Anti-Gunners Wrong (Again) About Minnesota Carry (CCRKBA)
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"Data released by the Minneapolis, Minn. Star Tribune Friday showing that anti-gunners were wrong in their predictions about Wild West shootouts and blood in the streets is a vindication of every armed citizen in the state ..."
"According to the newspaper, people with gun permits are far less likely to be involved in a crime, whether it is a physical assault, a drug crime or even drunken driving. Authorities have confirmed that the hysterical predictions about gunfights at traffic stops and danger to children simply have not materialized."
"'You will not hear an apology or any kind of acknowledgement from the anti-self-defense crowd about the statistics,' predicted CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Waldron. ..." ... |
Kiss kiss, bang bang: the Pink Pistols take aim against hate crimes
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... "Nicki Stallard isn't your average lady."
"She was born a man."
"Stallard, who has been living as a woman for the past year and a half, is the coordinator of the San Jose chapter of the Pink Pistols - a national organization that encourages gay, lesbian and transgender people to arm themselves to prevent hate crimes. Part social gun club, part political platform, the group's slogans are 'Armed gays don't get bashed' and 'Pick on someone your own caliber.'"
"Founded in 2000 in Boston by libertarian activist Douglas Krick, the Pink Pistols have since grown to more than 40 chapters across the country. Not surprisingly, the group has garnered its fair share of controversy, both locally and nationally." ... |
Jim Zumbo Takes Aim At U.S. Senator
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"In February, hunter and outdoorsman Jim Zumbo enraged shooters across the United States with comments appearing his now-discontinued blog on Outdoor Life. ..."
"Zumbo hasn't tried to shift the blame to anyone else. In fact, he pledged to go on the offensive to fight HR 1022, the newly introduced and significantly broadened, assault weapons ban."
"Last week, Michigan Senator Carl Levin, a staunch opponent of firearms, used Zumbo's remarks to attack firearms owners, reading portions into the Congressional Record. Zumbo has fired back, sending an open letter to the United States Senate that responds to Levin's action and makes it plain that Zumbo isn't letting that action pass." ... |
Arm The Ones That You Love (BFA)
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Buckeye Firearms Association
Website: http://www.buckeyefirearms.org
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"There was a strange reaction from my family and friends when I became engaged to a beautiful and amazing woman on September 16th, 2005. They were happy for me, but they were also amazed that a woman was willing to put up with my idiosyncrasies for the rest of her life. However, what really shocked them was what I got her for our one year anniversary of dating - a handgun."
"To some people it was a strange and dangerous gift. To others it was much more than just a gun." ... |
Interpreting the Second Amendment
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"How to interpret the Second Amendment - a question raised anew by the March 9 ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, which many believe may prompt a High Court review - is a subset of how to interpret any provision of the Constitution. Happily, one of the Federalist Founders, Alexander Hamilton, provided a very handy guide:"
"[W]hatever may have been the intention of the framers of a constitution, or of a law, that intention is to be sought for in the instrument itself, according to the usual and established rules of construction. Nothing is more common than for laws to express and effect, more or less than was intended." ... |
Brady Campaign 'Aghast'
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"I'm on the Brady Campaign's mailing list – I figure the best way to know what the other side is up to is to subscribe to their newsletter. So it came as no surprise when a response to the recent D.C. Gun Ban case (see entry from earlier this month) came across the wire. Honestly the response is pretty much exactly what I expected from the Brady Campaign, and it has a real tenor of desperation."
"For today’s blog I figured I’d go through the letter from the Brady Campaign and point out the numerous errors they continue to perpetuate:" ... |
Gun-Shy Liberals
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"Considering how badly things have been going for conservatives, right-wingers, Republicans ... it's worth noting that one of the greatest conservative victories of the last 40 years is quietly unfolding right in front of us. On March 9, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued an epochal ruling. The court found that the Second Amendment actually protects the right to bear arms for individuals."
"Now, that in and of itself is huge. For decades, the courts, the legal and academic establishments, the press ... have been arguing that not only is the Second Amendment a chestnut from a bygone age, but that enlightened judges should just go ahead and void the darn thing like a bad parking ticket." ... |
Workers' Safety and the Gun Lobby
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"The aura of invincibility that has legislatures bowing before the gun lobby is running into a commendable challenge from corporate America. Two conservative powerhouses — gun fanciers and business leaders — are facing off in statehouses over the gun lobby's attempt to stop employers from exercising their property rights and barring workers from carrying firearms to work."
"Bills to deny this common-sense right to workplace safety were initially approved in three states. But they failed last year in such gun-friendly states as Florida, Georgia, Indiana and Virginia ..."
"There is no debate that doing so endangers workers. ..." ... |
Rudy Giuliani: Gun manufacturers knowingly calculate sales to illegal market (BFA)
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"A video of then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani has been posted at YouTube with the following caption:"
"On June 23, 2000 [New York City Mayor] Rudy Giuliani tried to justifiy the gun industry lawsuit to a concerned citizen."
"Giuliani claims that gun manufacturers overproduce firearms. Giuliani claims that most police officers are in favor of gun control. Giuliani claims that gun control reduced New York City crime. Giuliani blames the rest of the country for having lax gun laws which let people buy guns elsewhere and bring them into the city."
"Compare this to the claims currently being made on Giuliani's Presidential campaign website:"
"Rudy Giuliani is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment." ... |
VT: Editorial forgot key factor for Smith
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Times Argus March 23 editorial outlining Peter Smith's public service career ("Clouded departure") omitted the key factor in his defeat for re-election to Congress in 1990 – namely his support for the so-called assault weapons ban. By voting for the ban Smith, a moderate Republican, infuriated his natural allies in the outdoorsman and gun rights communities who then withheld their support ..."
"Smith is not the only politician to have lost an election on this issue. Had Al Gore not alienated the National Rifle Association he wouldn't have lost his home state of Tennessee ... And John Kerry, unlike Howard Dean, was a sure loser among many millions of Americans due to his anti-Second Amendment activism." ... |
IL: Contact legislators to fight gun control
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Law-abiding gun owners in Illinois are in a fight to keep their right to own guns and enjoy shooting sports. SB16 if passed would ban many of the firearms that Illinois citizens now legally own. The supporters of SB16 are giving the excuse that less guns means less crime."
"The truth is that areas that have less gun control have less crime. This has been evidenced by the states that have the right to conceal carry available to ordinary citizens. Every state that has passed the right to carry has seen a reduction in violent crime. Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun control in the United States. Look at the violent crime rate there." ... |
TX: Now A Man Truly Has The Right To Defend His Castle In Texas
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"Having become truly cynical with regards to my expectations concerning our elected leaders actually really doing something that is good for we mere peasants, I’m always pleasantly surprised when one of them does. And this is one case that pleases me greatly."
"Last Tuesday Texas Governor Rick Perry signed a bill into law that gives Texans the right to defend themselves with deadly force in a life threatening situation. The law prior to this often required a person to retreat when attacked until retreat was no longer feasible before he or she could react with at least the same amount of force they were threatened with."
"Not any more." ... |
GA: The fight was between Senate Republicans and the NRA, but the year was 1999
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"The fight over the pistols-in-company-parking-lots bill continued to churn Thursday, as Senate Republicans tried to find a path between gun advocates and business interests. No progress was reported."
"With his GOP caucus split, Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle put S.B. 43 on hold on Tuesday, Crossover Day, sparking outrage from the National Rifle Association, which is backing the bill."
"This isn’t the first time Republicans have stuck a thumb in the eye of the NRA. In fact, the last time, the GOP actually got something out of it." ... |
FL: Take Your Gun to Work Day? Not safest idea
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"My commute to work consists of the usual stuff: coffee, or a Starbucks cappuccino when I want to splurge, and a handful of CDs to drown out the beep-beep rush along Interstate 4."
"Guns never have been a welcome traveling partner."
"But some folks -- bless their Second Amendment rights -- argue that they would feel much safer if they were allowed to pack heat to work. And they have powerful allies in the National Rifle Association and some legislators in Tallahassee ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Actually our arguments are based on facts, not feelings. |
The War on Guns points to Red's trouble with B.A.T.F.
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Website: http://GunShowOnTheNet.com/
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"Red's Trading Post is having ongoing trouble with the B.A.T.F. As we all know, his is not a new phenomenon in the industry. Another shop near Red's was closed due to the B.A.T.F. This type of activity by those whom are supposed to be SERVING us. Can no longer be tolerated."
"We The People instituted our government(s) to "SECURE the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity". We, todays People, ARE that posterity! And those in our government(s) ARE still OUR SERVANTS. And, our SERVANTS have no business subverting our Right..."
"...on Red's website. You will find an Online Petiton. To date, there are 1922 signatures on the petition. Commentary is allowed, as well as anonymity. Let's bury them with signatures...." |
PA: Sheriff against effort to limit handgun sales
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"Berks County Sheriff Barry J. Jozwiak asked a panel of state lawmakers in Reading on Thursday to shoot down any legislation that would limit handgun purchases, claiming it would not curb crime or gun violence."
"Jozwiak's testimony before the state House Judiciary Committee in City Council chambers put him at odds with Reading Mayor Tom McMahon, Philadelphia lawmakers and others calling for tougher handgun laws in response to a rash of shootings and murders in Pennsylvania cities." ...
"Instead of passing new gun laws, Jozwiak said, police and judges should enforce existing laws."
"'Gun control does not reduce crime,' Jozwiak said. 'In fact, criminals prefer their victims to be unarmed.'" ... |
IL: Gun Ban Zealot Fails to Answer Questions About Illinois Made Rifles
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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"During a hastily called news conference Wednesday morning, former gun ban lobbyist, now State Senator, Dan Kotowski (D-Park Ridge) incorrectly portrayed an Illinois- manufactured ArmaLite AR-50, a bolt-action .50 caliber rifle. ..."
"As Kotowski incorrectly described the use of the .50 caliber rifle, he stated that this rifle was designed and manufactured for law enforcement and military applications. In contrast, Mark Westrom, President of ArmaLite ... stated correctly that the AR-50 displayed was, in fact, a target rifle used by legitimate, law-abiding citizens for hunting, target shooting, and collecting -- not by law- enforcement or military. In fact, ArmaLite has never sold an AR-50 to any military or law enforcement organization." ... |
TN: Nashvillian named top athlete in rifle championship
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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A graduate of Montgomery Bell Academy has joined the ranks of Rifle All-Americans, college students honored for their marksmanship, academic achievement and leadership qualities by the National Rifle Association.
David Amiot, currently a United States Military Academy student, has also been picked to the second team in smallbore rifle category for this year’s NRA All-American shooting teams. The distinction came at the end of the National Collegiate Athletic Association rifle championships earlier this month. |
VA: Go figure
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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"In an editorial on Tuesday that asked readers to comment on whether the records of individuals who have permits to carry concealed handguns should be public, we made a mistake. We listed, among the very few places that guns aren't permitted, restaurants and bars that serve alcohol."
"But the fact is that just about anyone can openly carry a gun - loaded or unloaded - into an establishment that serves alcohol, unless the owner prohibits it. The ban is on carrying concealed handguns in such places. There's an exception for owners, employees and police. And, don't forget, concealed guns are illegal without a permit."
"But a loaded shotgun or rifle out in the open - where any drunk could grab it - is OK. A pistol holstered under a jacket, even if the owner has a concealed-carry permit, is not." ... |
CT: Gun safety seminar offered in New Milford
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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A handgun safety program sponsored by the National Rifle Association will be held April 28 in New Milford.
The one-day program will offer knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for using or owning a handgun. A national written examination and live-fire range qualification will be conducted.
Program completion is a requirement for application for a state permit in Connecticut and most other states.
For registration or information, call (860) 354-1991. |
WA: Shooting range draws council fire
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"The Dalles City Council's concerns do not stop at the city limits. At the council’s meeting Monday, the most animated moments came when discussing the old gravel pit west of town, and its use as an informal shooting range."
"'I support the Second Amendment, and people have a God-given right to own guns,' said Mayor Robb Van Cleave, 'but we have a multimillion-dollar tourist attraction out there, and if ODOT [Oregon Department of Transportation] can't make them stop shooting, they can at least pick up their litter.'"
"The mayor was referring to the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center and Wasco County Historical Museum. Visitors who follow signs on Interstate 84 to the facility unavoidably pass by the former gravel pit." ... |
MO: Conceal and Carry Permits
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"This month, Boone County law enforcement officials are starting the renewal process for the conceal and carry weapon permits issued three years ago."
"At that time, Missouri became the 45th state to allow people to carry concealed weapons."
"Boone County residents like Larry O'Neal know the age of their guns and their permits."
"'You can tell the gun is fairly worn, it's been carried a lot,' said O'Neal of his personal firearm."
"He says that he carries his weapon with him almost everywhere he goes. When Missouri made it legal, he applied for a conceal and carry permit." ... |
MN: Gun-carry law hasn't produced more crime
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"Tens of thousands more Minnesotans licensed to carry handguns in public haven't turned the state into the Wild West shootout that gun-control advocates warned of. But they also have not done much to curb violent crime, a benefit that many gun-rights proponents predicted when the state's permitting law was liberalized."
"Between 2002, the year before the law was changed, and 2005, the most recent year for which state figures are available, Minnesota's violent crime rose 13 percent."
"The 174 crimes committed by permit holders, according to a recent state report, represent only a tiny fraction of the surge, which experts say owes more to demographic trends and gangs."
"Only 23 of the crimes by permit holders involved a pistol." ... -------
Submitter's Note: According to Michael Martin, a local permit holder:
When compared to all other Minnesotans 21 and over, Permit Holders are:
> 28 times less likely to get a DWI. > 40 times less likely to commit assault. > 20 times less likely to be arrested for drug crimes.
These figures were provided to the reporter who wrote the article, but did not make it in. |
Australia: Anti-Gun Nuts
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... "The people in the dialogue are supposed to be discussing the 2002 tragedy at Monash University in Australia where a student from China used a handgun to kill two fellow-Chinese students:"
"Larry Leftie: One thing this incident proves is the need to ban guns."
"Rudi Redneck: Rubbish it demonstrates the need to ban Asians."
"LL: But Asians didn't cause this - guns did."
"RR: An Asian did cause this."
"LL: But if there were no guns this incident couldn't have happened."
"RR: If there were no Asians this incident couldn't have happened."
"LL: But you can't judge all Asians on the actions of a few."
"RR: You can't judge all gun owners on the actions of a few." ... |