Workplace Safety Will Suffer if Employees Come to Work With Guns in Their Vehicles
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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"With multiple states considering bills that would force businesses to allow employees to bring guns to work, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence has sent key state legislators across the country important data to consider."
"'This is not about personal freedom - getting shot in the workplace by someone who has retrieved a gun from the parking lot is the opposite of freedom,' said Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign. 'This is about preserving the ability of companies to make workplaces as safe as they can be, and free from gun violence.'" ... |
HI: Attorney Says Fatal Shooting Case Of Self Defense
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The Bob
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"The attorney of a man accused of shooting and killing an alleged gunman said the fatal confrontation was clearly self defense." ...
"Police said [Kuraoka] shot and killed Jason Sylva at Kuraoka's Waianae home after a group of armed men broke in and started firing."
"Kuraoka's attorney said that under the law a person can use 'deadly force' to repel deadly force."
"'His use of that kind of force under those circumstances, especially when they come into your home, your private places, it certainly justifies what his conduct was,' attorney Randy Oyama said."
"Even though police released Kuraoka without charging him, prosecutors still have the option of indicting him in the future." -------
Submitter's Note: Looks like the guy in Hawaii who was arrested on Saturday for a clear self-defense shooting was released without the police bringing charges.
KABA Note: Yet. |
OH: Two Cincinnati self-defense shootings grab headlines (BFA)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Cincinnati Enquirer reported Friday on the second of two self-defense shootings in that city in a matter of days."
"From the story:"
"Jamie Buck was asleep early Friday when a sledgehammer shattered his side door’s window and a stranger burst into his rented home, demanding money or jewelry."
"That was the last demand Millard Brandenburg would ever make." ...
"The newspaper reports that during the past decade, Brandenburg had been cited into Hamilton Municipal Court on more than two dozen offenses ...
"The Enquirer notes that the sledgehammer home invasion follows a similar incident in Covington (KY) earlier in the week, in which a man fatally shot an acquaintance." ... |
Jim Webb And The Second Amendment
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "'I'm a strong supporter of the Second Amendment,' Webb added. 'I have had a permit to carry a weapon in Virginia for a long time. . . . It's important for me personally and a lot of people in the situation that I'm in to be able to defend myself and my family.'"
"Since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 'there’s been agreement that it's a more dangerous time,' he said. 'I'm not going to comment with great specificity on how I defend myself, but I do feel I have that right.' Compared to the president and others in the executive branch, lawmakers have little protection available to them, Webb said. 'We are required to defend ourselves, and I choose to do so.'" ... |
Webb says he did not give aide his gun
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Doug Huffman
Website: http://www.scfirearms.org
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"Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) said Tuesday that he did not give staffer Phillip Thompson the pistol whose possession got the aide arrested Monday when he tried to enter the Russell Senate office building."
"'I have never carried a gun in the Capitol complex and I did not give the weapon to Phillip Thompson, and that's all that I think I'll say,' Webb told reporters." |
New York City mayor is eyeing ’08, observers say
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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"New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a self-made billionaire, has told friends more than once that his definition of good financial planning is making sure the check to the undertaker bounces when it’s finally time to go."
"So how does a billionaire spend all his money before he dies? In Bloomberg’s case, he just might drop a cool half-billion on a longshot bid to become the country’s first modern president from outside the two major political parties." ... |
TX: Proposal would block release of gun records
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Who can obtain concealed handgun license information and how much citizens must pay for public records were in the spotlight Monday as Texas legislators and others weighed in on two open government bills."
"A renewed attempt to block the public's access to concealed handgun permit records has emerged this legislative session in a bill by Rep. Patrick Rose, a Dripping Springs Democrat. Similar legislation failed in previous years."
"'The bill is important because the steps that law-abiding Texans take to protect themselves and their families should be issues of private concern,' Rose said." ... |
IL: Anti-gun bill a threat
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Bruce W. Krafft
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To the Editor:
I strongly urge all gun owners, hunters, or anyone else concerned about their Second Amendment rights to go to the Illinois Senate Web site and read Senate Bill 0016. This bill is being sponsored by anti-gun Chicago politicians and will severely restrict legal gun owners’ rights. It largely has been ignored by the media and threatens a basic constitutional right. If they can pass this, they can pass anything, regardless of its constitutionality.
Mark Rehorst
Woodstock |
TN: Needless gun bill
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Tennessee state Sen. Mark Norris of Collierville doesn't want authorities to confiscate your firearm if a major disaster strikes the state."
"The Senate Republican leader again is sponsoring legislation that says the state does not have the right to suspend, during an emergency, Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. Maybe Norris has seen too many disaster movies in which a nuclear bomb or some other catastrophe wipes away all vestiges of governing authority ..." ...
"Norris points out that's what happened in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. He's right, but state and city officials were trying to quell a near state of anarchy. Norris' bill would strip that option from the governor if the same situation arose in Tennessee." ... |
NY: Ready, aim, fire at deadly Albany dysfunction
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Dennis Miller
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"With stark clarity, the recent killing of two auxiliary police officers in Greenwich Village demonstrates the need for laws making it hard for criminals to obtain the weapons they use to kill." ...
"One of those bills, the Gun Dealers Responsibility Act, would create new regulations for firearms vendors in an effort to stanch the flow of guns from legal markets to illicit ones. ..."
"Another measure, the Gun Manufacturers Code of Conduct Act, would hold gun makers liable for damages if their product was acquired illegally and used to injure or kill someone. It also would impose a 30-day waiting period between gun purchases, and prohibit sales of weapons to dealers whose merchandise has been used in crimes." [emphasis added] ... |
Life, Liberty and Property
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Website: http://GunShowOnTheNet.com/
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"The three terms employed in the title are said to be the main ones intended to be secured by American governments. And this has been the case since the very beginnings of the idea of free American governments. The following will prove, beyond all shadow of a doubt. That the Federal government, as well as a great many of the states. Are failing miserably in fulfilling the purposes for which they were instituted. Not only are most of our governments failing to secure these great ends. The majority, are deliberately perverting, subverting and undermining them. They are defeating the very purposes for which We The People established them to begin with!..."
NJ: Ex-Cop Shoots Self - Called accident while cleaning gun
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A retired decorated Jersey City police officer working for the department as a civilian employee died after shooting himself yesterday in what police say likely was a gun-cleaning accident."
"At 11:50 a.m., Robert J. McGillis Jr., 53, was found dead in the Emergency Services Unit offices where he worked on Route 440, Police Chief Tom Comey said at a news conference yesterday afternoon."
"The chief said McGillis had a single gunshot wound to the upper left chest and was pronounced dead at the scene."
"The decorated officer retired from the Police Department K-9 unit in 2000 after serving 25 years with the force ..." ... |
NJ: Chief says his input sought on firearms use
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Lower Saucon Township police Chief Guy Lesser testified Monday that township officials sought his input before crafting an ordinance barring residents from firing weapons on their property without their neighbors' consent."
"The ordinance was passed in February after District Judge Diane Repyneck tossed out 17 citations against Bee Line Drive resident Richard Seruga for shooting at a homemade target in his backyard. The ordinance prohibits the discharge of a firearm within 450 feet of an occupied structure." ... |
IA: Johnson County concealed weapon permits
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"A listing of Johnson County residents licensed to carry a concealed weapon." ...
"Those with no address listed are retired/former law enforcement officers. The Johnson County Sheriff's Office declined to release their home addresses." -------
Submitter's Note: I can only imagine why they didn't publish the LEOs and ex-LEOs. Maybe because it's dangerous to report where permit holders live? |
OH: Ohio Sheriffs Challenging Journalist Exception (OFCC)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Multiple elected County Sheriffs are challenging the statute that defines a journalist or asking various courts to assist them in defining a journalist, and in two cases so far the Sheriffs have named a reporter clearly employed by the Cincinnati Enquirer in their complaints, effectively delaying release of the information to what many would consider the most clear and common sense definition of a journalist." ... |
MN: A mistake, a raid, a couple terrified
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The man leveled his gun at Nicole Thompson's face."
"Moments later, he had the mother of four on the ground with the barrel to the back of her head. According to her and her husband, the man screamed, 'If you move, I'll shoot you in the f-- head!'"
"It is an experience she can't get out of her mind. The gunman, it turned out, was a cop. And the whole thing - 12 armed officers storming the family's split-level Spring Lake Park house - was a big misunderstanding."
"Now, a month later ... Thompson and her husband say they've yet to receive a proper explanation or a sincere apology from police. Reports made by officers involved say they did apologize, but the Thompsons don't recall it that way." ... |
NY: Allowing Rifles For Hunting Is A Scary Thought
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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"To the Readers' Forum: As a landowner in Chautauqua County, I am amazed that anyone is even considering the use of rifles in deer hunting here."
"Sunday hunting was bad enough."
"Does anyone else actually live on their land and actually go outside during deer season? Rifles have several times the range of shotguns (which means the hunter must absolutely consider where his bullet will end up, after it does, or does not, hit that great big buck). Stories from nearby Warren County, Pa., of bullets in homes, people and animals winged by stray shots, etc. scare me pretty badly. Cattle, horses, dogs, and people, including kids, need to go outside. Do we really make that much MONEY from deer hunting??" ... |
FL: Judge pulls gun in Florida court
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"A Jacksonville, Fla., judge drew his handgun when an accused child molester was attacked by an alleged victim's father in court." ...
"Merrett said that once he saw the situation was under control, he handed his gun to the court clerk and asked her to lock it in a drawer. Merrett has a concealed weapon permit and said he'd do the same thing again, the newspaper reported."
"But Duval County Public Defender Bill White said the incident was frightening. He plans to talk to the chief judge about whether judges should be armed in court." ... |
UK: Children could be monitored for signs of criminal behaviour
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"All children could face compulsory checks to discover if they are at risk of turning into criminals, the Prime Minister announced today."
"The Government's plan to prevent crime said: 'Establish universal checks throughout a child's development to help service providers to identify those most at risk of offending.'" ...
"The review also appeared to advocate further expansion of the DNA database when it suggested including 'all suspected offenders who come into contact with the police'."
"Currently anyone arrested for a recordable offence in England and Wales must give a DNA sample - which remains on record even if they are not charged, or are acquitted." |
UK: Convicts handed keys to their own cells
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"Thousands of prisoners are being given keys to their cells in the latest farce to hit the criminal justice system."
"They can roam in and out virtually at will under a scheme designed to give them more 'respect and decency'." ...
"It also emerged that some youth prisons now call offenders 'trainees' or 'residents'." ...
"Blair Gibbs, director of the Tax-Payers' Alliance, said: 'It is hard to believe we live in a serious country any more when you hear lunacy like this. Our politicians are clearly not capable of running anything that resembles an effective criminal justice system.'" ... |