Support Second Amendment Protection Act
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"One of the most important elements in the ongoing private gun ownership controversy involves the right to self-defense as an underlying reason for the right to keep and bear arms."
"From a philosophic perspective, the right to keep and bear arms is a guarantor of the right to self-defense, of the right to life itself. This is probably the major reason defenders of private gun rights regard the Second Amendment as so significant. It is a guarantor of other human rights, especially the right to self-defense, of the very right to life itself."
"In recent years, gun grabbers have ... introduced the concept of 'sporting use' or 'sporting purpose' as a substitute for the right to self-defense rationale for the right to bear arms. ..." ... |
A .50-Caliber Crock
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"If the anti-gun lobby has a script to follow, it must read something like this:"
"A) Single out a certain type or category of firearm, even if a little imagination is required to create it; b) demonize said firearm as being useful only to criminals and drooling, inbred rednecks; and c) wait for a sympathetic media to jump on the bait."
"After that, soccer moms everywhere will be clamoring for the '(fill in the blank) Gun Control Act.'"
"The tried and true tactic has been used repeatedly. In the 70's it was used on 'Saturday Night Specials.' In the 80's, the target was the 'plastic gun' that could supposedly avoid airport metal detectors. And in the 90's, 'assault weapons' were the villain." ... |
Second Amendment's defenders make a strong case
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"As expected, my e-mail inbox has been jammed this week with responses to last week's column about the Jim Zumbo affair. Some of them were littered with colorful language and suggestions that I'm pretty sure are anatomically impossible, but other people actually took the time to craft thought-provoking responses."
"And really, that's all I was asking for last week -- some calm, intelligent discussion about guns and their role in American society. Some people made a lot of sense, and by reading their responses, I learned of a bill that's been introduced in Congress (HR 1022) that would ban semi-automatic shotguns. I don't own one, but that's a preposterous idea that should be shot down immediately." ... |
The Zumbo Affair, Afterthoughts
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Last week, I wrote about how gun fanatics ruined a good man, one of their own, in days because he, in their opinion, misspoke. Jim Zumbo, a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment and perhaps the most well known hunting writer in America, lost all or most of his major contracts after those who disagreed with him flooded his sponsors with thousands of emails."
"I had emails, too. Not thousands, but hundreds, and I believe more online comments than any article ever posted on NewWest.net. And after reading all these comments and emails, I have a few afterthoughts on the Zumbo affair." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Arguably, Mr. Zumbo was not "a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment", he was a hunting advocate who thought his 'sporting arms' would be safe from confiscation. |
Winning battles, losing wars
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"Five or six years ago, I wrote an article that explored the historical relationship between hunters and the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America . In that article, I concluded:"
"'Guns are one of those things that people tend to be either for or against - in the vernacular of a cliche - lock, stock and barrel. Consequently, in the heat of debate, partisans from both sides have a tendency to abandon logic and civility.'"
"In light of recent events, I could have written those same words yesterday." ... |
Outdoors icon didn't have chance against gun world
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"None of my outdoor experiences has left a more vivid memory than watching four coyotes, who were unaware of my close proximity, as they attacked a frantic fawn mule deer."
"Within seconds after fleeing into the open, the young deer was hamstrung, eviscerated and brought down before my eyes. ..."
"Unnerving as it was, that attack was no more ruthless and messy than the recent National Rifle Association-led feeding frenzy on Jim Zumbo." ...
"... limiting the number of rounds a rifle hunter can fire before he must stop and think for a moment merits discussion. Waterfowl hunters have been limited to three-shot magazines in their pumps and autoloaders for as long as I can remember." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Mr. Landers ignores the fact that Rep. McCarthy's bill would ban those 'sporting' autoloaders. Cook County already bans pumps and autoloaders as 'assault weapons', and the Illinois state legislature has a similar bill pending. |
PA: Caught On Cell Phone Video: Diner Owner Kills 1 In Robbery Gone Bad
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Bill Russell
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"The owner of a small breakfast restaurant who has been robbed in the past killed one alleged robber and injured another during a robbery gone bad in Philadelphia Thursday morning, police said. After several rounds were fired, a witness captured the aftermath on his daughter's cell phone video recorded."
"Authorities said two people tried to hold up Sunrise Breakfast ... around 6 a.m., but the owner shot them before they got away."
"Police and witnesses said one of the thieves fired at the owner first."
"The unidentified owner -- who had a permit for his gun -- killed one man and shot another in the face. ..." ...
"The owner and restaurant patrons were not injured, and police said the owner did what he had to do. They said charges were not going to be filed against him." |
TN: Armed citizens stop Memphis street shooter
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"Police in Memphis say a gunman firing a pistol beside a busy city street was subdued by two passers-by who were also armed."
"No one was hurt during the incident that apparently began with a minor traffic accident, but one passing car was believed hit by a bullet."
"Brothers William Webber and Paul Webber told police they stopped their car and pulled their own pistols when they saw a man firing a handgun yesterday."
"The brothers said they ordered the man to drop his weapon and then held him at gunpoint until police arrived a few minutes later. Police say the Webbers did not fire their pistols." ... |
KY: Kentucky man shoots home invaders
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"One of two men who invaded a residence in Boyd County last night has died of wounds inflicted by a man who lived at the house. ..."
"The Boyd County sheriff's department reports 23-year-old Jason Daniels was tied up by two men who had impersonated police officers and pounded on the door. When Daniels didn't open the door, the two smashed the door open. Sheriff Terry Keelin says they tied up Daniels in the bathroom and began ransacking the house, but Daniels was able to free himself and obtain his nine millimeter pistol."
"The sheriff's report says Daniels was in a 'shooting stance' and opened fire when the men headed back toward the bathroom. Chapman was shot the chest, shoulder and wrist." ... |
John Longenecker: 2008: Gun Control Candidates Need Not Apply
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"For the American electorate, candidates who commit to the concealed carry bills and who see them signed into law will show a deeper respect for citizens and the law of the land than gun control obsessives." ...
"In national news, Sunday, February 11, 2007, Rudy Giuliani announced in a tour through Kalifornia that his gun control helped reduce crime in New York. (Gun control puts the K in Kalifornia.)"
"This is why several other Mayors are pulling out of NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s gun control scheme. Not only is it anti-liberty, but it just never works." ... |
MO: A tale of two bills: House, Senate versions of 'castle doctrine' different
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"The meat of a local state lawmaker's bill that would expand the circumstances when someone can use lethal force has a good chance of becoming law, though how closely it resembles its original version remains to be seen."
"Last December, State Rep. Marilyn Ruestman (R-Joplin) ... pre-filed HB 60. Commonly referred to as the 'castle doctrine' bill, in its initial language, HB 60 dictated that a person can kill in self-defense if another person is unlawfully trying to enter the premises and that one doesn't have to try and run away first before using that deadly force." ...
"The primary difference between HB 60 and HB 189 is the latter doesn't include the broad definitions of what constitutes a dwelling ..." ... |
TX: This is an unnecessary law that will only benefit criminals
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"Everyone who wants our state Legislature to pass a 'Castle Doctrine' law ... seems to ignore the fact that Texas already has such a law. The Texas Penal Code Sec. 9.32(b) clearly provides each individual the right to use deadly force against an intruder who is committing unlawful entry into that person's habitation (his 'castle') without the duty to retreat." ...
"So let's be honest about the intent of the proposal: This is a 'stand your ground' bill. Its sponsors and the gun lobby, who have pushed for a similar bill in 15 other states, want to extend an individual's right to use deadly force as a justified first response of self-defense from the 'castle' to the 'kingdom.'" ... |
TX: Securing your castle
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"The Dallas Morning News' editorial 'Protect the Right Victim' on Friday endorsed passage of the 'Castle Doctrine' or 'Stand Your Ground' bills we have introduced in the Texas Legislature. ..."
"Since Florida enacted the first of these laws in 2005, 14 other states have adopted similar legislation to protect honest citizens from criminal prosecution and civil lawsuits if they use force to defend themselves against violent attacks. The popular nickname given these laws is based on the common-law doctrine that your home is your castle and you have a right to defend your castle. Some states expanded their laws to apply to your car and business, as well." ... |
FL: Parking lot gun bill being reloaded
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"A nationwide push by the National Rifle Association to force employers to allow firearms in workplace parking lots is headed for a second round in the Legislature."
"But after an initial defeat last year, the gun-rights group is trying a different tack this time by tailoring the bill as the 'Individual Personal Private Property Protection Act.' It is aimed at barring employers from searching the cars of customers or employees on their parking lots, under the idea a firearm is no different from any other legal product." ... |
ND: Shoot-first bill must not pass
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"Frequently the name bestowed on something reveals much about those doing the naming."
"Officially it’s House Bill 1319 and the description is 'a bill for an act ... relating to the use of and liability for deadly force ...'"
"Those who like the bill call it the 'stand your ground bill' or the 'shoot first' provision. A bit more neutral but still with connotations is the 'castle doctrine bill.' One’s home is one’s castle — home and family are entitled to security, even if it means employing the fiercest defense."
"'The deadly force bill.' That term may not indicate total opposition but certainly means that those who call it that are soberly aware of what’s at stake." ... |
Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, "have taken on themselves to arm merchant vessels", Nov. 8, 1804
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"...To a people, fellow-citizens, who sincerely desire the happiness and prosperity of other nations, to those who justly calculate that their own well-being is advanced by that of the nations with which they have intercourse, it will be a satisfaction to observe, that the war which was lighted up in Europe a little before our last meeting has not yet extended its flames to other nations..."
"...Complaints have been received that persons, residing within the United States, have taken on themselves to arm merchant vessels*, and to force a commerce into certain ports and countries, in defiance of the laws of those countries. That individuals should undertake to wage private war..." |
VA: "It Wasn't Me" - How a wrongly accused Richmond man spent 11 days behind bars.
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"In a police state, what happened to Eric Mack between Jan. 6 and Jan. 17 might be considered routine. But what happened, happened here. His treatment at the hands of the Richmond and Henrico County courts systems may be more akin to what's typically reserved for 'enemy combatants' held in off-shore military jails." [emphasis added]
"Mack was arrested for a misdemeanor and held without bond - and at times held without charge. What ended up as a nearly two-week ordeal began with police misidentifying him as a man accused of beating his ex-girlfriend." ...
"'What it illustrates are two things," [attorney Steven D.] Benjamin says: 'First, why you have to be very careful who you go out with,' referring to Mack’s choice in women. 'The second is, yes, the system can be just this unresponsive.'" ... |
UK: Probe launched into policeman punching woman
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"South Yorkshire Police said on Thursday they were carrying out a full investigation after an officer was filmed on a security camera repeatedly punching a woman while arresting her."
"CCTV pictures obtained by the Guardian newspaper and broadcast widely on television showed the officer punching Toni Comer five times while apprehending her last year for damaging a car, an offence she has since admitted."
"The officer involved, named by the Guardian as police constable Anthony Mulhall, said he was acting in self-defence."
"He has been withdrawn from public duties, but not suspended, while the inquiry is carried out." ... |
NY: Antique Firearm Stolen From Stony Brook Museum
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An antique shotgun worth $3,000 was stolen from the Museums at Stony Brook.
Suffolk County Police said an alarm was activated at 4:35 a.m. yesterday after someone shattered a window with a cinderblock to gain entry. Once inside, the suspect broke a display case and removed an antique firearm.
The suspect also broke a window to the museum gift shop but did not gain entry to that building, police said.
Museum officials said a 1899 HJ Hussey Limited double barrel shotgun was taken. The gun is considered a collectors item and was in excellent condition.
Anyone with information is asked to call 1-800-220-TIPS. |
CA: Lead bullet ban awaits panel
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"A possible ban on lead bullets for hunting will be on the state Fish and Game Commission agenda when it meets next month in Bodega Bay."
"The commission voted unanimously at its Feb. 2 meeting in Monterey to serve notice of its intent to amend hunting regulations for 2007-2010 with an aim of eliminating lead bullets in the California condor range."
"It did not take action on the issue at Friday's commission meeting in Arcata, postponing action on the lead bullet ban to its April 13 meeting in Bodega Bay."
"Commission president Robert Hattoy, 56, a strong supporter of the lead bullet ban, died Sunday at University of California-Davis Medical Center of complications related to AIDS. He was not present at the meeting Friday." ... |
AK: Nanooks confident in rifle title defense
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"Alaska Nanooks coach Dan Jordan is '100 percent confident' that his team of rifle shooters will perform well."
"As long as they do, the Nanooks' bid for an eighth national championship in nine years should take care of itself, says the undefeated second-year coach."
"'For me, the championship's not everything,' said Jordan. 'I'm more concerned about the team members than I am the team championship.'"
"While rifle shooting the world over is primarily an individual sport, the NCAA is one of the few forums that incorporates a team shooting title." ... |
PA: Outdoorsman Jim Zumbo to attend Ridgway event Saturday
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"When nationally known outdoorsman Jim Zumbo attends Saturday's Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation fundraiser in Ridgway, Pa., he'll likely encounter a packed house."
"Organizers of the Big Game Banquet are pleased Mr. Zumbo will attend the event, given the controversy he stirred after making statements against hunters' use of semi-automatic guns."
"Scott Rhodes, ticket chairman for the Elk County chapter of the organization, said the foundation continues to back Mr. Zumbo, an Outdoor Life columnist and Outdoor Channel personality."
"While Mr. Zumbo is expected to part ways with Outdoor Life because of his comments, he still plans to attend Saturday's sold-out Big Game Banquet ..." ... |