FL: Shannon: Firearms will not be tolerated
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"You get caught with a firearm, you're dismissed from the football team," UM's coach said Monday.
"They're gone. They know the rules. It's not hard rules. It's to protect them."
Asked about his players' constitutional right to own firearms, Shannon said: "I'm thinking about the University of Miami and the kids. When you have a firearm, there's a 50-50 chance that you're going to get hurt. So I said, 'Let's not put ourselves in those situations.' |
VT: Letter to the Editor: Gun ownership is a privilege
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Mark A. Taff
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We all know from our history lessons the militia was the predecessor of our National Guard, now part of the Department of Defense. Today our Department of Defense is the "well regulated militia" and it is they who are charged by the people, for the people, to ensure the security of our free and sovereign state.
Ed.: Perhaps Judith should brush up on history, and on Title 10, USC. |
MT: Letter: Mayor should clarify if he's against guns
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And, by the way, the Second Amendment to the Constitution does not differentiate between legal and illegal weapons. If government minions need weapons, then even more so do the people.
Never let it be said that our facile-tongued, nimble-footed mayor will not strive to straddle any issue. Is he for gun control or not? |
NJ: N.J. seeks ban on .50-caliber guns
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TRENTON (AP) -- New Jersey is looking to become the second state to outlaw a powerful gun that critics say can be used by terrorists to shoot down an airliner.
Democratic lawmakers and Ceasefire NJ, an antigun group, unveiled a plan on Monday to make it illegal to sell .50 caliber weapons in New Jersey. |
ND: Deadly Force Against Intruders
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You should feel safe in your own home, but what if someone breaks in? Some state lawmakers say you shouldn't have to hesitate in using deadly force to protect yourself and your family. There's plenty of debate over a controversial bill that would shift the presumption of innocence to homeowners if they shoot someone whom they believe entered their home unlawfully. Law enforcement is weighing in on the matter as well. |
How long the states give law enforcement recruits to get trained
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A look at how long states give some law enforcement recruits to get fully trained. In many states, recruits who have not completed training must be supervised by full-fledged officers. Also, many states have different restrictions for police officers, sheriff's deputies, constables and part-time law enforcement personnel.
Six months or less:
_ Alabama
_ New Hampshire
_ Illinois
_ Oklahoma
_ Tennessee
_ Washington
_ West Virginia |
MN: Subject of explosives probe left homeless, lawyer says
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Speaking on Dahlen's behalf, Rymanowski said his client is a gun and pyrotechnics hobbyist who used to be a licensed weapons manufacturer in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The materials and firearms seized by authorities are left over from the days he made firearms for sale to other hobbyists, Rymanowski said.
"None of it was illegal," he said. "He wasn't building a bomb. He wasn't threatening anybody." |
Some States Put Untrained Cops on Duty
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Four months into his job, a police officer in Mississippi holds a gun to the head of an unarmed teenager and puts him in a chokehold. A rookie officer in Illinois gets into a car chase that kills a driver. And a new campus policeman in Indiana shoots an unarmed student to death.
At least 30 states let some newly hired local law enforcement officers hit the streets with a gun, a badge and little or no training.
"You wouldn't want a brain surgeon who isn't properly trained. Someone shouldn't be out there carrying a badge and a gun unless they are qualified to be out there," said Jeremy Spratt, program manager of the Missouri Peace Officer Standards and Training Program.
Ed.: LA Times login required. |
UK: Social liberalism alive and well in the UK
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Russell M Middleton
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Reader Russell Middleton opines: "Use a Mac 10 to kill a 15 year-old in a country that has banned the legal ownership of handguns and you still get bail. In order to insure sufficient criminality to warrant the growing police state, the British government goes soft on crime." |
UK: Shot Pc's husband backs amnesty
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The husband of murdered Pc Sharon Beshenivsky has backed a gun and knives amnesty in three police force areas across the Yorkshire and Humber region. Weapons can be handed in at Humberside, South Yorkshire and West Yorkshire police stations from 5 to 31 March.
Paul Beshenivsky said he did not expect "hardened criminals" to hand in guns but if the amnesty took just one weapon off the streets it would be a success.
Submitters note: If you don't expect criminals to turn in their guns, then what is the point? |
UK: Samurai swords to be banned
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The sale of imitation samurai swords could be banned by the end of the year, the Home Office announced today.
Importing or hiring the weapons could also be made illegal following a string of samurai sword attacks in recent years.
Last month, amphetamine addict Hugh Penrose was jailed for at least 19 years for hacking a 21-year-old woman with a samurai sword and then deliberately running her over.
Vernon Coaker, the Home Office minister, said today: "It is already illegal to have a samurai sword in a public place but I want to restrict the number of dangerous weapons in circulation to enhance community safety." |
MS: A Death Averted
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"As customers watched in horror Sunday afternoon, a man stabbed a woman and attempted to set her on fire in the parking lot of a Jackson store, witnesses said.
The attack was stopped by a passer-by, who held the man at gunpoint until police arrived, witnesses said. " (Emphasis added)
WA: Gun show check bill moves along
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Legislators are pushing forward with efforts to close the gun show loophole, but critics still say there's no loophole to close. A bill that would require all sellers at gun shows to conduct background checks passed out of committee Tuesday, but Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown, D-Spokane, said it's uncertain whether it will reach the Senate floor. |
WY: Shooters target clay rabbits, birds
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Silly rabbits. At the Casper trap and skeet range on Sunday, a GMV Super Star clay target thrower's vertical wheel whirred as an orange-yellow and black "rabbit" target disk -- or sometimes two disks -- patiently waited behind a small brake in a two-rod track. Zach Rautio, with the range job title of "trapper," called out a number to alert a shotgunner standing in one of five blue cages that it was his turn, then yelled what type of flight patterns the targets would take, then "station five" referring to the fifth of seven places with target-throwing devices at the Casper Skeet, Trap & Sporting Clays Club. |
Virginia Ratifying Convention, "asserting, and securing from encroachment, the essential and unalienable rights of the people", June 27, 1788
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"...That there be a declaration or bill of rights asserting, and securing from encroachment, the essential and unalienable rights of the people, in some such manner as the following: ..."
"1st. That there are certain natural rights, of which men, when they form a social compact, cannot deprive or divest their posterity; among which are the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property..."
"...That the people have a right to keep and bear arms; that a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free state..." |
George Washington to John A. Washington, "is the natural strength and only security of a free government", March 25, 1775
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"...On March 23 Patrick Henry introduced resolutions looking to the arming of the colony. The convention resolved "that a well regulated militia, composed of gentlemen and yeomen, is the natural strength and only security of a free government; that such a militia in this colony would forever render it unnecessary for the mother country to keep among us, for the purpose of our defence, any standing army of mercenary forces, always subversive of the quiet, and dangerous to the liberties, of the people, and would obviate the pretext of taxing us for their support." ..." |
George Washington to Edward Newenham, "Precedents, as you justly observe, are dangerous things", Nov. 25, 1785
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"...Precedents, as you justly observe, are dangerous things, they form the arm which first arrests the liberties and happiness of a Country. In the first approaches they may indeed assume the garb of plausibility and moderation, and are generally spoken of by the movers as a chip in the porrage (to avoid giving alarm), but soon are made to speak a language equally decisive and irresistible; which shews the necessity of opposition in the first attempts to establish them, let them appear under what guise or Courtly form they may; and proves too that vigilance and watchfulness can scarcely be carried to an excess in guarding against the insiduous arts of a Government founded in corruption..."
George Washington to Edmund Randolph, "after they shall appear in arms", Aug. 26, 1792
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"...So crude is our judiciary system, so jealous are state-judges of their authority, so ambiguous is the language of the constitution, that the most probable quarter, from which an alarming discontent may proceed, is the rivalship of those two orders of judges....the precedent, fixed by the condemnation of the pension-law, if not reduced to its precise principles, may justify every constable in thwarting the laws..."
"...And how much easier will it be, to disperse the factions, which are rushing to this catastrophe, than to subdue them, after they shall appear in arms? ..." |