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FL: Attorney Relives Chilling Robbery Attempt
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“Three month’s ago, somebody was killed across the street and for safety, the area is not the greatest,” said Hidnert. “The other attorney’s recommended we have guns with us.”

In October of 2005, Florida's 'stand-your-ground-law' went into effect. It says Floridians like Scott Hidnert who feel threatened can shoot first in self-defense.

WA: I have the power, but choose not to use it
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I sit quietly, with a clarity that is startlingly similar to what I experience after orgasm. Endorphins from fight or flight pool in my brain, leaving my body satisfied and my mind open. The primitive part of myself is wired to eat or to be eaten. It empowers me. My shadow looms large, but I do not turn away from what I have discovered about myself:

I could fire a gun. I would fire a gun. Knowing this fortifies my choice to never own a gun. The more difficult challenge now will be befriending this shadow, this self-knowledge.

Ed.: Wow. Just wow. I am so very glad that the author wasn't my mother. Seems to me this meets the legal definition of negligence.

MA: 300 take U.S. citizenship oath aboard carrier John F. Kennedy
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"This is like the movies when they say to be American, it's freedom and justice, and I think this is so cool," said Elva Chen, a computer programmer originally from Taip ei, Taiwan. "When I read the allegiance on this ship, I especially think about the part that says to take and bear arms for your country. It's really special."

KS: You can take the gun away from the boy, but . . .
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Jonathan Turley wrote about how his family won first place in the neighborhood Labor Day parade for the realistic Conestoga wagon they replicated, all the way down to the hand-sewn canvas and plastic toy rifles inside. But "as soon as one mother spotted the toy rifles inside the wagon, she pulled her screaming children out of the event, announcing that she would not 'expose them' to guns."

AK: Blogger shoots his mouth off with assault-rifle post
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun writer Jim Zumbo www-shot-his-mouth-off and ended up in a raging, national blogoversy earlier this month. Now the 67-year-old shooting editor for "Outdoor Life' is out of a job.

Ed.: I think this is one of the better op-ed pieces I've read about about Mr. Zumbo's remarks.

Philippines: Gun ban won’t cover poll boards
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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THE Commission on Elections has exempted the members of the municipal, city, district and provincial boards of canvassers in the May 14 elections from the coverage of the election firearms ban.

In a resolution promulgated Feb. 22, the Comelec allowed the board of canvassers automatic exemption from the gun ban to ensure their safety.

But the exemption would cover only the period from the start of the canvassing and until the proclamation of the winning candidates.

IL: Mt. Vernon woman charged with involuntary manslaughter
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A press release from the Mt. Vernon Police Department states Kabria N. Cantley, 19, was taken into custody at the scene after police responding [sic] to a 911 call.

Cantley told the police it was an act of self defense and is currently being charged with the involuntary manslaughter of her boyfriend, Bart A. Gladney, 28.

He got zumboed
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Listen up, ladies and gentlemen. The Word of the Day is "zumbo." It can be either a verb or a noun.

As a verb, "to zumbo" means to annihilate the reputation of anyone who suggests that there is any class of firearm that doesn't directly contribute to the preservation of American liberty. As a noun, a zumbo is someone who commits professional suicide by saying something that angers the "pry my gun from my cold dead fingers" Second Amendment shock troops.

Turkey: Compulsory training for gun users
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A new bill that would impose stricter barriers to gun ownership and require owners to go through a training course in general knowledge about guns, shooting, and conflict resolution has been presented to the Parliamentary Committee for examination.

In Search of the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The historical evidence is conclusive. The Second Amendment was intended to express an individual right, and any alternate "collective rights" theories are modern fictions developed by those with an agenda to control guns. In the words of Sanford Levinson from the University of Texas, this "view was virtually unknown before the 1960s."

MI: Hunters and what hunting should really be
Submitted by: Michigan Gun Owners

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I try not to make it a point to tell people they're keeping the wrong company (especially considering the kind of company I've kept from time to time), but I wonder whether it's time for Michigan's sportsmen to divorce themselves from the National Rifle Association.

The question for hunters is whether they recognize that the NRA itself is too rigid and inflexible. The evidence for this is in their ironfisted advocacy for hunting prairie dogs with civilian models of military rifles. Once this kind of thing hits the mainstream, regular people are more likely to see people who endorse this kind of thing as bullet-addled yahoos getting their rocks off blasting rodents with high-powered weapons.

NY: Probation in theft of Teddy Roosevelt's gun from LI museum
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A man was spared a jail sentence for taking the gun Theodore Roosevelt used in the Spanish-American War's most famous battle. Anthony Joseph Tulino was sentenced Friday to two years probation, 50 hours of community service and a $500 fine. A federal judge noted that Tulino had changed since the 1892 revolver was removed from a Long Island museum in 1990. "I offer my apology for my action a long time ago," Tulino, 55, a former New York resident who now lives in DeLand, Fla., said in court Friday. "I make no excuse."

IN: Anti-gun legislation again attacks law-abiding citizens
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The proposed gun legislation of House Bill 1090, introduced by Rep. David Orentlicher was another in the long line of attacks on law-abiding citizens and nothing more. While all dealers are required to do background checks at gun shows, or at their stores, this legislation targeted only a small percentage of private citizen sales. In no way would this have had an effect on habitual criminals acquiring a firearm illegally. Laws already on the books need to be enforced more stringently by our judges and prosecutors, to put and keep many of these same criminals behind bars, instead of being able to plea bargain their way back on the streets.

The Fate of Traitors
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"Below you will find historical examples of the various penalties apllied to those that had betrayed the cause of their fellow American citizens..."

" take the most speedy and effectual measures for securing the said arms and military stores, and disarming the said tories..."

"...and that all such persons as you may find too dangerous to go at large be apprehended & imprisoned..."

"...Laws made therein for the trial and punishment of Traitors and other offenders against the peace and liberties..."

"...It is determined to follow the Example of Baltimore, (4) & that Boston is liberated from every Tory or suspicious Character in the place..."

"...who have betrayed or manifested a disaffection to the American cause..."

Journal of the Senate of the United States, "That it is the duty of the Federal courts to enforce the provisions of the Constitution of the United States", Jan. 13, 1875
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"...also inquiring in regard to the existence of armed organizations in that State, hostile to the government thereof..."

"...To put this matter beyond controversy I quote from the charge of Judge Woods, of the United States circuit court, to the jury in the case of The United States vs. Cruikshank..."

"...They showed pistol-shot wounds, the great majority in the head..."

"...That the democratic minority of the house undertook to seize its organization by fraud and violence..."

"...On the contrary, it is known that the same armed organizations that existed on the 14th of September, 1874 . . . and can be called out at any hour to resist the State..."

"...and secure to all citizens the rights so guaranteed to them..."

NY: NRA Head Slams Bloomberg For Crackdown On Gun Dealers
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The head of the National Rifle Association is attacking Mayor Michael Bloomberg for his fight against illegal guns. Speaking in Washington to the Conservative Political Action Conference, NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre said Friday that Bloomberg went too far when he filed 15 lawsuits against gun dealers in five states.

KS: Dodge City official seeks to change gun proposal
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The city manager here is recommending that city officials let die a controversial ordinance proposal that adds to the list of city-owned sites where concealed guns may not be carried. Instead, Jeff Pederson's new plan calls on city commissioners to draw up a list of places where they'd like to prohibit concealed guns. Signs would then be posted at the locales announcing as much, with the backing only of the state concealed-carry law, not a city ordinance, said Nannette Pogue, the city finance director.

OH: 79-year-old Columbus man shoots, kills intruder
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A 79-year-old Franklinton man shot and killed an intruder who was trying to break into his home Saturday night, according to police and the homeowner's family. The intruder kicked in the homeowner's back door and pointed a gun at him, police said. When the door flew open, the intruder hit the older man in the head and knocked him down. He got up and wrestled with the intruder over the gun, police said, and the homeowner then pulled his own pistol and shot the intruder in the chest.

FL: Intruder killed during home invasion
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Sarasota Police detectives have made an arrest in connection with an early morning home invasion where two people were wounded and one killed. The incident happened around 4:30 Saturday morning. Investigators say two men, wearing black ski masks, burst into a home at 2819 Dixie Avenue in Sarasota. Shortly after the intruders broke in, a gunfight took place. One of the invaders was killed.

Journals of the Continental Congress, "necessary for every man of the ship's crew or for each passenger", Sept. 14, 1781
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"...The goods wares and merchandizes to be adjudged contraband are the following, that is to say, Cannons, Mortars, fire N.o. 3. arms, pistols, bombs, granadoes, bullets, balls, fusees, flints, matches, powder, salt-petre, sulphur, cuirasses, pikes, swords, belts, pouches, cartouche boxes, saddles and bridles, D in any quantity beyond what may be necessary for the ship's provision and may properly appertain to and be judged N.o. 4. necessary for every man of the ship's crew or for each passenger..."

"...if by inhabitants of the country being in arms, the whole shall be adjudged to the captors to be divided as aforesaid equally among them..."

NY: Amendment would allow use of rifles
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Local big-game hunters may be able to use rifles instead of shotguns to hunt deer and bear if a state law is amended. The issue will be discussed at 10 a.m. Tuesday when the Steuben County Legislature's Agriculture, Industry and Planning Committee meets.

CA: Man with a million bullets in home charged
Submitted by: Anonymous

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...arrested on suspicion of possession of assault weapons, possession of illegal ammunition, and possession of explosives, according to the sheriff's department.

The only illegal items investigators have identified so far are five assault rifles, several high-capacity magazines and the 60 pounds of gunpowder, they said. It is illegal to possess more than one pound of gunpowder, Gutierrez said.


Duane to Chase, "founded on general principles of Liberty", Dec. 29, 1774
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"...The Step you have taken which will be called an Assumption of the Militia into your own hands is certainly of a very serious nature and here it produces great Anxiety.(1) It is observed that it is the first publick Act out of the pale of New England which indicates a preparation for war..."

"...You may be assured that the seizing & dismantling Fort William & Mary by the Inhabitants of New Hampshire & removing the Cannon & military Stores..."

" so great an Armament will upon the whole rescue this devoted people from intolerable Distress..."

"...A new form of Government cannot be imposed without their own Consent..."

"...they dare not shed one drop of American blood..."

Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. — George Bernard Shaw

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