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David B. Kopel, Paul Gallant and Joanne D. Eisen: Human Rights and Gun Confiscation [.pdf]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Ordinary Kenyans are not even allowed to possess bows and arrows,and the bow laws, too, are applied discriminately. Government security agents can therefore safely assume that every ordinary person with a bow or gun lacks a license, and thus the police can shoot to kill with impunity." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation Posts Third Quarter Financial Results
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Smith & Wesson Holding Corporation ... today announced financial results for its third fiscal quarter ended January 31, 2008."

"Net product sales for the quarter ended January 31, 2008 were $66.1 million, an increase of 22.6% over the comparable quarter last year. Gross margins decreased to 25.0% for the quarter ended January 31, 2008 compared with 31.3% for the comparable period last year, reflecting reduced absorption of overhead due to lower manufacturing volumes and an extended plant shutdown, combined with increased costs for incremental promotional programs. Net loss was $1.8 million, or $0.04 per fully diluted share, for the quarter ended January 31, 2008 ..." ...

Brady President Paul Helmke Praises Virginia Governor Tim Kaine For Rejecting Two Dangerous Gun Bills
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Paul Helmke ... issued the following statement after the Virginia General Assembly today upheld Governor Tim Kaine's vetoes of bills that would have allowed easy access to guns in cars and also loaded, hidden handguns in bars:"

"'All of the volunteers, and the Virginia Tech family members, and the sensible elected officials who fought hard to defeat these measures are proud of Governor Kaine's veto, and proud of the Virginia Senate for upholding that veto. ... there's no need for a law allowing loaded, hidden handguns into places where alcohol is served, and there's no reason to put police officers' lives at risk by letting unlicensed people have easy access to guns inside their cars close enough to reach.'" ...

IA: It's not 1791 anymore
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I read with interest David Beckley's column concerning concealed carry permits for all ('Gun Owners Anxiously Await Decisions Affecting Their Rights,' March 5 Iowa View). I'd like him to know that I, too, believe in the Second Amendment as it was written and when it was written — original intent, strict constructionist style and relevant to 1791."

"That would mean no government interference in anyone's right to own a single-shot, muzzle-loading flintlock musket and to conceal it in their trousers if they like."

"Anything else is beyond the scope of the Second Amendment. Had our founders drafted the Bill of Rights in the age of Columbine and Virginia Tech, the AK47 and the TEC-9, things might have come out differently." ...

Gun debate draws nation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The District's interim attorney general yesterday said the city's Supreme Court fight to maintain its 30-year-old ban on handguns has prompted hundreds of organizations and individuals to throw in their two cents."

"The case has gained national notice as more than 300 members of Congress, 46 states, two former U.S. attorneys general and two former U.S. solicitors general have filed more than 70 briefs against or in support of the ban."

"'Our team read and reread over 50 briefs that were filed both on behalf of the respondents and on behalf of [the District] from around the country,' interim D.C. Attorney General Peter J. Nickles said. 'This is a case that has drawn national — international — attention.'" ...

A Key Case on Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dick Heller ... carries a handgun for his job as a private security guard. But at the end of his shift, he packs up the .38 revolver and stashes it in a vault. He would like to keep a gun for protection at his Capitol Hill home ... But he can't, because D.C. law forbids it. ..."

"One of the most restrictive gun laws in the country, the D.C. statute is the focus of a March 18 U.S. Supreme Court hearing that marks the most significant case on gun control in decades. With Heller as plaintiff, it is the first test since 1939 of whether the Second Amendment supports an individual's right to bear arms and not just a state's right to form a militia. It is a crucial distinction. ..." ...

Judging Gun Rights
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"As a historic Supreme Court case on the Second Amendment looms, District of Columbia v. Heller, two unexpected perspectives show what is at stake in this case for all Americans."

"Between the two of us as authors, our commitment to the Second Amendment, coupled with our real-life experiences, explodes the stereotypical images of gun owners in America. We are living proof that the Second Amendment is a blessing for all Americans, and that all Americans have a vested interest in the pending court case." ...

John Longnecker: D.C. v. Heller: Final Comment Before The Hearing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A great deal of ink and disc space are being given to officials who are supporting individual concealed carry of handguns. A big pat on the back to them for their courage as much as their conscience, I know it's not easy... Until they discover, if they haven't already, two things: the support of their constituents, which had been silenced and punished a great deal but ever-present, and the pure correctness of the measures they supported." ...

Israel: Gunman kills 8 at Jerusalem seminary
Submitted by: T. Mar

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"A gunman entered the library of a rabbinical seminary and opened fire on a crowded nighttime study session Thursday, killing eight people and wounding nine before he was slain, police and rescue workers said. It was the first major militant attack in Jerusalem in more than four years." ...

"One of the students, Yitzhak Dadon, said he shot the attacker twice in the head. 'I laid on the roof of the study hall, cocked my gun and waited for him. He came out of the library spraying automatic fire,' he said." ...

Campus Gun Control: Guns pose extra risks to students' safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Guns - I'm not a huge fan of them. They just lead to senseless violence and death, but the saying is 'guns don't kill people, people kill people.'"

"... I didn't realize people could turn into little metal projectiles shred a person's insides ..."

"... Thankfully, they are banned on college campuses across the country, with Utah being the only exception."

"But after the recent string of school shootings ... some states have been trying to push legislation that would lift the ban that prevents college students from bringing a gun on campus."

"Generally speaking, college students have an extra factor of stress that the rest of the population doesn't. Adding guns to the mix is just asking for trouble." ...

An Open Letter to the College Students of America
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "College students throughout America's history have taken it as a point of pride to be changers. I believe it is part of the collegiate experience as young people gather at universities and are exposed to new ideas and concepts, that they take their combined experiences and youthful exuberance and apply those attributes to current events to implement change ... It is pretty easy, even for me, to point out numerous examples of changes to the American experience that have been a direct result of upheaval and of university students acting together ... It is time for college students everywhere to band together and demand the right of self-protection be the standard policy on every campus!" ...

H/t to David Codrea.

FL: UCF Students Fight For Guns On Campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Carrying a gun onto a college campus on Florida is a felony."

"But in the aftermath of last month's deadly shootings at Northern Illinois University, some students at the University of Central Florida are fighting for the right to bear arms at school."

"Patrick Hale is the president of the Knight Rifle Association, a 50-member group of students championing that fight. Hale said the law preventing students from bringing guns to campus flies in the face of the Bill of Rights." ...

AZ: University police arming themselves with rifles
Submitted by: Wildfire

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"Arizona's three university police departments are arming themselves with assault-style rifles, officials said."

"The high-powered rifles would give school officers the ability to shoot at targets at the end of long hallways or atop tall buildings, officials said."

"'Pistols that campus officers currently use aren't ideal for long shots,' said Sgt. Eugene Mejia, University of Arizona Police Department spokesman. 'Beyond 50 feet, you lose a lot of accuracy,' Mejia said." ...

"The plan to arm the officers with rifles has been in the works for a couple of years ..."

"The weapons will be useful in 'active shooter' situations where officers can't wait for a SWAT team to arrive ..." ...

Submitter's Note: But there's still no need to allow guns on campus?

KABA Note: David Codrea has some excellent points on his blog.

FL: University of Central Florida group advocates letting students carry guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the deadly shootings at Northern Illinois University on Feb. 14, one club on the University of Central Florida campus thinks it has a solution."

"The Knight Rifle Association is a group of UCF students dedicated to promoting their Second Amendment rights on campus while teaching gun safety and self-defense. The club, founded last summer, thinks that students' right to bear arms might be a solution to shootings seen at NIU and Virginia Tech."

"'You can have a gun when you're at Wal-Mart; you can have a gun when you're eating at a restaurant; but for some reason, when you come on campus you lose your right to carry,' said Patrick Hale, a founding member and president of KRA." ...

In Congress, the Uphill Battle for Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The scenario is all too familiar: A disturbed gunman opens fire in a school, an office, or a shopping center and, before horrified spectators, slaughters innocent men, women, and even children. After the massacres at Columbine High School, Virginia Tech University, and Omaha's Westroads Mall, the question is always the same: How could this tragedy have been prevented? Inevitably, there are calls for tougher gun control, and routinely they are followed by arguments about Second Amendment rights, along with protestations that 'guns don't kill people; people do.' In the end, the reactions to these tragedies serve only to remind how deeply divided Americans are when it comes to guns." ...

PA: Controlling Guns in Philadelphia
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Homicides were rising twice as fast as in other large cities—an average of one gunshot murder a day. If those statistics from Philadelphia in 2006 were terrifying, the numbers in City Council member Darrell Clarke's district were even worse. On some blocks, the chance of getting shot was roughly 1 in 50. The problem seemed clear: The city needed tools to keep guns away from violent criminals."

"But Clarke has since learned that in Philadelphia, as elsewhere, tightening gun laws is no simple task. Pennsylvania, whose Constitution explicitly gives citizens a right to defend themselves, is among a majority of states that forbid cities to pass gun laws stricter than those enacted by the state. ..." ...

IA: Gun owners anxiously await decisions affecting their rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Iowans who share a common interest in gun ownership are waiting anxiously for several decisions that will be made by the U.S. Supreme Court, by our Legislature and by ourselves as voters."

"Let's start with Iowa House File 2092, which would finally unify the safety training every applicant must complete before he or she applies for a concealed-firearm permit. In the past, some counties have required next to nothing in training to assure a sheriff that the applicant was proficient in handling firearms. This bill would require each county to institute a rigorous training program before a permit can be issued."

"This bill also clarifies the manner in which all 99 county sheriffs shall issue or deny a permit to carry a firearm. ..." ...

ID: Lawmakers Consider Stun Gun Restrictions
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Idaho lawmakers are pushing measures to restrict the use of stun guns by the general public."

"The House State Affairs Committee voted Wednesday to take testimony on a bill that would require citizens to have concealed weapon permits to carry the devices, such as Tasers. The measure would also ban sales to minors."

"The Senate is amending a second bill that would restrict felons, drug addicts and those charged with or convicted of a crime with a prison sentence of at least a year from carrying the weapons. The guns have been under scrutiny because of a national controversy surrounding their use by law enforcement." ...

OH: HB264/SB184: Castle Doctrine scheduled for multiple hearings and possible vote in Senate committee!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senate Bill 184, Ohio's Castle Doctrine bill, has been added to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice's agenda for Wednesday, March 12 at 10:00 a.m. in the Senate Building's North Hearing Room."

"The purpose for Wednesday's hearing is so that the committee may adopt amendments via a substitute bill."

"The following day, Thursday, March 13 at 9:00 a.m., the committee will reconvene in the Senate Building's North Conference Room for the purpose of voting on the bill."

"Immediately following, the House Criminal Justice Committee will give a third hearing to that chamber's companion Castle Doctrine bill, House Bill 264, beginning at 9:30 a.m. in Room 121." ...

NJ: Bill would limit handgun buys to 13 a year
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New Jerseyans — be they sport shooters, casual collectors, hunters or someone with criminal intent — would be restricted to purchasing one handgun every 30 days, or 13 in a year, under legislation approved Monday ..."

"'I feel good, but it is only the first step in the process,' said Assemblywoman Joan Quigley, D-Hudson, sponsor of the measure." [emphasis added]

"Quigley was joined by Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy, the lobbying group Ceasefire New Jersey and others supporting the measure before the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee."

"'Anybody who is buying more than one handgun a month is a straw buyer. He's selling them,' said Healy, whose city enacted a similar ordinance, only to have it struck down ..." ...

Submitter's Note: How many more blasted "first steps" are there going to be?!?

"That if Provision cannot be made of Arms . . . a reasonable allowance will be made them in Money for the same"
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" also to the Governours of the several Provinces and Colonies of Virginia, Maryland Pensilvania, New-Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Massachusetts-Bay..."

"...voted to give all necessary and proper encouragement for One Thousand Voluntiers that shall enlist into His Majesty's Service in this Expedition..."

"...That if Provision cannot be made of Arms and Cloathing for them, by reason of the Shortness of the Time, a reasonable allowance will be made them in Money for the same..."

"that would not lay down and deliver up their arms"
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"...he said he would save the town till he heard from the Admiral, in case we would send off four carriage guns, deliver up all our small arms, ammunition, &c. and send four gentlemen of the town as hostages, which the town would not do. About half past nine in the morning he began to fire from the four armed vessels, and in five minutes set fire to several houses. He continued firing till after dark the same day..."

"...there had arrived orders from England about ten days since, to burn all the sea port towns on the continent, that would not lay down and deliver up their arms, and give hostages for their future good behaviour..."

"and to invite all to carry their own Arms with them"
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" be warn'd according to Law, that they appear in Arms at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon of said Day, at such Place in said Town as you shall appoint, and if the Quota assign'd you be not compleated by four of the Clock in the Afternoon of the said Day, you are to compleat the same by Impress, observing the Rules and Directions of the Law: And in your Impressments, you are by no Means to exempt those able-bodied and effective Men, who have been Mercinaries in any former Military Service from being Impressed.-- You are alike Required to collect what public Arms you can find and send to me as soon as may be, and to invite all to carry their own Arms with them, if good..."

"and private Men, now actually in Arms against His Majesty"
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"...that in Order to remove any groundless Apprehensions which may have been raised of their Suffering by Depredations of the Army under His Command, he hath issued the strict Orders to the Troops for the Preservation of Regularity and good Discipline, and has signified that the most exemplary Punishment shall be inflicted upon Those who shall dare to plunder the Property, or molest the Persons..."

"...Considering moreover, that many Officers and private Men, now actually in Arms against His Majesty, may be willing to relinquish the Part they have taken in this Rebellion, and return to their due Allegiance..."

More FBI Privacy Violations
Submitted by: mindful musings

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"The FBI acknowledged Wednesday it improperly accessed Americans' telephone records, credit reports and Internet traffic in 2006, the fourth straight year of privacy abuses resulting from investigations aimed at tracking terrorists and spies." ...

"An audit by the inspector general last year found the FBI demanded personal records without official authorization or otherwise collected more data than allowed in dozens of cases between 2003 and 2005. Additionally, last year's audit found that the FBI had underreported to Congress how many national security letters were requested by more than 4,600." ...

KABA Note: So is 'underreported' code for the felony crime of lying to Congress?

OK: Tulsa officer charged with stealing guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A veteran Tulsa police officer has been charged with stealing guns from the police department and selling them on the Internet.

Officer Buddy Visser faces federal charges of possessing and selling stolen firearms and ammunition and with fraud.

Visser had been suspended with pay before the charges were filed. He's now suspended without pay pending the outcome of the case.

Visser has been a Tulsa police officer for 17 years and was an instructor at the department's firing range.

Police Chief Ron Palmer says Visser is accused of stealing eight guns worth about $450 each.

IN: Corrections officer charged with sexual battery of inmates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Charlestown man who served briefly as a Clark County Corrections Officer has resigned his position and now faces criminal charges for alleged sexual impropriety with inmates ..."

"Anthony Duane Davenport, 46, faces two class D felony sexual battery charges and the class A misdemeanor trafficking with an inmate ..."

"Each D felony could put Davenport in jail for six months to three years, while the misdemeanor could add up to an additional year ..."

"Davenport worked as a corrections officer for about five months, said Clark County Sheriff Danny Rodden ... Rodden said when Davenport was confronted with reports of him coercing two female inmates to expose themselves to him, one for cigarettes, he resigned his position."

WA: Not charged, transient spends 3 months in jail -- forgotten
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Spending even one night in jail was questionable enough, but an arrest for obstructing a public officer last year landed one homeless Seattle man behind bars for more than three months."

"Darrell Arthur Williams hadn't even been charged with the crime. ..."

"But the next morning, a city prosecutor ... declined to press charges, citing 'interests of justice.' With that, Williams was supposed to be released from jail immediately."

"... Instead, Williams remained incarcerated through May 23 -- what amounted to a short prison term. He was essentially forgotten behind bars." ...

"Court administrators call the matter an unusual paperwork error. Defense attorneys call it something else: False imprisonment." ...

ID: Horsley refuses to admit to 'indifference': Two-day hearing ends in Boise
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"Ryan Horsley and his employees lost track of guns, neglected to warn police about potentially suspicious activity and ran a sloppy business - even after promising the federal government to institute greater caution."

"Horsley said he was unaware that for eight years his decades-old family business had been operating under a new gun dealing license that was set to expire last month."

"Horsley made these admissions and more on the witness stand Wednesday at a federal hearing in Boise ..."

"... But the one thing Horsley would not admit, despite a solid hour of grilling by an assistant U.S. attorney, is that 'plain indifference' spurred violations at Red's Trading Post. That's the charge that threatens his future in gun sales." ...

ID: Red's vs ATF the battle continues in federal court
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"The battle between a Twin Falls gun shop and
the [BATFE] is in the federal courts this week."

"Red's Trading Post contends the ATF wrongly revoked its license over paperwork violations. Gun shop owners Ryan and Terry Horsley say federal rules allow for gun shop licenses to be revoked for willful violations, and they had little more than paperwork errors."

"For instance, some of the mandatory questionnaires the gun shop had to get filled out to sell weapons had Y's and N's instead of the full words 'yes' and 'no'."

"But ATF inspector John Hansen ... said the errors were repeated and serious, and that the shop had plenty of chances to fix problems before their license was pulled."

MI: Cop facing gun charges after Canton domestic dispute
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Detroit police officer was arrested in Canton Tuesday afternoon after he allegedly fired three shots from his revolver during a domestic dispute with his ex-girlfriend."

"Canton Police Sgt. Rick Pomorski said the officer is in his early 40s and a 10-year veteran of the Detroit Police Department. He got into an argument with the woman at her house ... when she began to move some of his stuff out of the home. ..."

"According to Pomorski, the man fired three shots from his revolver into the floor, and that the woman was not hit. ..."

"'I think this is one where his anger got away from him,' Pomorski said."

"Police did not identify the officer, pending his arraignment ..." ...

North Korea: North Korea publicly executes 15 starving refugees fleeing to China in desperate search for food
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"North Korea has publicly executed 15 starving people, mostly women, for illegally entering neighbouring China in search of food, an aid group said yesterday."

"The 13 women and two men were shot on a bridge in the north-eastern town of Onseong as local residents watched. It was the second mass execution to be reported this week."

"The group of 15 were sentenced to death for illegally crossing the border into China or for helping others to do so, to ask for help, in money or food, from relatives living there." ...

H/t to David Codrea who points out that they probably just need more "common sense gun control".

NY: Bullseye! Business booms for Bloomfield high-end gun shop
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Most of the 18 employees at Turnbull Restoration wear shirts that say 'Shooting History!' across the back."

"'That's why we do this,' said Keith VanOrman. 'This is history, we're keeping history alive.'"

"... a look inside reveals a company that is passionate about reviving treasured antiques worth more than many luxury cars." ...

"Turnbull's customers routinely pay in the tens of thousands of dollars to have firearms from the 19th century looking brand new. It's a high-end clientele for a business that appears to be recession-proof."

"'It's a good spot to be in,' said Koppmann."

"Turnbull Restoration is Bloomfield's fourth largest employer with annual sales just under three million dollars."

NJ: Column on guns was idiotic
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Feb. 21 Press contained a rather ridiculous column by Timothy Rutten concerning gun control, 'Our weak-kneed politicians can't pray away the gun threat.' He apparently spent a good deal of time hunting down statistics on how many times guns have been used in killings. The statistic he should hunt down is how many times other implements besides guns have been used in killings."

"If Rutten is really concerned about ending senseless killings, then arm every individual who shows that they have competency in controlling the weapon and that they have the mental stability to use it only in self defense. Rutten's comments on 'social idiocy' apply more clearly and closely to Rutten than they do to the people he condemns." ...

WV: Gun classes would be good for kids
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun education in school will provide the teaching of the responsibility and consequences of handling a firearm. Programs such as the National Rifle Association's Eddie Eagle teaches younger ones to stop, don't touch and tell an adult. ..."

"On concealed weapons, you worry about your neighbor taking his morning walk with a Sig in his jacket. Are you planning on attacking your neighbor? People who get concealed weapons permits are your basic law-abiding citizens who are exercising their ... rights. They go through hours of training and shooting qualifications and pay fees to the county. They are not the ones you need to fear ... Publishing concealed weapon holders names is just another intrusion into law-abiding people's privacy." ...

IL: Guns have never loaded themselves
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I find it quite amusing when one letter writer had used a silly riddle."

"Another amusing letter is the one who wants to take away the Second Amendment and penalize all the legal and law abiding gun owners."

"Why penalize law-abiding citizens? Penalize those who commit these crimes and do not infringe on our right. We have that right as law-abiding citizens and we still need that amendment today."

"And to all who wrote that guns kill -- that will be the first if any when a gun loads itself, aims and pulls the trigger without any human help."

"Give me a break. Anti-gun people get real for once. The person who commits these crimes is the one who is responsible for the murder he or she commits, not the guns." ...

UK: Head teacher struck off over guns
Submitted by: Russell M Middleton

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"A former primary school head teacher has been struck off after a disciplinary hearing was told he was 'deceitful' about his arsenal of guns."

"Martin Wynn Davies, from Wrexham, was jailed for four years in 2006 for keeping 21 weapons, including revolvers and semi-automatic pistols and rifles." ...

"Both the court hearing and the professional conduct committee heard there was no suggestion Davies had intended to use the weapons for criminal purposes."

"Mr Phillips told the hearing that firearms laws were changed, banning handguns for 'a very good reason' following massacres at Hungerford in 1987 and Dunblane in 1996." ...

"'We're not talking about one or two guns, but a vast arsenal.'" ...

"'Mr Davies stopped being a man of good character the moment he broke the law,' he said." ...

MD: City backs longer gun sentences
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The name was too familiar to Baltimore prosecutors. They had sent a man named Robert Loney to prison in 2004 for five years without the possibility of parole. Yet in May, someone with the same name and description drew the city police SWAT team to his neighborhood as he tried to avoid arrest on suspicion of attempted murder."

"It turned out to be the same man, and the standoff drew attention to the fact that five years without parole, the mandatory sentence for a convicted felon in possession of a handgun, does not mean an offender will spend five years in prison." ...

CA: Student Arrested for Bomb Materials
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A freshman at the University of California Davis has been arrested after the campus police found what they said were explosive materials in his dorm room, university officials said Thursday morning."

"The student, Mark Christopher Woods ... was arrested on Wednesday night ... the police found partially assembled pipe bombs or pyrotechnics, but nothing had been fully assembled."

"University police said there was no indication of any connection to terrorism and no wider threat to safety on the campus." ...

"University officials said that Mr. Woods ... has cooperated with the police. ... Mr. Woods' roommate said that Mr. Woods did not intend to injury anyone 'but is a very curious person who liked to experiment.'" ...

To prohibit a citizen from wearing or carrying a war arm . . . is an unwarranted restriction upon the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of constitutional privilege. [Wilson v. State, 33 Ark. 557, at 560, 34 Am. Rep. 52, at 54 (1878)]

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