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John Longenecker: 2008 Pilot Program: Repeal All Gun Laws For Five Years
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Given the successes of those states issuing concealed carry permits to citizens, I suggest a nationwide pilot program: the repeal of all anti-gun laws - all 22,000 of them - for a period of five years. This includes a moratorium on all new gun laws for five years, and suspension of all court cases pending for weapons charges with the exception of violent crimes involving a gun. Owning a certain rifle is considerably different from holding up a liquor store with a gun."

"The object is, of course, to demonstrate the truth and genius of the sovereignty of the law-abiding, and to give trial to the second amendment's ageless place in our society. (Not that it needs it.) ..." ...

Guns should be restricted to soldiers, police officers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The issue of how to deal with gun-related violence in this country continues to divide Americans along political and ideaological lines. This is one of two differing perspectives on the subject."

"A recent report by the U.S. Justice department indicates that Americans were victimized by gun violence in 2005 at a greater rate than in the previous year, after a long decline."

"The report indicates there were two violent gun crimes in the U.S. for every 1,000 individuals, compared to 1.4 in 2004. There were 2.6 robberies for every 1,000 individuals, compared with 2.1 the year before." ...

Heard on the Randi Rhodes Show
Submitted by: Ted Vaughn

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"Randi Rhodes delivered the following message on her radio show today:"

"Listeners are always asking me, 'Randi, when will it be time for an armed insurrection?' and I always tell them, 'I'll let you know.'"

"[long pause]"

"I'm letting you know."

"What's more, I'm changing my position on the Second Amendment. I want a Bradley Fighting Vehicle for my neighborhood."

Submitter's Note: After stealing the quote "It's Time to Shoot the Bastards" from freedom author Claire Wolfe, ultra anti-gun radio host Randi Rhodes claimes she has changed her mind on the 2nd amendment

An Open Letter (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" our counterparts at Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, Brady Campaign, Violence Policy Center, Freedom States Alliance, et al."

"What then? Let's suppose, for the sake of argument, you manage to get every one of your pieces of dream legislation passed. Will you then fold up your tents and move on? Or will you, like most organizations that 'work themselves out of job,' expand your original mission statements to embrace heretofore unrecognized threats to our safety?" ...

Zumbo controversy highlights split among gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Comments against 'assault weapons' by hunting columnist and Wapiti resident Jim Zumbo - and the resulting national backlash - point to a rift among gun owners."

"'Gun owners can be their own worst enemies,' says Jim Horvath, NRA director for the Cody Shooting Complex."

"'I think Zumbo, like many shooters, got locked into his own discipline,' Horvath added."

"Gunsmith Evan Bennett agrees."

"Often, enthusiasts for one type of firearm will sneer at others, he said."

"'I've known trap shooters who think no one ought to be able to own handguns,' he said."

"Such a mentality can be self-defeating, as gun owners should stick together, Bennett and Horvath say." ...

Honest opinions cost 2 gun experts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two gun guys - Jim Zumbo and Leon Measures - got their pink slips in the past week." ...

"Measures, who teaches basic shotgun shooting with air rifles, was quietly uninvited to return to the Texas Wildlife Expo after a 13-year run. Expo coordinator Ernie Gammage and Measures disagreed about what Measures said that resulted in his being told not to come back, but both agreed he won't be there."

"Both Zumbo and Measures are hunters and shooters and, in an odd way, their situations are related because they have paid a price for saying something they believe. In Zumbo's case, it's the First Amendment to the Constitution banging smack up against the Second Amendment and its rabid supporters." ...

Bang, bang
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I thought it was just high school students who were allowed to write anything they wanted, without official supervision or consequences. But apparently there is no middle ground for some free-speech zealots. Anybody has the right to say anything, anywhere, with no consequences, or else you can just kiss the First Amendment goodbye. How dare an outdoor magazine fire its hunting editor just because he wrote an anti-gun screed on his blog that outraged thousands of gun enthusiasts?" ...

"The editorial doesn't mention, oh, lots of things. Chief among them is the fact that the guns in question ... are semi-automatic rifles exactly like lots of others in function but different in appearance -- they look like military-style weapons. ..." ...

Shoot first; never question
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's official: add gun control to the ranks of issues where no middle ground is permitted. The room for reasonable debate has been pushed out by gun rights advocates. You're either with them or against them."

"Jim Zumbo is now counted against them. An accomplished big-game hunter, a 40-year member of the National Rifle Association and a writer for Outdoor Life magazine for almost 30 years, Zumbo touched off a firestorm when he dared to suggest on his online blog that hunters should reject 'terrorist' rifles - semiautomatic weapons like the AR-15." ...

Submitter's Note: There you have it: calling law-abiding hunters "terrorists" constitutes 'reasonable debate' in the minds of the antis.

MI: Teen Shoots Girl, Self at Mich. School
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A teenager shot his former girlfriend four times outside her high school, then killed himself ... Jessica Forsyth ... was in serious but stable condition, hospital spokeswoman Christie White said Wednesday afternoon."

"Midland Police Chief James St. Louis said the gunman, identified as David Turner, 17, of nearby Coleman, died in the parking lot."

"Turner had gone to H.H. Dow High School on Wednesday morning to try to talk to Jessica, but he was turned away by school officials, the police chief said. The boy then called her and asked her to meet him outside the building."

"After a conversation in the parking lot, Turner pulled a gun out of a backpack and shot her four times before turning the gun on himself, St. Louis said." ...

TX: Student fatally shoots self at school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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GREENVILLE, Texas Police say a high school student in Texas is dead, after apparently shooting himself in front of fellow students this morning in the school band hall.
Witnesses tell a newspaper (the Greenville Herald-Banner) that the student entered the hall this morning at Greenville High School and shot himself in front of several students.

Nobody else was hurt in the shooting, but one person suffered minor injuries in a traffic accident as more than 100 parents raced to the school to remove their children.

The school was locked down while the shooting was investigated.

Greenville is about 45 miles northeast of Dallas.

MD: Girls Just Want to Have Guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Maryland Shall Issue, Inc. notes that this Friday at noon, dozens of women are expected to show up for the Lawyers Mall press conference and then hearing on HB 228, a bill to make the process of granting concealed carry permits non-discretionary."

"Maryland's system for concealed carry permits is so cryptic and discretionary that no one can guess who will be considered qualified for a permit and who will not. ... Soldiers who carried guns to protect our country cannot get permits to protect themselves and their loved ones here at home. Even the security guards that wear guns to protect the legislators in Annapolis cannot get permits to protect themselves. Maryland has about 11,000 active concealed carry permits compared to about 200,000 permits in 'anti-gun' Massachusetts." ...

FL: Danger Ahead
Submitted by: MikeB

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"With all the important issues before lawmakers this session, it's hard to believe that they'd waste one minute revisiting a ridiculous gun bill killed last year over the National Rifle Association's objections."

"But they will."

"The NRA's proposal to prevent businesses from prohibiting their employees from keeping guns in their cars at work is back. The proposal was defeated last year when businesses wisely objected to this unreasonable intrusion on their right to run their companies and provide a safe work environment."

"This year's version is downright sneaky: It downplays guns and says businesses can't prevent employees or customers from keeping any 'lawfully possessed' product in their car." ...

Submitter's Note: You can post comments to the article

AZ: Twelve topics to watch at the Arizona Legislature
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We elect representatives to debate the issues of the day and forge solutions to make our state a better place. What we get is the Arizona Legislature."

"Here's our midterm report." ...

"11. Guns!"

"Second Amendment enthusiasts were up in arms after cops started confiscating firearms in New Orleans during the Hurricane Katrina disaster. Last year, Republican lawmakers responded by passing a bill that would have blocked Arizona authorities from taking anyone's gun during a state of emergency. Napolitano vetoed the bill, saying that it was so broad, she wouldn't be able to order an ammunition store to be cleared out if it was in the path of an out-of-control wildfire. Republicans seem to have satisfied Napolitano's concerns by including an out-of-control wildfire exemption. ..." ...

Terrorists could use .50-caliber weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE LEGISLATURE has for two years failed to move on a bill to ban a powerful weapon that is used by insurgents in Iraq and could be used by terrorists here."

"North Jersey legislators should get behind this sensible homeland security measure. They should work to pass it -- soon."

"The bill targets .50-caliber rifles, which can fire armor-piercing rounds from a distance of more than a mile. The weapons have the power and range to shoot down an airliner or penetrate and ignite a chemical plant, oil refinery or rail car. In this state dotted with chemical plants, refineries and rail cars loaded with hazardous materials, just one of these rifles in the wrong hands could do great damage." ...

Submitter's Note: Terrorists could also use airplanes.

CA: City wants reports of lost, stolen guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"On Memorial Day 2005, an armed man shot and killed Tim Heyne's wife, Jan, and the couple's best friend, Steve Mazin. ..." ...

"On Tuesday, standing before the Thousand Oaks City Council, Heyne recounted the horror of the events he lived through and recent high-profile crimes involving gun violence and urged the council to give law enforcement an additional tool in the fight against gun-related crime by adopting an ordinance requiring owners to report lost or stolen guns within 72 hours of discovering the loss or theft."

"'These scenes of senseless violence are played out over and over and over again in our state,' Heyne said ..." ...

KABA Note: And this law would have prevented your wife's murder . . . how?

IL: Illinois 'One Step Closer to Gun Ban'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A proposal to ban 'assault weapons' is advancing in the Illinois Senate, much to the dismay of 'freedom-loving Illinoisans,' the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) warned on Tuesday."

"Sponsored by Senate President Emil Jones, SB16 -- the Assault Weapons Ban Act of 2007 -- would prohibit the manufacture, sale and possession of hundreds of models of rifles and shotguns."

"Second Amendment supporters say the weapons are widely used for hunting and target shooting, but gun control advocates view them as the weapons of choice for street gangs and other criminals."

"The bill passed the Senate Public Health Committee on Tuesday, moving to the full Senate, where ISRA predicts it will prompt a 'furious floor fight.'" ...

CO: Guns 'n' water
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Colorado Senate 'kill' committee shot down Yuma Republican Cory Gardner's attempt to expand the state's 22-year-old 'Make My Day' law to include places of business as well as homes." ...

"The Senate State Affairs Committee, which is known as the place where unpopular bills are sent to die, voted 3-2 along party lines to postpone indefinitely Gardner's House Bill 1011, which was know as the 'Make My Day Better' bill. Sen. Ted Harvey, R-Highlands Ranch, was the Senate sponsor of the bill, which passed the House earlier this month on a 34-30 vote."

"The measure would have given business owners the right to use deadly force against a threatening intruder without fear of being prosecuted for defending themselves." ...

Thomas Jefferson to William H. Cabell, "where no private right stands in the way", Aug. 11, 1807
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"...In the construction of a law, even in judiciary cases of meum et tuum, where the opposite parties have a right & counter-right in the very words of the law, the Judge considers the intention of the law-giver as his true guide, and gives to all the parts & expressions of the law, meaning which will effect, instead of defeating, it's intention. But in laws merely executive, where no private right stands in the way, and the public object is the interest of all, a much freer scope of construction, in favor of the intention of the law, ought to be taken, & ingenuity ever should be exercised in devising constructions, which may save to the public the benefit of the law. Its intention is the important thing..."

OH: Report: Gun accident deaths now at all-time low
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Article originally published in America's 1st Freedom magazine, March 2007 issue"

"According to data released recently by the National Center for Health Statistics, between 2003-2004 gun accident deaths in the United States fell 11 percent and the per capita rate of such accidents fell 12 percent, to their lowest points in recorded history."

"Over the last 20 years, along with a steady increase in gun ownership - more than 4 million new guns per year, on average - fatal gun accidents have decreased 61 percent. Credit for the latter trend goes largely to training programs, such as those carried out by NRA's more than 51,000 certified firearm instructors." ...

PA: Gun Safety, Education Serious Concern
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"After months of speculation and investigation, WTAE Channel 4 Action News finally got some official insight into the death of state Sen. Bob Regola's teenage neighbor."

"The Westmoreland County district attorney said 14-year old Louis Farrell's death appears to be suicide, but Regola could still be facing charges, which leads to the importance of gun safety."

"Gunlocks come in different varieties. Some have cables, while others have keys, but gun responsibility goes beyond just the turning of a key." ...

KABA Note: No doubt Channel 4 will now start calling for the Eddie Eagle program to be brought to local schools.

PA: Can't pick and choose in gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I find it no surprise that Sunday's editorial would try to cast the pro-gun-rights community as intolerant and close-minded. ... It was in August that the publisher wrote an editorial telling us how scared he was of people carrying concealed weapons being allowed to stand their ground when their lives were in jeopardy."

"Truth be told, we are close minded and intolerant, as every American should be when our civil rights are threatened. What we did to Jim Zumbo was no less than other organizations did to their representatives when they said something stupid with regard to race, women's rights or gay rights. The fact is, Zumbo called patriotic Americans who own and use 'assault rifles' terrorists." ...

TN: More Tennessee women carrying guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For years, Nashville real estate agent Kim Hoard considered toting a gun for her safety at work and while traveling alone with her two children, ages 7 and 10."

"She recently took action when she started getting harassing telephone calls from a man who saw her photo in an advertisement."

"Hoard is now enrolled in a gun safety class that starts this month, and she is planning to obtain a permit so she can carry around a .38-caliber revolver that is now collecting dust at home."

"'I have strangers in my car every day,' Hoard said. 'I meet strangers in empty houses all day long. For me, it seems like the logical step to protect myself.'"

"Hoard is one of a growing number of women in Tennessee who have obtained handgun carry permits in Tennessee the past two years." ...

NY: Three-peat!
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Valley Stream District rifle team continued its dominance over all comers by capturing its third straight county title at the Nassau County Championships Feb. 13 and 16 at the Roslyn Rifle Range in Westbury." ...

MA: Gun country
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Quincy Police Chief Robert Crowley is right about one thing: It's safer to carry Mace or other types of non-lethal self-defense spray than it is to carry a gun."

"Crowley has a reputation for being tough when it comes to gun permit applications. He's far more likely to encourage Mace or pepper spray for self-defense and crime prevention."

"Other South Shore law enforcement officials agree. Despite the training required for a gun permit, many people are still not ready for the moment they have to draw a gun in self-defense. A police chief has discretion in issuing gun permits, but anyone with a clean record is entitled to a Mace permit." ...

"Law-abiding citizens have the right to bear arms, there's no disputing that. ..." ...

God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it. — DANIEL WEBSTER (1834)

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