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‘Fresh Prince’ lockdown further highlights school hysteria on guns
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'The worker said she called police when she misheard the lyrics -- which she claimed said ‘shooting people outside of school,’' the report related. 'The actual lyrics to the song say ‘shooting some b-ball outside of school.'" ...

Illinois still not acquitting gun carry defendants months after ban overturned
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'People are still being charged with felonies for simple possession of a weapon -- not using the weapon to commit a crime, but just possessing it outside of their home,' Lasker quotes Chicago-based defense attorney Robert Pervan." ...

Not even a little CPR?
Submitted by: Anonymoose

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... "I have posted many times that gun bans makes about as much sense as denying adult college students the knowledge and latitude of administering First-aid and CPR until EMS arrives. Now we have both gun bans and denying care policies." ...

The Right to Self-Defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In all the noise caused by the Obama administration's direct assault on the right of every person to keep and bear arms, the essence of the issue has been drowned out. The president and his big-government colleagues want you to believe that only the government can keep you free and safe, so to them, the essence of this debate is about obedience to law."

"To those who have killed innocents among us, obedience to law is the last of their thoughts. And to those who believe that the Constitution means what it says, the essence of this debate is not about the law; it is about personal liberty in a free society. It is the exercise of this particular personal liberty ... that the big-government crowd fears the most." ...

U.S. has been 'mostly non-tyrannical'; Second Amendment obsolete? (Photos)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The New York Daily 'News' editorial staff has made no secret of its disdain for the Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms. After the Sandy Hook Elementary atrocity, though, that publication has lost all interest in maintaining even the thinnest pretense of journalistic objectivity, with every-gun related article (of which there have of course been a great many since Sandy Hook) featuring a 'coupon-style' petition to ban so-called 'assault weapons' and 'high capacity' (gun-hater code language for 11-round or larger) magazines." ...

Ernest Gets Schooled
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ernest Tews has written a letter to the editor of the Asbury Park [NJ] Press, demanding regulation of gun owners. Actually he seems to think that the Second Amendment makes such a demand. He starts out conventionally enough, quoting the Second Amendment and then making the usual plaint that’s it’s just so darned hard to understand. 'The Second Amendment says, 'A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.' The Second Amendment is frustratingly non-specific, but let’s look at it as a product of the time it was written.' I think part of Ernest’s confusion here . . ." ...

Audrey Gibson: Mandatory Anger Management Before Buying Ammo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Florida state senator has recently introduced a bill that seeks to end the 'plague' of 'gun violence' by requiring anyone who wants to buy ammunition to first take an anger management course. There’s an interview with Florida State Sen. Audrey Gibson above [about two minutes in]. Meanwhile, Fox News has the details . . ." ...

"As a member of the millions of gun owners who have never fired a shot in anger or committed a crime, I find this highly offensive. The requirement for anger management classes makes the assumption that all gun owners are angry, and that the only reason people buy guns is to settle grudges." ...

Targeting certain arms infringes on our rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'I don’t know that anyone is taking away their Second Amendment rights, unless maybe I was asleep when Gov. Cuomo got a bill passed that said you can’t own a gun in New York state' said professor Iva Deutchman in a March 1 article."

"Suppose a high percentage of automobile accidents involve vehicles from Ford, General Motors and Toyota. Note that these manufacturers supply race cars for NASCAR. So let’s ban private ownership. Law enforcement and race teams may be exempted. Also, two door 'sports' cars often facilitate speeds not required by the average commuter, so ban future sales from any manufacturer. Has your right to own an automobile been infringed?" ...

A Columbine Survivor Tells President Obama To Man Up
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sometimes a person’s principled stance shines like warm sunlight through the densest political fog. That’s what Evan M. Todd’s letter to President Barack Obama has become. Evan had a gun held to his head by one of the two Columbine killers. They asked him why he should be allowed to live. He’s now showing them why."

"He says he learned one fundamental thing from his encounter with evil: freedom matters and nothing is more fundamental to freedom than the right to self-preservation." ...

Cause of death: ‘He was turning his life around’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two men are dead from gunshot wounds to the head while sitting in a parked car on Seattle’s Beacon Hill, and one of them appears to have made the often-fatal error of being in the process of 'turning his life around.'"

"This cause of death, or some variation, seems to be fairly common among people with long criminal histories who abruptly run out of time. ..." ...

Don't limit Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I was in the ammunition aisle of a large sporting goods retailer."

"'Buy it while you can,' I heard the voice from behind me say as I bent to see merchandise on a lower shelf. 'Buy it and put it away. Hide it so they can’t come and take it from you.'"

"As he spoke, another shopper joined in." ...

"As the two strangers talked, a third stopped and listened. He occasionally nodded in agreement. ... Their comments showed their firm belief that, as soon as possible, the federal government will attempt to significantly curtail their right to own a firearm and supply themselves with ammunition."

"Separate from whether this fear is justified, it is a real fear for many in the nation, based on the recent surge in gun sales. ..." ...

#WINNING! – 16,000+ New NRA Lifetime Memberships
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Operative words being NEW and LIFE memberships!" ...

Gun Review: Colt LE901 16S (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Even with a rifle as modular as an AR-15, there is still one big decision to be made. Namely, do you want to go the AR-15 route (with the smaller, intermediate 5.56 size magazine well) or the AR-10 route (with the full .308 size magazine well). That decision will dictate what uppers you can buy, what magazines you can use and a whole host of other things. But what if you didn’t have to make that decision? What if you could buy one rifle that used both AR-15 and AR-10 mags and upper receivers? That’s the whole idea behind the Colt LE901 16S . . ." ...

Team GLOCK’s Nonaka and Eusebio Clean-Up Kiwis
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TTAG’s asked Team GLOCK‘s PR peeps if Tori Nonaka (above) will blog for us. To that end we’re kissing-up to the Austrian gunmaker by sharing news of their big win at the 2013 Australasia International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) Handgun Competition in Rotorua, New Zealand. Nonaka won the Hi-Lady Standard Division while KC Eusebio earned Overall Match Winner. ..."

Caracal Held Hostage: Day 167
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The correct title for this post: Total Recall. Sigh. The World’s Best Carry Gun [sic] is now the subject of not one but two recalls. Caracal issued the first due to drop-safe issues; in response to two incidences where a dropped handgun fired. The most recent recall: 'Caracal International LLC has been informed about an incident [in Pakistan] in which the slide of a Caracal Model C pistol malfunctioned and broke during firing causing personal injury. We are thoroughly investigating this incident to determine the cause(s) and are initiating this voluntary recall to protect the safety of our customers.' Caracal-goes-boom pics have been on the net since late last year. Now, suddenly, they’re a big deal . . ." ...

Should we sacrifice children for the sake of guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am a retired 26-year veteran of the Tulsa Police Department. I own guns. In 2002 I began working overseas in numerous conflict zones. I specialized in training and monitoring police and security forces. I offer the following questions and information for your consideration."

"The critical decision."

"What is our priority, our children or the absolutist's abstract (and profitable) view of the Second Amendment?" ...

A Look At Guns In The Home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is a lot of talk now and a lot of legislation being developed for presentation to state legislatures about the role of gun ownership both in the home and on the street. Many are promoting the idea of carrying concealed weapons for protection, and I understand that some legislatures have passed laws to allow almost anyone without a criminal record carry a concealed weapon. A handgun is what we are talking about. (The Second Amendment is not at issue here.) ..."

"So, lets take a look at both sides of the question through what has been said by both sides that can be based on fact. On the surface owning a handgun to protect one’s family, home, or person seems to make sense. But do the facts bear this out." ...

It's not 1700 anymore
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The biggest obstacle the United States has over countries such as Canada, Kenya, Australia, Britain and other European nations is that we have this overwhelming fear of anyone telling us to do anything, even if it is about not jumping off a cliff. We do not mind evolving into a pathetic welfare nation with failed families, irresponsible debt and rejected faith, but do not tell us what to do with our guns." ...

"First, without over-illustrating the basic simplicity of our one sentence Second Amendment, it is not hard to explain why the Supreme Court in 1939 upheld the National Firearms Act of 1934 banning ownership of machine guns (now politically referred to as 'assault weapons')." ...

Oops… Michael Moore Accidently Makes the Case for Gun Rights (video story)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Haha… this may be the best display of ambush journalism I have ever seen. She asks Michael Moore about the beginnings of a tyrannical govt and gets him to lay out the case beautifully for civil liberties, freedom, and opposing oppressive government for the good of the next generation… Then she walks his own argument right up to the gun rights movement and then Oops…. I uhhhh, didnt hear the question. What?" ...

Commentary: The NRA’s Love Affair of Guns Goes Black
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "So desperate is the NRA for gun ownership to permeate all of American society that they have retained Internet star and gun advocate Colion Noir to be featured in a video to appeal to his fellow Black Americans to reject any consideration of gun control."

"In the video, he laments 'the same government who at one point hosed us down with water, attacked us with dogs, wouldn’t allow us to eat at their restaurants and told us we couldn’t own guns.' He concludes: 'The only person responsible for your safety is you. Cops can’t always be there. Obama definitely can’t be there. Guy telling me to get rid of my guns when I need them the most, isn’t my friend ... and doesn’t speak for me or the community that I’m part of.' It is vintage NRA orthodoxy." ...

Criminals, Predators and the Mentally Unbalanced Can Easily Buy Guns at Gun Shows
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It’s madness to allow guns to be sold to felons with a history of gun violence or to the mentally ill. That’s why current law requires that no gun can be sold by a licensed gun dealer without a criminal background check. But millions of guns are sold by unlicensed sellers at gun shows and through websites with no background checks. We need to strengthen current law ... The few minutes it takes to complete a computerized check would save lives."

"The federal background check law has blocked more than 1.5 million illegal gun sales over the past 14 years. It works. The problem is that the law doesn’t apply to private sales, so the bad guys can avoid a background check and get any kind of gun, no questions asked." ...

CT: It’s time ‘pro-life’ meant gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Politicians usually talk about being pro-life when it comes to opposing abortion. As a Catholic who served as U.S. ambassador to the Vatican under President George H.W. Bush, I share a deep commitment to protecting the sanctity of life in the womb. But what about our children, teachers and neighbors lost to the epidemic of gun violence?"

"These innocent victims can no longer speak. Those of us proud to call ourselves pro-life must raise our voices on their behalf and demand that powerful lobbying groups stop standing in the way of sensible gun control measures that can save lives." ...

NJ: Misrepresented
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It seems as though guns and gun ownership spur a serious debate for and against gun regulation, as opposed to gun control. Having read Sue Ann Pena's column on the right to bear arms, I believe that the subject is misrepresented since the Constitution was written more than 250 ago, before assault weapons existed." ...

LA: Combat veteran urges ban on assault weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I believe in the Second Amendment and I would never agree with the government taking weapons of any type away from gun owners."

"I am also a Vietnam combat veteran who carried an M-16 assault weapon with 20 magazines of 20 rounds. Early in my tour of duty I was taught to keep the weapon's selector switch on semi-automatic instead of automatic so I could be more efficient and effective in killing the enemy. The first time I used the weapon, I was amazed how fast I could shoot 400 rounds of ammunition. And with that said, I strongly believe in Congress establishing a ban against the continued issuance of assault weapons (both automatic and semi-automatic) and high capacity clips. ..." ...

Army Pulls XM25 After Double-Feed Primer Blast
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The Army’s XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement system has been removed from service after a training accident injured a soldier in Afghanistan early last month,' reports. 'A soldier was injured during a Feb. 2 live-fire training event during which the primer of a 25mm high-explosive air burst round ignited as a result of a double feed, according to Army spokesman Matthew Bourke. Although the primer and propellant were initiated, safety mechanisms prevented the round’s warhead from detonating. The gun was inoperable after the explosion.' Ya think? It’s not the first time the XM25 has fed two rounds into the same chamber . . ." ...

Even Shotguns Use AR-15s for Self Defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From the ‘truth is stranger than fiction’ files comes this story out of Independence, Oregon, where a stolen shotgun apparently pulled the trigger of a stolen AR-15 and killed the man who had just stolen both firearms. ... From . . ." ...

The Annotated Homicide Rate VS Gun Control, 1885 To 2011
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Someone did an excellent job of annotating our homicide rate chart from 1885 to 2011. Since every thing here is intended to be taken for use against the gun control nuts, I am glad they left a link so I could enjoy their good work."

"Here is the same chart, with just a bit greater detail than dropping keywords on the graphic allow. The easiest way to do this is to put key numbers referencing the notes, below:" ...

FL: Would Be Robber Shot by Victim in Miami, FL
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to NBC Miami, A would-be armed robber was killed after his victim turned the tables and shot him in Miami Tuesday night, police said." ...

LA: Mother Uses Shotgun to Defend Her Children From Armed Home Invader
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A mother in Covington, LA woke to an armed man standing in the doorway of her bedroom."

"The woman started screaming, temporarily scaring the intruder."

"The mother used the opportunity to fetch her shotgun from the closet."

"She checked on her children and confronted the intruder near the front door to her home."

"She fired several shots at the suspect, but none hit him." ...

BET Throws Colion Noir Under the Bus
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"This article right here is just downright despicable. BET has decided that Mr. Colion Noir is now officially in bed with the enemy because he has partnered with the NRA." ...

NY: New gun control law leads to permits, paperwork pile-up
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Broome County Sheriff David Harder says the Broome County Permit Office has been overloaded since the state passed the NY SAFE Act."

"'The SAFE gun act that came out, created quite a stir,' Harder said. 'Just in the month of January alone, we had 500 people come in and get applications.'" ...

NY: Conservative Party wants repeal, not amendments to gun law
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The state’s Conservative Party said it would oppose amendments to New York’s gun-control law and instead want a full repeal."

"'The Conservative Party urges the members of the Legislature to repeal the bill that creates confusion and costly mandates, requires magazines that are not available or manufactured, makes criminals of the men and women who protect us and essentially strips New Yorkers of their Second Amendment rights,' the party said in a statement today." ...

NY: Gun ownership rally planned in Saranac Lake
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Plans are being made for a peaceful demonstration here Sunday to add local voices to a call for repealing the new state gun law."

"A fledgling group called Sons and Daughters of Liberty will hold a rally from 1 to 5 p.m. at Harrietstown Town Hall in the village." ...

NY: Assemblyman Al Stirpe admits using 'f-bomb' in gun control meeting
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Assemblyman Al Stirpe confirmed he "lost it for a brief second" and directed an 'f-bomb' at several pro-gun constituents during a heated moment in his Albany office last week."

"It occurred during a late morning meeting Thursday at a time when the capital was flooded with protesters for a rally protesting the state's new Safe Act ..." ...

NY: Jefferson County Residents Applaud Gun Law Opposition
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Jefferson County residents who oppose the New York SAFE Act got up one by one to speak at the county legislature meeting Tuesday night."

"The legislators voted unanimously to oppose the state law that puts tighter restrictions on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines."

"The audience applauded." ...

NY: Clay Town Board urges governor to suspend NY Safe Act
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The Clay Town Board voted unanimously Monday night to pass a resolution to oppose the NY Safe Act."

"The resolution urges Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Albany lawmakers to suspend the NY Safe Act, the gun control bill that was passed in January. The town states that the bill was rushed through the state Senate and Assembly without a public hearing and that state lawmakers didn't have time to review the bill." ...

Gun industry leaders, allies defy NRA on checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some of the gun lobby's strongest allies are breaking with the National Rifle Association to support proposals that would expand background checks for private firearm sales."

"In behind-the-scenes talks with congressional staff members and others, gun makers, dealers and other Second Amendment advocates have offered support for more instant criminal background checks, buoying the hopes of gun control advocates, including President Barack Obama, who put a top priority on extending criminal checks to private sales." ...

Submitter's Note: Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia! Not me! Julia! I don't care what you do to her. Tear her face off, strip her to the bones. Not me! Julia! Not me! -- 'Winston', 1984

Obama blasts Senate Republicans who filibustered former New York solicitor general's nomination to a federal judgeship: 'I am deeply disappointed'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Wednesday, President Obama blasted Senate Republicans who killed the nomination of a former New York solicitor general who was up for a federal judgeship."

"The GOP senators blocked the nomination of Caitlin Halligan to the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, saying her New York work exposed her as a 'radical' opponent of the Second Amendment." ...

Radical leftist judicial nominee Halligan fails Senate cloture
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's hard to keep up with all the criminal and otherwise reprehensible behavior of this current administration in Washington, so things like judicial nominees can be overlooked under the flood of mammoth malfeasance coming from the Obama regime. But this judicial nominee needs to be noticed ..." ...

"What's so bad about her? Here are the deal-breaking points, which are outlined and explained in the JAG report:"
"Halligan worked extensively to bankrupt gun manufacturers and oppose protections critical to the survival of Second Amendment rights." ...

The ‘Left’ is doubling down yet again
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 'Interesting Phenomenon' that this column spoke about here, is continuing."

"Two new, 'Gun' bills have just been introduced, and of course the text is not yet available officially." ...

Gun control efforts hit Senate snag
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Disagreement over details of how universal background checks track firearm purchases in the United States has halted momentum on further legislation, dimming -- for now -- prospects that Congress will pass major new gun laws in the wake of the Newtown shootings." ...

John Lott Quotes Then-Professor Obama Saying, “I Don’t Believe People Should Be Able To Own Guns”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pro gun author and researcher John Lott, wrote the popular book, More Guns, Less Crime which highlights the correlation between a reduced crime rate and a well armed populace."

"Dr. Lott has a new book out in which he quotes President Obama (them Professor Obama at the University of Chicago) as saying, 'I don’t believe people should be able to own guns.'" ...

Legislation to Address Mental Illness and Gun Violence Introduced
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK) today joined Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), Jeff Flake (R-Arizona), and Mark Pryor (D-Arkansas) to introduce legislation to clarify circumstances under which a person loses the right to receive or possess firearms based on mental illness. The legislation, The NICS Reporting Improvement Act of 2013, enjoys strong support from the National Rifle Association (NRA)." ...

Manchin just another part of Washington elite
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Manchin is wrong for West Virginia, and wrong on the law. He has become just another tool in the pocket of Washington, D.C., elite."

"Earlier today I called Sen. Manchin's office about defending the Second Amendment. I inquired about his position regarding some of the bills that are being proposed in Congress right now to limit the rights of gun owners, and make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to obtain and keep firearms." ...

Prospects limited for new gun control laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Advocates for stricter gun controls have more money this year, more energy, the president’s backing, and the national outrage over the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre on their side. But there already is a sense in Washington that they will have to settle for more modest gains in the months ahead than an assault weapons ban or sharp limits on magazine capacity."

"Just how much the shootings last year in Newtown, Conn. — as well as the mass shooting in a movie theater in Aurora, ­Colo. — have changed the political climate will be tested Thursday when the Senate Judiciary Committee reviews a series of proposals to curb gun violence." ...

CO: Colorado gun bills: Dems need 18 votes or measures are doomed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At least three of the Democrats' signature gun bills are in danger of dying when they are debated on the Senate floor Friday."

"It comes down to simple math: 20 - 3 = Fail."

"Democrats have a 20-15 majority over Republicans and know they can't afford to lose more than two members on any bill. The dynamic has led to an intensive lobbying effort." ...

IL: Illinois Congressman makes bid to disarm the poor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Clearly an equal opportunity gun-grabber, Gutierrez wants to ban as many guns as possible--both so-called 'assault weapons,' and handguns. But why the focus on these handguns, in particular? Well, the ugly history of 'Saturday Night Special' (itself a hideously racist term) bans makes that pretty easy to figure out."

"Even enthusiastic proponent of oppressive gun laws Robert Sherrill acknowledges that such bans are intended to disarm the poor, and thereby to disarm blacks:" ...

MN: Gun bill would do less than earlier bills
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The author of a new gun bill says she wrote it as a compromise, but those who already have related bills are not buying it."

"Rep. Debra Hilstrom, DFL-Brooklyn Center, on Wednesday announced a bill that falls short of what the Legislature’s judiciary chairmen plan to discuss in committees next week. Hilstrom said she has no promise that her bill will be discussed in a committee." ...

OR: Gun Grabbers Lying, Anti-Gun Bills Coming Soon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Oregon’s anti-gun zealots are feeling the heat. As a result they are doing what they always do best. They are lying."

"House Rep Peter Buckley has been sending out mass emails to opponents of HB 3200, (Greenlick’s gun confiscation bill) saying 'I signed onto it to express my strong support for doing whatever is possible and legal to stop the increase in the number of weapons capable of mass murder in our society.'"

"Now let’s put aside the reality that virtually anything is capable of 'mass murder.' Cars, knives, poison are all capable of 'mass murder.' So are the hunting rifles all the anti-gunners claim they are not after. ... Exactly how is Buckley planning on regulating all of these things?" ...

WA: Elway poll, public comments show gun prohibitionists in trouble
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Elway Poll showing strong public support in Washington State for the rights of gun owners over efforts to control guns, and public comments in the Seattle Times about the fate of a background check measure now in trouble in Olympia suggest that anti-gunners may face tougher opposition to their agenda than previously thought." ...

MO: Lt. Gov. Kinder Backs Suit Against Dept. of Revenue
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Missouri Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder is up in arms about the Department of Revenue saving the personal information of anyone who applies for a concealed weapon permit. Kinder told the KZRG Morning Newswatch state law prohibits sharing that information with third parties--even the Department of Homeland Security." ...

KS: Guns On KS Campuses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Public schools and state colleges in Kansas could designate workers to carry concealed guns even if such weapons are banned inside their buildings for others under a bill a legislative committee has approved." ...

The Truth About the DHS’s MRAPs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s been a lot of internet buzz about the Department of Homeland Security’s 'new' MRAPs (a.k.a., tanks). I’ve been holding off posting about the story; there’s a lot of bad intel out there about government gun grabbers. Just because gun owners are paranoid doesn’t mean Uncle Sam is as bad as they think it is. Sometimes, of course, it’s worse. But it appears that the report that the DHS has purchased 2700 new MRAPs is wrong. Here’s the 411 from the official spokesman for Das Vaterland. I mean, Homeland . . ." ...

Answering the Tough Questions: What Do I Do Until the Police Arrive? (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Undercover citizens can pose difficult questions to unsuspecting police officers. Especially in – surprise! – New York and New Jersey. 'Um, officer? What happens between dialing 911 and the time the first cruiser pulls up?' When pressed, the cops admit that, to no one’s surprise, 'You’re on your own.' This, despite predicted response times ranging up to 30 minutes or more . . ." ...

NY: School system puts officer program on hold after shot
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A school district has put its resource officer program on hold after an officer's gun accidentally discharged Tuesday in a high school here." ...

NJ: Possession of Firearms in Home, begets New Jersey Man 30 days in Jail (Video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Officers claim that they announced their presence, yet at no time did Pantaleon hear officers announce their presence in his home. At no time during the home invasion was Pantaleon read his Miranda rights. At no time did Pantaleon grant permission for anyone to enter his apartment without his permission, no less police officers without a warrant."

"On the night in question, Pantaleon’s upstairs neighbor allegedly complained to police about the landlord providing insufficient heat. The boiler for the apartment building is adjacent to the kitchen area of Pantaleon’s residence. Police apparently insisted that the landlord open Pantaleon’s residence on their behalf despite the extremely late hour and lack of consent by Pantaleon." ...

AL: Ala. Officer Not Charged in Naked Student's Death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A grand jury has decided not to charge a University of South Alabama campus police officer in the fatal shooting of a naked student."

"The jury reached a decision Friday and said surveillance video proved Officer Trevis Austin was justified in shooting Gil Collar. Police said collar was naked and banging on a window at a campus police station Oct. 6. Austin, who went outside to investigate the sound, said Collar was acting erratically and lunged toward him." ...

MN: Mpls Officer Charged with Sex Abuse Appears in Court (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Minneapolis police officer accused of preying on teen girls was back in court Wednesday afternoon."

"Thirty-two-year-old Bradley Schnickel was charged with three counts of attempted or actual third-degree sexual conduct and three counts of engaging in sexually explicit online chats with a minor last month." ...

NY: New York National Rifle Association official barred from carrying a gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A top National Rifle Association official in New York no longer has the right to bear arms."

"Richard D’Alauro, the NRA’s field representative for the city and its suburbs, is forbidden from owning guns under an order of protection stemming from a confrontation with his wife in their Long Island home, the Daily News has learned." ...

Submitter's Note: So?

3-Gun Nation Picked Up by Pursuit Channel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following the Sandy Hook shooting, NBC Sports showed its true colors by dropping all firearms related programming. Apparently 50%+ of the American public wasn’t a big enough demographic to tailor their shows towards. Anyway, it seems like the new season of the show will indeed be shown on cable this year, being picked up for a Q3 2013 start on the Pursuit Channel. Presser after the jump . . ." ...

Anti Gun Hysteria in School Reaches Ridiculous Level – 7 Stories of Anti Gun Hysteria
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The anti gun hysteria in schools has reached a fever pitch."

"It has almost gotten to the point of anytime a child says the word gun they will surely be suspended."

"I have to wonder how much money, lost time, and man hours are spent on these suspensions, lockdowns and investigations. I would be curious to see those numbers estimated at the end of 2013 because we are on our way to having hundreds, if not thousands of these incidents in the next few months."

"The following list of stories we’ve reported highlights the level of ridiculousness that we’ve gotten to." ...

OH: Northwest Ohio school employees join area law enforcement for 16 hour active killer training class in Williams Co. school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On the weekend of March 2 and 3, both Buckeye Firearms Foundation President Jim Irvine and I were privileged to attend an Active Killer in Schools training course in the Williams Co., OH community of Edgerton."

"The training was conducted by the Tactical Defense Institute (TDI), a world-renowned training facility based in Adams Co., OH that is owned and operated by former SWAT Team commander John Benner."

"There were more than 70 people in the 16 hour class. I didn't take an official count, but I would estimate that somewhere north of half were school employees." ...

OH: Cedarville University Student Marksmen (Chi Sigma Mu) 100+ students strong and growing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cedarville University Student Marksmen, also known as Chi Sigma Mu, new to the Cedarville, Ohio campus, already boasts more than 100 student members."

"After an NRA University meeting last semester, club advisor Sandy Yoder stated that they were told by the NRA that it had been one of the largest meetings to date."

"Yoder says that the members of Chi Sigma Mu would like to be an encouragement to others that the shooting sports are not dying among today's youth." ...

CA: Gun violence takes center stage in Santa Cruz community talk
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A sense of unease has settled over Santa Cruz during the past month as the community tries to come to terms with a string of violent events punctuated by last week's fatal shootings of two police officers in the line of duty."

"Many say the recent crimes have made them question their own safety."

"'It's scary,' said Marije Miller, a Santa Cruz resident of six years. "What happened last week was so unexpected and scary. It makes me want to find out if there's anything we can do. ...'"

"Miller attended a gathering Wednesday of more than 70 residents ... that focused on guns and violence, and whether lawful gun ownership could be the answer to improving a person's safety." ...

CA: Gun stats might be flawed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From his secure, gated community, protected by private security, reinforced by sworn peace officers, Phillips Wylly tells us that he would be happy to see all guns banned (Feb. 28)."

"Wylly goes on to share his apprehension at traveling to communities such as Seaside and Salinas. Anxious to feel safe on his doubtlessly numerous trips to Las Vegas, Seaside and Salinas, Wylly would deny the rest of us the right to the protection of our persons and our property." ...

CT: Connecticut Getting the Disarmament It Deserves?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The right to keep and bear arms is a civil and human right protected by the United States Constitution. In the same sense that slavery was wrong—no matter how many Americans supported it at the time—civilian disarmament is wrong no matter how many school children were slaughtered by a Bushmaster-wielding madman. There I’ve said it. Deal with it. As I know you, our Armed Intelligentsia have done and will continue to do. But this message hasn’t reached residents of the [now ironically named] Constitution State. A Quinnipiac University poll reveals that CT voters support civilian disarmament by a HUGE margin. Specifically . . ." ...

NY: On The Bus To Albany With New York’s Gun Guys
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Rios did not grow up around guns. In fact, he’d never fired one before a day in 2000 or 2001 when a friend of his, who was a sniper in the Army, introduced him to shooting. ..."

"'When I got to fire that thing, the thing that really caught me off guard was how it smacked me in the face, because of the power behind it,' Rios said. 'And then after that, when I was able to actually put shots on a paper target … it was a great feeling. I really loved it.'"

"Guns became a big part of Rios’ life. He feels strongly enough about them that, last Thursday, he got up well before dawn on a cold, damp day, and met up with several dozen other gun owners and gun rights advocates in a parking lot in Melville, N.Y. .." ...

AZ: Giffords visits rampage site, urges gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords returned to the scene of the horrific shooting that wounded her and killed six people two years ago, urging senators Wednesday to pass background checks for gun purchases in her first public event at the site since the rampage." ...

NY: Cheektowaga police forum looks at violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Police said Wednesday’s forum was about tempering that fear and putting it into perspective while also issuing a call to action for parents, students and school staff to be aware of the signs leading up to school violence and let law enforcement know about it." ...

"'These attackers are well-known in the community,' Zack said. ..."

"Zack said the community plays a vital role in 'interrupting an attack.' Attackers, he said, are already 'on the radar,' they 'discuss their plans,' ... and – the key fact – have 'access to weapons.'"

"'As you look at that list and you start to see these things,' said Zack, 'if this is your home, this isn’t a Second Amendment issue; get the guns out of the house.'" ...

NH: Gun permit applications quadruple in Wolfeboro
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Wolfeboro Police Department has experienced a stunning increase in the number of pistol permit applications."

"Police Chief Stuart Chase recently told the Police Commission that the number of pistol/revolver license applications has quadrupled in the first month of 2013, compared with last year's monthly average. In January alone, the department received 48 pistol/revolver permit applications while in an average month the department processes between 10 and 12." ...

NV: Raffle to benefit NRA Foundation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Stack On gun safe donated by Joe Giomi of Ace Hardware and 10 high quality firearms will be offered in conjunction with the 7th Annual Mason Valley Friends of NRA banquet and auction, which will be held at the Boys and Girls Club of Mason Valley in Yerington on Saturday, March 23, at 5 p.m." ...

NH: Garage-to-gun business irks neighbors in Weare
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A standing-room-only crowd packed a Weare Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting to weigh in on whether Michael Stevens' home-based gun shop is the kind of business that should exist in a residential neighborhood."

"Michael Stevens, a retired Marine, ran an auto-repair shop out of his garage at 161 Thorndike Road before 2006, but decided to convert the business to a gun shop called Classic Armorer. He repairs a variety of weapons and has a shooting range in the back of the property. ..." ...

The right of citizens to bear arms is just one more guarantee against arbitrary government, one more safeguard against tyranny, which though now appears remote in America, history has proven to be always possible. — Senator Hubert H. Humphrey

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