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Who Looks Foolish? Present Day Americans or Those Who Died Defending The Alamo?
Submitted by: Clell Adams

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"During this week back in 1836, the Alamo fell. For more than 13 days, 186 brave and determined patriots withstood Santa Anna's seasoned army of over 4,000 troops. To a man, the defenders of that mission fort knew they would never leave those ramparts alive. They had several opportunities to leave and live. Yet, they chose to fight and die. How foolish they must look to this generation of spoiled Americans."

"... These were real men with real dreams and real desires. Real blood flowed through their veins. They loved their families and enjoyed life as much as any of us. There was something different about them, however. They possessed a commitment to liberty that transcended personal safety and comfort." ...

Car crashes are leading cause of death for tweens and teens
Submitted by: D Finlayson

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"Car crashes are the leading cause of death for tweens and teens, and a new study outlines some of the most dangerous circumstances: Riding unbuckled with new teen drivers on high-speed roads."

"These were the three biggest risk factors contributing to car crash deaths for passengers aged 8 to 17, the study found."

"While young drivers have higher chances of dying, the six-year study focused on nearly 10,000 children passengers who were killed in car crashes. More than half - 54 percent - were riding with a teen driver. Drivers younger than 16 were the most dangerous." ...

Submitter's Note: Like we did not know this? Where's Brady when you really need a comment?

There Goes My Gun
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Usually I don't bother with comic books due to an overriding suspicion that everyone associated with comic books is a gigantic nerd, but now that Captain America packs heat I have to delve into the gag-inducing world of tighty-whiteys and moldy retainers to stand against guns. The new Captain America — who made his debut in January after the old Captain got a cap busted in his fictional ass — assumes the position of superhero with some added help. Now instead of fighting for good with all-American muscle, a flimsy shield and a sex-slave mask, Captain American is rollin' hot with a cool 9 mm." ...

If guns are allowed in public parks, no one will be safer
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Plan on doing a little homework in a park when it gets warmer? Then don't forget your semi-automatic - there are crazies out there! Or, at least, that's what the National Rifle Association and 51 senators believe."

"Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne announced last week that government officials would review regulations controlling guns in public parks. ..." ...

"Lawmakers argue that the prohibitions on carrying firearms in parks are contradictory and cumbersome. They say that if a state allows a person to have concealed weapons in public, then that person should be able to have concealed weapons on public property - like parks." ...

Sanity and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Supreme Court is set to hear oral argument later this month in a politically charged gun-control case from the District of Columbia. The case involves a city resident who contends that the District is violating his rights under the Second Amendment with a citywide ban on handguns."

"Gun enthusiasts on the right are all but daring justices who protect a woman's right to choose, nowhere mentioned in the Constitution, to trash the 'right of the people to keep and bear arms,' enshrined in the text of the Second Amendment. If the Supreme Court does what they fear and reduces the gun right to a relic ... they will use that defeat to suggest that we need a president who will bring us a truly 'conservative' Supreme Court." ...

Re: Second Amendment None of the Court's Business
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's certainly true that courts love to butt in where they don't belong, but I have to disagree that the Second Amendment is one of those cases: Unlike abortion, the exclusionary rule, or Miranda rights, the right to bear arms is actually in the Constitution. The Bill of Rights is a limit on government, and since Marbury v. Madison the courts have been charged with enforcing that limit through judicial review. Though the process has frequently been abused — and certainly, tests and levels of scrutiny are far from perfect — it’s a crucial part of our system of checks and balances." ...

Montana Claims US Promised State Individual Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Supreme Court may soon decide the legal meaning of the Second Amendment. In a letter to the Washington Times, Montana's secretary of state warns the court, they had better get it right."

"In the upcoming case of D.C. v. Heller, the Supreme Court will be asked to decide whether the Second Amendment grants the right of gun ownership to individuals or to the states for the purpose of arming their militias, the so-called 'collective rights' theory."

Montana secretary of state Brad Johnson claims that a Supreme Court decision in favor of 'collective rights' would violate Montana's contract of statehood with the United States." ...

Listening in on the D.C. Gun Case
Submitted by: Brent Greer

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"For the third time this term, the Supreme Court has OK'd the same-day release of the audio of oral argument in a case of high public interest. The audiotape of argument in the closely-watched Second Amendment case of D.C. v. Heller set for March 18 will be released to the media shortly after it takes place, according to the Court announcement."

"Ordinarily, the audio of Court arguments is not made generally available until well after the end of the term, when the tapes are transfered to the National Archives. But in recent years, the Court has adopted the practice of same-day release in selected cases. ..." ...

An Encounter At Wal-Mart
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... I glanced back and saw that the two young men had spread apart, one on either side of us and to the rear. That is when I felt it. They had matched my stride and were circling me. Like an antelope, I knew I was being stalked by jackals ..."

"... I walked past, and cut between two unoccupied SUVs, grabbing a shopping cart to block the path from my front. The man on my right turned towards me and cursed as he saw his path was blocked by the cart ... I spun and drew my pistol from it's holster, keeping it at low ready, facing off the other young man who was quickly approaching me from behind. My thumb had already snicked off the safety and Little Darling, confused, peered from behind me." ...

OH: Toledo concealed handgun license-holder defends own life during robbery attempt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Toledo Blade is reporting that another Ohio CHL-holder is alive today because he had the means to protect himself when attacked."

"The newspaper, which editorialized against concealed carry both before and after it became law (one editorial board member went so far as theorize on how he would disarm the entire American population), and which prohibits its newspaper carriers from exercising their right to self-defense even after several instances where employees suffered rape and or aggravated robbery, says nothing about whether or not the armed robber had a license to carry the firearm he used in the attempted robbery." ...

Big guns join Bloomy's anti-firearm push
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Mayor Bloomberg opened a new front yesterday in his battle against illegal guns by enlisting six state legislators from around the country to form a coalition to supplement his group of 292 mayors."

"'There is no issue I think more important than fighting crime,' Bloomberg said at a press conference with Mayor John Peyton of Jacksonville, which is plagued by more murders than any other Florida city."

"Manhattan Democrat Eric Schneiderman, the state Senate's deputy minority leader, echoed Bloomberg's refrain that the federal government has 'essentially abandoned the field on the issue of illegal guns.'" ...

Focus on illegal guns is no threat to the Constitution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The first gun I shot was my grandmother's .410 single-shot shotgun when I was about 10."

"I later became a decent shot with a .22 rifle." ...

"I am not anti-gun."

"I write all of that because some gun owners will raise holy heck about a conference held Monday ... called 'Mayors against Illegal Guns.'"

"Some who can't see past the heated rhetoric of the National Rifle Association won't notice the word 'illegal.'"

"Peyton and the 18 Florida mayors who joined him aren't challenging the Second Amendment."

"What they ... are saying is that guns need to be taken away from criminals." ...

Legal Community Against Violence Helps Launch State Legislators Against Illegal Guns Coalition
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"State legislators from around the country gathered today in Jacksonville at a conference hosted by Jacksonville Mayor Peyton to announce the formation of State Legislators Against Illegal Guns. The organization's founding co-chairs, New York State Senator Eric Schneiderman (D), Florida State Representative Evan Jenne (D), Kansas State Representative Tim Owens (R), Nebraska State Senator Brad Ashford (R), Illinois State Representative Elizabeth Coulson, and Pennsylvania State Representative Cherelle L. Parker (D) represent a bi-partisan commitment to public safety that extends beyond state and party lines. ..." ...

Mayor Bloomberg urges gun ban on felons in Florida stop
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Drug-related gunplay is responsible for four out of five murders in New York City, Mayor Bloomberg said Monday, making it vital for cities and states to keep felons from possessing guns."

"'If it wasn't for drug dealers killing drug dealers, we would probably have less than 100 murders on a population of 8.2 million people,' Bloomberg said. 'It's so low, you can't measure it.'"

"Bloomberg spoke at a conference of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the group he founded with Boston Mayor Thomas Menino. It has started a companion group for state legislators to rewrite state gun laws with tighter background checks and better efforts to ensure only lawful buyers can get weapons." ...

NC: Police: App State Gunman a Hoax
Submitted by: jac

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"The report of a gunman that led to a lockdown at Appalachian State University was a hoax and the student who called police could be charged with filing a false report ..."

"Matthew Haney, a 22-year-old English major from Durham, admitted to making up the report ..."

"He told police on Monday that he interrupted an attempted break in at his off-campus apartment ..."

"Police said they could file a misdemeanor charge of making a false police report."

"'The motive, generally speaking, was he maintains he found his door damaged when he came home,' said Matt Stevens, an investigator with the Boone Police Department. 'But he admits there was no man or armed man. He ... believed he would be held responsible. It sort of snowballed.'" ...

To my gun-owning Democrat friends: How could you vote for either one?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I've spent the last few weeks examining the choices left on the GOP primary ballot. I thought on this Ohio Primary eve I would take a look the choices my pro-gun Democrat friends are facing."

"... Ohio gun owners made up 27 percent of the total vote in Ohio in the year 2000 ..."

"With those kinds of numbers coming to the polls, it is easy to understand why Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama are busy offering phony appeals to gun owners leading up to crucial primary contests ... in Ohio and Texas."

"But the truth with both candidates is something far more sinister. The truth is that any Ohio Democrat gun owner who votes for Hillary or Barack might as well be voluntarily turning their guns in for destruction." ...

Clinton wants meeting of the minds about gun laws
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Hillary Rodham Clinton, locked in a fierce battle for Texas, said Monday that as president, she would not try to impose New York-like gun restrictions at the national level."

"Mrs. Clinton said in an interview with The Dallas Morning News that she would like to see bans on assault weapons and the end of loopholes that allow weapons to be sold at gun shows without required background checks."

"'There can be a meeting of the minds between lawful gun owners and those who believe we can protect Second Amendment rights without giving in to the bad guys,' she said." ...

Another Attack on Our Second Amendment Rights
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Senator Edward Kennedy is at it again; trying to chip away at the Second Amendment Rights of Americans by making it harder for us to comply with federal gun laws. The Senator has been trying to ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns in the Unites States for over thirty years and his latest bill, S-2605, is another attempt to accomplish his goal of achieving a national gun ban, one step at a time. ..."

"The two bills seek to ban the manufacture, importation, and transfer (sale, etc.) of any semi-automatic pistol unless they have a microscopic array of characters etched into the breech face and firing pin of a pistol that will identify the make, model, and serial number of the pistol. ..." ...

Park Rangers Would Shoot Down Plan to Lift Gun Restrictions
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Bush administration is taking aim at longstanding regulations that ban individuals from bringing loaded weapons into many U.S. national parks. New rules that would relax the firearm restrictions will be formally proposed by the U.S. Interior Department within the next two months, despite fierce opposition from current and retired park rangers who argue the changes are dangerous and unnecessary."

"The proposal is 'a terrible idea,' said Doug Morris, a retired park superintendent and member of the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees. 'These rules work and have long contributed to the indisputable fact that our national parks are among the safest places in America.'" ...

GA: Christian Coalition Weighing-In For Expanded Carry Provision In Gun Bill Fight
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"State Rep. Tim Bearden, who's effort to liberalize Georgia's gun-carry laws has placed him at the center of a long-running fight between the National Rifle Association and the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, says he’s picked up a new ally in the fight."

"The Georgia Christian Coalition now is backing his effort to broaden carry rights for licensed Georgians, even into churches - the portion of the bill that attracted the Christian Coalition's attention, Bearden said Tuesday." ...

VA: Va. Mental Health Bills Approved
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Also Tuesday, Kaine vetoed his first legislation of the year -- a pair of bills that would have loosened restrictions on where person may carry or place firearms."

"One measure would have allowed people to keep concealed weapons in cars if the weapons are locked in a compartment or container, even if the owner did not have a permit. The other would have allowed people to carry concealed weapons into restaurants that serve alcohol. Currently, it is legal to carry a weapon into a restaurant only if it does not serve alcohol."

"Kaine said the bills could have endangered law enforcement officers, restaurant employees and patrons." ...

UT: Legislators: No open gun carry on campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The state's universities have won a small victory in the ongoing debate over concealed weapons on college campuses."

"A bill in the Legislature would allow concealed weapons permit holders to openly carry firearms on nearly any publicly owned area, including sports arenas, hospitals and university campuses."

"However, Rep. Steve Urquhart, R-St. George, proposed an amendment to HB473 Monday, exempting universities from the legislation. Some members argued open display of guns at colleges could hamper faculty recruitment and retention efforts." ...

UT: House permits open carry of loaded guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The House passed a bill Monday allowing a person with a valid concealed weapons permit to openly carry a loaded gun in some public places."

"The measure, HB473, was amended, however, to forbid a person from openly carrying a loaded gun on school campuses. Legislators declined to support a second amendment requiring a concealed weapon to be concealed in all places, saying it was an affront on the Second Amendment."

"'We're talking about the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and this is a direct attempt to bring gun controls to the state of Utah,' Rep. Kenneth Sumsion, R-American Fork said in response to the failed amendment. 'This is a slippery slope for all of us in this body. ...'" ...

Boston, Permit, "No Arms nor Ammunition is allowed to pass", May, 1775
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Boston , May , 1775.

PERMIT, together with his

Family, consisting of Persons, and effects,

to pass between Sunrise and


By Order of his Excellency the Governor.

No Arms nor Ammunition is allowed to pass.

(Full text)


Exhibition of Arms and Trophies, "By obtaining arms and trophies of war from States, corporations, and individuals", March 28, 1864
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"...1st. By obtaining arms and trophies of war from States, corporations, and individuals; and relies of American wars, from the early struggles of the Colonies to the present time..."

"...and arms of every kind, from the crowned and garlanded cannon of Louis XIV, to the plain Dahlgren and Parrott, which frown on modern battlements; and from the tomahawk of the Indian to the broken musket from the last battle-field, will have their appropriate place.

"All such articles will be cared for, guarded with watchful eye, and promptly returned to their owners...."


DC: ATF Whistle-Blower Alleges Backlash
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Edgar A. Domenech says he thought Justice Department officials would welcome information about mismanagement at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives."

"Instead, the 23-year ATF veteran says, Justice officials ignored his complaints and later retaliated against him by demoting him, denying him a bonus and attempting to give him a poor job review."

"'I realized I was committing career suicide at the time, but I felt I had a moral obligation as the deputy director to protect the agency and the men and women of the agency,' Domenech said in an interview yesterday. 'In retrospect, I was naive to believe that the department would welcome my honesty.'" ...

IL: Off-Duty Chicago Police Officer Tasered After Arrest Struggle, Spitting on Paramedic
Submitted by: jac

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"An off-duty Chicago police officer appeared in court Monday to face charges after he allegedly broke tables in a suburban bar, elbowed a police officer and spat on a paramedic."

"Richard Schmidt, 25, appeared in court on four counts of aggravated battery ..."

"Schmidt was jumping on tables and breaking them at an Irish pub in Forest Park, Ill., police say. When told he would have to pay for the damages, a scuffle ensued and police were called in to assist."

"Police were forced to taser Schmidt to get him under control, police say. His alcohol limit was three times the legal limit, officials say." ...

ID: Idaho gun shop takes on federal weapons inspector in court
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"A Twin Falls gun shop stripped of its license by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms had repeated chances to fix problems but failed to, a bureau inspector testified Tuesday in federal court."

"'It was just a lack of internal controls _ things were just overlooked,' John Hansen told U.S. District Judge Edward Lodge."

"But the owners of Red's Trading Post tell a different story _ that any violations were inadvertent and unintentional, and that simple human imperfection virtually guarantees a minor error in paperwork now and then."
Terry Horsley and her son Ryan Horsley, who run the shop, sued Richard Van Loan, the bureau's director of industry operations, in 2007 after the bureau revoked the license. ..." ...

NJ: Lid On SWAT Report
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The city has issued disciplinary charges against 'a number' of police officers connected to the SWAT scandal, but is keeping mum on the details."

"'This is a personnel matter . and it's not appropriate to say more than we're saying,' Hoboken Corporation Counsel Steven Kleinman said yesterday. Kleinman declined to say how many people are to be disciplined, who they are, or what the disciplinary actions are."

"'That's absurd,' said Richard Rivera, a spokesman for the state chapter of the National Latino Peace Officer Association, after learning that the report would not be made public. 'This is something that has rocked the city for a number of months and the public should be included in the findings that took place.'" ...

ID: Ferdinand not alone in gun mistake
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Canyon County Commissioner David Ferdinand has plenty of company when it comes to inadvertently trying to board commercial aircraft with a firearm."

"But he and others who make the mistake of bringing a weapon with them to airports still must pay a price for the mistake, an official with the Transportation Security Administration said."

"Ferdinand told Boise Police on Thursday that he forgot he had a loaded gun in his backpack as he went through the security checkpoint at the airport. Police issued Ferdinand a summons to appear in court. They said there was no evidence Ferdinand's having the gun was intentional." ...

OH: Attorney General announces 2007 Fourth Quarter CHL statistics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Attorney General Marc Dann has released the concealed handgun license statistics for the fourth quarter of 2007. ... Nearly 22,000 law-abiding citizens obtained their CHL in 2007, a full 20% increase from the same period in 2006."

"Every day, the law-abiding citizens who carry a gun prove the anti-gun side wrong. None of their predictions have come true. No increase in accidents, or kids finding guns, or blood in the streets. The release of more data reinforces that gun owners and concealed carry advocates have been saying for years. We are not the problem. And all the attention given to restricting our rights is energy that should be refocused on stopping criminals." ...

Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them. — George Santayana

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