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Armed Citizens: The Deterrent Factor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Does an armed citizenry deter tyranny and invasion? History and logic both answer emphatically, 'Yes!'"

"Some months ago ... I quoted some oral history from war veteran and career navy man Bob Menard. ..."

"... Over dinner and drinks, with Japanese and American naval officers talking shop, many of the World War II veterans, the question had come up, why didn’t the Japanese invade what they must have recognized as the wide open West Coast of the United States at the beginning of that war?"

"The officer had replied that his country was well aware that there was a high density of armed citizenry in America ... and that the Japanese were not fools to set foot in such quicksand. ..." ...

Zumbo's story overstates use of military-style weapons in wild
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The musings of hunting and fishing writers seldom make the front pages of America's newspapers. A rare exception occurred when comments by Jim Zumbo ... recently became national news."

"The most interesting part of the story was how quickly and completely Zumbo's magazine, TV program, long-term sponsors - and some of his 'friends' - abandoned him because of a couple of paragraphs he posted on his Internet 'blog' site."

"Zumbo criticized the use of military-style 'assault' rifles by hunters. ..." ...

"I'm more interested in the underlying story behind Zumbo's comments about the use of military-style"' rifles by hunters, and in the false impression the controversy may have created in the minds non-hunters." ...

Military Tracks Speeding Bullets Back to Source
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"For soldiers on patrol in Iraq, sniper attacks can seemingly come out of nowhere and leave little chance for return fire. But with new anti-sniper detection systems proving their worth for U.S. soldiers and marines in Iraq since 2004, warriors can now return fire more effectively to defend themselves—and a Montana researcher is independently studying those systems to better understand how they work."

"The sniper detection systems in use by the U.S. military follow the supersonic trail of a bullet back to the gunman."

"'If you imagine a slow motion view of this, the bullet is racing ahead and the shockwave expands out like a cone behind the moving bullet,' said Rob Maher, an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Montana State University." ...

NC: Man Won't Face Trial For Statesville Slaying
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A man charged with murder in the shooting death of a Statesville teen will not go to trial on the charge.

The Statesville Record and Landmark reports Kevin Turner told police he shot and killed 17-year-old Shannon Lackey in self defense at a party in January. Investigators did not believe him and charged him with murder.

But a grand jury has decided there was not enough evidence to proceed to a trial.

MS: A death averted
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As customers watched in horror Sunday afternoon, a man stabbed a woman and attempted to set her on fire in the parking lot of a Jackson store, witnesses said."

"The attack was stopped by a passer-by, who held the man at gunpoint until police arrived, witnesses said." [emphasis added]

"The suspect, Henry Watson, 42, was arrested and is expected to face aggravated assault charges, Jackson Police Department Cmdr. Lee Vance said. Watson's wife, Gracie Watson, 42, was transported to the University of Mississippi Medical center, where she was listed in good condition." ...

AL: Holdups at 3 Huntsville churches possibly related
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Five people in two churches were robbed at gunpoint in holdups in the churches less than 20 hours apart, and a third holdup was attempted at another church several hours later."

"Police spokesman Wendell Johnson said Tuesday investigators believe the robberies are related."

"Two men robbed the secretary and two deacons at Mastin Lake Church of Christ in the church office about 11 a.m. Monday. The robbers, both in their 20s and armed with pistols, took about $75."

"That followed a holdup about 3:30 p.m. Sunday at Memorial Parkway Church of Christ ... Reed Swindle, youth minister at Memorial Parkway, was in his office with a guest speaker when a gunman entered and took $80 from them." ...

OH: Article: Dealers claim need for self-defense (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a fourth-generation car dealer working in my family business, I took special interest in a story recently published in the industry trade publication Used Car News, highlighting stories proving the dangers of being a car dealer, and interviewing several dealers who have taken steps to be prepared to defend themselves." ...

"The story goes on to give other examples of armed criminals attempting to rob dealerships. Noticeable in reading the article is the difference in outcomes from examples where the dealer was armed to ones where the dealer was defenseless."

"In two cases in Ohio and Florida respectively, defenseless dealers were shot by armed criminals. In the Cleveland example, the dealer's injuries proved fatal." ...

WV: Right to bear arms crucial in modern America
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"By now we are all probably aware of the recent senseless shotgun murders of five innocent people at the Trolley Square Mall in Salt Lake City, Utah. ... " ...

"... The police discovered that this person was carrying a backpack loaded with extra ammunition. He obviously planned to murder more than five people that day."

"However, one important event transpired that day which we must not overlook."

"An off-duty police officer happened to be at the mall that day and he was carrying a concealed weapon. The training and courageous actions of this police officer allowed him to singlehandedly prevent the murders of many more innocent lives by this crazed teenager." ...

KY: Guns have no place in classrooms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are some things we as students never expect to see in a classroom. Things that are not a natural fit in that environment. I thought one of those things was a firearm of any kind. But, apparently I was wrong."

"I was in a sociology class not long ago and noticed that an off-duty Bowling Green police officer was in the room. He was in his full uniform, including his utility belt, gun in holster."

"Just thinking about it now, I am still in shock. A gun in a classroom! This is by far the dumbest thing I have seen as a Western student. There is no excuse for this. I do not care that he is an officer." ...

A Conservative Who Can Win
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Republicans in general are entering panic mode over the prospect of another Clinton Administration, with social conservatives in particular voicing concerns that the only viable GOP candidates are not trustworthy advocates of their values, and the only trustworthy advocates of their values are not viable candidates. ... Enter Fred Thompson, arguably the most viable potential Republican candidate for President of the United States since Ronald Reagan. And for many of the same reasons." ...

"Fred Thompson is said to be considering a run for the presidency. ... He is pro-life, pro-family, pro-traditional marriage, pro-Second Amendment and pro-free enterprise." ...

IL: Illinois Gun Control Bill Could Prove Costly to Downstate Senate Democrats
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A proposal to ban hundreds of models of popular sporting rifles and shotguns is raising the ire of gun owners across Illinois. Sponsored by Senate President Emil Jones, SB16 prohibits the manufacture, sale and possession of a host of rifles and shotguns widely used for hunting and target shooting. Owners of affected firearms would have 90-days to surrender their property to the Illinois State Police or risk felony prosecution."

"... Thanks to the ambiguous wording of the bill, its passage would instantly create hundreds of thousands of felons out of folks who have never gotten so much as a parking ticket before. The kicker is, this bill contains absolutely no provisions that address violent criminals -- its sole impact is on the law-abiding hunter and sportsman." ...

AZ: Gov. Napolitano vetoes bill to make self-defense law retroactive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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l to make a self-defense law retroactive, even though many gun-right supporters were among hundreds of Arizonans urging her to decide otherwise, according to documents released Tuesday."

"Napolitano on Friday vetoed a bill intended to help Harold Arthur Fish, a hiker convicted in an eastern Arizona trailside shooting, and others who claimed self-defense."

"The 2006 law shifted the burden of proof in cases where people charged with a crime are claiming self-defense."

"With the change, prosecutors must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a self-defense claim was unfounded. Before the law was changed in 2006, defendants had to prove that they acted to protect themselves." ...

NJ: Ammunition bill aims wrong way
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New Jersey legislators are again confusing issues, diverting attention and generally not doing their jobs as they push more regulation to stop the sale of ammunition to gangs."

"While on the surface it seems laudable, it mostly nibbles away at the Constitution's Second Amendment right of citizens who are not criminals to own weapons for protection or to participate in shooting sports."

"The diversion comes in the form of regulating the object instead of the criminal. If gang members cannot be controlled, this state uses 'let's pummel gun rights' for its feel-good public appeal objective. Legislators are not as swift or effective in ending pay-to-play, bribery, multiple officeholding and extortion-level taxes." ...

FL: Revived gun bill pits NRA against some businesses
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"It's back."

"A controversial measure pitting the National Rifle Association against Florida's business lobby was resurrected Monday, just 24 hours before the opening of the Legislature's 2007 session."

"The NRA-backed bill (HB 1417) would make it illegal for businesses to prevent their employees from keeping guns locked in their cars when they park at work."

"A similar measure divided the Republican-controlled Legislature a year ago, drawing headlines across Florida."

"The language in this year's legislation is somewhat different."

"... it would forbid an employer from stopping workers or customers from storing any 'lawfully possessed' product in their cars when they park on the employer's property." ...

GA: Gun law won't turn sites into O.K. Corrals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Oft-repeated advice from veteran trial lawyers to the novice barrister: 'If the facts aren't on your side, argue the law; if the law's not on your side, argue the facts.'"

"To that lawyer's proverb might be added a corollary - "'if you have neither the law nor the facts on your side, then just scare the heck out of people.'"

"Gun opponents in Georgia and a number of other states are shamelessly employing fear as a substitute to facts and the law, in an effort to defeat legislation that would do nothing more than protect the right of a law-abiding citizen to maintain a firearm in his or her locked, private vehicle." ...

TX: Bill would end gun ban in foster homes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new state rule prohibits firearms in foster homes where severely emotionally disturbed or mentally retarded children are living, but a Dallas-area lawmaker calls the regulation unnecessary and has moved to overturn it."

"Sen. Bob Deuell, R-Greenville, said foster parents shouldn't be barred from keeping guns in their homes, and after hearing from constituents upset about the rule, he has filed a bill to force the state to return to a previous regulation that focused on weapons storage. ..."

"The Department of Family and Protective Services said Monday that it knows of no Texas foster child who has been injured or killed by a gun while in care. 'But our research has identified guns as a risk to children,' ..." ...

KS: Dodge drops concealed-carry ordinance
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Don't disarm just yet."

"A proposed ordinance to prohibit concealed weapons at more city-owned sites than spelled out in state law has bitten the dust. And with state lawmakers mulling change that could limit the power of cities and counties to make add-ons to Kansas' concealed-carry law - whether via ordinance or other means - it remains unclear if any change at all here is in the offing."

"'Until (lawmakers) have a final say, there's really not much we can do,' Mayor Jim Sherer said."

"A state law approved last year allows for concealed-carry of guns by properly trained license holders, though many places remain off limits, including city hall buildings and city commission meetings." ...

AZ: Sponsor of vetoed bill mulls narrower version
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The sponsor of a vetoed bill to help a hiker convicted in a trailside shooting and others who claimed self defense says she hopes to revive the idea with a new version that would affect fewer cases."

"Senator Linda Gray's bill would have made a 2006 self-defense law apply retroactivity to cases pending when it took effect with Governor Napolitano's signature last April."

"Several prosecutors told Napolitano that the measure could lead to a reopening of numerous cases, but Gray said she would like prosecutors to list the cases to prove their contention. The Glendale Republican said she believed the retroactivity law would only affect 10 or so cases, including the second-degree murder case of Harold Arthur Fish." ...

George Washington to Congress, "to yield a surplus for the supply of our Citizens at large", Dec. 7, 1796
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"...But where the state of things in a Country, leaves little hope that certain branches of Manufacture will, for a great length of time obtain; when these are of a nature essential to the furnishing and equipping of the public force in time of War . . . Establishments of this sort, commensurate only with the calls of the public service in time of peace, will, in time of War, easily be extended in proportion to the exigencies of the Government; and may even perhaps be made to yield a surplus for the supply of our Citizens at large; so as to mitigate the privations from the interruption of their trade...."

TX: County law officer accidentally shoots himself in the foot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Harris County Sheriff's Office reserve major accidentally shot himself in the foot this afternoon while working at a south Houston car dealership."

Ronnie Shapiro was off duty ... when he reached into his pocket and accidentally discharged his weapon, said Harris County Sheriff's spokesman Lt. John Martin."

"'I talked to our chief over reserve officers who spoke with Shapiro as he was being loaded into the helicopter. He was obviously very embarrassed but will be fine,' Martin said." ...

"The small pistol, a .380-caliber Kel-Tec, is not a weapon that the officer would carry in an official capacity, said Martin. He added that reserve officers have the option of carrying weapons while not on duty."

OH: Anatomy of a Gun Trafficking Case - Former Ohio officer allegedly helped criminals get guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"There were 501 guns in all, the government says - revolvers and pistols, Glocks and Rugers, a few rifles, too, a giant cache of firearms suitable for sport or self-protection."

"Or felonies."

"Or terrorism."

"Five hundred one guns, tied to one man - 35-year-old Mark Nelson, a former Columbus cop who masterminded a conspiracy that flooded the streets with weapons."

"Nelson insists he didn't knowingly do anything wrong. But prosecutors say he enlisted his family and others (including a drug dealer) to illegally acquire 501 guns, then directly - or indirectly - sold many of them." ...

PA: Officer Suspended, Accused Of Sexual Assault
Submitted by: jac

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A police officer in Perry County has been suspended amid allegations of sexual assault.

The mayor of Marysville said she suspended officer Robert Pavlovich Jr. after receiving several complaints about him.

A woman, who does not want to be identified, told News 8 that Pavlovich assaulted her daughter over the last three months.

"Trying to touch her in a manner he shouldn't have been touching her. He tried to get her to meet him several times in different places in town," the woman said.

Pavlovich has not been charged.

State police said they are looking into whether there are any other victims. If you have any information that you would like to tell investigators, call 610-960-7075.

OH: OFCC Praised in Guns & Ammo Magazine (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohioans For Concealed Carry is being praised in the current issue of one of the most widely circulated magazines in the shooting sports, Guns & Ammo. The article cites the success our members' grassroots efforts have provided in educating businesses throughout the state that posting 'No Guns' signs in an attempt to make their building safer is not only ineffective, it is counter-productive. Displaying such a sign only disarms the law-abiding and emboldens the criminal already intent on breaking laws against robbery and murder. That criminal is now guaranteed that he will have the only gun and no one inside will be able to defend themselves! " ...

NY: Craftsman classic is right on target
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Whether it's your 'lucky' deer rifle, the single-shot .22 that your dad gave you as a kid or grandpa's old double-barrel shotgun, every gun collection has something special that's fun to display. Unfortunately, however, most gun cabinets are large, dark and heavy -- in other words, just plain ugly -- not to mention expensive."

"Now there's an attractive and affordable do-it-yourself alternative to settling on something you (and your spouse) don't really like. This classic Craftsman-style gun cabinet makes a handsome home for your collection and looks great with almost any decor." ...

FL: Shannon tells players they can't have guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Randy Shannon has issued a straightforward warning to his University of Miami football players:"

"Get caught carrying a firearm and your days as a Hurricane are over."

"After two shooting incidents involving UM players last year, Shannon plans to enforce a 'zero-tolerance' policy regarding weapons."

"'You get caught with a firearm, you're dismissed from the football team,' UM's coach said Monday." ...

"Last July, UM safety Willie Cooper was shot in the buttocks by an unknown assailant outside his home in South Miami. Teammate Brandon Meriweather, who shared the home with Cooper, pulled a pistol from his pants and fired three times at the gunman, who escaped."

"Police determined that Meriweather acted in self defense ..." ...

MA: READER'S VIEW: Bravo for fair coverage of gun ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thank you for a very succinct and unbiased article over the weekend ('Top gun towns')."

"Gun owners, unfortunately, stand vilified in the general media and portrayed as barbaric buffoons. I did not get the impression that this was the intent of the article."

"In fact, I do not know what the intent of the article was - overtly, anyway. This is good as news is supposed to be informative, and not subjectively so either. This is usually pretty apparent by the end of the first paragraph. Good work!"

"I do believe that Quincy Police Chief Robert Crowley needs a little education regarding the Second Amendment. He fails to realize that people are under no obligation to prove to him a need for owning or carrying a firearm." ...

UK: Man jailed for pensioner killing
Submitted by: jac

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"A 22-year-old man has been sentenced to a minimum of two years in jail for killing a pensioner who challenged him about urinating in the street." ...

"Chapman was given a public protection sentence, which will mean he will have to satisfy a parole board that he is safe to be released into the community after the two years, or remain in prison." ...

"Det Insp Andy Lee of Leicestershire Police said people thinking of tackling anti-social behaviour by themselves should assess the situation carefully." ...

"'He (Mr Kerr) was a big, burly character and I'm sure that he thought he was doing the right thing. Clearly, in hindsight, his family and members of the community may wish that he had done things a little differently.'"

Submitters note: Two years for killing an old man. And then the police blame the victim. No wonder they have problems with hooligans in not so great Britain.

National Parks Service Oversteps Bounds? (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an earlier story (National Parks Service Rejects Petition), we reported that the National Parks Service rejected a petition brought by the Virginia Citizen's Defense League (and signed by Ohioans For Concealed Carry) to encourage the Department of the Interior (DOI) to allow local jurisdictions to adopt local laws with respect to carrying a firearm in National Parks."

"In a surprising twist, it seems the National Parks Service may not have been authorized to send that rejection!"

"The following story has been released by the VCDL, and includes a call for action:" ...

No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. — Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

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