Jim Zumbo: An Open Letter to the United States Senate
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Dear Honorable Ladies and Gentlemen:"
"It recently came to my attention that one of your colleagues, Michigan Sen. Carl Levin, has chosen to attack firearms owners using remarks I wrote in mid-February as his launch pad. ..."
"Mr. Levin has an agenda, and he should have spoken to me before using my name in one of his speeches, especially since his remarks were entered into the Congressional Record. I would like my remarks here entered into the Congressional Record as well." ...
"... Sen. Levin must know that almost immediately after I wrote those remarks, I recanted and apologized to the millions of Americans who lawfully and responsibly own, compete with and hunt with semi-automatic rifles. ..." ... |
Defending Wilderness and Hunting Defends Our Right to Bear Arms
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "The unsettling spinoff threat of increased access ... is that it ultimately undermines one of the general public's primary reasons for continuing to support our Second Amendment rights: the great tradition of public lands hunting. As access on already overly accessible public land increases, the health of wildlife habitat deteriorates ... hunting opportunities fade away, and so goes the most defendable reason for the nonhunting majority to allow us to keep our guns without restrictions long-term."
"In a nutshell, defending, designating, and protecting wilderness and roadless areas (the gold standard for wildlife habitat and hunting) is in the long-run nothing short of defending our constitutional right to bear arms. ..." ... |
Opening Shots
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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"It's not every day a federal circuit court rocks the political, legal, and academic worlds. But on March 9, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit did just that, ruling in the biggest gun-control case in nearly 70 years and perhaps placing a Supreme Court case smack in the middle of the 2008 presidential race. Senior Judge Laurence Silberman wrote for a 2-1 majority in Parker v. District of Columbia, 'The Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms.' The court rejected the District of Columbia's argument that the Second Amendment does not protect individual gun ownership rights but merely protects states' rights to form armed militias, and the court invalidated the District's ban on handgun ownership and registration (except for guns registered prior to 1977), its prohibition on carrying pistols in the home without a license, and its requirement that all guns, including rifles and shotguns, be unloaded and either disassembled or bound by a trigger lock." ... |
A Right to Bear Arms (letter)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Craig Wagner claimed in a March 24 letter that the Second Amendment right to bear arms doesn't include handguns, because handguns are part of a 'subset' of arms 'that, as the term is used today, did not exist' when the amendment was adopted. Fair enough, although handguns are a whale of a subset."
"Now let's apply Mr. Wagner's principle to a provision found in the amendment just prior to this one: Free speech. ... The Founders would have recognized my right to stand on the corner and express all manner of nasty and nice things ..."
"But that right also applies to radio, TV and the Internet. These media are all a subset of forums of speech. They, too, were unknown by the Founders. ..." ... |
AR: Man Shoots Intruder
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"A confrontation between a man in his home and an intruder ended badly Monday night -- for the intruder."
"Joshua Nicholson ... was asleep when someone broke into his home through the back door ..."
"Upon hearing a disturbance, Nicholson grabbed his gun, a .380-caliber pistol, and walked down the hallway. Nicholson saw a man entering the residence and fired one shot, believing he hit the man ..."
"Also in the home at the time were ... Sarah Enkler, 25, and her two children. Enkler and her two children were staying at the residence to escape an abusive relationship with her husband, according to police."
"Richard Deshields, 37, Enkler's husband, checked himself into a hospital in Joplin, Mo., suffering from a gunshot wound. ..." ... |
Washington D.C.: Equality under the law and Senatorial privilege (BFA)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"There has been a great deal of news coming from Washington D.C. these days concerning firearms. ... But for a town that virtually banned all private possession of handguns in 1976, there seems to be quite a few people packing pistols in Washington D.C. these days. Illegally, I might add."
"Yes, we are all aware of the violent crime being committed with firearms in the District, but until recently not much attention has been paid to the other crimes committed with guns. Those crimes are committed by the elite ruling class who carry firearms for their defense. ... It is that they have prohibited the rest of us from exercising that right, and their resistance to over turning it, that I view as so infuriating. ..." ... |
NY: Pot suspect gunman says he's 'sorry,' didn't mean it
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Dennis Miller
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"A uniformed cop was shot in the ankle by an apologetic drug suspect in Brooklyn last night, police sources said." ...
"Mayor Bloomberg once again pushed to get illegal guns off the streets."
"'We just have to get guns out of the hands of people with long criminal records,' he said at the hospital. 'Here we are again, another night, another hospital, another member of New York's Finest shot with what appears to be an illegal gun.'" -------
KABA Note: Dance Mr. Mayor, dance in the blood of the victims. |
IL: Sen. Kotowski's Fib Highlights Gun Control Movement's Credibility Gap (ISRA)
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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"A prominent Illinois gun control advocate found himself tongue-tied after he was caught telling something other than the truth about a popular brand of target rifles. The gaffe came during a Wednesday press conference hosted by Sen. Dan Kotowski (D-33) in support of several gun control bills."
"In his address, Kotowski pointed to a rifle staged as a prop for the event and described it as being a 'military' weapon. What Kotowski did not know was that Mr. Mark Westrom, President of Armalite, Incorporated, was in the audience. Mr. Westrom rose to inform the attendees that his company manufactured the rifle in question, and that his company has never sold the rifle to the military ..." ... |
GA: A win for property owners
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"SUPPORTERS OF the proposed 'Bring your gun to work' law were a bit disappointed when the state Senate wisely ended debate on the bill."
"Senate Bill 43 would have nullified a business owner's right to ban employees from carrying firearms in their vehicles onto company parking lots."
"The decision by Senate leaders not to bring the measure up for a vote by the end of 'Crossover Day' means the bill won't pass the Senate this year and therefore cannot go on to the House for full passage."
"While we support any citizen's decision to claim their Second Amendment rights, a gun owner's right to carry a weapon must be balanced against the rights of private property owners." ... |
PA: Gun Registration Bill
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"House Bill No. 760 was introduced in the State House of representatives last week."
"The bill was introduced by representatives Cruz, Youngblood, Parker, Wheatley, Bennington and Curry."
"The legislation calls for every gun in Pennsylvania to be registered with the state, and each registration must be renewed annually. The registration would cost the gun owner $10 per gun each year. The bill also calls for each gun owner to be fingerprinted, have a back ground check, and to submit pass port-style photos for registration cards. The registration card for each gun would then have to be carried with that gun at all times. Any gun that registration is denied for would then be confiscated by the state police." ... -------
KABA Note: Of course because of Haynes v. U.S. (1968), only the law abiding must register their guns. Criminals are exempt from registration because it would be self-incrimination. |
TN: Alexander, Corker Cosponsor Bill To Lift D.C. Gun Ban
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"U.S. Sens. Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker Thursday announced that in support of Second Amendment rights, they are cosponsoring Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison’s (R-TX) bill to repeal the ban on certain firearms in the District of Columbia."
"'Gun control should not mean taking away these rights from law-abiding citizens and leaving criminals to terrorize the streets,' Sen. Alexander said. 'Good citizens don’t abuse guns; criminals do.'"
"'I'm cosponsoring this bill because I believe the Second Amendment guarantees the right of all law-abiding citizens to bear arms,' said Sen. Corker. ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: And if DC's ban gets repealed, the landmark decision in Parker v. DC will become irrelevant. |
TX: Ban on firearms in foster homes not needed, some lawmakers say
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Two Dallas-area lawmakers are working together to overturn a state rule that prohibits firearms in some foster homes."
"Sen. Bob Deuell, R-Greenville, and Rep. Dan Flynn, R-Van, filed bills that would reverse a state policy and allow foster parents who look after emotionally disturbed children to possess firearms if they are kept under lock and key with ammunition stored separately. Both Deuell and Flynn labeled the regulation to ban guns in certain foster homes as unnecessary and said the rule change could hinder recruiting and retaining foster parents." ... |
TN: Bill Passes, Tennesseans Can Keep Guns In Emergencies
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"Tennesseans will get to keep their weapons to defend themselves in future disasters and emergencies."
"Tennessee lawmakers shot down a standing law allowing the governor to confiscate guns."
"Louisiana had the same law and enacted it in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina."
"Post-Katrina New Orleans experienced a dramatic rise in violence. To curb the chaos, Louisiana government ordered all citizens to turn in their guns."
"Wednesday, Tennessee senators assured residents of the Volunteer State they will keep their guns, even in a State of Emergency."
"Republican Senator Mark Norris proposed the bill that bans local officials from taking weapons." ... |
TX: City Relaxes Restrictions On Firearms
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"The Tyler City Council on Wednesday loosened its ordinance governing firearms on city property, allowing those with concealed handgun licenses to carry weapons. There are a few specific exceptions."
"The city's ordinances banned firearms on all city property and at all political rallies, parades and meetings, assistant city attorney Steve Kean explained. But the Legislature says exceptions must be made in some situations for those who have concealed handgun licenses."
"'The city does have discretion to prohibit firearms in City Council or board meetings, with specific notice,' Kean said. 'And this will not affect current regulations (prohibiting firearms) at municipal court, secured areas at the airport or at polling places.'" ... |
FL: Think of it as a way to save on gasoline
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"How many times has this happened to you?"
"You decide to open fire at your workplace, to terrorize your boss and co-workers..."
"... only to realize that your gun is not in your car out in the parking lot."
"No. Your stupid company policy forbids weapons on company property."
"So you have to drive ALL THE WAY HOME to get your gun. This, of course, is terribly inconvenient."
"Fortunately, the Florida Legislature is all over this problem. There are bills in both our House and Senate this year to make it illegal for employers to ban weapons in their own parking lots." ... |
NY: B'klyn Marine Gun Rap
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Dennis Miller
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"A Brooklyn Marine reservist was busted yesterday for dealing an arsenal of guns that had been stolen from a Department of Homeland Security facility, law-enforcement sources said yesterday." ... |
DE: Death Squad Kills US Marine in Delaware with impunity (follow-up)
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"Delaware was the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. It may be the first state to be afflicted with a fully operational death squad – unless a civil lawsuit filed on Friday against the murders of Derek J. Hale results in criminal charges and a complete lustration (in the Eastern European sense of the term) of Delaware's law enforcement establishment."
"Hale, a retired Marine Sergeant who served two tours in Iraq and was decorated before his combat-related medical discharge in January 2006, was murdered by a heavily armed 8–12-member undercover police team in Wilmington, Delaware last November 6. He had come to Wilmington from his home in Manassas, Virginia to participate in a Toys for Tots event." ... |
FL: Arrogant Florida executive and others pick on American working man's right to defend life, notes U.S. gun law expert
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"In an incredibly raw display of public arrogance, an executive in Florida unhappy with state legislators' support for a self-defense proposal, this week said, 'Some of our members are dumbfounded that you can be smart enough to be in the Legislature and still consider this bill seriously.'"
"Thus stated Mark Wilson, Executive Vice President of the Florida Chamber of Commerce, following the Florida Senate Criminal Justice Committee’s 7-1 vote Tuesday approving a bill that would prohibit business owners in the Sunshine State from barring guns from their parking lots, reported the Miami Herald." ... |
VA: 'Outing' Concealed Weapons Carriers Not Right
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"To the Editor:"
"Recently a reporter from the Roanoke Times took it upon himself to 'out' ALL of Virginia's private citizens who choose to exercise their Second-Amendment right by carrying a concealed weapon. Through a Sunshine Clause, he was able to obtain a list of these citizens from the Virginia State Police, which the Roanoke Times then made public on its Web site. The tone Christian Trejbal of the Roanoke Times took, painted these citizens as wackos. ... The Roanoke Times put several people in jeopardy by alienating all those who carry a concealed weapon, and I consider this 'outing' of carriers just as bad as 'outing' an undercover police officer or federal agent."
"Mike Joyce Fairfax" |
OH: A Church and the Second Amendment (BFA)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Earlier this month I heard about a 'discussion' of Second Amendment gun rights to be held March 20 at St. John’s Church in downtown Columbus. From the church’s website:"
"'What is the Role of Guns in America Today?'"
"'Join us for this provocative discussion as we explore the issue of gun control versus ownership rights.' and 'Come separate fact from fiction and rhetoric from reality.'"
"Presenting the 'discussion' was Dr. Saul Cornell, Professor of History at the Ohio State University ..."
"I arranged my evening schedule to attend, suspicious of how there could be discussion with only one speaker, but hoping to hear news of the recent D.C. court ruling or other 'discussion' of Second Amendment issues. ..." ... |
UT: Arrests likely in Trolley Square massacre gun probe
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Website: http://atfabuse.com
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"Detectives have figured out how Sulejman Talovic got the revolver he used in the Trolley Square shootings and plan to pursue charges against as many as three people who had the gun before him." ...
"The gun originally was bought legally at a store by a man out of state and was stolen ..." ...
"Police Chief Chris Burbank said detectives were going after 'everyone involved' with the handgun. He declined to offer specifics, saying he wanted to give investigators time to sort out which charges to use."
"Burbank said it was important to charge anyone for illegally selling or trading the gun to prevent guns from getting in the wrong hands in the future." ... |