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Antis' Efforts To Torpedo Lawsuit Bill Begin Anew (NRA-ILA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Much as we predicted with the introduction in Congress of NRA-backed lawsuit preemption legislation--S. 397 and H.R. 800--the anti-gun drumbeat against these bills has begun."

"Last week, the New York Times reported that several city officials across the country are urging the Senate to reject S. 397 when it comes up for a vote. Exhibit A among those city officials is New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (R), who, in a WABC radio interview last week, stopped just short of calling for an outright ban on handguns, telling interviewer John Gambling, 'I'm not so sure I wouldn't think that that is a good idea.'" ...

Brady's Barnes Sinks To The Gutter (NRA-ILA: second story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anyone who doubts the depths to which the Brady Campaign will sink to advance its extremist gun ban agenda should do so no more. In a March 3 press conference to announce the introduction of legislation by Senators Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), Charles Schumer, and Jon Corzine (D-N.J.) to ban the FN 5.7mm caliber Five seveN pistol, the Brady Campaign's President, Mike Barnes, stooped to a new low."

"Even though "armor piercing ammunition" has been restricted under federal law since 1986, Brady and the anti-gun politicians nevertheless claimed that 5.7mm ammunition available to the general public penetrates bullet-resistant vests." ...

Mayor Mike's gun agenda
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A bill in Congress to block lawsuits against gun-makers is hardly a perfect answer to litigious gun-control activists, but it seems the best recourse nonetheless."

"Notwithstanding calls by folks like Mayor Bloomberg to defeat the bill."

"Such sweeping legislation, which would limit suits by states and localities, should bother anyone concerned about limited government."

"But, then, so should the explosion of those suits against a perfectly legal industry."

"New York has joined other cities in suing gun-makers, claiming that the companies have done little to stop guns from getting into criminals' hands." ...

NC: Drug trade has neighborhood hiring private security force
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Drug activity in one section of the Bottom neighborhood has gotten so obnoxious that some neighbors have banded together to hire a private police force."

"'I was surprised at how open unlawful activity is,' Peggy Pavell ... 'They just stood out there offering their wares, passing packets and money. It’s like a drive-in.'" ...

"Ms. Pavell said it’s worth paying $250 or so a month for her share of the contract. 'They confront the people on the street who are dealing,' she said." ...

"Wilmington Police Chief Ralph Evangelous welcomes the assistance. 'Anything that can help the situation is a help to the neighborhood,' he said." ...

Submitter's Note: It is good that the Chief is accepting help, but whatinthehell are Ms. Pavell and her neighbors paying taxes for?

Common sense key to gun safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Statistics indicate that about half of all households in the United States have one or more firearms. While this translates to billions of guns nationwide, accident rates among firearm owners are extremely low. This safety fact speaks highly of responsible gun ownership education around the country."

"We should not rest on our laurels. Every shooter, hunter and gun-owning citizen should think of their gun-ownership as a privilege, as well as a constitutional right. Now that hunting season is over, we should review how we will store our guns for the summer. Below is a list of ideas to keep those guns protected from theft and away from untrained people or children." ...

OR: Why target firearm owners?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Is the possession of firearms a burning problem in Oregon that needs to be outlawed even if the Constitution allows it? The answer, of course, is no. ... [T]he ownership of firearms by law-abiding people is no problem at all."

"So why did the Oregon Senate's Judiciary Committee introduce a bill that would make owning any of a long list of specific firearms a crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine?" ...

"The bill says it is aimed at 'assault weapons,' ..."

"In effect, the bill would prohibit people from buying or selling any on a long list of semiautomatic firearms ... People who own such weapons now could keep them, but they would have to register them with the county and pay for a permit." ...

New Zealand: Multi-billion Dollar Trade Puts Women at Risk
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Amnesty International and Oxfam will launch a report in Dunedin on 7 March 2005 detailing the price women are paying for the increasing proliferation and misuse of small arms."

"The Impact of Guns on Women’s Lives report is being launched on the eve of International Women’s Day as part of campaigns to Stop Violence against Women (Amnesty International) and to Control Arms (Amnesty International, Oxfam and IANSA)."

"The report will spell out the circumstances in which women are most at risk from armed violence and examine the wide range of gun control measures adopted around the world." ...

Submitter's Note: Will this study include the 2 US studies showing gun laws have, at best, no impact on crime?

NY: Would-be intruder shot in N. Bellport
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A North Bellport resident surprised an armed burglar who tried to break into his home, when he grabbed a shotgun and fired at the man, hitting him in the shoulder, Suffolk police said."

"Cheyenne Ray, 44, was alerted by his girlfriend, Tanya Rivera, 31, that she heard a noise at the front door about 1:30 a.m., said Fifth Squad Det. Sgt. Kenneth Hamilton. Ray looked through the glass storm door and saw a hand holding a 9-mm pistol strike the glass. Ray went into the kitchen, got a shotgun, and fired one shot at the door, Hamilton said. The burglar dropped the gun and ran off, Hamilton said." ...

CT: Cab driver charged after killing in self defense (follow-up)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A cab driver who says he had to kill a customer to save his own life is speaking out."

"John Lutters says he is the victim after he was stabbed in the neck during a robbery attempt and fought back."

"Lutters is now a convicted felon, having to plead guilty to charges in court. Lutters did not have a permit to carry the gun he used to shoot his passenger, Travis Hazelwood, in self defense."

"'It's cost me everything I've had just about, including a criminal record', says Lutters."

"Police charged him with illegal possession of a gun. But Lutter's attorney argued that under Connecticut state law, you don't need a gun permit if you keep it in your home or your place of business."

"'If the cab is not his place of business than what is', says attorney Robert Berke." ...

OH: Woman arrested over 96 cents
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"A Mansfield, Ohio, woman was arrested and jailed for failure to file a 2001 city income tax bill totaling 96 cents."

"She says when she received a letter from the Income Tax Division of the city finance director's office last year about missed filing, she explained the situation to a city employee who told her not to bother with the trifling amount."

"'She said, 'If you only made $55, we won't worry about it,' Gould told the Mansfield News Journal." ...

"Finance Director Sandra Converse told the paper the city has a mandatory income tax return filing requirement for working-age residents – whether they earned income or not. ..." ...

FL: Recoil from fake guns striking law enforcement officers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The weapon in Charlie Mesloh's hands looks and sounds like a submachine gun. The heft and shine of its black metal casing and the clatter as it discharges its rounds seem authentic."

"Only its target betrays its real nature."

"The gun is loaded with paint balls."

"'If you put up a (submachine gun), they really are very close,' Mesloh said of the weapon."

"As toys and guns both become more sophisticated, the line can blur between the two."

"In some cases, law enforcement officers struggle to tell the difference between an imitation and the real thing. Meanwhile, people like Mesloh ... are putting the ambiguity to good use, scouting out toys and civilian tools that can be put to police use." ...

Thailand: Four lawkeepers shot dead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two policemen who guarded a railway sub-station in Rueso district were shot dead and two community police volunteers gunned down in Sukhirin district yesterday."

"[Two officers] were guarding Ban Salo railway sub-station when they were attacked shortly after 3pm by three assailants on a motorcycle."

"The policemen returned fire, and one assailant was killed and another wounded in the exchange. ..."

"In the middle of the gunfight, another group of three assailants arrived on another motorcycle and fired at the policemen, killing them."

"A member of the second group of assailants was seriously injured but their two accomplices took him and fled on their motorcycle. The gang also took the police's rifles and guns." ...

Haiti: Haitian soldiers, police accused of mass rape
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Marjory is part of a growing number of girls and young women who human rights investigators say have been victims of mass rape committed by members of the disbanded military and their compatriots who patrol the countryside and Haiti's cities, hunting down supporters of Haiti's fledgling pro-democracy movement." ...

"United Nations soldiers have also been accused of participating in sexual attacks. Damian Onses-Cardona, spokesperson for the UN mission in Haiti, announced this week that they are "very urgently" investigating a case in which Pakistani soldiers were accused of raping a 23-year-old woman at a banana plantation in the northern town of Gonaives." ...

CA: Gun ban utopia creates violent crime increase
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a pattern that's repeated itself in Canada and Australia, violent crime has continued to go up in Great Britain despite a complete ban on handguns, most rifles and many shotguns. The broad ban that went into effect in 1997 was trumpeted by the British government as a cure for violent crime. The cure has proven to be much worse than the disease."

"Crime rates in England have skyrocketed since the ban was enacted. According to economist John Lott of the American Enterprise Institute, the violent crime rate has risen 69 percent since 1996, with robbery rising 45 percent and murders rising 54 percent. This is even more alarming when you consider that from 1993 to 1997 armed robberies had fallen by 50 percent. Recent information released by the British Home Office shows that trend is continuing."

CA: Gun seizures double in 5 years
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The number of guns involved in crimes seized by sheriff's deputies in the Victor Valley and Barstow areas has more than doubled over the past five years, according to the Sheriff's Department."

"Deputies from all five Victor Valley stations and the Barstow station seized 552 guns during crimes committed in 2004 compared to 247 guns in 2000 ..."

"The biggest increases were in the county's unincorporated areas ..."

"'The numbers show you it's not safe out there,' said Cindy Beavers, Sheriff's Department spokeswoman. 'But at the same time, the deputies are doing a good job because they're taking the guns off the street. They're making a difference.'" ...

Submitter's Note: It's not safe, but they'll take your gun if you try to protect yourself with one . . .

NY: Weapons ban push in Tioga stirs opposition
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A legislator and a gun-rights group say they oppose a proposed ban on deadly weapons in Tioga County buildings, work sites and vehicles."

"'A policy isn't going to legislate behavior,' said Legislator Walter Johnson, R-Owego. 'Signs don't change the behavior of lawbreakers.'"

"The draft of the policy was presented to the county legislature last week by County Manager John C. Byrne. Since then, Johnson announced his dislike of the policy, and the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc., a gun-advocacy group, sent a letter to Martin L. Borko, R-Waverly, chairman of the legislature, claiming the policy was illegal." ...

MO: Kammerdeiner opens storefront showroom to add to custom gun business
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"His art of gun making has led John S. Kammerdeiner into a thriving business that continues to grow."

"In a small building at 1622 Carter St. in Vidalia, where he has been a general gunsmith for about five years, he opened his first storefront showroom in December, putting guns on display and drawing more customers into his business."

"After only a few months in the retail-type setting, he has bigger plans - an indoor shooting range and a showroom three times the size he now operates, both of which he hopes to open by October." ...

NY: Teens ski and shoot to top -- Biathletes among area medalists at winter ESG
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"June Tyler never shot a gun before she went to a biathlon instructional clinic three months ago in Osceola, Lewis County. She was recruited by high school cross-country skiing teammate Emily Olsen to try her hand — and feet — at the sport that combines Nordic skiing and rifle marksmanship."

"The Pittsford Sutherland sophomore is still learning, but quickly. She became one of the area's two biathlon gold medalists (along with Brighton High sophomore Ted Kraus) when she won the women's scholastic title at last weekend's 25th annual Winter Empire State Games in Lake Placid. Then, she had her best day on the range during the relay."

"'I shot clean once in the season,' Tyler says happily about hitting all five targets." ...

PA: Outdoor notices
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rifle/trap leagues"

"Defending Pittsburgh and Suburban Rifle League champion Frazier-Simplex shows no signs of letting up this season, improving to 15-1 on the year with a 1488-1476 win over Murrysville (10-6). Frazier-Simplex's score was the highest recorded by any team this season." ...

"Hunter safety courses"

"National Guard Armory, Mt. Pleasant, hosted by Hecla Sportsmen's Club, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 12 and 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. March 13. Lunch provided; class limit 60. Pre-register by calling Claude Dranzik at 724-837-7883." ...

"Shoots on tap"

"The Ford City Sportsmen's Association will hold its sixth annual Relay for Life Cancer Fund trap shoot April 3 ..." ...

PA: Which is safer, a rifle or a shotgun?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hunters in Allegheny County are limited to using shotguns only when it comes to pursuing deer. Rifles are off limits."

"Should their counterparts in some nearby counties -- say Washington and Westmoreland -- face similar limitations? A study expected to gain approval in the state House of Representatives next week aims to find out."

"State Rep. Paul Semmel, a Lehigh County Democrat, is the prime sponsor of House Resolution 61, which asks that the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee examine the comparative safety of rifles versus shotguns and recommend whether the number and size of shotgun-only special regulations areas should be expanded." ...

NY: Section VI squad fires top guns in state rifle (first story on page)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Alden's Rebecca Gerevics was second in overall competition and the Section VI team walked off with the title at the State Rifle Championships at West Point Saturday.

Gerevics was first in firing from the kneeling position and finished second in the prone. She was edged out for the overall medal by My Tang of Valley Stream on the basis of Tang's higher finish in the standing. Gerevics was fifth in standing.

Meghan Seitz of Alden was fourth overall while Deven McMaster of Kenmore East took eighth and Chris Koss of Clarence was ninth.

Alden, the defending champion, finished second to Valley Stream despite scoring 22 points more than its record pace in last year's competition.

Clarence and Section VI each took a fourth place in the air rifle competition. Koss was eighth in the individual scoring.

UK: McConnell and police chiefs clash over boy's airgun killing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"SCOTLAND’S most senior police chiefs were last night at loggerheads with the First Minister over plans to crack down on airguns following the killing of two-year-old Andrew Morton."

"Jack McConnell said airguns would be banned if necessary, following the death last week."

"The Executive’s justice minister Cathy Jamieson is to consult the Home Office, which oversees firearms legislation, on introducing a total ban on airguns or bringing in a licence for the weapons."

"But last night, David Mellor, from the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland, said licensing the weapons, which are currently openly on sale in shops to anyone over the age of 17, would be far too difficult and called for existing laws to be rigorously enforced instead." ...

UK: Shooters defend right to keep airguns after child’s death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"GUN associations have pleaded for an end to 'knee-jerk' calls for a ban on airguns following the death of two-year old Andrew Morton."

"Sporting organisations have told the Sunday Herald that they fear their hobby may end if a ban on the weapons is introduced. There are an estimated five or six million air pistols and air rifles in the UK." ...

"Colin Shedden, Scottish director of the British Association for Shooting and Conservation, said that a crackdown on ownership of airguns would not be practical."

"'A licensing scheme or outright ban would be unworkable – there are millions of airguns in the UK,' he said. 'It would present a massive problem for those who need airguns for pest control or take part in shooting as a sport.'" ...

UK: I'll Lay My Son To Rest In His Hero's Shirt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE mother of airgun toddler Andrew Morton will lay him to rest wearing a Celtic shirt signed by his hero Henrik Larsson."

"Sharon McMillan, 34, said: 'He would have liked that. Henrik was his favourite.'"

"But she says a lasting tribute would be Andrew's Law - a campaign to ban ALL guns including the air rifle that killed him."

"Andrew, two, lost his battle for life on Friday after he was shot in the head." ...

"Sharon and her partner of nine years have decided to launch their own campaign to push for a ban on all guns."

"She said: 'It will be Andrew's Law. It won't save Andrew but if we could save another child's life, maybe his won't have been in vain. We want to start an Andrew Morton Memorial Campaign." ...

UK: McConnell calls for tough licensing laws on airguns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"JACK McConnell gave a clear signal yesterday that he wanted to see a tough new licensing system for airguns following the death of two-year-old Andrew Morton in Glasgow." ...

"Speaking on BBC Radio Scotland’s Sunday Live programme, he said: 'My instincts are, that for someone to own, have in their possession or make use of an airgun, then, in my view, they would have to have a very good reason to be able to do so.'"

"And he added: 'That is why I am not prepared to rule out further action because it may need further action to stop the kind of incident that is reported in today’s Sunday papers of someone being able to walk into a shop in Scotland and buy an airgun within 45 minutes.'" ...

UK: Blair: I'll Look At Gun Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TONY BLAIR has promised to listen to pleas for an airgun ban."

"Talking about Andrew's death, the PM told the Sunday Mail: 'This is a terrible, appalling tragedy and our thoughts are with the family."

"'We need to learn lessons from this. Somebody has been arrested so I have to be careful what I say.'"

"The Sunday Mail called for a ban on all guns, including airguns, almost 10 years ago."

"We set up the campaign in the wake of the Dunblane massacre in 1996, when Thomas Hamilton shot dead 16 schoolchildren and their teacher." ...

Canada: Forget the price tag: Crack down on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thomas S. Axworthy says gun registry is working and is needed to fight gangs"

"Gun-related violence stalks the land. Last Thursday, four Mounties were killed in central Alberta, the force's biggest loss of life in 120 years. In our major cities hardly a week goes by without gang-related shootings. ..." ...

"The Liberal party is meeting at a convention this weekend and one of its prominent achievements that should be defended is the gun registry program."

"Initiated by Allan Rock and implemented by Anne McLellan, the registry has been a stunning success, yet it has been given terrible press. Liberals have allowed the Conservatives to define the debate and it is time to retake the high ground." ...

If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government that is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. — JAMES MADISON

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