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Newslinks for 3/27/2013

Reports: Filibuster threatened, CBS poll shows waning gun control support
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republican Senators Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are threatening a filibuster against new gun control legislation in the Senate when it is brought up for debate, according to several breaking news reports."

"The letter, however, does not use the word 'filibuster.' It says that the three 'intend to oppose any legislation that would infringe on the American people’s constitutional right to bear arms, or on their ability to exercise this right without being subjected to government surveillance.'" ...

NRA commentators pose dilemma for racist and sexist anti-gunners
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Understand this makes him a threat, and that others who left the 'plantation' have been mercilessly attacked for the grave offense of adopting an ideology of liberty instead of establishment-approved group think, as the experiences of other black leaders like Clarence Thomas, Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and others have shown. Go ahead and Google some of those names along with the phrase 'Uncle Tom' and see for yourself how vicious the 'tolerant progressives' can get, particularly the indignant white ones." ...

Is Buying Guns a Sickness?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Political commentator Cynthia Tucker is sad. As she’s noticed, National Gun Fever Shows No Sign Of Breaking. Even worse, 'Apparently, there will be no ban on assault weapons.' She apparently thinks that the way to attack these problems by encouraging future mass murderers; listing various mass casualty shootings including the names of the shooters in her articles. But, like so many wanna-be gun grabbers, she confuses reality with liberal fantasy land . . ." ...

Finally, Some Common Sense School Safety Solutions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s unusual, if helpful, to have a columnist announce his lack of qualification to comment on a subject right off the bat. Don Murphy opens a piece he wrote on school safety for by stating, 'I’ll begin with the disclaimers … I’m not an educator, in law enforcement, in politics or a mental health professional nor a member of the National Rifle Association. I understand the Second Amendment but I am not a gun enthusiast. In fact I’ve never fired a gun.' Maybe you can see where this is going . . ." ...

Help SAF Launch A National Gun Rights Radio Campaign!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The time to defend gun rights is now and more than ever before I desperately need your help. We cannot sit on the couch and watch the America we love dissolve so stand up and preserve our freedom."

"The Second Amendment Foundation has created a 60 second gun rights commercial that will play on the Laura Ingraham, John Gibson, Tom Sullivan, and XM Sirius Conservative Talk Radio shows this week! The bill for this national exposure comes at a price of $80,000." ...

Is anti-gun Mayor Michael Bloomberg the ultimate hypocrite?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg this week launches his $12 million advertising campaign to push his concept of 'reasonable' gun control, a look at his past suggests that what is apparently good for the geese is not so good for this gander." ...

"The mayor might want to make it tougher on people from Long Island to Long Beach on the Washington Coast to have guns for personal protection, but that evidently doesn’t apply to Bloomberg, who has taken his own armed bodyguards along on treks to his Bermuda vacation home. ..."

"'Guns are largely forbidden in Bermuda — even most police officers do not use them — but the mayor’s guards have special permission to carry weapons,' the newspaper story noted. ..." ...

“40% of Gun Sales Made by Private Sellers” is An Outright Lie
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Those who know me understand my deep and passionate hatred for the misuse of statistics. So when the President starts arguing for increased gun control based on numbers that wouldn’t be acceptable in a high school statistics course, I start throwing things at the flat screen. Thankfully, I also have a wonderful outlet called TTAG where I can outline exactly how full of crap that 40% figure that’s getting thrown around is . . ." ...

Colion Noir: It’s a Violence Problem (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We were fans of Colion Noir’s original video format. Just him, usually sitting in a chair, looking into the camera and telling it. Now that the NRA has its fingers in the pie, though, we have him floating in white seamless space with all manner of kewl graffix. Meh. ..."

New York's 'SAFE Act' scores twofer in claiming its first victim
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was only a matter of time before New York's draconian new gun law, the obscenely misnamed 'SAFE Act,' claimed its first victim Since the oppressive new law was forced through with such haste (and 'under a veil of secrecy in the dark of night,' as the NRA put it), and signed by Governor Cuomo (who is already scrambling to change this 'Most Stupid Gun Law Ever Made') into law immediately (because the required three-day public comment period apparently frightened supporters of the law), it ends up not having been much time for that first victim." ...

Anti-gun 'outraged liberal' gets everything wrong--except most important thing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Fortunately for Mr. Beem and his extremely generously estimated 'two thirds of Americans,' so-called 'assault weapons' are not 'military weapons' (by virtue of not being in the inventory of any military in the world)."

"Beem notes that one of the difficulties in banning so-called 'assault weapons' is that they are difficult to define in such a way that would ban all the politically incorrect firearms, without banning those guns that are (for now) out of reach of the gun prohibitionist lobby:" ...

U.S. agencies join war against gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"America’s gun owners are under siege on virtually all fronts. Congress is after us, and so are governors such as New York’s Andrew Cuomo and Maryland’s Martin O'Malley. ..."

"It doesn’t stop there, however, as the media, liberal legislators and both federal and state regulators are looking for new and often unique ways to please their liberal bosses by harassing gun owners, dealers and manufacturers."

"One major national firearms retailer, for example, has been under fire for more than two years from the Obama administration’s Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. It seems the company won’t hire convicted felons, which the commission claims amounts to illegal racial discrimination. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Damned if you don't and damned if you do

New from DeSantis – Ammo Nemesis Pocket Holster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m a dedicated DeSantis devotee. Their Speed Scabbard is about the most comfortable way to tote a carry gun yet devised by man. Or anyone else. For you pocket carriers, they’ve evolved their popular Nemesis holster, adding a prehensile tail. The new rig – they’re calling it the Ammo Nemesis — will hold not only your mouse gun or snubbie, but an extra mag or speed strip, too. As you’d expect, DeSantis is making A-Ns for pint-sized, pocketable pieces like the Taurus 85, Smith J frame, Kel Tec P3AT or the Ruger LCP, shown above. Press release after the jump . . ." ...

Joe Nocera Goes to Bat for Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New York Times columnist Joe Nocera refuses to consider the possibility that the 'shall not be infringed' part of the Second Amendment means 'shall not be infringed.' More to the point, Joe can’t understand why anyone would believe that government regulation of private firearms ownership is a bad thing, not a good thing—excluding the fact that they lack his intellectual firepower and bleeding heart empathy. So Joe’s taken to labeling gun owners who oppose civilian disarmament 'absolutists.' Which is a kindler, gentler and more condescending way of calling them 'extremists.' Well here’s one thing that’s absolutely true: Joe Nocera is a clever bastard . . ." ...

Mayors Gone Wild
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mayors Against Illegal Guns member and Democratic Gainesville, Fla., Mayor Craig Lowe was arrested on charges of driving under the influence and property damage after police found him asleep in his car at the scene of a crash last Thursday." ...

Michael Moore: ‘Fear and racism’ drives Americans to cling to their guns (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On MSNBC last week, liberal filmmaker Michael Moore was asked by guest host Michael Eric Dyson why Americans were so obsessed with the Second Amendment and their right to own guns."

"'Fear.' answered Moore shortly. 'Fear and racism.'"

"Moore explained that America was a culture that turned to violence to solve their problems, similar to the historically violent cultures of Germany and Japan." ...

Bloomberg paying millions for power to 'infringe on your freedom'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On NBC's 'Meet the Press' Sunday, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg made a stunningly honest statement to host David Gregory about his views on the role of government. ... Bloomberg told Gregory that beyond the War on the Big Gulp, 'there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom.' Referring presumably, to the 'royal 'we.'"

"Think about that. In a nation whose supreme governing document states in its first sentence that the purpose of government--the only legitimate purpose--is to 'secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,' we have sunk to the level of allowing a power-mad billionaire elected official to tell us that the government--our servants--should infringe on our freedom." ...

Gun lobby defends senseless murders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The argument is irrelevant that the heinous crime was committed by 'people and not guns,' because it couldn't have happened without one. What is pertinent is what it says about a society in which a teenager can easily find one of the estimated 300 million guns in circulation in this country and use it to deliberately murder an utterly defenseless baby boy on the street in broad daylight. The casualness of this crime is difficult for any civilized person to come to grips with." ...


AZ: Gun store rescinds Mark Kelly's rifle purchase, questions his 'intent'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Tucson gun store owner has decided to rescind the sale of a military-style rifle to Mark Kelly, the husband of former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, after Kelly said he had intended the purchase to make a political point about how easy it is to obtain the kind of firearms he's lobbying Congress to ban."

"Kelly's March 5 purchase of an AR-15-style rifle and a 45.-caliber handgun at Diamondback Police Supply sparked a frenzy of reaction from both sides of the debate after he posted to Facebook a photo of himself shopping." ...

AZ: Gun store owner cancels Mark Kelly's AR-15 purchase
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"An Arizona gun store owner says he will not sell Mark Kelly the AR-15 rifle that the vocal advocate for tighter gun control bought earlier this month." ...

"'While I support and respect Mark Kelly’s 2nd Amendment rights to purchase, possess, and use firearms in a safe and responsible manner, his recent statements to the media made it clear that his intent in purchasing the Sig Sauer M400 5.56mm rifle from us was for reasons other then [sic] for his personal use,' Douglas MacKinlay, owner of Diamondback Police Supply, said in the post." ...

Documentary: 3D Printed Guns (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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eBay User Selling Autographed Jim Carrey Picture to Fund Gun Purchase to Protect Family
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A user on eBay is auctioning off his autographed photo of Jim Carrey with the hopes of using the funds to purchase a firearm to defend his family."

"The user says they no longer want to own the photo after Carrey’s recent music video which mocks gun owners and the deceased Charlton Heston."

"Some of the questions/answers on the item are already getting amusing with one person saying if they won the auction they would allow the seller to keep the photo to use as target practice." ...

Jim Carrey Tweets That He Has an Armed Bodyguard After Mocking Gun Owners in Music Video
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Well, I guess hypocricy knows no bounds."

"Less than a day after releasing a classless music video mocking gun owners and the deceased actor Charlton Heston Jim Carrey alluded to having an armed bodyguard on Twitter."

"So, Jim, you mock those of us who would have weapons and yet you enjoy the protection of an armed, presumably well trained bodyguard?" ...

Mark Kelly & Gabrielle Giffords' Dog has Killed More Baby Seals Than My AR-15 (video story)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"OK, so it wasn't their dog. The assault dog belonged to the spaceman's daughter. The point is that a dangerous weapon of war was on vacation with the three of them. ..." ...

'Obama's Impeachable Offenses' by Michael Connelly, J.D.
Submitted by: Tom Price

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... "Instead of living up to [his oath of office], President Obama has actively attempted to subvert, ignore, and completely destroy large parts of the Constitution. ... Based from my years as a constitutional attorney, listed below are what I believe are impeachable offenses ..." ...

"10. It has been widely reported that acting through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms the Obama administration was involved for months in getting legitimate and law-abiding gun store owners along our southern border to supply weapons to straw buyers who the government knew would deliver them to the drug cartels in Mexico. This was billed as a sting operation against the cartels when in fact it was designed to produce fraudulent data showing that large numbers of weapons were going from the United States to the Mexican drug dealers." ...

NY: 82 Year Old NY Homeowner Uses Shotgun to Hold Burglary Suspect at Gunpoint
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An 82 year old homeowner in NY was woken up by his wife, who heard something in his shed late at night."

"The homeowner grabbed his shotgun and went to investigate."

"Inside the shed, the homeowner found a man behind his tractor."

"The homeowner said he was about to shoot, but the man stood up and tried to plead with the homeowner."

"The homeowner’s wife called 911 while the homeowner held the suspect at gunpoint until police arrived." ...

NC: Intruders run away after NC woman shoots one, then neighbor pulls gun on them
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "After kicking in the back door, the two teenage boys ransacked the home, looking for valuables to steal, but when they opened the closet door, the woman shot at them, striking one in the chest. They quickly fled the home."

"The two boys ... were then seen by a neighbor, standing in the street, waving their arms and calling for help. When the boys spotted the neighbor, they started towards him. Unaware of what was happening or any danger that might be lurking, the neighbor armed himself with a revolver and told them to 'hold it'."

"At this point the boys probably decided that they may have made a mistake attempting to gain an easy score in that particular neighborhood, and ran off into a wooded area nearby." ...

Defending Your Castle in Bloombergia
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let’s say you’re the Linen King of New York. And having a palatial east side apartment that can draw the wrong kind of attention from the peasants, you’re confronted one night by a burglar in the halls of your own castle. What’s a monarch to do? Simple: you grab a trusty SIG, chase the knave off and then call 5-0 to report the incident. According to, that’s exactly what George Bardwil did. He even showed the coppers security camera footage of the whole megillah. And that’s when they slapped they clapped him in irons . . ." ...

Cuomo Blames Bloomberg, Brady Campaign for SAFE Act (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an effort to attempt to rescue his hopes for re-election and a possible future Presidential campaign, Governor Cuomo is now trying to distance himself from the SAFE Act that he was so instrumental in passing. According to a article, Cuomo is trying to shift blame for the shoddily worded law to Mayor Bloomberg and the Brady Campaign, saying that they drafted most of the legislation and he didn’t read it. Just like the rest of the NY Legislature didn’t read it before it was hastily crammed down the throats of New Yorkers . . ." ...

Sen. Rand Paul and tea party allies threaten to block gun safety bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and two fellow tea party Republicans are threatening a filibuster to block Senate passage of gun-safety legislation that they say violates the Second Amendment."

"'We ... intend to oppose any legislation that would (impose) on the American people's constitutional right to bear arms, or on their ability to exercise this right without being subjected to government surveillance,' Paul and Sens. Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, wrote to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev."

"The threat brought strong rebukes from the White House and a Reid spokesman." ...

Owens: Federal assault rifle ban will fail in Congress
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"A federal ban on assault rifles will not pass Congress, said U.S. Rep. Bill Owens, D-Plattsburgh, on Tuesday."

"'Nothing else will come out of the Senate, and absent of the Senate, it won’t happen,' he said at a 'Congress on Your Corner' forum at Crandall Public Library."

"By 'nothing else,' he was referring to nothing other than legislation to toughen penalties for people who legally buy firearms to give to someone else to use in a crime or who is barred from owning guns, and legislation to enhance federal background checks." ...

‘I cling to my Bible, guns,’ says black female Senate hopeful
Submitted by: Tom Price

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"Tennesee’s outspoken African American female Senate candidate in 2014 spoke to Guns & Patriots about gun rights, racism, and the Bill of Rights."

"'Gun control historically begins with blacks who were forbidden from owning guns,' said Brenda S. Lenard, a 2013 political science PhD candidate from the University of Tennessee and a resident of Kingston."

"'It was very easy for slave owners to keep and control blacks with gun control,' she said."

"The same thing is happening today, she said. 'It is a slow process of gun confiscation.'" ...

VA: Virginia enacts privacy law for concealed handgun permits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last Thursday Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell (R) signed into law SB 1335, patroned by Senator Mark Obenshain (R - Harrisonburg), a bill which provides privacy protections for Virginia Concealed handgun Permit holders. The measure provides confidentiality to concealed handgun records held by Circuit Court Clerks in much the same way that the federal Driver’s Privacy Protection Act protects driver licenses and motor vehicle records." ...

NY: Support those who support our rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I write regarding a previous letter to this publication in which I erroneously credited Assemblywoman Addie J. Russell with being a steadfast supporter of the Second Amendment. The fact is, however, that the assemblywoman voted in favor of the recently enacted NY SAFE Act, which gives New York state the dubious distinction of having the most onerous gun laws in the nation while failing to make the residents of New York safer in any meaningful way. My apologies to you and your readers for my error." ...

NY: Assemblyman Brian Kolb holding forum on NY SAFE Act in Canandaigua
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb, R-Canandaigua, is holding an educational forum Wednesday, April 3, on New York state’s recently adopted gun control legislation, the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013, or NY SAFE Act."

"The forum, which is free and open to residents of the 131st Assembly District, will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Inn on the Lake, 770 S. Main St., Canandaigua." ...

NY: New York to Spend Millions on Gun Permit Database
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver says New York will spend $27.74 million to develop the first statewide electronic handgun permit database as part of its new gun control law."

"Silver tells The Associated Press Tuesday that the measure will create a central database of pistol permit records now kept at the county level where handgun owners live." ...

KABA Note: NY State Police troopers have an average salary (in 2010) of $101,574, so maybe NY could hire 272 more troopers instead of flushing still more money *cough*CoBIS!*cough* down a high tech rathole?

NY: Cuomo policy: Informing on gun owners
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"According to a Rockland County Times article, the state Division of Criminal Justice Services recently sent this letter to police agencies to remind them of an existing free resource:"

"'The state has established a toll-free tip line (1-8X5-GUN-XXXX) to encourage residents to report illegal firearm possession. The tip line also allows for information to be submitted via text — While the state will provide the administrative support and fund the rewards ($500), the investigation and validity of the tip will be up to each local department." ...

UT: Governor Herbert vetoes bill relaxing Utah’s concealed carry law
Submitted by: Tom Price

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... "ABC 4 is told there's already talk of issuing a special legislative session to override the Governor's veto."

"If that happens lawmakers would need 50 votes in the House, and 20 votes in the Senate. That special legislative session could be held as early as April or May." ...

DHS lies to public; large movement of armored vehicles reported
Submitted by: Tom Price

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"Two weeks ago a source told the Examiner that DHS is amassing large amounts of deadly hollow-point bullets and procuring dozens of armored landmine-resistant vehicles. Anonymous sources inside DHS have confirmed that the agency has purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition."

"DHS flatly denies the ammo purchases. The agency also refused to answer questions posed by Congress on the procurement of the armored vehicles. But a low-level DHS official confirmed that the agency has such vehicles, although their only use is to 'serve high risk warrants.'" ...

NJ: NJ Police Report Smears Facebook Father as Gun Nut
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Election enraged man who posted Facebook pic of son with rifle. After a bit of introductory warm-up about the police raid on a New Jersey gun owner to 'check his guns,' gets to it: the slurs and innuendos contained in the Carneys Point police report ... According the po-po, 'Shawn Moore [above] was 'ranting and waiving,'[sic] 'aggressive' and acting 'arrogantly' when he rushed home from the restaurant March 14 to find [the cops] there, asking to look at his firearms ... Moore later apologized for his behavior, police said, and his wife, Julie, told them he was still reeling from Obama’s election in 2008.' See what they did there? I mean, Mr. and Mrs. Moore . . ." ...

MA: Waltham police officer held in child porn case (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 20-year-veteran of the Waltham Police Department who hit it big with a $1 million lottery jackpot in 2011 is facing a child pornography charge ­after he admitted to the FBI that he sent and received ­obscene images of young girls online, according to officials and court records."

"Paul Charles Manganelli Jr., 46, of Waltham, had his lottery dreams shattered Monday when he was arrested on the charge and had to appear in federal court in Boston Tuesday. He did not enter a plea and was ordered held without bail pending a detention hearing Thursday." ...

CA: Former Oxnard police officer pleads guilty to workers' compensation fraud
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Oxnard police officer pleaded guilty Monday to two counts of workers’ compensation fraud and was ordered to pay $70,000 in restitution to the state."

"Edward Idukas, 28, handed over a check during the court proceedings to cover the full amount, prosecutor Ernesto Acosta said." ...

NY: Sheriff's deputy loses his job
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A longtime deputy resigned from the Saratoga County Sheriff's Office on Monday to settle charges that he slashed the tire of a woman's car."

"Shawn Nolan, 51, resigned in Ballston Spa Village Court and his case was adjourned pending his good behavior, according to county District Attorney James A. Murphy III." ...

UT: Possible West Valley police misconduct prompts dismissal of 19 court cases
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"19 criminal cases are being dismissed by Salt Lake County District Attorney because of possible illegal actions of a West Valley police detective. That unnamed detective is currently under investigation."

"Wednesday night West Valley City Police are doing damage control."

"'The West Valley Police Department understands that conducting these types of investigations is part of maintaining the public's trust," said Sgt. Jason Hauer, West Valley Police Spokesperson." ...

PA: Sheriff threatened to chop worker's hands, pulled gun on reporter, police say
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A county sheriff threatened to cut off the hands of a political campaign worker, pulled a gun on a newspaper reporter and then intimidated underlings and other witnesses so they wouldn't confirm the encounters to journalists and investigators, police and prosecutors said Monday."

"Beaver County Sheriff George David delivered expletive-fueled rants and uttered a racial slur to his alleged victims, according to a nine-page grand jury report supporting the charges." ...

WA: Man carrying umbrella, not rifle, was on his usual route
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A typical Tuesday morning for 42-year-old Michael Di Marzo quickly became a citywide multi-jurisdictional manhunt for him and what witnesses thought was a assault rifle in his hand."

"Three schools were locked down and delayed as police scoured the area by ground and air, looking for a man described by a teenage tipster as wearing black clothes and a ski mask."

"It wasn’t realized until hours later what was believed to be something along the lines of an AR-15 or AK-47 was more of a AU-15: a 15-inch compact 'assault umbrella.'"

"The 'ski mask' was a pulled-up black turtle neck sweater paired with a black watch cap." ...

Submitter's comment: WTF? Laura Wohl, spokesperson for the Olympia Police Department: “If you think something is up, we would rather check it out and be wrong than not check it and be right.”

FL: Police: Child finds OPD officer's handgun, accidentally fires it
Submitted by: Tom Price

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... "No one was injured, but according to police it's not believed the gun was secured in a locked box or with a trigger lock. State law requires a gun to be secured if there is an expectation that a child would be in the house." ...

Saving children from guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For nearly two months, my assistant, Jennifer Mascia, and I have been publishing a daily blog in which we aggregate articles about shootings from the previous day."

"Of all the stories we link to, the ones I find hardest to read are those about young children who accidentally shoot themselves or another child. They just break my heart."

"Yet Jennifer and I find new examples almost every day." ...

If you were LaPierre, you’d be ‘a tired old white guy,’ too
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Twenty-four hours after POLITICO reporter Lois Romano sneered on MSNBC that National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre looked like 'a tired…old white guy that’s clinging on to something of the past,' her remarks are getting reaction from a couple of media critic websites and the Tea Party."

"LaPierre, who has been to the Evergreen State on several occasions, has every right to be a 'tired old white guy' for maintaining a schedule that might deplete lesser men ..." ...

DE: Civilian Disarmament Dispatch from Delaware
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My name is Jeff Spiegelman [not shown]. I am a representative in Delaware’s General Assembly. I am a longtime reader of your website. The anti-gun movement (which includes members of the House and Senate, as well as the Governor) is currently attempting to enact 'safety' laws that would make Delaware one of the most gun-draconian states in the region. This package has six parts . . ." ...

LA: Larry Pratt talks gun control to Northwest Louisiana tea party
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Executive Director of Gun Owners of America Larry Pratt received loud applause when he said certain people should not have guns when he spoke to We the People of Northwest Louisiana Tuesday night."

"Referring to Vice President Joe Biden’s comments on gun control and the way President Barack Obama was pictured with a shotgun, Pratt said, 'These folks know we shouldn’t have these guns.'" ...

VA: Police Officers Refused Service at Buffalo Wild Wings Because of Guns
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... "The group walked into the Buffalo Wild Wings located near Wellington Road and Market Street, but were refused service by an employee who said they had to secure the guns before they would be served."

"The officers had their badges displayed but still weren’t served."

"Scott Lupton, the general manager of the Manassas Buffalo Wild Wings location, sent an email to LaClair, apologizing for any confusion caused by the incident, which he calls a 'huge misunderstanding.'" ...

"'… There is no reason why those officers should have been asked to leave … police officers are always welcome in my establishment and even though we do have a no gun policy, as a company that excludes off duty police officer,' Lupton wrote. ..." ...

FL: Seminole gun range's NRA membership rule draws fire
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Former Cocoa police Chief Eric Liff believes in gun-owner rights, but he resigned from the Seminole County Gun & Archery Association recently because it required him to join the NRA in order to regularly use its shooting range."

"Liff said the rule seems particularly wrong because the range sits on 62 acres in Geneva that the association leases from Seminole County for just $10 a month."

"He and many other law-enforcement officials don't agree with some National Rifle Association policies, notably the group's support of armor-piercing bullets, dubbed 'cop killers.'" ...

England: Triangular Treats Banned Due to Risk of Sharp Corners
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"See, here's yet another reason that it was so dumb to punish a kid for biting a pastry into the shape of a handgun: he could have just poked someone in the eye with the pastry in the first place. ..."

"Well, you probably didn't think that stupid could get any stupider than that, but, my friends, you have underestimated stupid."

"A spokesperson for Castle View School in Canvey Island, Essex, confirmed yesterday that the school had banned triangle-shaped flapjacks after one was thrown at a pupil, hitting him in the face. It was not the flapjack itself that was considered excessively dangerous, but rather the shape, which as some of you may know, necessarily involves three potentially sharp corners that might damage an eye. ..." ...

The pool of guns that get turned in in buybacks are simply not the same guns that would otherwise have been used in crime. — Harvard professor David Kennedy, as reported on FoxNews

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