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FBI expresses confidence extremists can obtain Tannerite to make IEDs
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "In other words, in attempting to justify their concern, numerous non-ET examples, including one outside-of-country, and accumulated over years, had to be given to pad their list, not one death has been cited, and the wholly manufactured 'threat' is actually and statistically nonexistent. But it's scary to the uninformed, and thus exploitable in the insatiable demand for more federal law enforcement resources and controls." ...

“I, like the millions and millions of responsible gun owners, feel under personal attack for doing nothing more than owning a gun.”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dear Mr. Farago,
I suspect that my firearms experience is not atypical. I grew up in a small coastal city in California. My father had been an officer in the Marine Corps, and a veteran of the Korean conflict. When I was about 8 or 9 years old he started to teach me about guns. My father learned about firearms in the Marine Corps., and passed what he had learned on to me. When I was younger we would hunt together. As I grew older, my father and I grew apart, and my interest in firearms waned. That was over thirty years ago. In that time, I got married and pursued a career. I’ve had little if any interest in guns or hunting . . ." ...

Interview with James Tresmond, Lawyer Behind NY SAFE Act Challenge (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On January 15th, 2013 New York State passed the SAFE Act without a single legislator reading the document first. The act modified a number of existing laws, expanding some and creating new penalties in others. And it created the most hostile environment to gun owners in the entire United States. Days after the act passed, James Tresmond filed a number of lawsuits challenging the newly expanded laws. TTAG had the chance to interview Mr. Tresmond and his son Max (a legal researcher) and get some inside information about the cases . . ." ...

Question of the Day: Can You Spot a ‘Gun Guy’ When You See One?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dan Baum’s busy doing the full court press tour for his recently released book, Gun Guys: A Road Trip. In an interview at yesterday, he’s asked by Hope Reese how he was affected by toting a heater (sometimes openly, sometimes concealed) every day during his journey of discovery. 'It was…a good way to camouflage myself. I don’t look like a gun guy, I don’t sound like a gun guy — I sound like just the opposite and I look like just the opposite. They can see me coming a mile away. But if I’m wearing a gun, I’m one of them.' An answer which, to those with the hair-trigger outrage gene, might seem less than politically correct . . ." ...

MO Department of Revenue data grab: One more argument for Constitutional Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For the last week or so, rumors have been floating around implicating the Missouri Department of Revenue, through its subsidiary Department of Motor Vehicles, in a systematic program of illegally copying Missouri concealed carry license information and, worse, illegally sharing it with other parties, possibly including the federal Department of Homeland Security." ...

Background check breakdown, local and federal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Days after it appeared that a proposed expansion of the background check had hit a major speed bump in Olympia, a similar proposal before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee has also run into trouble as Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) has refused to make a deal on the measure because it contains a record-keeping provision." ...

Just Another Armed Citizen’s Frustrations . . .
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I found myself reviewing the Chicago Firearms Registration form ... trying to weigh my desire to be law-abiding with my desire to uphold the Constitution and not allow my rights as a gun owner to be infringed upon. I own a few weapons, one of which is a 1911, and another is the 'mare’s leg' .22 from Henry. I was puzzling over the list of guns you’re not allowed to register, which is longer than my aforementioned lever action plinker, wondering to myself why Chicago deems it necessary to disallow the registration ... [of] any handguns weighing more than 50 ounces, unloaded. I realized that perhaps they consider very large handguns to be 'too powerful' for the public (another absurd idea; are we seeing a pattern?) . . ." ...

The Tavor & Steyr AUG - Military Arms Channel (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Submitter's Note: The latest from Range Time with Cory & Erika

DEFDIST’s 3D-Printed AK Mag (photo & video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They’re calling it 'The Feinstein AK.' ..."

Gear Review: New ProMag-Saiga 12 15-Round Drum Magazine (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"ProMag has a new drum magazine on the way for fans of the Saiga 12. Like ProMag’s other drums, this one is polymer, mostly. The body is black and the back cover is a smoky clear that lets a shooter see how many rounds are left. It is about as big around as the mouth of an old coffee can and holds 15 2-3/4-inch 12-gauge shells." ...

IWI Possibly Developing Tavor in 7.62 NATO
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Israeli Defense Force is working with Israeli Weapon Industries to develop a version of their new Tavor bullpup platform chambered for the more powerful 7.62 NATO cartridge, according to a report by Y-net. The IDF is already phasing out their aging M16 rifles in favor of the much more modern Tavor platform."

"This would mean that the Tavor platform will support pistol, intermediate and rifle-caliber configurations. It is already available in 9mm and 5.45x39mm in addition to 5.56 NATO, its standard chambering." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Buy Guns (Not Shown) for Your Neighbors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After checking out Austin I’ve confirmed a suspicion that’s been growing since I got divorced: New England is not a friendly place. Rhode Island in particular. I know the names of three of my neighbors and one of them is about to move. I find this a bit worrying. What if a Hurricane Sandy-style storm ploughs into little Rhody and knocks out power for a couple of weeks? My Lady and the Tramp neighborhood abuts a less-than-salubrious part of town. If the nearby natives get restless, well, I’ll turn the mic over to ace snapper Oleg Volk for a rootin’ tootin’ reality check . . ." ...

Maybe gun control is just natural evolution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A front-page article in Sunday's Denver Post left me feeling something to which I'm otherwise unaccustomed: empathy for gun owners."

"I'm not at all moved by the plight of gun owners who startle at every creak in the floorboards because the voices in their head keep hissing 'the Revolution is imminent and all unarmed suckers will necessarily be toast.' I'm not talking, either, about the Second Amendment zealots who are convinced the Founding Fathers would have eagerly tucked .223-caliber semi-automatic rifles under their pillows to ward off musket-wielding intruders intent on pilfering their copper cauldrons ..."

"No, the group I feel an unlikely kinship with is that for which guns is a way more mundane convention." ...

It's Bring Your Gun to Church Day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On February 11, Fox News reported that the Arkansas House of Representatives had 'approved a bill allowing concealed handguns in churches, despite hearing arguments that lawmakers should put their faith in God, not guns.' The bill, which easily passed in the House and is headed to the Senate, 'removes churches and other houses of worship from the list of places where concealed handguns are banned,” leaving only bars as “private entities where concealed weapons are banned.'" ...

March Weapon Blog Gun Giveaway List is Here!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wooo hoo! Aaron Spuler’s list of free stuff’s up again. Go forth and enter." ...

Think Pink! Or Not
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'I’m a gun owner.' Oh brother. How many pro-gun control articles start with the author’s declaration that they own guns? Or, in many cases, a gun. It’s a sure sign that the writer supports firearms freedom like Gemma Massey supports Sharia law. 'I was in a gun shop and shooting range last week,' toymaker turned Wall Street Journal columnist Rhett Power continues. 'A man came in with his daughter who looked no more than 8 years old. She quickly spotted a pink handgun on display. She was convinced that it was a toy and told her father that she wanted to hold it. I asked the sales clerk if this was common, and he said that kids always think the pink guns are toys.' Uh-oh . . ." ...

School Offers Counseling for Students Troubled by Pastry-Gun Incident
Submitted by: D. Smith

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... "As you know if you have been following this dramatic story unfolding in Brooklyn Park, Maryland, seven-year-old Josh Welch has been suspended for two days after he allegedly fashioned his breakfast pastry into the shape of a gun."

"The elementary school that was the scene of Josh’s brutally harmless rampage sent students home Friday with a letter describing the incident as if it had actually been serious."

"The school writes in its letter: 'If your children express that they are troubled by today’s incident, please talk with them and help them share their feelings. Our school counselor is available to meet with any students who have the need to do so next week. In general, please remind them of the importance of making good choices.'" ...

KABA Note: "Good choices" like not attending government schools?

New poll: More people trust Republicans than Obama on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new poll by Quinnipiac University shows that slightly more Americans trust Congressional Republicans on gun policy than they do President Barack Obama, while overall support for stricter gun laws has slipped a bit." ...

WA: Anti Gun Hysteria in Schools Continues – 6 Yr Old Suspended for TALKING About TOY Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Well, to be honest, we didn’t think we’d get to this point quite yet. We thought it would take at least a few more months before students got suspended for TALKING about guns, but apparently we just went ahead and surpassed that."

"In WA a six year old boy was sent home from school and initially suspended after talking about TOY guns to his classmates." ...

Feinstein: Veterans Have PTSD, Shouldn’t Own “Assault” Rifles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Senate Judiciary Committee met today to mark-up the various civilian disarmament bills before the Senate, including Senator Feinstein’s 'Assault Weapons Ban.' Senator John Coryn proposed an amendment that would have allowed veterans to continue to purchase 'assault weapons' just like retired cops. ... 'Members and veterans of the Armed Forces are the most highly-trained and qualified individuals to own these weapons for self-defense purposes,' the Texas Republican told the Committee. 'We should think long and hard before disarming these heroes ...' Senator Feinstein opposed the amendment (which didn’t pass) on the basis that veterans have PTSD and can’t be trusted with guns. Here are her exact words:" ...

Senate “Deal” Would Impose Even More Gun Bans -- Gifts, gun raffles and multiple sales of guns would be effectively banned
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee will mark up four bills arising out of the Newtown tragedy:"

"* The Feinstein bill — which would ban millions of shotguns, rifles, handguns and magazines that Americans can legally own -- but which will probably die on the Senate floor."

"* The universal gun registry — which may also die on the Senate floor — unless a last-minute deal with Sen. Tom Coburn brings it to life."

"* Legislation by Barbara Boxer, which throws away $100,000,000 on school safety studies, but doesn’t immediately mention guns."

"* And, currently the biggest danger, the Leahy-Gillibrand-Kirk bill, which has ominously been labeled a 'gun trafficking' bill." ...

Pa. delegation's views on gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"LAST MONTH, former Gov. Ed Rendell challenged Pennsylvania's U.S. lawmakers in these pages to answer a series of questions on gun-control measures making their way through Congress. We have published responses from Sen. Bob Casey and Rep. Chaka Fattah, and today publish responses from the rest of the members of Congress." ...

CA: San Francisco Bans Hollow Point Ammo, Incorrectly Calls It ‘Military Grade Ammunition’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, the city of San Francisco has unanimously voted to ban 'military grade' ammunition (of course we know the military doesn’t use hollow points)."

"The measure would also require vendors to notify law enforcement if someone bought more than 500 rounds of ammo at a time. Buying that brick of .22? Cops are going to know." ...

OR: Gun Bills to be Heard?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday we told you we expected numerous anti-gun bills to get hearings next week. Now Oregon’s gun-control one trick pony, Ginny Burdick, is claiming they will be heard on March 14th at 8am in the Senate Judiciary Committee."

"According to an email she released last night, the following bills will be heard:" ...

New York State “Accidentally” Bans Pump Action Shotguns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I was talking with the guys behind the NY SAFE Act legal challenge and the one thing that struck me as something no one realizes yet is that the 'assault weapons ban' provisions aren’t the section of the law that is 'taking your guns.' No, the real trouble is with the magazine capacity restrictions. Because by banning all guns that can accept more than seven rounds, New York State has accidentally banned all of the most popular pump action shotguns. And since no one has really realized the implications of that magazine restriction, I figured it deserved to be explained in its own article." ...

CA: State Senate OKs money for gun-seizure program
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Legislation approved Thursday by the state Senate would send more money to a program unique to California that seizes guns from people who are prohibited from having them, a number that has risen to nearly 20,000."

"The bill authorizes $24 million for the state Department of Justice's Armed and Prohibited Persons program, which is the only one of its kind in the nation. It prohibits gun ownership for people convicted of a felony or a violent misdemeanor, who are subject to a domestic violence restraining order or who are determined to be mentally unstable." ...

CO: Anti-Second Amendment Legislator’s Criminal Record Exposed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to a Colorado Bureau of Investigations report obtained by Media Trackers, State Representative Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora) was arrested in 1976 on a charge of larceny and again in 1991 on a charge of shoplifting. Despite her own criminal record, Rep. Fields has sought to limit the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens." ...

H/t to David Codrea who asks: Because if they can't trust themselves, why the hell should they trust you?

CA: John Avalos: Keep SFPD out of NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For the San Francisco Police Department, joining the National Rifle Association would be quite the head-scratcher, considering the city's recent efforts to crack down on high-powered ammunition and divest its retirement holdings in gun manufacturers. But Supervisor John Avalos wants to make sure that the department will no longer have that option." ...

TX: 3 More Former Drug Task Force Members Indicted
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal grand jury indicted three more former South Texas law enforcement officers on drug conspiracy charges Wednesday, bringing to seven the number of members of a now-disbanded drug task force to face charges." ...

FL: 2 Miami police officers arrested on ID- theft, tax-refund charges linked to FBI corruption probe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Malinsky Bazile, a young Miami police officer, pocketed about $140,000 over the past two years — but not in salary for his patrol duties, authorities say."

"While on duty, Bazile ran the names of more than 1,000 people in the state driver’s license database, according to a criminal complaint. Then he took their personal information and filed bogus federal income-tax returns, all to score stolen refunds."

"Bazile and fellow officer Vital Frederick, separately accused of tapping into the same database, were both arrested Thursday ..." ...

PA: Police Officer Sentenced for Lying About Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Chalfont Police Officer was sentenced on Tuesday for lying about being shot in an elaborate hoax."

"In August of 2012, Officer Jon Cousin told police he was shot in the parking lot of the Lenape Valley Swim Club in Bucks County after pulling over a maroon Oldsmobile Cutlass with two men and one woman inside." ...

NC: Winston-Salem police officer charged with assault at bar, resigns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Winston-Salem police officer who faces an assault charge following a downtown bar incident has resigned." ...

WA: 2 Seattle police officers charged with DUI
Submitted by: Nathan James

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"The Seattle city attorney's office has charged two police officers with misdemeanor drunken driving."

"The office says the two were off duty when they were arrested Dec. 17 after a car hit a utility pole south of downtown." ...

IL: Chicago SWAT Raid Gone Terribly Wrong
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Chicago police terrorized six children in the wrong apartment, demanding at gunpoint that an 11-month-old show his hands, and telling one child, 'This is what happens when your grandma sells crack,' the family claims in court." ...

CT: Manchester Cop Hit By Accidental Firing Of Another Officer's Firearm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An officer who was hurt during a search of Manchester Community College Wednesday was shot in the foot when another officer's firearm accidentally discharged, Manchester police spokesman Capt. Christopher Davis said Thursday." ...

Submitter's Note: Possessed guns?

PA: Ex-Officer Accused of Stealing From Little League
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former police officer is accused of stealing thousands from a Delaware County little league."

"Former Bethel Township officer John Rapp allegedly used his position as treasurer of the Chichester Baseball League to steal $13,000 from 2010 to 2011 ..." ...

"Rapp quit his job as a Bethel Township police officer because of the investigation ..."

"Secrecy is the keystone of all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy ... censorship. When any government, or any church, for that matter, undertakes to say to it's subjects, 'This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know,' the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything. You cannot conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." --Robert A. Heinlein, "Revolt in 2100" (Pg. 68-69, Baen Books paperback edition, 1999 printing)

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