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CCRKBA Says Press Purposely Downplays Key Role of Armed Student in Jerusalem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An armed student at Jerusalem's Mercaz Haray seminary played a crucial role in stopping a gun-wielding terrorist Thursday, but the American press is downplaying his heroism because it proves that armed students can stop campus gunmen, the [CCRKBA] said today."

"Yitzhak Dadon, 40, was described as 'a private citizen who had a gun license and was able to shoot the gunman with his pistol' by reporter Etgar Lefkovitz with the Jerusalem Post. However, many news agencies in the United States are downplaying Dadon's decisive role in the incident."

"'Yitzhak Dadon is a hero,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, 'and he is living proof that armed students have a place on college campuses. ...'" ...

Press 'ignore' terrorist stopped by armed student
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A gun rights organization in the United States is accusing the media of trying to conceal the fact that a gunman who attacked students at Jerusalem's Mercaz Harav seminary was stopped by an armed student at the school."

"Authorities report that Ytizhak Dadon, 40, was a 'private citizen who had a gun license and was able to shoot the gunman with his pistol,' according to a statement released today by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms."

"In its earlier reporting on the tragedy, WND confirmed, 'One terrorist reportedly was shot to death by a student who was armed…'"

"However, the gun rights organization said 'the American press is downplaying his heroism because it proves that armed students can stop campus gunmen.'" ...

The Goldilocks approach to 'gun control'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back when I started this blog ... my inspiration was what I saw as a need to counter the lies and distortions of the citizen disarmament advocates. Specifically, the festering effluvia of a website that calls itself the 'Gun Guys.' ... Eventually, though, I decided that the ludicrousness of their 'arguments' was so obvious that by going to the trouble to debunk it, I was actually giving it more credence than merited."

"Something they put up yesterday, however, has provoked me into breaking my own self-imposed rule of not referring to them ... I refer to their post yesterday that manages to, within a few paragraphs, condemn both the SwissMiniGun and .50 caliber rifles." ...

The Wrong Questions
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "In another study, the eggheads set off to observe what would happen if you let a roomful of boys find a gun. Predictably, when the lads could get their hands on one, they typically did, with many pulling the trigger, including some who admitted receiving previous instructions not to."

"Having a vested interest in the results can itself lead to an unethical abandonment of the scientific method. But the biggest problem with their 'random' sample: None of the boys were active shooters. Aside from a bit of 'don't touch that' counseling, there’s no indication any of them were trained in proper firearms use ... Yet the fact that this, rather than ignorance, might prove the safest course was not even considered." ...

'Gun safety' has given countries license to kill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In regard to Robert Henderson's Feb. 27 letter, here's a little history on taking guns from the people because of gun safety. The Soviet Union established 'gun safety' in 1929. From 1929 to 1953, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated."

"Turkey established 'gun safety' in 1911. From 1915 to 1927, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated."

"Germany established 'gun safety' in 1938. From 1939 to 1945, 13 million Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and mentally ill people unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated. Similar campaigns have taken place in China, Guatemala, Uganda and Cambodia." ...

NRA promotes firearms safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ron Littlepage's recent column about the mayor's conference against illegal guns suggested that members of the National Rifle Association would 'raise holy heck' and can't see past 'the heated rhetoric' about the guns."

"Once again, there was an attempt to tarnish the NRA."

"Its only purpose is to promote safe firearms usage and ownership, as well as to defend the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution." ...

"In America, we already have over 20,000 laws pertaining to firearms, one of the most regulated products in our country."

"More laws are probably not needed to reduce the number of homicides in Jacksonville."

"It is already illegal for criminals to possess firearms and certainly illegal to use them." ...

GUNS Magazine: March 1958
Submitted by: David Codrea

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The March 1958 issue of GUNS Magazine is now online. Even then they were at the forefront of informing their readers about regulatory threats to RKBA.

Also in this issue is a warm memorial tribute to the great Ed McGivern, a look at what Eli Whitney gave us besides the cotton gin, articles of interest to collectors, hunters and shooters, and of course, the classic period ads that are both fascinating and frustrating to look at--just remember--back then, a dollar was actually still worth about a dollar.

Montreal Firm Recognized for Crime Solving Technology Renews $60M
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"FORENSIC TECHNOLOGY WAI INC. of Montreal is proud to announce the signing of a contract to provide support to the National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN) awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) worth $60+ million dollars over the next 5 years effective April 15, 2008."

"The core technology used by the NIBIN program is Forensic Technology's Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS). IBIS has been field proven and time tested by law enforcement over many years in more than 45 countries, around the world to produce the crime solving results." ...

Denying guns to the mentally ill
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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... "Can the entire U.S. Senate be gutless? If in doubt, then consider the saga of Michael J. Sullivan. He's acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Sullivan hasn't yet won Senate confirmation, more than a year after President Bush named him to the job, because three senators stand in his way - Idaho's Michael D. Crapo and Larry Craig, along with David Vitter of Louisiana." ...

"... But every senator knows what this one is about. It's because Sullivan, a tough enforcement guy, thinks we need to know if a prospective gun buyer is sane - and we're denied the only means of finding out." ...

Helmke wants gun control issue 'solved'
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Paul Helmke’s mind is filled with stories about gun violence."

"The former Fort Wayne mayor can talk about the first time he struggled with the idea of guns, when as a North Side High School student he turned on the news to find a friend from grade school had been accidentally shot in the back. The current president of the non-profit Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence talks about a Fort Wayne police recruit killed in 1987 by a training officer because he didn’t know the gun was loaded." ...

"'The stories are heart-wrenching, and it's clear that we have a problem,' Helmke said." ...

NY: Don't rescind gun ban
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"What a bad idea it is to rescind gun prohibitions at colleges and universities ... More likely than protection by student vigilantes is this scenario:"

"Mass Murderer steps into the alcove entry at the rear of a large lecture hall and takes aim at a student in his line of sight. Defender No. 1 happens at that moment to look over; he pulls out his handgun and fires at M.M., missing. Well-trained and ever-vigilant Defender No. 2, sitting down front and unable to see M.M. behind the alcove wall, swiftly pulls his revolver from his waistband and neatly assassinates Defender No. 1. Several other students draw their guns and shoot, wounding and killing other gun-wielding students as well as some unarmed students. ..." ...

When Liberals Rationalize
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Professor Laurence Tribe has published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal that has some folks scratching their heads bloody. In this piece, Tribe interjects his opinion on the D.C. v. Heller case about to be argued in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. Typical of his genus (liberis thinkeumsupremis), Tribe's piece is a splendid example of intellectual obfuscation."

"By way of background, Tribe was sought out by both sides in this case, given his stature in the field of Constitutional law. Any brief over his signature is bound to be read closely. Having declined to be involved directly on either side as an author, he is now attempting to preserve his relevance to the debate, and steer the court, through this op-ed." ...

Excerpts From Friend-of-Court Briefs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dozens of organizations have weighed in on both sides of District of Columbia. v. Heller, the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case that will consider whether the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to bear arms."

"Not surprisingly, the case has drawn a great number and variety of voices. The amicus, or friend-of-court, briefs have exposed some odd bedfellows, along with internal divisions among government branches. Some former U.S. Justice Department officials—including Republican Attorneys General Edwin Meese and William Barr—support Heller, while another group of former Justice Department officials—among them Clinton-era Attorney General Janet Reno—comes down on the side of the District." ...

DC vs Heller brief commentary page
Submitted by: David E. Young

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"Several of the amicus briefs filed in support of Washington DC's handgun ban in the Heller case rely on historical arguments and documents. There is one major historical flaw in all of these briefs. It is their tendency to set aside the Bill of Rights development, nature, and context of the Second Amendment. All of the historical briefs supporting something other than a private rights protecting purpose for the Second Amendment fall into this category ... Yet, no two of these briefs are exactly alike. Each one stresses some slightly different approach in its presentation diverting away from the most relevant historical actors, statements, and occurrences for understanding the Second Amendment for what it actually is - a Bill of Rights provision." ...

Critical Historical Commentary On District of Columbia v. Heller
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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David Young wrote me last night to let me know he has put together some critical historical commentary regarding the DC v Heller case to be argued on March 18 before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Mr. Young notes that what all the anti-DC briefs seem to share is one thing: a general setting aside of the Bill of Rights development, and the nature, background and intent of the Second Amendment. Plus, he is stymied why a group of 15 so-called "historians" included so many errors of fact in their pro-DC brief.

Read his commentary here. Read it. Read it. Read it.

And after you read it, pass it on to someone you know.

NM: Local foundation files brief in 2nd Amendment case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Alamogordo-based Paragon Foundation says it has filed an amicus brief in what the foundation's Executive Director G.B. Oliver called 'a landmark Second Amendment ... case.'"

"An amicus brief refers to someone who is not a party to a case, who voluntarily offers information on a point of law or some other aspect of the case."

"'The Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case (District of Columbia v. Heller), which is shaping up to be a landmark case regarding the meaning and application of the Second Amendment,' Oliver said in a news release." ...

CO: Shots fired, boy scares off burglar
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A boy fired a gun and chased away a burglar who tried to break into a house north of the city this afternoon ..."

"Ryan Dohoney was home alone when he heard a burglar inside the house, 11909 Vermillion Road, at about 12:30 p.m., Boulder County Sheriff's deputies said."

"Dohoney fired a shot to scare the burglar off. The burglar fired one shot, ran out the door and ran from the property, deputies said. The burglar was dressed in black and wore a mask, deputies said."

"Deputies did not say who fired the first shot, though both were fired inside the house. No one was injured."

"Deputies rushed to the scene after dispatchers received calls about shots being fired. Investigators did not locate the suspect immediately." ...

TX: Kaufman man defends shooting that led to tragic chain of events
Submitted by: Wes Wilson

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"The Kaufman man who shot a 15-year-old boy standing near his front window last weekend says he feared – and still believes – the teen and his friend intended to break into his house that night." ...

Submitter's Note: The moral of the story is-tell your kids to stay off of other people's property (and front porches) at night. My heart goes out to this family, but the child should bear some responsibility in this situation.

Nevada, other states eye guns on campus
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The random deaths of students at Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois University have a growing number of states across the country debating whether students and faculty should be allowed to carry guns on college campuses to protect themselves."

"It's an issue that has supporters and opponents gearing up for battle, with one side claiming gun-toting students would have a chance to defend themselves and the other camp warning it would fuel even more violence."

"Nevada is one of 14 states being tracked by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence for trying to pass laws or policies that would have allowed properly trained students and teachers to bring firearms into the classrooms." ...

PA: Rush shoots down allowing guns on campus
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Despite recent discussion nationwide about allowing licensed students to carry concealed weapons on campus, Penn does not plan on changing its existing policy."

"The University is 'absolutely not' looking into revisiting its policy, which prohibits faculty, staff and students from carrying weapons or firearms on campus or in any Penn building, said Vice President of Public Safety Maureen Rush." ...

"Alison Kiss, program director echoed Security on Campus."

"'Allowing untrained students to carry concealed firearms to campus could simply make campuses less safe,' she said."

"But Clark said allowing students who already have gun licenses and practice safe carrying to bring their guns to class will make campuses safer." ...

NY: Concealed carry of squirt guns will get us all soaked
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Charlie S. Niesenbaum's Monday opinion piece on the concealed carry of water pistols promotes the kind of right-wing tomfoolery that will get us all soaked if we aren’t careful. ... Charlie's rhetoric confirms him to be just another conservative nut job in the neo-conspiracy. Let's take a look at the facts, 'Snack King' And by facts I mean well-researched, cold, unapologetic, hard-nosed evidence ..."

"Fact #1: Without water guns, there would be no water fights. This is the plain, simple truth. I’ve never heard of anyone getting wet in a fight without water guns. You want to stop wetness massacres, go right to the source. ... Have you ever had to dry your own childrens' clothes after a water fight? Didn't think so ..." ...

OK: Concealed: Revealed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Joyce Rose and Judy Parrott, grandparents of high school and college-age youth, always have safety in mind."

"That's especially true in light of recent school violence on college and high school campuses."

"Both women were surprised to learn of new legislation wending its way through the Oklahoma House of Representatives that could loosen gun laws considerably – especially with regard to youth."

"In response to [campus] shootings ... Oklahoma lawmaker Rep. Jason Murphey ... proposed legislation that would allow 21-year-olds the right to carry concealed weapons on college campuses. ... HB 2513 was approved Monday by the House Judiciary and Public Safety Committee and has now moved to the full House." ...

PA: PSU students seek right to carry weapons
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Nathaniel Sheetz, 23, a Penn State graduate student in industrial engineering, often carries a handgun. And he can: He has a permit to carry a concealed weapon."

"The moment he steps on campus, however, the permit is no good. Like most other U.S. universities, Penn State prohibits concealed guns on campus, including for those licensed to carry them."

"Police receive the sole exception."

"But since an outburst of shootings at Virginia Tech and Northern Illinois University, Sheetz and some other Penn Staters are looking to assert their gun-carrying privilege on campus." ...

KABA Note: Self-defense with the most effective tool available is an individual, human, civil and Constitutional right, not a "privilege".

WY: Defense bill clears Legislature
Submitted by: motoboy

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"A bill that would specify that Wyoming residents have a right to assume that people who break into their homes are out to do them harm has passed the Legislature and now heads to Gov. Dave Freudenthal." ...

"But the Senate removed a House provision that would have specified that people in the state have no duty to try to retreat when they're outside their homes before using deadly force against assailants." ...

Submitter's Note: If you're outside your home Wyoming still gives the bad guy the advantage. You have to run - he only has to shoot.

"who were obliged ' to take up arms in their defence"
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"...this country underwent the most shocking scenes of misery, neither sex nor age were spared; for unless they conformed, they were fined, imprisoned, put into dungeons, sent to the galleys, tortured, hanged or racked, till at last being drove to the utmost despair, they resolved to take up arms in their defence..."

"...Americans have at this crisis from the Scotch to a man, from all placemen, pensioners, and sycophants, and its feared, even from the -- himself. At first about twenty young men, well armed, associated..."

"...they for ' a Tyrant, who had violated both human and divine ' laws against his subjects, who were obliged ' to take up arms in their defence, after a persecution ' of thirty years..."

"or by furnishing or supplying those engaged in Rebellion, or their Adherents with Arms, Ammunition"
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" hold forth to them to engage them to return to their Duty, and to the enjoyment of those envied Rights* ..."

"...entitle themselves to the effectual Securities of civil and religious Liberty, to be found only in the British Constitution..."

"...And I do on the other Hand hereby proclaim all and all Manner of Persons who shall in any Wise aid, abet, or assist the present unnatural Rebellion against the King, either by bearing Arms against His Majesty's Forces, or by furnishing or supplying those engaged in Rebellion, or their Adherents with Arms, Ammunition, Money, Provisions, Cattle, Horses, Carriages, or any other necessary for Subsistence or Offence..."

"and Dollars to be taken out of their Pay in Case they dont appear with a good Firelock"
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"...5. That they shall at the Day of their Enlistment receive a good Blanket. . . . Dollars and Dollars to be taken out of their Pay in Case they dont appear with a good Firelock..."

"...8. To such of them as shall be provided with sufficient Arms at their first Muster, they shall be allowed a Dollar over and above their Wages, and full Recompence for such of their Arms as shall be inevitably lost or spoiled..."

"...Given under my Hand at Boston, the Seventeenth Day of April 1755..."

"Every instance of deficiency of arms or equipments should be forthwith supplied by the delinquent individual"
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"...ORDERS, The whole of the Militia to hold themselves in readiness to march at a moments warning; with arms, ammunition, and accoutrements, as the laws of the United States, and of this State, require. . . . Captains of Companies must realize it to be one of their most solemn and imperious duties, to see the law respecting arms and equipments efficaciously executed. . . . Every instance of deficiency of arms or equipments should be forthwith supplied by the delinquent individual, or by the town to which he may belong, agreeably to the requirements of the Militia Law...."

Red's in court, part II
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"Ayn Rand once wrote, 'The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. When there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.'"

"When a government's only legitimate power is diminished by a lack of criminals, the bureaucratic machine has to feed itself in order to justify its existence."

"Enter the ATF."

"When you establish so many rules and regulations, so much bureaucratic red tape, so much paperwork and petty controls that it becomes impossible for a law-abiding business man to remain law-abiding, mistakes become criminal acts, and the law-abiding business man becomes a criminal who loses his livelihood." ...

Just Who is Being "Indifferent" Here?
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"Ryan acquits himself well in spite of badgering by a US Attorney doing her level best to destroy his reputation and his family business."

"Good grief, this entire fiasco is such an obviously overblown vendetta--let's just hope the judge sees through it--it's in his hands now."

"I've talked to Ryan many times. This guy's a freakin' Norman Rockwell painting. He's like a boy scout, for cryin' out loud, the picture-perfect family man, responsible member of the community, just an all-around solid backbone-of-America citizen, and these...these power freaks are trying to paint him as some sort of shady slimeball intentionally loosing evil guns on the street. And because he didn't roll over and let them just crush him, they've pulled out all the stops." ...

NY: Some Pistol Permit Data Exempted From Disclosure
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The Glens Falls Post-Star might get a list of names and addresses of some Warren County pistol permit holders but by law, they won't get all the information they're seeking ..."

"The North Country Gazette learned Thursday that Warren County Sheriff Bud York was attempting to keep the names and addresses of sheriff's department employees off any list of licensed gun holders provided to the newspaper. Although state law requires that the information of some pistol permit holders be provided, an exemption exists for current and former police and corrections officers and government employees. Other members of the public that have gone through the rigorous procedure to obtain a concealed carry permit will apparently be fair game ..." ...

MI: Call Who?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When seconds count the police are minutes away. Or hours in this case."

"For three hours, Leon Dixon waited for Detroit police to arrive while he hid in his bedroom from the intruders downstairs."

"Several times he called 911 for help, whispering to avoid detection. He even tried the Northwestern District police station directly, but said he was told officers weren’t available because they were in the middle of a shift change."
"Obviously a totally unexpected happening which could not possibly have been foreseen. I mean, it's not like they do this every single day." ...

NJ: SWAT cops: We had concerns but didn't dare question fund
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some SWAT team members were concerned about how their dues were being handled, but they kept their mouths shut and were kept in the dark ..." ...

"Charles Sciarra, the attorney for Lt. Angelo Andriani, the commander of the now-disbanded SWAT team, said the fund has been investigated and nothing criminal was found." ...

"Members said that $10 'dues' were deducted from the cops' biweekly paychecks ... All expenditures were controlled by SWAT commander Lt. Angelo Andriani, sources said."

"Many of the checks were made out to 'cash.' A list of expenditures compiled in 2004 included T-shirts, which former SWAT members said Andriani would sell for $20 apiece. Andriani also sold SWAT patches, they said." ...

WI: Still no go for concealed weapons in Wisconsin
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"As states across the country continue to pass laws allowing concealed weapons on college and university campuses, Wisconsin shows no signs of following suit."

"Since 1871, the state of Wisconsin has had a ban on carrying concealed weapons. Now, it is one of only two states in the country to still have a ban on concealed carry, the other state being Illinois. Even though most states allow the carrying of a concealed weapon in the general public, almost all universities and colleges around the country have had a ban on their campuses." ...

OH: Supreme Court of Ohio schedules hearing on suit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Supreme Court of Ohio will hold an oral arguement on the merits in this case [Ohioans for Concealed Carry Inc. et. al v. City of Clyde et. al., Case No. 07-0960] on Wednesday, April 9, 2008. Time allowed for oral argument will be 15 minutes per side."

"Attorneys who argue before the Court must comply with the provisions of Rule IX of the Rules of Practice of the Supreme Court of Ohio and the instructions that follow. Pursuant to Rule IX, Section 3, counsel for either or both parties may waive oral argument and submit the case upon briefs. The Clerk must be notified in writing of the waiver at least seven days before the date scheduled for the oral argument." ...

MA: These teens are on target
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Late Sunday afternoon the chill of a building left unheated all week was getting to a couple of the young people and their mentors around a table in a remote corner of Harvard, bringing on persistent coughs, the remnants of recent bouts with the flu."

"They shrugged off the annoyance as best they could and focused on the task at hand: agreeing to a spring/summer schedule for the Massachusetts State Junior Rifle Team — junior, as in up to age 20."

"Although strategy was part of the deliberations, unique logistics dominated the session. How best to get a truckload of .22 caliber target rifles, ammunition and gear from Central Massachusetts to numerous points across the country — Georgia, Ohio, Alabama? ..." ...

CA: A&A Shooters coach seeks funds for run at nationals, Olympics
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A&A Shooters assistant coach Christopher Holmes is 19 years old and currently attends Folsom Lake College, where he is working on completing general education requirements before transferring to a four year college or university to continue his educational goals."

"He is also looking to make California shooting a part of the national and Olympic scene, and is looking to raise funds for his shooting sports endeavors."

"'I have been very active in my community and in 4-H as a member and now as a new leader,' Holmes said. 'I am also very involved in my Church and have a place on the youth advisory board.'" ...

Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them. — George Santayana

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