. The ad features a rifle-toting hunter making the case for background checks. ...
Senate leaders have stripped the assault weapons ban out of the main gun control plan that will go to the floor, though it will get an up or down vote as an amendment that is likely to fail.

NY: Cuomo's gun control feat, someone else's errors
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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It's one of Andrew Cuomo's biggest accomplishments, and someone else's mistake. After the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, the New York State legislature became the first state in the country to pass a new gun control law, garnering national attention for Albany and the governor. Since then, Cuomo's poll numbers among Republicans dropped, bringing his overall public approval numbers down to more modest, but still impressive, levels.

PA: Sheriff threatened to chop worker's hands, pulled gun on reporter, police say
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A county sheriff threatened to cut off the hands of a political campaign worker, pulled a gun on a newspaper reporter and then intimidated underlings and other witnesses so they wouldn't confirm the encounters to journalists and investigators, police and prosecutors said Monday.
Beaver County Sheriff George David delivered expletive-fueled rants and uttered a racial slur to his alleged victims, according to a nine-page grand jury report supporting the charges.
"Shake my hand. I'll cut your ... hands off and I'll eat them. I'll cut your hands off," David told a Democratic campaign worker whom the sheriff believed had spoken ill about him behind his back, according to the grand jury.

Submitter's comment: Another cannibal cop!

CT: Newtown residents upset over robocalls
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Residents of Newtown say they're outraged over receiving robocalls from the National Rifle Association, 3 months after the tragic school shooting.

The calls are urging residents to oppose gun control proposals. Lawmakers are currently debating whether to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines.

WY: Don't be too quick to endorse gun rules from other countries
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Ellen Dudley of Dubois wrote saying that we need to adopt gun control measures like those in other countries, specifically the U.K, and Australia. She mentioned other nations as well, but all are similar in their restrictions, so I want to look at them in particular.

In both the UK and Australia a person must apply to the government for a purchase license and must provide a "genuine reason" to purchase and own a firearm. The reasons allowed are pest control, hunting, target shooting or collecting. Self -defense is not accepted as a reason to own a firearm.

MT: Sensible gun safety not an assault on Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I would venture that the welfare of your family and friends is much more important to you than the profits of gun manufacturers. By leading on this issue — and educating constituents rather than knuckling under to the gun lobby — our legislators, with our help, can make a positive difference for this country. Sensible gun safety is not an assault on the Second Amendment.

FL: Zimmerman's defense says state attorney's office broke rules of discovery
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Late Monday afternoon, the defense for George Zimmerman filed a motion with the court asking that the state attorney's office be punished for breaking the rules of discovery.


Defense attorney Mark O'Mara is arguing that the state knew witness No. 8 made false statements during depositions, but never said anything.

MI: Assault rifles, background checks and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The foremost opportunity to reduce gun violence in America today, then, is to limit access by making background checks a universal requirement.

Under current requirements, many firearms sold in the United States are not subject to background checks, since only federally licensed dealers are subject to the requirement. Private transactions at gun shows and sales among neighbors or through Craigslist, for instance, are exempt.

Is the NRA the Best Advocate for Black Family Safety?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Samuel L. Jackson surprised many when he articulated a different opinion:

“I don't think it's about more gun control. I grew up in the South with guns everywhere and we never shot anyone. This [shooting] is about people who aren't taught the value of life,” the actor told the Los Angeles Times. Jackson’s comments recall a time when blacks could not count on the police to show up to protect their lives and property. The right to bear arms was not an issue of hunting or hobby; it was a matter of survival.

CT: Despite Minority Status, CT Republicans Slow Assault on Self-Defense Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Almost every weekday, four Democratic and two Republican lawmakers meet inside a Hartford, Connecticut, conference room to determine the state’s response to the Newtown elementary school massacre.

The ritual started March 6. Reporters gather in hallways and wait for a decision while Democratic Governor Dannel Malloy and gun-control advocates seeking tougher laws express increasing frustration at the lack of action.

CO: Sheriff needs to brush up on Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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DiSalvo also questioned why a person would need a weapon that “shoots a hundred rounds in less than five seconds” and said “such guns should only be in the hands of the military and law enforcement.”

Sheriff Joe, for your edification/education, semi-automatic weapons do not “shoots a hundred rounds in less than five seconds,” as anyone who has ever been in the military (except rear echelon mother figures) could tell you!

Sheriff Joe also said, “Such guns should only be in the hands of the military and law enforcement.”

Republican Arizona Senator John McCain Gets Behind Senate Attack On Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Democrats recently sidelined Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn, who is an advocate of the Second Amendment, and are now working with McCain and Republicans Susan Collins of Maine and Dean Heller of Nevada to implement gun registration in the United States, a precursor to confiscation.

Illinois Republican Senator Mark Kirk will likely support the expanded background check legislation negotiated with two key Senate Democrats, the notorious gun-grabber Charles Schumer of New York and Joe Manchin of West Virginia.


GOP senators threaten to filibuster gun control legislation after Reid vows to forge ahead
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sens. Rand Paul, R-Ky., Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, are vowing to filibuster any new restrictions on guns, according to a letter the conservative trio wrote to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

The warning comes just days after Reid announced plans to forge ahead on legislation that would expand background checks and stiffen penalties for gun trafficking after the Senate returns from a two-week Easter recess.

FL: O'Mara: Fine prosecutors for hiding witness lies
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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George Zimmerman's attorneys on Monday formally accused prosecutors of being unethical, saying that for seven months, they hid a pair of lies by their most important witness, and that they should be punished for it.

The allegations, spelled out in a new court pleading, mark a new low in the case.

Defense attorneys Mark O'Mara and Don West have complained for months about Assistant State Attorneys Bernie de la Rionda and John Guy, saying they have refused repeated requests to turn over key pieces of evidence. This time, they've asked Circuit Judge Debra S. Nelson to fine and admonish them.

Jim Carrey mocks Charlton Heston in video and Twitter gun control rant
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Just in case you weren't sure where comedian Jim Carrey stood in the fight for gun control, he's got a new video that explains his position pretty clearly. The video is a spoof of the classic TV show "Hee-Haw," in which Carrey plays both noted gun advocate Charlton Heston, as well as a character named Lonesome Earl.

These Senators Voted to Give Away Your Second Amendment Rights to the UN
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Would you like to meet the Democrats that voted to destroy your Second Amendment rights? Would you like to meet those traitorous Senators that voted to give the power over your rights to the United Nations?

Fortunately, the odious, anti-American treaty was again voted down by the full Senate, but 46 Senators voted in favor of handing over our Constitutional rights to the UN.

Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) offered Amendment 139 that was passed with a 53 to 46 vote. His Amendment contained language to affirm that foreign treaties would not trump the U.S. Constitution.

Jim Carrey’s inalienable rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Carrey and Bloomberg provide a useful lesson in the importance of having a Constitution that declares certain rights inalienable. The point of the exercise is to set firm boundaries for government power, which cannot be transcended by either impassioned politicians or herds of panicked voters. It is certainly possible to amend the Constitution to redraw these boundaries, but that isn’t what these people are proposing. They want to short-circuit the Constitution without doing the hard, honest work of building a sustainable popular consensus for amendment. They know they can only get what they want by hectoring nervous voters in the wake of headline-grabbing tragedies.

The CPR Corollary
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The CPR Corollary is a short monograph on how the ubiquitous armed citizen is as valuable to safer streets as the ubiquitous CPR-trained. It is a case study of how the initial objections and interrogatories to training millions in CPR decades ago is identical to today’s objections and concerns about concealed carry, guns on campus, and the overall purpose of the second amendment... and how the responses are the very same.

Obama Administration Pushes For Assault Weapons Ban Vote, But Says No National Gun Registry Needed
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Obama Administration says despite Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s decision to exclude the assault weapons ban from comprehensive gun control for lack of votes, the President still supports it and urges the Senate to vote publicly on the proposal to eliminate “military-style weapons” from American streets as an amendment.

Speaking in today’s White House Briefing, Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest said “it will be a question for all 100 members of the Senate to ask themselves about whether or not they think that voting for and supporting an assault weapons ban would actually do something to reduce gun violence in communities all across the country. So, we’re — – going to have that — we’re going to have that debate.”

It doesn't require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires to people's minds. — Samuel Adams American Patriot

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