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Newslinks for 3/29/2008

Tyranny, The One-War Mirror, and the Criminal Syndicate Called the ATF
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"In a republic, accountability is indispensable. In a dictatorship, it is impermissible."

"Ryan Horsley of Twin Falls, Idaho can testify from first-hand experience that the Regime ruling us is seeking to criminalize citizen efforts to hold its agents accountable for their misconduct." ...

Public Believes Americans Have Right to Own Guns
Submitted by: R.S.G.

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"A solid majority of the U.S. public, 73%, believes the Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the rights of Americans to own guns. Twenty percent believe the amendment only guarantees the rights of state militia members to own guns." ...

Front Sight - 4 part series on [video]
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Submitter's Note: My company just did a 4 part series on the gun training mecca Front Sight.

Jesse Pearson pulled the short straw and got to head out for a long weekend on the ins and outs of self defense, gun maintenance, and valuable lessons such as the way to put someone down, really, is to place two shots in their thoracic cavity and then, if they are still coming, send one coup de grace to a little box on the human face that’s framed by the eyebrows and the upper lip. We had a blast and think that given the current strife over the 2nd Amendment, the timing of this piece could not be better.

Guns and grammar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment to the Constitution, now under consideration by the U.S. Supreme Court in the District of Columbia v. Heller case, raises a grammatical question as well as a legal question."

"The grammatical structure of this one sentence Amendment creates two arguable meanings. Did it created a collective right of the people ... Or did it created and individual right for each American ... The First Amendment affirmatively and clearly states that 'Congress shall make no law' respecting religion, or abridging the freedoms of speech, the press, assembly and petition. ... if a similar affirmative and clear intent was to be asserted by the Second Amendment it would have been written in a similar, clear grammatical manner. ..." ...

The Constitution means what it says, generally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Supreme Court is considering a challenge to the gun control law of Washington, D.C., in light of the Second Amendment to the Constitution. As a non-lawyer, I assume the Constitution means what it says, but there can be problems: for example, just what does it say? It was written over two centuries ago, by hand and with ink that smudged and faded. It was written in the language of the times, which is, like, somewhat different from, you know, ours today."

"Another problem is that the justices may not agree with the Constitution, and feel compelled to find new meanings unnoticed in the past, even by the writer. If that isn't bad enough, the Constitution wasn't on TV, so did it really happen? These are not picayune concerns." ...

KS: This is our right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Does anybody find it peculiar that the very people who would argue for greater restraints on the federal government's authority to wiretap calls with suspected/known terrorist locations outside the country would argue for greater unfettered power over law-abiding citizens to own and bear firearms?"

"If that doesn't strike alarm and concern in this election year, then just what does it take?"

"The Supreme Court is now hearing arguments on whether the Second Amendment gives an individual the right to own and bear arms. Can this Supreme Court be trusted to defend the rights of the law-abiding? ..." ...

NC: Police: Home invasion victim shoots, kills suspects
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police say two suspects are dead after an attempted home invasion.

Catawba County sheriff’s deputies say two men dressed in black and carrying pistols forced their way into a home on 33rd Avenue in Hickory around 11:00 last night. According to a sheriff’s official, the homeowner was armed with his own gun, and shot the suspects. Both suspects were pronounced dead at the scene.

Major Coy Reid with the sheriff’s office said both men were wearing masks and latex gloves.

At this time, no arrests have been made.

H/t to Buckeye Firearms Association who call this "a home invasion gone right".

IA: Arrest made in pizza shooting
Submitted by: barbarossa58

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"A pizza deliveryman told Des Moines police that he shot a man who robbed him at gunpoint when he delivered a pie late Thursday to a south-side address."

"The alleged assailant, Kenneth Jimmerson, 19, was taken to Mercy Medical Center in serious condition. He was charged this morning with first-degree robbery ..."

"Melanie Stout, 18, the woman who placed the order for the pizzas, was charged with conspiracy to commit robbery."

"Restaurant officials have suspended the Pizza Hut driver, James William Spiers, while the case is under investigation. Polk County officials today confirmed that Spiers holds a valid gun permit, which was renewed in November." ...

TN: Homeowner Kills Intruder During Hickory Hill Home Invasion
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A car thief and home invasion robber is dead after a shootout with a homeowner in Hickory Hill."

"Memphis police are investigating the homicide in the 3700 block of Hyacinth, near Winchester and Mendenhall."

"Investigators say a man who had been breaking into cars on Hyacinth forced his way into a home around 2:30 a.m. Friday, March 28, 2008."

"Once inside, the crook got into a gunfight with the homeowner. The intruder was killed and the homeowner was rushed to The Med with a gun shot wound. He is in non-critical condition and preparing to give police a statement."

"Police did not know what motive the car thief had for breaking into the home." ...

CA: Police: Teen makes mistake of trying to rob former U.S. Marine
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A boy in his mid-teens learned Wednesday afternoon that it is not a good idea to try to rob a former U.S. Marine at knifepoint, even if the former Marine is 84 years old ..."

"... The elderly man was walking with a grocery bag in each arm when the boy approached him with a large knife ..."

"The boy said, 'Old man, give me your wallet or I'll cut you,' ... The man told the boy he was a former Marine who fought in three wars and had been threatened with knives and bayonets ..."

"The man then put his bags on the ground and told the boy that if he stepped closer he would be sorry. When the boy stepped closer, the man kicked him in the groin, knocking him to the sidewalk ... The ex-Marine picked up his grocery bags and walked home, leaving the boy doubled over ..." ...

VA: Tech's new security policies worth investigating
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"So far Virginia Tech has spent $10.4 million in security revisions."

"These include, but are not limited to, the alert system which I, and many others I know, did not get on Tuesday's test, installing doors that cannot be chained shut, locking down the dorms even though they were locked when the incident took place last year, and adding 10 more officers to the Virginia Tech police, making the student to officer ratio 500:1 if all are on duty at once."

"Last week as I heard the lists of defenses put in place and the manner of how a door locks, I recalled my World War II history."

"In France there was the Maginot Line ..."

"A defense so feared that the Germans simply went ... around the line and capturing Paris." ...

NY: Gun Control: Counterproductive
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"I am writing in response to your article regarding legal concealed handguns being on college campuses. I feel you are in great error in your opinion. Police cannot be everywhere at all times. A legally armed student or faculty member could end up being the only means of stopping a wacko before he/she causes more injuries or worse, deaths. The only people following the laws as they are now, are good upstanding law abiding people. The current laws do not work. This is the whole reason we have a second ammendment. So good people can protect one another. ..." ...

NY: Putting the 2nd FIRST
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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By Wendy Weinbaum,

Dear Editor,

Two guns DO make a Right! As a Jewess in the US, I would like to remind everyone that criminals are stopped by FIREARMS, not by talk. And that America wasn’t won with a registered gun! That is why all REAL Americans put our 2nd Amendment FIRST!

Wendy Weinbaum

NY: Guns Provide Immediate Protection When Police Cannot
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"We have already tried the 'VICTIM DISARMAMENT ZONE' at schools and it does not work. People with bad intentions are not turned away by GFZ, in fact they are attracted to these areas because they will have no opposition to their evil plans. The question I have to ask you is why don’t these shootings happen at shooting ranges or police stations? Possibly because their intended targets would be well armed unlike innocent students at a school."

"Private citizens have excellent firearm skills. The ones who take on the responsibility of a carry permit are very focused on safety, familiarity with the law and tactics. Many citizens have much better skills than the police or campus security ..." ...

NY: Anti-Gun Advocates are Uninformed
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"I read with interest the pure 'PAP' written by Andrew Lipkowitz, in his column 'Two Guns Don't Make a Right'. It never ceases to amaze me, how anti gun advocates never bother to check their facts, but simply regurgitate what they hear from political class sponsored groups, such as H.G.I. or the 'Brady Bunch.'" ...

KY: Colleges keep watch over troubled students
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"On the agenda: A student who got into a shouting match with a faculty member. Another who harassed a female classmate. Someone found sleeping in a car. And a student who posted a threat against a professor on Facebook."

"In a practice adopted at one college after another since the massacre at Virginia Tech, a University of Kentucky committee of deans, administrators, campus police and mental health officials has begun meeting regularly to discuss a watch list of troubled students and decide whether they need professional help or should be sent packing." [emphasis added] ...

AZ: House OKs concealed weapons exemption
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A bill approved by the Arizona House would make it legal for a person without a concealed carry permit to have a gun in a closed purse in an automobile.

The bill carves out a new exception to the state's weapons misconduct law. Violations of the law are misdemeanors punishable by up to six months in jail and a fine up to $2,500.

It's legal under the weapons misconduct law for a person without a concealed carry permit to have a gun in a case, holster or luggage in an automobile or in the automobile's storage compartments.

The 51-4 vote by the House on Thursday sends the bill to the Senate.

PA: Safety committee OKs gun-control legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "That shooting landed Henry in a different sort of conflict yesterday at City Hall, as City Council took a big step closer to a court fight with the state on gun control."

"Council's Committee on Public Safety approved legislation to limit handgun purchases to one a month; require owners to report lost or stolen guns to police; allow police to confiscate guns from people considered a risk to themselves or others; require a license from police to bring a gun into the city; ban semiautomatic weapons with clips that hold more than 10 rounds; and establish a registry for ammunition sales." ...

TX: Shooting ban vote 'emotional,' 'difficult'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hays Commissioners who voted earlier this week against a proposed ban on shooting in rural areas of the county say a better solution would be an intensive public education campaign on gun handling and safety."

"That said ... it was a tough vote, especially made in front of a grieving family."

"The ordinance ... was developed in the wake of the death last year of seven-year-old Daniel Galacia, who was fatally hit by a bullet fired by a neighbor."

"Authorities said Jose Barrera Espitia had fired the shot while target practicing with a .22 caliber rifle. Espitia's home is about 200 yards away from where Daniel and friends were playing on a trampoline. ..." ...

NY: Support ban of brightly colored guns
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Guns are not toys. Making them look like playthings by painting them red or yellow or some other bright, cheery color is a bad idea. And it adds insult to injury when a colorful anti-corrosion coating is marketed as 'the Bloomberg Collection,' to mock Mayor Michael Bloomberg's 2006 ban of painted guns in New York City."

"Are painted guns an existential threat to law enforcement as we know it? No, they aren't. But they're sure to attract the attention of curious children. And they'll make it more difficult for police officers to make the split-second decision to shoot or not to shoot when confronted by someone holding, say, a bright pink object that could be a little girl's toy or a lethal firearm." ...

Is That a Gun in Your Wastebasket, or Are You Just Happy to See Me?
Submitted by: gemalo

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"How do Drug Enforcement Administration special agents lose their guns?"

"Faster than ever, according to a new report from the Department of Justice inspector general. From 2002 to 2007, DEA lost 91 weapons, the audit found. The DEA isn't always reporting the losses of weapons or laptop computers to the proper authorities, and when it does, it often comes weeks -- even years -- after the fact."

"But just how do the guns disappear? Let us count the ways."

"'Special agent left weapon on roof of car and drove off,' reads one incident description. In his report released today, Inspector General Glenn A. Fine included descriptions of how each weapon was said to have been lost." ...

Submitter's Note: These are the 'professionals' Sarah warned you about.

Faulty rules blamed for gun's firing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Inadequate handgun rules designed by Department of Homeland Security officials are to blame for last weekend's accidental discharge of a pistol by a commercial pilot during landing preparations, a pilots association said yesterday."

"'The pilot has to take his gun off and lock it up before he leaves the cockpit ...' said David Mackett ... '... the padlock that is required to be inserted into the holster pulled the trigger and caused the gun to discharge.'" ...

"APSA, an organization of pilots who lobby Congress on aviation security issues, said the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has refused to adopt standard carriage rules recommended last year by the Federal Air Marshal Service." ...

Take A Look At Cockpit Gun Policy
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Opponents of the federal policy of allowing airline pilots to take guns into cockpits already have begun having a field day with a report of an incident last weekend. A gun taken into the cockpit of a US Airways plane, by the pilot, discharged accidentally on Saturday."

"No one was hurt in the accident that occurred as the airliner was preparing to land in Charlotte, N.C."

"Federal and airline officials already have launched an investigation of the accident. Obviously, it needs to be thorough. At first glance, it would appear that the pilot whose gun discharged should be subjected to disciplinary action." ...

Traveler Says TSA Forced Her to Remove Nipple Piercings at Texas Airport
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Texas woman who said she was forced to remove a nipple ring with pliers in order to board an airplane called Thursday for an apology by federal security agents and a civil rights investigation."

"'I wouldn't wish this experience upon anyone,' Mandi Hamlin said at a news conference. 'My experience with TSA was a nightmare I had to endure. No one deserves to be treated this way.'" ...

"TSA officials said they are investigating to see whether its policies were followed."

"'Our security officers are well-trained to screen individuals with body piercings in sensitive areas with dignity and respect while ensuring a high level of security,' the agency said in a statement." ...

FL: Spy drones in demand by U.S. police departments, but approval pending
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Miami police could soon use cutting-edge flying drones to help fight crime."

"A small pilotless vehicle manufactured by Honeywell International, capable of hovering and 'staring' using electro-optic or infrared sensors, is expected to be introduced soon in the skies over the Florida Everglades."

"If use of the drone wins U.S. Federal Aviation Administration approval after tests, the Miami-Dade Police Department will start flying the 14 pound, or 6.35 kilogram, drone over urban areas with an eye toward full-fledged employment in crime fighting."

"'Our intentions are to use it only in tactical situations as an extra set of eyes,' said Detective Juan Villalba, a police department spokesman." ...

NC: DA: Brunswick County Sheriff Temporarily Suspended
Submitted by: jac

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"The Brunswick County sheriff was suspended temporarily from office Thursday night after the district attorney filed a petition initiated by sheriff's department employees." ...

"The newspaper said the petition is separate from a federal grand jury investigation of the sheriff's office that began in June 2007." ...

"Among the allegations in the petition is that Hewett has been intoxicated at crime scenes; intimidated his employees; required employees to perform campaign duties, such as painting campaign signs, while working on county time and while off duty; and ordered employees to work at his residence." ...

Israel: Two Brothers on Their Way to Jail for Protecting Jewish Town
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"IDF combat unit veterans Danny and Yitzchak Halamish are set to begin 7-8 month prison terms next month ..." ...

"... The mob of 20 Arabs attacked the Jews with rocks and even with sticks, and then surrounded them. The security officer shot at the ground in front of the Arabs, and then he and the Halamish brothers retreated." ...

"The Halamish brothers and the local security officer spent a few days in jail, and were soon accused and convicted of assault and battery. The security officer, who admitted that he had shot, asked for and received a pardon for 'personal reasons.' ..." ...

Submitter's note: A pardon for the cop, who did nothing wrong. Jail for the volunteers, who did nothing at all.

VA: Or we could check our guns at the door
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reference 'Governor's double-talk on guns,' March 18. I also think Gov. Tim Kaine missed the mark on guns in bars. My family and I enjoy eating in a nice restaurant occasionally, and more times than not these establishments also serve alcohol. The present law states no concealed-carry weapons, and I doubt an open-carry would be allowed by the owner."

"The restaurants we visit mostly are in shopping-center locations –– usually in the evening hours –– dusk to dark. I don't feel threatened or in danger while eating; it's when walking to and from my car in a dark parking lot when I know my family and I are at most risk and potential victims of violence. Locking my gun in the car doesn't seem like a smart move." ...

NC: Gun control case reignites debate
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The outcry over the murder of Eve Carson has brought back to light Chapel Hill's 1993 efforts to tighten gun control, an issue the U.S. Supreme Court is currently considering because of the contested D.C. handgun ban."

"The push for tighter gun control in Chapel Hill came as a result of the 1993 murder of 26-year-old speech therapist Kristin Lodge-Miller, who was shot five times during an early morning jog after attempting to deflect an attack by an 18-year-old male." ...

KABA Note: Eve Carson was not murdered by a gun, she was murdered by a man on probation who was never even seen by his probation officer.

Canada: Pistol-packing homos start Canadian chapter
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Even in US politics it seems a strange match: the National Rifle Association and the Pink Pistols, an organization of queers fighting for the right to bear arms."

"But an ongoing Supreme Court case over whether Washington, DC has the right to ban guns has united the two in a common desire: to allow anyone to pack as big a weapon as possible and to blow any threatening stranger away."

"The website of the Pistols — mottos: 'Pick on someone your own calibre' and 'Armed gays don't get bashed' — argues that guns are the most effective way to stop violence against queers." ...

False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience; that would take fire from men because it burns, and water because one may drown in it; that has no remedy for evils except destruction. The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crime. — Cesare Beccaria, quoted by Thomas Jefferson

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