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Newslinks for 3/29/2013

McKinley offers true hope and change from Chicago machine politics
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... “'Let me be clear; I will fight to protect every aspect of the Second Amendment and to support my Illinois colleagues' efforts to bring Concealed Carry to our great state,' he pledged." ...

Texan praises Second Amendment Foundation for getting gun back from Sheriff
Submitted by: Phil Watson

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"John Dieter, a concealed carry permit holder from Houston Texas, had engaged in a defensive gun use (DGU) against robbers almost two years ago."

"Even though Mr. Dieter hadn’t been charged with a crime, the Harris County Sheriff confiscated and refused to return his pistol."

"That was until Mr. Dieter contacted the Second Amendment Foundation. The e-mail below from Mr. Dieter details the story." ...

Alter(nate) Reality: The Inconvenience of Enumerated Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The anonymous commentators/opinionators over at the Montpelier, VT Times-Argus are ignoring, obfuscating and bloviating in the finest tradition of classical gun-grabbers. The T-A editorial board piece, titled On the altar of guns, features the perennial civilian disarmer’s question: How many lives must be sacrificed on the altar of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States…? Of course, who but the most insanely fascist statist would ask, How many lives must be sacrificed on the altar of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States? Or . . ." ...

Chicago, Los Angeles, New York Prosecuted Fewest Federal Gun Crimes
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"The districts that contain Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City ranked last in terms of federal gun law enforcement in 2012, according to a new report from Syracuse University's Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, which tracks federal data."

"These cities also have some of the nation's most restrictive gun laws, as well as the most active mayors in championing gun control. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa are all members of the national Mayors Against Illegal Guns campaign." ...

SAF’s Alan Gottlieb: Fighting the Good Fight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I first met Alan Gottlieb in 1998 when his annual Gun Rights Policy Conference was held near Seattle. Attending the GRPC, which was hosted by the Second Amendment Foundation, was a significant turning point in my life, since it gave me the tools and knowledge to turn my pro-gun feelings into effective action. In addition to lengthy lecture notes, I came away with a box of books like More Guns, Less Crime that provided inspiration and useful quotes for my pro-gun writing . . ." ...

Outdoor Channel Cancels Filming in Colorado & Hunters Boycott the State; Magpul Still Poised to Leave
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The state of Colorado may end up taking a pretty big hit after passing new gun control legislation."

"Magazine and AR15 accessory maker Magpul is already in the process of moving their operations to another state. Several of their sub-contractors are expected to do the same. This will take hundreds, if not thousands of jobs out of CO and remove several million dollars ..."

"The Outdoor Channel recently announced they would no longer use Colorado as a filming location and were pulling current filming operations in the state. This could have a negative economic impact in the hundreds of thousands of dollars."

"You are crazy to come to Colorado,' said Mr. Bane, executive producer of the Outdoor Channel ..." ...

Armed self-defense for women can be necessary despite knowing one's assailant (Photos)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Starting last month, Little Rock Gun Rights Examiner Jennifer Cruz wrote a '30 days of guns saving lives' series ..."

"They are of course all compelling stories, as accounts about decent people protecting their and others' lives from predatory evil are bound to be. Yesterday's 'Virginia woman shoots husband in self-defense,' though, is perhaps of special interest. What makes this story particularly significant is that those who disparage the very notion of armed self-defense for women often justify their disdain with the puzzling argument that women commonly know their assailants. ..." ...

BREAKING: New Info on Sandy Hook Spree Killer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Internet’s abuzz with a document dump from the police investigating the Sandy Hook spree killing, unsealed by a Danbury, Connecticut judge. Amongst the revelations: investigators found an empty box for 'Battle Tested' vest accessories and 1600 rounds of various caliber ammo inside Lanza’s two-story home. Click here to read the press release from the Danbury State Attorney’s office (thanks Pascal). Make the jump for a run-down and an inventory of some of the other items uncovered in the course of the investigation [via Yahoo] and links to the warrants [via CBS New York]. . ." ...

Kenn Blanchard’s CCW Diary Pt. 2: Upgrade Required
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today, I embarked on the quest to get a concealed carry permit in the state of Maryland. It wouldn’t have to be such a quest if I lived in a state that respected the US Constitution and the rights of the people. Maryland, though, prevents this by requiring a need to prove in your application that you have a 'good and substantial reason' for wanting to carry a firearm outside your home. My reason is simple . . ."

"'I am pro-life…my life.'"

"I think having to wait until my life is threatened and then documented by the police before I can satisfy a condition to carry a sidearm is like having to wait to be legally able to get a bumper on my car until I have had an accident that doesn’t kill me." ...

Just Arrived: Accuracy International AX-308
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday was kinda like Christmas in March at my FFL guy’s shop when I picked up this much-anticipated AX-308 from Accuracy International. I’ve been looking forward to this review for a long time: we’ve been flirting with Accuracy International for more than two years, and if my experience with other AIs is any indicator, I expect great things from the AX-308 . . ." ...

Piers Morgan Admits Truth Behind Magazine Restrictions (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ll admit it, my entire goal this evening was to get my friend Piers Morgan to admit the truth, which is that he’d prefer to see magazine capacity limited to zero. He answered my question. It’s a question about which many have wondered: 'where do you draw the line?' Beginning around 4:00 in, via Jim Hoft:" ...

MAIG mounts ‘National Day to Demand Action’ anti-gun effort
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While President Barack Obama is meeting today with crime victims and anti-gun law enforcement officials at the White House, Mayors Against Illegal Guns is staging 'more than 120 events across the country' to promote its gun control agenda."

"Today is MAIG’s 'National Day to Demand Action,' and it is working these events 'in conjunction' with Organizing for Action, Americans for Responsible Solutions (the Gabby Giffords - Mark Kelly group) and other organizations, according to a press release." ...

Video released of Mark Kelly buying gun
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"... Maybe he wasnt lying after all… maybe he was just an idiot. ..." ...

Wither[sic] Gun Control? (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"On Thursday President Barack Obama held another press conference to push his gun control agenda in hopes of garnering public support for his plan to curb gun violence in the United States. The topic has been center stage since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in December, but Congress has yet to enact any real reforms."

"Gun control has long been cause for politicians in Washington to tread lightly, especially those vulnerable in coming elections. Democrats in red states are hesitant to back legislation that may lead to their ouster in 2014, as are Republicans wary of primary challenges from the right. ..." ...

TX: Gun control can be achieved (third letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cold facts: More deaths come from guns than auto accidents."

"Politicians can help lower these statistics by mandating:"

"1) Federal background checks for everyone who purchases a gun, every time a person buys a gun and has a gun license with a picture ID."

"2) Bonding of everyone who buys a gun to cover the cost of the damage/loss of life from the use of a gun, intended or not. The mitigation of losses caused by guns is as important as the mitigation of losses caused by motor vehicles." ...

Schneiderman calls for gun background checks nationally
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said Thursday the large cache of weapons found in the home of Newtown school shooter Adam Lanza — whom he described as an 'obviously very troubled person' — shows the need for stronger national gun control laws, saying continued delays harm public safety."

"'I find it somewhat baffling that we can't get (federal) background checks for everyone purchasing a gun,' Schneiderman said, noting the checks are popular with hunters, sportsmen and the general public. 'This is not hard. It can be done. It's not burdensome.'" ...

ATF Raids FPS Russia
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Nearly 40 law enforcement officers converged Tuesday on the property of a Franklin County man whose business partner was shot to death in January in a homicide that continues to trouble investigators,' reports. 'Federal agents, accompanied by Georgia Bureau of Investigation agents and deputies with the sheriff’s offices in Franklin and Hart counties, raided the Royston residence of [Kyle 'FPS Russia'] Myers. Authorities also raided on Tuesday the 60-acre farm of Lamar Myers, Kyle’s father, in Lavonia . . .'" ...

NRA Commentator Colion Noir Rips Jim Carrey a New One in Latest Video (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you aren’t yet familiar with the NRA’s newest commentator, Colion Noir, you definitely need to check out his Youtube channel."

"Noir has a great ability to cut through the BS and present ‘just the facts’." ...

Jim Carrey’s Cold Dead Hand – A Rebuttal (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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FL: Florida limo driver with CWP stops attempted armed robbery of limo passengers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A limousine full of nine passengers was the target of an attempted robbery early Wednesday morning ... the driver of the limo, an armed citizen with a concealed weapons permit, stopped the would-be robbers."

"After leaving a convenience store where the would-be robbers may have seen the limo passengers with large amounts of cash, the limo was approached on either side by two cars ..."

"As the Chrysler pulled up next to the limo, 17-year-old Anzio Fabian Dale opened fire, striking two passengers in the limo and another passenger, who was a friend of the limo passengers that was following in another car. The limo driver then drew his own gun and fired back, striking Dale." ...

FL: Florida Update: Concealed Carry Permits Up, Violent Crime Down
Submitted by: Tom Price

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"The recent report from ABC News that in Florida, where there are more concealed weapons permits than anywhere else in the country, violent crime has dropped to the lowest point in history, delighted Sean Caranna, executive director of Florida Carry, Inc. 'We’re happy to have facts and statistics put into these debates, because every time they do, we win,' he said."

"Firearm-related violent crimes in Florida have dropped by one-third in just four years, 2007 to 2011, while concealed carry permits jumped by 90 percent in that period. Further, violent crime of any kind dropped almost as much, 26 percent." ...

FL: Floridians —Time to make voice heard on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Florida voters have the power to force the terrified-of-the-NRA Legislature and the governor to enact responsible gun safety laws — if they finally wake up and discover they are on the side of the angels and figure out how to use their muscle."

"Gun-crazy Florida has the ignominious distinction of having more than one million concealed carry permits, more than any other state. The multi-millions of unarmed Floridians need to exert their influence and send a message that elected officials can't ignore." ...

Submitter's Note: What message? The one that crime is down to historic lows in the "Gunshine" State?

Obama Scolds Nation for Insufficient Gun Control Fervor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama is disappointed by the waning prospects for federal civilian disarmament proposals. And so the Petulant in Chief played the scold in this morning’s speech. In front of a gaggle of mothers who’d lost children to 'gun violence,' Mr Obama hectored his audience from on-high. He brazenly claimed that an assault weapons ban, ammunition capacity limits and federal gun registration would not be 'taking away anyone’s gun rights.' He criticized pro-gun rights supporters for 'running out the clock.' And admitted that no matter what, 'there would still be gun deaths.' Here’s what the President told the American people . . ." ...

MAIG Waving the Bloody Shirt On Newtown (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the civilian disarmament industry’s hopes for federal gun control fade, they’re doing their level best to use whatever post-Newtown leverage they have left to push assault weapons bans and other draconian measures on the state level—using emotion rather than logic. ..."

President admits ‘there will still be tragedies, violence’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Flanked by gun control advocates and parents of shooting victims, President Barack Obama today admitted during remarks about his demand for new gun laws that the measures he is proposing will not prevent violent, tragic crimes."

"Insisting that 'what we’re proposing is not radical' and that it will not take away 'anybody’s gun rights,' the president told reporters that, 'Now is the time to turn that heartbreak (about Sandy Hook) into something real.'" ...

Obama: Don't 'get squishy' on gun curbs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama pressed Congress on Thursday not to forget the heartbreak of the Newtown elementary school massacre and 'get squishy' on tightened gun laws."

"But some lawmakers in his own Democratic Party remain a tough sell on an approaching Senate vote to expand background checks on buyers."

"'Shame on us if we've forgotten,' Obama said at the White House, standing amid 21 mothers who have lost children to shootings. 'I haven't forgotten those kids.'" ...

UN arms treaty draft fails consensus, heads to UN General Assembly for vote
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just three nations, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Iran and Syria, on Thursday scuttled hopes for the first international Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) at the United Nations by objecting to the draft."

"However, almost immediately after it became clear the draft failed to reach consensus, Kenya, with the support of a host of nations, including the once recalcitrant the United States, said a draft resolution -- apparently based on the conference draft -- was being sent to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for him to refer to the UN General Assembly (GA) for action." ...

Iran, NKorea, Syria block arms trade treaty
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Iran, North Korea and Syria blocked adoption of a U.N. treaty that would regulate the multibillion-dollar international arms trade for the first time, saying it fails to ban sales to terrorists, but other countries refused to let the treaty die."

"The treaty's adoption required agreement by all 193 U.N. member states, but some countries said Thursday they would ask Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to bring the final draft before the General Assembly for adoption by vote as soon as possible. Observers said that could be as soon as Tuesday." ...

Secret Dem Push to Put Gun Dealers in the Crosshairs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Huh. Only five of the 29 Democratic Congresspeople who signed the March 26 letter to the Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget list their official position. [Click here to read.] The legislators’ reticence to self-identify or publicize this move is understandable. Their missive is a brazen if backdoor attempt to have the Tiahrt Amendment removed from President Obama’s 2014 budget. That’s the Amendment that specifically prohibits the [ATF's] National Tracing Center from releasing eTrace data to anyone other than a law enforcement agency or prosecutor in connection with a criminal investigation. So what’s the biggie? Well Wikipedia tells us that the Tiahrt Amendment also . . ." ...

NY: NY’s $28m SAFE Act Handgun Registry Database Revealed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As regular readers no doubt know, New York state legislators had exactly twenty-minutes to read the hugely unconstitutional SAFE Act before voting on it. On Tuesday, Governor Cuomo made the startling admission (to some) that he hadn’t read the bill either (before waving the normal three-day 'cooling off' period and signing it). Even more despicably, Andy blamed 'bad' bits of the bill on Mayor Bloomberg and the Brady Campaign—indicating that the Governor’s minions has surrendered legislative power to the civilian disarmament industry. So it should come as no surprise to anyone that the SAFE Act is an expensive turkey. The AP reports on the bottom line for one part of the Empire State gun grab . . ." ...

Rubio, Inhofe join group threatening to filibuster gun control bill
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Sens. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and James Inhofe, R-Okla., joined three other Republican senators threatening to filibuster any new restrictions on guns Thursday."

"The two senators added their signatures to a letter previously signed by Sens. Rand Paul, R-Ky., Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, vowing to protect the Second Amendment." ...

AZ: Bill forbids recording firearm ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Saying it's nobody business, state lawmakers are poised to keep local governments - and anyone else - from finding out who owns a gun."

"Rep. Eddie Farnsworth, R-Gilbert, said he wants to prevent what happened in New York, where a newspaper used state public-records law to get the names and addresses of more than 33,000 gun owners living in the suburbs north of New York City. The Journal News even included an interactive map allowing readers to find out who around them owned a weapon." ...

NY: The Courage to Stand (Almost) Alone
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The Rockland County Times has learned that freshman Assemblyman James Skoufis (D-Stony Point, Orange County) was one of only a handful of Assembly Democrats to vote against Governor Cuomo’s NY SAFE gun control act."

"Skoufis did not bow to political pressure at midnight and sign the bill, and instead chose to vote his conscience. This took courage, as Skoufis had only been in the Assembly less than a month at the time and he said he was under great pressure to vote yes." ...

NY: State Assemblyman Says Tipline Reward Is Retaliation
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"New York State Assemblyman Andrew Goodell is accusing the Cuomo Administration of expanding a whistle blower program as a form of punishment to 51 Upstate counties that have passed legislation opposing New York’s Safe Act." ...

BREAKING: NY Supreme Court Appellate Division Denies SAFE Act Preliminary Injunction
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As expected, the New York State Supreme Court’s Appellate Division has denied a motion for a preliminary injunction preventing the state from enforcing the SAFE Act. The denial came in the case that attacks the Act because it was rushed to a vote under the governor’s ‘message of necessity’ rather than after the usual 3-day cooling off period. This is part of the byzantine, but necessary path the case must take to get to New York’s highest court, the Court of Appeals. Time, and the wheels of justice march on. Make the jump for a press release from We the People of New York . . ." ...

NY: Source: U.S. attorney probing Southampton police
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Federal law enforcement officials are investigating the Southampton Town police department and have begun questioning people with knowledge of the Street Crime unit, its supervision and the broader department leadership, according to several sources."

"The U.S. attorney's office got involved this month after it received documents that detailed a number of alleged problems in the department, according to a source with knowledge of the ongoing interviews." ...

MI: Detroit police officer who works with troubled teens arrested for criminal sexual conduct
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Detroit police officer who runs a program for troubled teens has been arrested on felony criminal sexual conduct charges involving a victim age 13 to 15."

"Geoffrey Townsend, 45, was arrested Tuesday on 3rd degree criminal sexual conduct charges and booked into the Oakland County Jail, where he remains in lieu of $25,000 bond." ...

GA: DeKalb officer charged with felony child cruelty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A DeKalb County Police Officer is free on bond after he was indicted by a grand jury for beating a child in Walton County."

"DeKalb Police Officer Matt Davy is charged with felony child cruelty and aggravated assault in the October 8th beating of his girlfriend’s 13-year old son. Walton County authorities said it all stemmed from an argument between the boy and some other kids, ending at the home of a neighborhood girl and her mother. The girl’s mom called Davy, who arrived a short time later to hear the girl’s side of the story." ...

"Witnesses said Davy turned on the boy, beating him and choking him until the 13-year old passed out. Davy then left the child in the neighbor’s yard to find his own way home." ...

TN: Ex-Murray captain pleads to federal charge in false drug arrest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Murray County Sheriff’s Office Capt. Michael Henderson pleaded guilty in federal court today for his role in setting up for arrest a woman who had complained about sexual advances by a local judge, authorities said."

"Henderson pleaded guilty to obstructing a pending civil rights investigation by tampering with a witness, according to a news release from U.S. Attorney Sally Quillian Yates."

"The case involved drugs planted in the car of Angie Garmley, who had complained that Magistrate Judge Bryant Cochran solicited her for sex." ...

PA: Retired trooper kills wife, self in Philipsburg, Pa. supermarket
Submitted by: jac

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"A former state trooper killed his estranged wife with a shotgun inside a central Pennsylvania supermarket Thursday and then killed himself, days after she filed for divorce and two months after he was accused of beating her, police said."

"Mark A. Miscavish, who retired from the state police in 2011 after 15 years, killed Traci Miscavish at around 10 a.m. at the County Market in Philipsburg where she worked, authorities said. ..." ...

PA: NJ police officer sentenced for violent Doylestown standoff
Submitted by: jac

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"A Clifton, New Jersey police officer who caused a 10 hour standoff with police in Bucks County has learned his sentence."

"42-year-old Richard Klementovich will spend between 8 ˝ and 20 years in prison. He entered a 'no contest' plea just weeks before his trial was set to begin." ...

MI: Detroit cop accused in robberies in 5 Metro Detroit communities
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Detroit police officer and another man were arraigned Thursday morning on a number of felony charges, including armed robbery and bank robbery."

"Officer Clifton Whatley, 34, and Layman D. Armstrong, 35, appeared in 23rd District Court on charges that between May and this month, Whatley organized and orchestrated a series of robberies throughout Wayne County, including Taylor, Westland, Canton Township, Harper Woods and Melvindale." ...

Mexico: Vigilantes seize control of Mexican town, arrest police officers
Submitted by: Mike

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"Hundreds of armed vigilantes have taken control of a town on a major highway in the Pacific coast state of Guerrero, arresting local police officers and searching homes after a vigilante leader was killed. Several opened fire on a car of Mexican tourists headed to the beach for Easter week." ...

"The vigilantes accuse the ex-security director of participating in the killing of vigilante leader Guadalupe Quinones Carbajal, 28, on behalf of local organized crime groups and dumping his body in a nearby town on Monday. They reported seizing several high-powered rifles from his car, and vigilantes were seen toting a number of sophisticated assault rifles on Wednesday ..." ...

Submitter's Note: This is why its called a natural right. Wow.

Fear of purchase limits sends bullets flying — off the shelves
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The caller wanted to know whether Lloyd Cook had any 9 mm ammunition in stock."

"'I asked him how much did he want,' said Cook, owner of an Independence gun range, 'and he said, 'All of it.'"

"Across the country, bullets are flying off store shelves as people stockpile ammunition."

"The big question: Why?"

"'There is no good answer for this,' said Kevin Jamison, a Gladstone lawyer and spokesman for the Western Missouri Shooters Alliance. 'Panic buying seems to account for some of the shortage, but I don’t believe it can be all of it.'" ...

Jim Carrey EBay
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A clever eBay user started a trend: selling Jim Carrey paraphernalia by advertising that proceeds for the sale will be used to purchase a gun ..." ...

"... While identical items on eBay sell for about $8 and rarely attract more than a couple of bids, astrobuzz had attracted a hefty 103 bidders who by Wednesday afternoon had driven the price up to $860."

"Then, the item's description suddenly changed late Wednesday, and the bids disappeared. The seller's detailed description of his reason for wanting to sell the item was gone ..."

"As of late Wednesday, the description ... read: 'I'm selling this Jim Carrey autographed B&W photo (mint condition) for purposes I cannot explain because it might be against eBay's Terms & Conditions.'" ...

AZ: Arizona gun proponents launch free gun program
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A campaign promising free shotguns for people to protect themselves in Tucson's most troubled neighborhoods has divided some residents in a community still reeling from a shooting rampage in 2011 that killed six people, left a congresswoman and several others wounded, and made the city a symbol of gun violence in America." ...

FL: Reasonable restrictions on guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Yet, it's within the purview of government to put reasonable restrictions on constitutional rights. Libel and slander laws restrict the First Amendment freedoms of press and speech. Zoning laws restrict Fifth Amendment property rights. As for the Second Amendment, automatic weapons in the hands of private citizens have been all but banned since 1934, and few people object. Similarly, it's illegal for private citizens to own mortars or Stinger missiles. Other than a handful of extremists hanging out in the wilderness, nobody's arguing against such restrictions." ...

Submitter's Note: Actually I live in the 16th largest metropolitan area in the country; hardly a "wilderness". And I do argue against limitings peoples' right to arms.

To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them... — Richard Henry Lee

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