Courts Likely To Get Last Word On Gun Control
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Mark A. Taff
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With congressional action on gun control largely stuck in a holding pattern on Capitol Hill, the real battlefields on the issue may become local, state and federal courtrooms.
The New York attorney generals office is due before the state Supreme Court next month to defend the constitutionality of Gov. Andrew Cuomos tough new gun control package, and two separate appellate courts recently issued opposing opinions on whether the Second Amendment guarantees the right to carry a concealed weapon in public. |
CO: Erie-based Magpul launches 'Boulder Airlift' to sell gun magazines to Colo. customers
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Erie-based Magpul Industries, a maker of weapons accessories and the company at the center of the debate over proposed legislation to ban high-capacity magazines in the state, has launched a Cold War-themed campaign that focuses on making its PMag ammunition magazines easily available to Colorado residents.
SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Good ol' Chimera. Even the corrections need corrections! "Magazines purchased and obsessed prior to that time would remain legal." |
IA: The Gun Debate In The United States
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Mark A. Taff
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Obama’s other arms control measures need congressional approval. One would require universal criminal background checks for all gun sales, eliminating the gun shows, private sales, and internet sales loopholes exempting 40 percent of firearms sales from oversight. He called on Congress to ban military-style semiautomatic assault weapons, high-capacity ammunition magazines, and armor-piercing bullets. |
WV: Delegate: I told Speaker Thompson about Beretta situation
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Mark A. Taff
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The head of the House Judiciary Committee says the House Speaker was acting on his tip late last week when he publicly courted arms manufacturer Beretta USA to consider moving to West Virginia.
Delegate Tim Miley, D-Harrison, states as much in a Monday letter reportedly sent to Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin. The letter urges Tomblin to try and persuade the gun maker to leave Maryland, where discussed gun-control legislation is reportedly making the company consider a change.
“As we both know, the citizens of this great state overwhelmingly support the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms,” Miley writes. |
VT: Students debate proposed gun control
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Mark A. Taff
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President Barack Obama’s proposed legislation to ban assault rifles and limit clip sizes has some people on the Castleton State College angry.
This issue has rustled up avid supporters on both sides, but most say they understand the stance of the other side. Advocates for the ownership of automatic weapons argue the ban would be an infringement on the rights of the American citizen under the Second Amendment. |
The Next Gun Control Battle: A Right To Carry Firearms in Public?
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Mark A. Taff
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The conflicting Denver and Chicago rulings underscore just how uncertain gun law is now. Does the Second Amendment simply confer a right to have a gun at home? Does it mean there is a right to have a gun in public – but that states can still ban concealed weapons? Does it prohibit complete bans on concealed weapons – but allow more narrowly drawn ones, such as a requirement that people get permits to carry concealed weapons? Or does it, as some gun-rights advocates believe, bar any restrictions on carrying guns – in home or on the street, in the open or concealed? |
Fox's Dobbs Pushes Conspiracy That Government Is "Arming Up" (WITH VIDEO)
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Fox's Lou Dobbs hyped the false claim that the Department of Homeland Security bought 2700 light armored vehicles, echoing claims made on fringe conservative blogs. In fact, the order for 2717 new light armored vehicles is coming from the United States Marine Corps -- not the Department of Homeland Security. On the March 4 edition of Fox Business' Lou Dobbs Tonight, host Lou Dobbs claimed that DHS is buying "2 billion rounds of ammunition" and, "allegedly," "2700 light armored vehicles." Dobbs then asked his guest, NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre, "What in the world is going on as the Homeland Department -- the Department of Homeland Security seems to be arming up and the administration is trying to disarm American citizens?" |
CO: Colorado Dems Hold State Hostage via Gun Control on March 4 2013
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Mark A. Taff
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Numerous anti-gun bills which have already passed the Colorado house will be considered by committees within the state senate on March 4 2013 at 10:30 a.m.
Among these are a ban on “high capacity” magazines, a requirement for background checks on all firearms sales, the imposition of a tax on every firearm sale to cover the cost of background checks, and a repeal of the law allowing concealed carry permit holders to carry a weapon on a university campus for self-defense. |
TX: Paramedics’ packing pistols a new possibility
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Mark A. Taff
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You won’t see it anywhere near Houston, but in sparse parts of the state it could happen.
Republican Representative Ken King from Canadian (yep that’s a town in Texas), is pushing a bill that would allow paramedics to pack heat.
The bill is intended for counties with less than 50,000 residents, where it may take longer for law enforcement to arrive on a scene and secure it.
Is that a smart move?
Oliver Hawkins, of Houston, would be OK with it, “I think for self-defense, it’s a good idea because if they have to wait for cops to show up then someone might die.”
CT: CT Legislature, Gov. Malloy Refuse Gun Safety & Self Defense Training
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Mark A. Taff
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During the public hearing for the Gun Violence Prevention Committee on January 19th, 2013, Owner and Operator Chris Fields of King 33 LLC invited the legislators present at the hearing to train with King33 and the qualified firearms training professional there.
King 33’s training is widely accepted in Connecticut as some of the best training Connecticut has to offer. King 33 offers many types of training, but one of their most popular training offerings is ‘force on force’ with Simunitions. |
FL: Stopping a shoplifter with gunfire?
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Mark A. Taff
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I’m a big fan of the state’s concealed carry program, although like any set of 25-year-old laws, I think it could use some fine-tuning.
The only problem I have with the program is the lack of any training requirement. Specifically, there’s no rule requiring instructors to teach students when deadly force is authorized.
If you go to a reputable instructor, there’s bound to be some discussion about when deadly force can be used. But, as silly as this sounds, there’s nothing that requires the state’s instructor cadre to teach students about the use of deadly force. |
FL: George Zimmerman attorneys due in court today
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Mark A. Taff
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Attorneys for George Zimmerman return to court at 9 a.m. today to ask a judge to order the state's most important witness, the young Miami woman who was on the phone with Trayvon Martin just before he was shot, to produce medical records.
They want to challenge her story that she could not attend Trayvon's funeral because she was in the hospital.
Zimmerman will not be in court. |
OK: Vice President Biden makes absurd comments about guns and home defense
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Mark A. Taff
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I’m going to ignore some of the more obvious problems with Biden’s statement such as suggesting his listener recklessly discharge her firearm in a residential area and leave herself vulnerable because now she has to reload the gun. Making fun of it would be too easy.
The real problem with Biden’s statement is he seems to think he knows the best way for you to defend your home, when he’s never met you or seen your home.
What about people who don’t own a nice country home with a balcony? Should I shoot my double-barreled shotgun into my ceiling? |
IL: Illinois Lawmaker Takes Aim at ‘Junk Guns’
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Mark A. Taff
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An Illinois congressman is taking aim at “junk guns.”
U.S. Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-Chicago) says imported guns have to meet safety standards that domestic guns don’t have to meet. He is introducing legislation to require domestic guns to meet those same standards.
“When we regulate standards for cars and cribs and a whole host of products to ensure they are safe for public consumption, how does it make sense that we do not have basic safety standards for dangerous handguns made right here in America?” he said.
Ed.: Another politician in favor of keeping poor people defenseless. |
TN: Firearms Freedom Bills and the Constitution
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Mark A. Taff
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This question is absurd, because the whole purpose of an amendment is to address some deficiency in the original plan. The deficiency addressed in the 10th Amendment is the lack of an express guarantee that the federal supremacy asserted in Article VI only exists when a power being exercised in a federal action is one of the powers enumerated. The 10th Amendment corrected that shortcoming, and it modifies the supremacy clause accordingly. And this is the real issue in this bill. |
Canada: Armed citizens use ‘good judgement’ before firing
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Mark A. Taff
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Our Second Amendment rights in the USA are very dear to many of us, whether you or anyone else agrees. Most states have concealed weapons permit laws which support these rights. These laws require background checks and comprehensive training. Many holders of permits pursue additional training and practise regularly. All law enforcement officers with whom I am personally acquainted support these laws.
US citizens have another important related right. This is the right to choose. We can choose whether or not to own a firearm, to carry a firearm, to take action, or not, if the situation warrants action. |
CO: Colorado Don’t STOP! Keep Up Pressure on the Gun Banning Politicos
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Mark A. Taff
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Dear Fellow Coloradan,
Don’t stop.
We’re getting to them.
We must continue to turn up the heat in the State Senate.
You see, Senate President John Morse and his Democrat caucus buddies are feeling the heat. Your calls, post cards, letters, and e-mails are starting to get to them.
They’re starting to play the typical political games. They’ve already changed the time the Senate Committees are scheduled to meet on Monday to throw you off. Vulnerable members like Senator Jeanne Nicholson are scrambling to avoid the tough questions from their constituents. |
Universal Background Check AKA Firearms Registration & Why You Shouldn’t Comply
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Mark A. Taff
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As a result of recent criminal activities, the media is clamoring for a government solution. That solution being offered to the American public runs the gamut from creating “banned” firearms, to “banning” certain amounts of ammunition.
What we should be more concerned with is the politically correct term “universal background check” or “UBC”. This term is nothing more than a euphemism for firearms and human registration. It means prohibiting private firearm sales and transfers, so that even transfers between family members will go through federally licensed dealers and be recorded by the government, as are dealer sales. |
Large-capacity magazines: Second Amendment right or gun-violence scourge?
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Mark A. Taff
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Are 10 bullets — the limit in California and the number backed by many U.S. lawmakers and the White House — enough? Or should it be 15, the number of rounds police generally carry in their handguns? Do hunters, target shooters or even mothers protecting their children need more?
The Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday grappled with those questions during a hearing on a bill by U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., that would ban 157 specific models of military-style assault weapons and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. |
Reid pressuring colleagues to approve anti-gun judicial nominee
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David Codrea
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"Reid’s support for Halligan is hardly surprising to those who have watched his maneuverings ever since NRA did not outright endorse him (and conveniently did not support his opponent who had a superior rating) the last time he ran for reelection. In spite of the fact that Wayne LaPierre called Reid 'a true champion of the Second Amendment' at a sports center (while he actually disparaged its ultimate meaning in campaign ads), Reid has found new friends he can turn to, like New York’s anti-gun Mayor Michael Bloomberg." |
Foes Try to Shrink NRA by Ending Members’ Hotel Discounts
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Supporters of tighter restrictions on guns are deploying a new tactic: pressing companies such as Wyndham Worldwide Corp. (WYN) and Hertz Global Holdings Inc. (HTZ) to stop giving discounts to members of the National Rifle Association. |
Bipartisan group reaches deal on gun trafficking
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D. Smith
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A bipartisan group of senators has reached a deal on a bill that would make it a federal crime to buy a gun for someone who isn't legally allowed to own one.
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy announced the agreement on the Senate floor Monday evening.
Illegal gun “straw” purchases, made by a buyer on behalf of someone who cannot pass a background check, are often not prosecuted under current law, usually because conducting such a sale yields such a weak penalty.
The new compromise legislation would make the consequences for both straw buyers and sellers far more serious - to the tune of decades in jail. |