IL: $10,129.57 from GSL to Central IL Precision Shooters for new range
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John Boch
Website: http://www.gunssavelife.com
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Guns Save Life presented a check for $10,129.57 to the new Central Illinois Precision Shooters indoor shooting range in Bloomington on property leased from Darnall’s GunWorks and Ranges on Saturday, February 23rd.
The proceeds were raised by Guns Save Life in its fourth annual Great Guns drawing where we sold tickets for a brand new Rock River Entry Tactical AR-15 and an M-1 Garand over a five-month period.
Hilltop Guns in Colona, IL provided the Rock River at cost (many thanks to Terry and Rhonda Douglas and crew) and the M-1 Garand was a long-ago purchased CMP rifle.
This year’s Great Guns was easily our most successful, netting over $10,000 for the CIPS range. Great Guns III raised nearly $5,000 for the CIPS range. |
Despised by the despicable in the Congressional Record
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John Boch
Website: http://www.gunssavelife.com
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And our friend Roy Kubicek now has his name immortalized in the Congressional Record, thanks to the hired-gun Josh Attention-Horwitz of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. “Despised by the Despicable,” as Kurt Hoffman at the Armed and Safe Blog says.
Josh Attention-Horwitz quotes Mr. Kubicek out of context, making his words seem a good deal more ominous than they were intended...
Mr. Kubicek is a good American, who I’ve personally trained in the use of rifles to be able to engage torso-sized targets out to five hundred meters using iron sights and standard, military surplus ammunition. He’s a man who can defend his family when the chips are down, unlike those who eschew modern weapons for personal defense. |
How to Think About Guns: A New Freakonomics Radio Podcast
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Wes Herrmann
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Our latest Freakonomics Radio podcast is called “How to Think About Guns.” (You can download/subscribe at iTunes, get the RSS feed, or listen via the media player above. You can also read the transcript below; it includes credits for the music you’ll hear in the episode.)
This episode is a straightforward conversation between Stephen Dubner and Steve Levitt, keeping in mind recent events like the Newtown, Ct., school massacre and long-standing traditions like the American embrace of guns.
We need not justify the exercise of our rights to would-be tyrants
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John Boch
Website: http://www.gunssavelife.com
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Need? We need not justify.
When asked what I do for a living I reply: I teach people how to shoot people. I teach people how to shoot people because some people need to be shot – and they need to be shot NOW.
I have found that in the long run sugarcoating reality rarely produces good results. Yes, it might make some people “feel” better, but feelings and reality are often polar opposites. Pretending something is what it is not only postpones judgment day, and the longer it’s ignored, the higher the price.
Twenty-six years ago I began my involvement with “gun rights”. I had a good grasp on what Article II of the Bill of Rights was about then, and my thoughts haven’t changed since. ...
NY: Suffolk Notebook: Legislators Eye New Gun Safety Measure
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The Suffolk County Legislature at its March 5 meeting will consider a new gun safety measure aimed at keeping weapons out of the hands of involuntary psychiatric patients. The legislature's Public Safety Committee passed legislation Thursday that mandates law enforcement officials crosscheck the names and addresses of individuals transported to Stony Brook University's Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Program against the county's pistol license registries. |
IL: Doing it right: Don’t cut corners on training.
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John Boch
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Permit to carry is coming to Illinois. We don’t yet know what the exact rules will be, but within six months a law should be in place. As soon as they can, thousands of Illinoisans (maybe even you!) will be carrying firearms as they go about their daily lives.
For the first time.
Most people don’t drive a car for the first time the day after they get their driver’s permit. They go through driver’s education and they practice, supervised by teachers and experienced drivers, in parking lots and on country roads and side streets.
To get a carry permit, there will most likely be a training requirement. ... |
Foes Try to Shrink NRA by Ending Member’s Hotel Discounts
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Supporters of tighter restrictions on guns are deploying a new tactic: pressing companies such as Wyndham Worldwide Corp. (WYN) and Hertz Global Holdings Inc. (HTZ) to stop giving discounts to members of the National Rifle Association. Web-based organizations with ties to Moveon.org, an advocacy group that backed President Barack Obama’s re-election, want to shrink the NRA’s membership by eliminating an incentive to join -- cheaper hotel rooms and car rentals. |
SD: Second Amendment rallies are good example of democracy in action
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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They made the trek to Pierre a second time this past weekend, just as they did in January. A group of 60 people this time turned out to rally peacefully here at the state Capitol in support of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. That’s a smaller group than at the Jan. 19 rally, when supporters estimated that about 150 people showed up, but it’s still impressive – that a few dozen people from all across South Dakota would travel to Pierre in winter to speak out on behalf of the Constitution. |
TN: Events
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Mark A. Taff
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The Memphis Lawyers’ Chapter of the Federalist Society will meet Tuesday, March 5, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Madison Hotel, 79 Madison Ave. Alan Gura of Gura & Possessky PLLC will present “The Right to Bear Arms for Self-Defense Outside the Home.” Cost is $30 for members and $35 for guests. R.S.V.P. to Greg Grisham at gregory.grisham@jacksonlewis.com or 462-2616. |
'New weapon of democracy'
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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A gun-magazine company in Boulder, Colo., has announced a campaign based on the Berlin Airlift to help Coloradoans “trapped inside occupied territory” to purchase large-capacity magazines before the Legislature passes a series of gun-control bills next week.
Magpul Industries manufactures magazines and other gun accessories for private, law-enforcement and military use. WND recently reported on how the company may be forced to relocate if the Democrat-controlled Legislature moves forward with plans to ban high capacity magazines, which is one of the company’s key products.
PA: Philadelphia Legislators Repackage Jim Crow with New Gun Laws
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Mark A. Taff
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Pennsylvania House Representative Ronald G. Waters (Philadelphia) is a prime example of a big-city politician. He recently introduced a package of gun laws that are unlikely to get through the Pennsylvania House, let alone the Senate or governor, but House Bill 521 is worthy of close inspection -- just like a culture dish of infectious bacteria. Waters has, in fact, repackaged the 19th century's Jim Crow for resale to credulous voters in the 21st century. |
KS: Armed citizen stops attempted robbery at liquor store in Topeka, no shots fired
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Mark A. Taff
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The store owner ordered the attempted robber outside and to sit down on the ground. He then called police and kept the robber on the ground at gunpoint until police arrived. The owner stated that the robber was very compliant once he had the gun aimed at him. He knew “he wasn’t going anywhere.”
This is yet another story where a gun was used in self-defense and property protection, but no shots were ever even fired. Because of this, it will likely be left out of self-defense statistics, thus swaying those statistics towards an anti-gun agenda. |
NE: AR-15 gun owners' aim: hobby, not horror
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Mark A. Taff
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Thomas Howard teaches high school physics and chemistry.
Ardena Mrasek works construction and is a college student studying law enforcement.
Toby Asplin is a management consultant.
They are like most law-abiding Nebraskans, except they happen to own and shoot AR-15s, the popular semi-automatic sport weapon known for its use in high-profile mass shootings and its role in the national gun control debate. |
IL: CTA opposes NRA call for guns on transit
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Legislators are largely divided on this matter, but the CTA’s position is clear: they demand that no weapons be allowed on public transit unless CTA employees are given proper training with weapons and, consequently, paid double as hired police officers. These measures are unlikely to succeed, though, as the CTA insists on banning possession of arms in all modes of public transit.
Chris Wernecke, president of the DePaul College Democrats, said that “the NRA … and its far-from-reality leadership refuses to see reason” when it comes to this heavily debated issue. Wernecke further said that there are no virtues to the proposal and he supports the CTA in its opposition. |
NY: Gun lobby best hope is to wait
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I've taken to wearing my camo hunting jacket around town in places where it is not always appropriate as a show of support for the great rebellion. Luckily it's waterproof. The jacket, that is. But so is the rebellion. The several thousand who rallied Thursday at the Capitol against the governor's hastily passed NY SAFE Act, the most restrictive and least sensible gun control legislation in the country, stood in ankle-deep mud and persisted through a drizzly day to vent a collective frustration that is pervasive upstate. My hunch is the rebellion is just picking up steam and over time will become less purely symbolic, as was the case Thursday, and more focused with a fury on the politicians who made this happen. |
Why does anyone need a high-capacity magazine?
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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This article focuses on pistols with high-capacity magazines (a magazine that holds more than ten bullets). The same arguments in my recent article on assault weapons could apply to high-capacity magazines for rifles.
There are several reasons for civilians to own high-capacity magazines: the right to possess the necessary means to effectively defend themselves, misconception of bullet stopping power and shooting accuracy, and the issue of multiple attackers. Additionally, on a net balance, there are benefits to the community when law-abiding citizens own guns with high-capacity magazines. |