CCRKBA’s Gottlieb fires back: ‘Shame on you, Mr. President!’
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Tom Price
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... "But Gottlieb’s remarks ... are aimed squarely at the president’s Thursday media event, during which he stated about the Sandy Hook tragedy, 'Less than 100 days ago that happened. ... Shame on us if we've forgotten,' Obama said. 'I haven't forgotten those kids. Shame on us if we've forgotten.'"
"'We haven’t forgotten Sandy Hook,' Gottlieb fired back, 'nor have we forgotten that during the first weeks of your administration, Eric Holder floated trial balloons about renewing and expanding the ban on modern sporting rifles. We also haven’t forgotten that your administration tried to exploit the Fast and Furious debacle ..."
"'Shame on you, Mister President,' he said, 'for trying to capitalize on that tragedy to push an anti-gun agenda that has been on your wish list since before you took office.'" ... |
Military installations sidestep questions on brass destruction
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David Codrea
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... "With that as backdrop, independent reports and tips continued to be provided to this column by interested readers, including a military combat veteran relating not just the alleged destruction of ammunition but also the financial advantages he said the Oregon National Guard benefited from by deforming and selling casings as scrap, and also a report alleging similar destruction at an Army base in Wisconsin, Fort McCoy." ... |
Senator Grassley to TTAG: Anti-Tiahrt Letter Lies
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Yesterday, I blogged a letter sent to the Office of Management and Budget. Twenty-nine Democrats directed the OMB’s Acting Director to kill the Tiahrt Amendment—the law that keeps ATF eTrace data under wraps. As part of their rationale ... the Dems claimed the Amendment hampered Senator Grassley’s investigation into Operation Fast and Furious. The exact wording: 'Chairman Darrell Issa and Senator Chuck Grassley had to take the extreme step of requesting gun trace data of the Mexican Ambassador since they weren’t allowed to do so with their own government.' WTF? I contacted Senator Grassley’s office to get the 411 from the horse’s mouth (rather than the other end). Here’s his statement . . ." ... |
Bloomberg ad not all its critics claim; Colorado boycott update
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A controversial advertisement paid for by anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is not all many of its critics have claimed, specifically that an actor holding a shotgun in the spot has his finger on the trigger of the Remington Model 870 pump shotgun he is holding."
"That’s not correct ..." ...
"MEANWHILE, this column received an e-mail reminding hunters that the deadline is fast approaching for applications to be sent to the Colorado Department of Wildlife and Parks for non-resident hunting permits. Good luck with that, as it appears a boycott of Colorado goods and services by many hunters and shooters is fully-engaged."
"They are talking about it in the Washington Post and Los Angeles Times, so it must be true." ... |
Where is the limit?
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "I hear certain individuals who want gun legislation to pass making statements like, 'The Second Amendment is not unlimited' or 'There are restrictions to the Second Amendment.' My question is, where is that limit of how far our government can restrict one's Second Amendment right?"
"I've never heard anyone state how far the government can go with restricting one's right to keep and bear arms! It seems to me that everyone loves to argue about what the writers of the Second Amendment intended, but people want to ignore the fact that government has continually added restrictions to one's right to keep and bear arms throughout the years. ..." ... |
Weapons let shooter spread maximum mayhem
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The gunman in the Newtown, Conn., massacre fired 154 bullets from his Bushmaster military-style rifle in less than five minutes, killing 20 first-graders and six adults."
"He brought with him 10 large-capacity magazines, each holding up to 30 rounds, which allowed him to reload quickly. He also carried two semiautomatic handguns, one of which he used to take his own life."
"Is this supposed to be the price of the Second Amendment?" ... -------
Submitter's Note: Actually he performed tactical reloads; ejecting his partial mag and replacing it with a full one at each opportunity which made the size of his mags irrelevant. Also, as Sheriff Campbell shows here mag cap limits are irrelevant.
No, this is not "the price of the Second Amendment" this is the price of "gun free zones". |
The NRA's gun-free zone argument is a myth
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Ever since the massacres in Aurora, Colo., and Newtown, Conn., this idea has been repeated like some surreal requiem: The reason that mass gun violence keeps happening is because the U.S. is full of places that ban guns."
"Second Amendment activists have long floated this theme, and now lawmakers across the nation are using it, too. During a recent floor debate in the Colorado legislature, Republican state Rep. Carole Murray put it this way: 'Most of the mass killings that we talk about have been affected in gun-free zones. ...'"
"The argument claims to explain the motive behind mass shootings and how they play out. The killers deliberately choose sites where firearms are forbidden ..." ... |
Looking at gun “control” – part 2
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Part 1 explained that administrative and technological changes are necessary and possible for our safe and fair 'right to bear arms.' Guns are killing machines, though guns don’t do the actual killing. People kill. But people can’t kill with guns if they can’t readily get one, let alone two or more. Guns should be treated like cars with proper registration, alarms, inspections, insurance, etc… " ... -------
Submitter's Note: Treated like cars, eh? - So my permit to carry will be good in all 50 states? And if I break some local law on magazine capacity or type of ammo I'll be able to fix it with a ticket?
- Schools will have 'parking lots' for staff and students to store their guns during the day?
Schools will have "Carrier's Ed" that all students will be encouraged to take when they turn 15?- 15-year-olds can get their 'learner's permit' and on their 16th birthday kids can go right down to the local cop shop to get their license to carry? They’ll take the written and practical tests and if they pass the tests they’ll pay their fee ($20 – $50) get their license on the spot, right?
- I can walk into a gun shop plunk down cash and, with no questions asked (except for name and addy for the registration), I can walk out 2 minutes later with a gun?
- If my gun will only be used on private property then it doesn't have to be "street legal", so machine guns, RPGs, mortars, all are okay, right?
Okay, I guess I'm fully in favor of treating guns like cars. |
What Now for Gun Control?
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"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and other Democratic leaders in Congress folded their tents on comprehensive gun control fast — dropping a ban on assault weapons and limits on the size of magazines as they watered down the 'official' bill that will hit the Senate floor."
"What’s left of the bill is important — notably universal background checks and a measure to enhance criminal penalties for 'straw man' sales. The more pragmatically minded among gun control advocates are arguing that we should just accept what is doable and stop fighting battles that are already lost. But not everyone is giving up." ... |
White House Demands American Sheriffs Enforce Gun Control (video available)
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Tom Price
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"It’s about to get real people. There are those in law enforcement who are standing for the law of the land and then there are the radical Socialists in Washington who seek to trample the law under their feet. Since a number of brave men in this country have come forward to state that as the supreme law enforcement officers in their counties they will not enforce new gun control laws, the Obama White House has demanded that they must." ... |
PA: Gun-control rally set for Saturday in Doylestown
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"On Saturday at high noon, hundreds who favor new gun controls are expected to rally at the Doylestown Courthouse, but some worry about advance notice of the rally in this column."
"Organizers want to gather as many assault weapons ban supporters as Doylestown can fit. Those who favor universal background checks, too."
"But the chance for counter rallies is improved by getting out the word early. Worriers envision bus loads of NRA faithful being dispatched to distract proceedings so the message would be drowned out." ... |
Lotus Gunworks Boasts World’s Biggest Bullet Trap
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"'Action Target engineers are doing more on the beaches of Florida this spring than just surfing or getting a tan: they are designing the biggest bullet trap ever built.' So says the press release posted over at ammoland.com. Which leads me to believe that someone at the range-building company is trying to justify the fact that they’re surfing and getting a tan in Jensen Beach, Florida while their corporate compadres are freezing their collective asses off in Provo, Utah. Not a crime, surely (and yes I’m calling you Shirley). Anyway, Lotus Gunworks is set to unveil their new Action Target-crafted double-decker shooting range next month, complete with a two-story steel funnel bullet trap . . ." ... |
Question of the Day: Why Shouldn’t We Tool Up Like LEOs?
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Reader David Brown writes:"
"I’ve noticed there are many people in the general public and political arena that seem to see a clear distinction between what weapons and magazines are appropriate for law enforcement and what are appropriate for 'the rest of us'. The only differences I see are ones that heavily favor the average person over law enforcement and here’s why. Like John Q. Public, a law enforcement officer’s weapons are used for defense of self or others. They’re not intended for offensive use. That being the case, the argument against citizens being entitled to anything short of what LEOs are privy to falls flat for three reasons . . ." ... |
Book Review: Essential Liberty
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Ever since the Berlin Wall came tumbling down, the entertainment industry’s struggled to find bad guys. Aliens, drug dealers, terrorists, capitalists, philatelists—just kidding. At one point, South Africans were all the rage. If Joss Ackland wasn’t in your action movie, there wasn’t a bad guy (despite a dishonorable mention in the 10 Best/ Worst South African accents in movies). Recently, there’s been a shift towards North Koreans (they cray-zee) and the U.S. government (Bourne again). In Rob Olive’s Essential Liberty, we get a variation on the theme: the ATF. Yes, our very own Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) play the part of ee-vil . . ." ... |
Second Amendment Intended for Self-Defense
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A case could be made that the false impression many Americans have in regards to 'assault weapons' is the direct result of both the NRA misrepresenting them (beginning in the late ‘80’s through to the present) and not holding educators of U.S. history accountable for incomplete or revisionist history."
"When assault weapons were first widely introduced to the general public, NRA representatives held them up and touted them as 'sportsmen rifles' for hunting and target shooting. Certainly these firearms are well suited for both, however, neither of these activities are what they were designed for. It’s clearly evident that based on their design as well as their features, the purpose of an assault weapon is for just that ..." ... |
AZ: Free rifles could have a high cost
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "Now comes a group in Tucson promising free shotguns to people who live in its "high-crime" areas on the city's southwest side. The nonprofit organization calls itself the Armed Citizen Project and is allied with a national campaign to provide single women and other residents with shotguns so that they can defend themselves against criminals who might threaten them in their homes."
"'If you are not willing to protect the citizens of Tucson, someone is going to do it - why not me?' was the reason for the giveaway organized by real estate agent Shaun McClusky, who plans to begin distributing the weapons by May." ... |
AZ: Campaign promises free shotguns to residents of troubled Tucson neighborhood
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A campaign promising free shotguns for people in Tucson’s most troubled neighborhoods has divided some residents in a community still reeling from a shooting rampage in 2011 that killed six people, left a congresswoman and several others wounded, and made the city a symbol of gun violence in America."
"The nonprofit Armed Citizen Project is part of a national campaign to give shotguns to single women and homeowners in neighborhoods with high-crime rates. The effort comes amid a national debate on gun control after mass shootings in Arizona, Colorado and Connecticut." ... |
Obama makes impassioned plea for gun control legislation
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Tom Price
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"President Barack Obama attempted on Thursday to inject fresh momentum into efforts to pass gun-control legislation, pleading with U.S. lawmakers not to forget those shot to death in Newtown, Connecticut three months ago."
"Amid signs that he may have to accept a scaled-down version of gun legislation, Obama sounded a note of frustration in calling upon Americans to demand action from the U.S. Congress in the weeks ahead." ... |
Obama uses executive power to move gun control agenda forward
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"President Obama is quietly moving forward on gun control."
"The president has used his executive powers to bolster the national background check system, jumpstart government research on the causes of gun violence and create a million-dollar ad campaign aimed at safe gun ownership."
"The executive steps will give federal law enforcement officials access to more data about guns and their owners, help keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill, and lay the groundwork for future legislative efforts." ... |
Harry Reid’s New Gun Control Bill Is Designed To Destroy Gun Ownership
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Tom Price
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"Since Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) massive gun control bill is going down in flames due to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-NV) decision to stop it in its tracks, that didn’t mean that the gun grab was over. In fact, that seems to have been all political theater. The real threat comes in Harry Reid’s own S 649 bill, or as its innocuous title is referred to as Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013. It’s anything but safe for communities, schools or freedom and has sweeping legislation that has the potential to destroy gun ownership in America. Because of its introduction last Thursday, it will probably be brought up immediately following the Easter recess." ... |
DE: Delaware Passes Universal Background Check Bill
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Jeff Spiegelman [not shown], Representative 11th District, Delaware writes:"
"Yesterday early afternoon, HB 35 (universal background checks) passed. While this was not what many of us wanted, we did score some major victories. There were 11 amendments proposed with 4 amendments to the amendments. but one of them passed. Some of the additions to the bill include . . ." ... |
IL: Illinois State Rifle Association: Why We Must Fight
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Richard Pearson of the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) writes:"
"Just today I had a member call me and ask how much longer the ISRA was going to pester him to call his legislators about gun control bills. My answer was, 'Until we win.' . . ."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I need to speak to you very plainly about what we are facing in Springfield. What’s going in the Capitol is not some sort of new-age encounter group where gun owners and gun grabbers are searching weepy-eyed for an elusive piece of common ground."
"No, what we are engaged in is a nothing less than a good old fashioned street fight. This is the kind of fight where – in the end – one guy goes home while the other guy gets carted away in a box. ..." ... |
AK: Alaska House Approves Pro-Gun, Pro-Business Resolution
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Alaska House of Representatives on Thursday passed a resolution to encourage firearms and firearm accessories manufacturers in the Lower 48 to move their businesses to Alaska, if they feel threatened by restrictive anti-gun legislation at the state and federal level."
"House Joint Resolution 12, sponsored by Alaska Speaker of the House Mike Chenault, also urges the Governor promote the state’s business-friendly climate and actively seek out companies and help with relocation efforts." ... |
OR: Anti-Rights Bills Scheduled
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Anti-gun Senator Floyd Prozanski has scheduled hearings for four bills designed to attack your rights and make you and your family less safe. The bills are scheduled to be heard on April 5th at 8:30 am at the Capitol."
"The bills are scheduled to follow the day after an anti-gun rally is planned for Salem."
"The four bills are SB 347, SB 699, SB 700 and SB 796." ... |
NY: Clerks Overwhelmed by Gun Opt-Out Forms
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"County clerks around New York said they are struggling with thousands of pistol permit opt-out forms flooding their offices and with no money from the state for the additional work."
"A provision in New York's new gun-control law provides state residents with the option to fill out a form that would keep their pistol permit records exempt from Freedom of Information requests. State Police released the forms on Feb. 15, and permit holders have until May 15 to complete the forms or risk having their information available to the public."
"Monroe County has received 11,000 forms. Westchester County has received 9,000, and Broome County has gotten in 4,000. Clerks report long lines of people submitting the forms." ... |
MT: Montana Governor Lies About the Constitution, Vetoes 2nd Amendment Protection Bill
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D. Smith
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"Here’s a surprise for you; some Governors have absolutely zero understanding of the Constitution. None, whatsoever. Montana Governor Steve Bullock seems to fit that description quite nicely."
"Yesterday, he vetoed Montana House Bill 302 (HB302). The bill would require the state to refuse to enforce or assist the enforcement of any federal bans on semiautomatic weapons or large capacity magazines. ..." ...
"Here’s why Bullock is clueless about the Constitution. In his veto message he wrote that the bill would put 'law enforcement in the position of violating laws they have sworn to uphold' and 'subject our peace officers to criminal sanctions for upholding the oath we ask that they take.'" ... |
CA: Sikh man cites religion in lawsuit against gun controls
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"A Sikh man is suing the state of California over its gun laws, arguing they violate his First Amendment rights to practice his religion by barring him from carrying the kind of weapons he says he needs for self-defense."
"Gursant Singh Khalsa, a practicing Sikh for 35 years, charges in the lawsuit filed this month that California’s laws banning military-style, semiautomatic weapons and high-capacity magazines violate mainstream Sikh doctinre requiring Sikhs 'be at all time fully prepared to defend themselves and others against injustice.'" ... |
DHS Solicits For More Various Caliber Ammunition
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Tom Price
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"Ammunition is in short supply. The demand has increased dramatically which takes its toll on the market. However, the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t seem to be affected by the demand at all. In fact, it’s got over $37 million of tax payer money to spend on brass and lead for fiscal year 2013 and it’s soliciting again for nearly 90,000 round in various calibers. This is in addition to their own claims of having more than 260 million rounds of ammunition back in November 2012." ... |
NY: NY Snags Another One: Down Goes Guerrero!
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"After a spate of high profile arrests of unsuspecting out-of-towners about a year ago who somehow hadn’t gotten the word that the five boroughs aren’t particularly accommodating when it comes to Second Amendment rights, things seemed to settle down for a while. Bloomberg’s Army went back to their usual business of shooting bystanders, arresting home invasion victims and adding to their stock of heavy weaponry. Until, that is, boxer Robert Guerrero decided he deserved a birthday trip to Las Vegas after promoting an upcoming flight in the Big Apple . . ." ...
"We’re sure he’ll want to send Governor Cuomo a thank-you note, too. Under the provisions of the new SAFE Act ... Guerrero’s facing felonies rather than misdemeanors." ... |
MA: Accused child porn cop released to parents’ custody
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A Waltham police officer and kiddie party entertainer busted for browsing hardcore child pornography has been ordered to live with his parents 24 hours a day and will be subject to re-arrest if he so much as sneaks a peek at the Internet."
"U.S. District Court Chief Magistrate Judge Leo T. Sorokin released officer Paul Charles Manganelli Jr. to home confinement on a GPS bracelet today after assistant U.S. Attorney Stacy Belf dropped a scheduled detention hearing when the disgraced cop’s parents offered to be their son’s jailers and turn him into authorities if he crossed them or his conditions of pre-trial release." ... |
MA: Massachusetts Middle Schooler Suspended for Bringing Butter Knife to School So She Could Cut Her Pear
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D. Smith
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"A 13-year-old Massachusetts middle school student received a one-day suspension this week for bringing a butter knife to school."
"Morgan LaPlaume, a student at Wamsutta Middle School, told Boston’s WXFT-TV she brought the knife to cut her pear during lunch, which she can’t eat whole because of her braces. She said the assistant principal spotted it on the table and pulled her into his office." ...
"Wamsutta’s principal told WXFT they were simply following the policy outlined in the handbook." ... |
CT: Newtown Massacre Search Warrants Released
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"In keeping with his word to produce documents regarding the search warrants used in the Newtown Massacre investigation, State’s Attorney Stephen Sedensky released about what everyone involved in the legislative discussions knew he would."
"He released a one-sided list of only the weapons and equipment that the murderer and his mother possessed. ..."
"The only focus and obvious intention of releasing the search warrants is to focus the narrative on the firearms instead of the actual legitimate questions about the murderer and his history and things that can actually be evaluated and fixed without endangering the rest of us in the process." ... |
TX: Firearms training, safety could result in fewer accidents
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"This note is in response to the letter from Geoffrey Wheeler, who recently addressed the topic of firearms education in our schools. Wheeler took the position that it was inappropriate, and that as an urban American he found no connection or any need for such."
"This touched a nerve with me because I’ve long thought that our schools are doing the nation’s youth a disservice by not exposing them to basic firearms handling and safety lessons, and so I feel the need to respond ..." ... |
TX: Women say man posing as police officer sexually assaulted them (video available)
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"A man has been arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting two women while posing as a police officer."
"San Antonio Police believe there may be more victims out there. According to the arrest affidavit, 26-year-old Bryan Gresham found these women on social websites, through ads they posted advertising escort services." ... |