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A Valentine's day massacre (of the Constitution)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In some ways I'm surprised it took them this long. On Valentine's Day, 14 February, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) began a campaign to grab just about everything but Cupid's arrows with the introduction of her bill, HR 1022, 'to reauthorize the assault weapons ban, and for other purposes.' This is the same Carolyn McCarthy who introduced HR 297 on the first day of the new Congress, attempting the most massive expansion of the Brady Law since its 1993 passage. McCarthy's murky definition of 'assault weapons' notwithstanding, the legislation's intent is to re-enact the 1994 Clinton gun grab, while adding a few million more firearms to the haul." ...

The Utah Mall Shooting: Bad Aim
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently in the news was the story of a Utah teenager who shot and killed several people in a shopping mall. ... the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence wasn't about to miss the opportunity to rail yet again against guns."

"The group dusted off its old arguments in short order and was right there at the forefront blaming the gun. What it failed (again) to acknowledge was the fact that one person with a gun was quite handily stopped by another person with a gun. ..." ...

"To date, the police either don't yet know or aren't saying where Talovic got the guns. That hasn't, of course, stopped the Brady Campaign from demanding that the so-called 'gun show loophole' be closed ..." ...

We Should Value Our Second Amendment: The Right to Bear Arms
Submitted by: Michael Kotch

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... "Our Second Amendment insures that all law-abiding citizens have the 'right' to provide for their own personal safety; therefore, all reasonable people should be amiable toward firearm ownership. Yes, learning gun safety, and proper storage are imperative to being a trusty gun owner, but those who claim that guns represent the evils of the world are being deceitful in their attempt to persuade you to feel contempt for guns and law-honoring gun owners."

"In my opinion the best way to promote responsible gun ownership is to support the National Rifle Association and/or Gun Owners of America. Both organizations lobby to ensure that law-abiding citizens will always have the right to own a firearm for self-defense. ..." ...

FL: Police: Man Shoots, Kills Would-Be Robber
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police said a man shot and killed a would-be robber Thursday night in north Miami-Dade County.

It happened at about 9:45 p.m. outside 752 N.W. 102nd St.

Miami-Dade police said a man was approached by two other men who tried to rob him, but the intended victim instead pulled out a gun and fatally shot one of them. The other would-be robber got away.

Police said it was unlikely the man who shot his alleged attacker would be charged, as it appeared to be an act of self-defense.

AR: Two teens arrested for threat against Jonesboro Westside High
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two teenagers in Craighead County have been arrested for allegedly making threats against students at Jonesboro Westside High School."

"Sheriff Jack McCann says the boys,ages 16 and 17, do not attend the school, but they were overheard at a party saying they had a 'hit list' and planned to take a gun to the school and shoot people."

"... McCann says the boys denied making the threats. But the sheriff says three witnesses interviewed separately gave similar accounts of what they heard of the alleged plot."

"The two teenagers are charged with terroristic threatening, minor in possession of a firearm, and theft by receiving. McCann says the theft charge was lodged because the .22 caliber pistol was allegedly stolen. ..." ...

AZ: Self-defense law goes to governor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill clarifying the Legislature's intent when it passed sweeping changes to Arizona's self-defense laws last session is the first to reach Gov. Janet Napolitano's office this year, but its fate is still uncertain."

"The bill, S1302, sponsored by Sen. Linda Gray, R-10, declares that state lawmakers intended changes that favor defendants claiming self-defense were meant to apply to such cases pending at the time."

"The bill applies to several known cases, but most notably to that of Harold Fish, a retired school teacher and constituent of Gray who was sentenced in Coconino County to 10 years in prison for killing a man while hiking in the Tonto National Forest on May 11, 2004." ...

ND: Deadly force debate heated
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"North Dakota law already says people have no duty to retreat from attack within their homes or places of work, a University of North Dakota law professor says."

"Bruce Quick, an adjunct faculty member at the UND School of Law and a criminal defense attorney, said the North Dakota Century Code in several parts of chapter 12.1-05 provides language that allows people to use deadly force in self defense or in defending their homes or places of work."

"The current language of the law renders a so-called 'deadly force' bill circulating through the North Dakota Legislature unnecessary, bill opponents say." ...

KS: Bill would prohibit local concealed-gun regulations
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A Sedgwick County state senator defended a bill to pre-empt local gun ordinances at a House committee hearing Thursday."

"Sen. Phil Journey, R-Haysville, told a largely sympathetic Federal and State Affairs Committee that cities and counties had gone too far in regulating gun carrying by concealed-weapons permit holders."

"'The permit holder from Johnson County won't know what the rules are when they go to Dodge City or Wichita,' Journey said."

"One permit holder from Johnson County, Rep. Judy Morrison, R-Shawnee, agreed wholeheartedly."

"She said she'd want her $150 permit fee back if the bill at issue, House Bill 2528, doesn't pass." ...

OR: Beaverton adopts state's first replica gun ban
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It’s official: Airsoft guns and other realistic looking toy firearms are prohibited in Beaverton’s public places."

"The City Council passed a new ordinance Monday night regulating the use and possession of replica firearms in public." ...

"The approved ordinance regulates possession of replica firearms in public places including highways, streets, schools, places of amusement, parks, playgrounds, public transportation centers and common areas of apartments and hotels."

"Under the ordinance, a replica firearm is any toy or imitation that substantially duplicates a lethal firearm or can reasonably be perceived to be an actual firearm." ...

TX: Protect the Right Victim
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let's be clear about what the 'castle doctrine' bill working its way through the Texas Legislature would not do:"

"It would not give Texans the right to sit on their front porch and squeeze off rounds, vigilante-style, at a neighbor who offended them. It would not allow them to fire from their pickups at anyone who cuts them off in traffic."

"The streets did not run red with blood when state law gave Texans the right to carry concealed handguns. And they won't if the castle bill passes into law, as we believe it should."

"What the castle law would do is remove the requirement that crime victims fearing for their safety on their own property 'retreat' before responding with deadly force." ...

Journals of the Continental Congress, "That as a number of arms, fit for use, may be bought of the owners, who may incline to sell them...", May 14, 1776
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"...the most proper Measures for promoting and confirming the strictest Union and Confederation between the said United Colonies, for exerting their whole Strength and Force to annoy the common Enemy, and to secure to the said Colonies their Rights and Liberties, both civil and religious..."

"...You are also instructed and directed, to exert your utmost Abilities, in carrying on this just and necessary War, in which we are engaged against cruel and unnatural Enemies, in the most vigorous Manner, until Peace shall be restored to the said Colonies, and their Rights and Liberties secured upon a solid and permanent Basis..."

"...That as a number of arms, fit for use, may be bought of the owners..."


Journals of the Continental Congress, "men combining themselves into an armed body", Oct. 18, 1786
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"...The great numbers of people in Massachusetts* and the neighbouring States who avow the principle of annihilating all debts public and private. The probability of those men combining themselves into an armed body for the purpose of executing their designs..."

"...Official duty obliges me to inform Congress, that it is my firm conviction, arising from the information I have received, that unless the present commotions are checked with a strong hand, that an armed tyranny may be established on the ruins of the present constitutions. The insurgents will not probably longer delay the execution of their designs, those systems can be formed and means found for that purpose..."

"...Let them take arms..."

Journals of the Continental Congress, "all such other persons who shall be found in arms", Jan. 3, 1776
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"...Whereas a majority of the inhabitants of Queen's County, in the colony of New York, being incapable of resolving to live and die freemen, and being more disposed to quit their liberties than part with the little proportion of their property necessary to defend them, have deserted the American cause..."

"...without expence of blood or treasure, all the blessings resulting from that liberty, which they, in the day of trial, had abandoned, and in defence of which, many of their more virtuous neighhours and countrymen had nobly died..."

"...and such attorneys or lawyers as shall contravene this resolution, are enemies to the American cause..."

"...And all such other persons who shall be found in arms..."

IL: Former cops lose claim of evidence tampering
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rejecting claims that authorities hid evidence, a McHenry County judge upheld charges Thursday against two former police officers charged in the brutal beating of a man outside a Fox Lake tavern."

"The ruling is a victory for McHenry County prosecutors and Illinois State Police, under fire for months from defense lawyers for their handling of evidence surrounding the cases of ex-cops Ronald Pilati and Jerome Volstad." ...

"The charges allege they, along with a third former officer, handcuffed and viciously beat a 26-year-old man with whom they had argued inside the tavern. The former officers deny the claims, saying they acted in self-defense when the man threatened them and a female patron with a knife." ...

TX: Legal gun owners under cloud as District Attorneys defy Texas Legislature
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Law abiding handgun owners who carry their gun in their car may still face arrest or confiscation of the gun because many district attorneys have refused to implement a law passed by the legislature last session over their opposition."

"'It appears that some District Attorneys ... think that they are above the law,' said James Dark of the Texas State Rifle Association. 'The law is now very clear that a person who is not a criminal can carry a handgun in the car, but District Attorneys have instructed police officers to ask a litany of invasive and unneeded questions, or even just make an arrest or confiscate the gun. If officers follow these instructions, they will clearly violate the rights of Texans carrying guns legally.'" ...

OH: Anatomy of a Gun Trafficking Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There were 501 guns in all, the government says -- revolvers and pistols, Glocks and Rugers, a few rifles, too, a giant cache of firearms suitable for sport or self-protection."

"Or felonies."

"Or terrorism."

"Five hundred one guns, tied to one man -- 35-year-old Mark Nelson, a former Columbus cop who masterminded a conspiracy that flooded the streets with weapons."

"Nelson insists he didn't knowingly do anything wrong. But prosecutors say he enlisted his family and others (including a drug dealer) to illegally acquire 501 guns, then directly -- or indirectly -- sold many of them."

"And soon after -- within days, in a few cases -- some of these guns began turning up in the wrong hands and the wrong places:" ...

TN: County Corrections Officer charged with having sex with an inmate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"32-year-old Antonious Totten once got paid to guard inmates, now he's charged with having sex with one."

"'It's not right,' says Sgt. Debra Peete."

"Peete is a sex crimes investigator with the Shelby County Sheriff's Office. She says Totten's job with the county was to transport female prisoners back and forth from Jail East. But, she says he often took one of the vans on a detour."

"'Drove behind a shack close to the Sheriff's Office pistol range,' says Peete."

"There, she says he took liberties with one of the inmates."

"'He pulled behind the shack and they became intimate in front of all the other females,' says Peete. 'And this happened on several occassions,' she adds." ...

UK: Lying police office jailed for 73 days
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A LOTHIAN police officer who admitted giving false evidence in court has been jailed for 73 days." ...

"Sheriff John Horsburgh, QC, told him today: 'For a police officer to commit perjury is unacceptable and a custodial sentence is the only appropriate one. The appropriate level is the maximum on a summary complaint - three months - but I am obliged to give you a discount because of the plea tendered. You are sentenced to 73 days from today'." ...

OH: WTOL Toledo story proves city's gun control policies a failure (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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" (CBS Toledo) recently published an article entitled 'In Toledo, Guns are Easy to Get, Even for Teenagers'. A simple scan of the story proves beyond all doubt that Toledo's many gun control laws, which city officials claim are essential crime-fighting tools, have been a complete failure at meeting their stated goals." ...

"It is time for a new approach to crime fighting in Toledo. Perhaps city officials will finally start coming to this realization on March 15, when they are preempted by state law from passing new meaningless gun control legislation." ...

NY: Make current pistol licensing process work as intended
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Feb. 20 editorial, 'Gunning for legislation: Now's no time to retreat on pistol-permit data,' contains several inaccurate and undocumented statements."

"You state that there are 'shortcomings in the permitting process ... no system for keeping records current ... absence of any system to alert authorities when a permit holder dies.' These statements are categorically wrong. The system keeps records current through the 're-certification' process, which requires a periodic, signed, notarized affidavit attesting to the accuracy of the license-holder's information. Submitting false information on this affidavit is a felony. ..." ...

UK: Cracking down on the current wave of gun deaths
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" The age of gunmen and their victims is falling at an alarming rate. What's caused this trend? And how are the authorities dealing with it? We spend 48 hours on the streets of London with armed members of the Metropolitan Police as they attempt to crack down on the current wave of gun deaths"

"It is 8pm on a bitterly cold February night in the dreary south-London district of West Norwood. I'm clinging to the back seat of a police car that is touching 65 mph ..."

"We are in pursuit of a car that contains a suspected gunman. An unmarked police car is right behind the target and directing the convoy his way. ..." ...

UK: Killer laughed after brutal murder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A THUG battered a neighbour to death with a lump of concrete then laughed as he chanted: 'Ha ha, Tam's dead.'"

"John Graham, 21, was facing a life sentence today after a jury found him guilty of the brutal murder of joiner Tam Hart, 51."

"He claimed he was acting in self defence when he brought the broken paving slab down again and again on the other man's head."

"The jury rejected his story and, after their majority verdict, heard that Graham was already serving a five year sentence for a machete attack." ...

UK: Boy stabbed after fight with corkscrew, court told
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"DRAMATIC mobile phone footage of Chard teenagers fighting with a wooden stick and a corkscrew was shown in court last week."

"A 16-year-old boy was left with wounds to his head and face, a swollen nose and a black lip after a fight with another 16-year-old, Wednesday's hearing heard."

"A youth court in Yeovil was shown mobile footage of the fight in Fore Street, Chard, on October 12, 2006, which ended when a police special constable arrived and was also assaulted." ...

The gun gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind. Let your gun, therefore, be the constant companion of your walks. — Thomas Jefferson

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