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Stewart Rhodes With David Codrea: Drones Not The Only Problem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Another problem with this status is that, even if the U.S. were to treat all suspected terrorists as lawful combatants, they would still be treated as combatants. All 'enemy' personnel – the supply clerk, the mechanic, the cook, the secretary at headquarters, – are fair targets since they are part of the military machine. Transferring these practices of war to the current struggle against terrorism would mean that anyone, from any country –including the U.S. – can be an 'enemy,' whether the U.S. has declared war on their nation or not; that the entire planet, including all the U.S. is the battlefield; and any human being in the world, including any U.S. citizen, can not only be detained, but can be targeted by the military and killed outright if the President thinks they might be a terrorist ..." ...

Unintended Consequences: The Hidden Costs Of “Gun Control”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bill Dietrick, observing from a long career serving his country and the public interest, has this to say about gun industry companies being driven from their home states by insane feel-good laws being promoted at the state house level:"
"Something to keep in mind in regards to firearms manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors, etc. moving their operations: the economic loss to the state is far greater than those jobs would indicate."

"For instance, Remington is seriously negotiating to move out of New York, with five other states, as a result of Cuomo’s ill-considered ramming through of his new idiot bills." ...

Sell Your Dad A Pistol – Now You're A Criminal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... They were in a gun shop and found the exact gun his dad had been wanting for a number of years. The price was right, but the problem was that they were all the way across the state of Texas from their hometown ... His dad was going to pass on the gun because his 'instant' background checks seemed to always get delayed, and he wasn’t willing to make the [nine-hour] drive again. As a solution, my friend pulled out his Texas concealed carry permit and bought the gun on the spot. ... After the sale, he handed the gun to his father and his father handed him a check for the price of the gun. In doing that, they both committed a federal felony, as did the dealer who sold it to them and witnessed their private transaction." ...

89% of NRA Members Oppose Ban on Semi Autos; 92% Oppose Universal Background Checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to the Daily Caller, the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action conducted a national scientific poll of its members and found near unanimity among NRA members on a wide range of issues involving mental health reform and firearm rights."

"Gun control advocates including New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, as well as various media outlets, have released data claiming to represent the views of NRA members, despite the fact that none of those surveys had access to the NRA’s membership list. The NRA survey of 1,000 randomly-selected NRA members across the country is the only legitimate survey of NRA members in existence."

"According to the survey ..." ...

Not even a little CPR...? Part II
Submitted by: The Anonymoose

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... "The comparison between gun bans and the No CPR policy at issue goes further; the continued insistence on proceeding on a wrongful ignorance. The No CPR policy may be legitimate and conventional, but the statement from the institution was that it was misunderstood. The no guns on campus policy might as well say No CPR on Campus. It's the same thing; response in the absence of first responders. Gun owners say that a No Guns policy is misguided, but we really know better." ...

This Is What Happens to A Disarmed Populace: The Free Press Dies, Execution Style
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over at Borderland Beat Chivis Martinez reports that the drug cartels’ supression of Mexico’s press continues under the country’s new President. While the corruption [on both sides of the border] is beyond dispute, it’s also true that journalists are literally defenseless against the cartels’ reign of terror. The lesson for America is the same as it ever was: the Second Amendment protects the First."

"'On December of 2012, the reporter and general director of the digital newspaper felt optimistic about 2013. ... Jaime Gonzales Dominguez officially launched the newest Ojinafa news website on February 18th. Two weeks later, on March 3rd, Jaime Gonzalez Dominguez, 38, became the first journalist killed during the presidency of Enrique Peńa Nieto . . ." ...

NRA Convention: Glenn Beck? Again? Really?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I don’t know how many times we’ve said it but it bears repeating: the NRA has to reach out beyond it’s OFWG base to survive. Actually, never mind them. Our Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms depends (in part) on the NRA reaching out to minority gun owners. And . . . wait for it . . . Democrats! Or, at the least, undecideds. By literally aligning himself with Fox News commentator and Blaze bombast Glenn Beck, NRA jefe Wayne LaPierre is sending a clear message that gun rights do NOT transcend party politics. Which they don’t, really. But perception is reality. The more the NRA can do to appear inclusively mainstream [sic] the more popular its message of firearms freedom. ..." ...

Stop the March Towards Madness
Submitted by: Tom David

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"It’s that time again. Yes, it’s time to fill out your brackets because it’s March Madness once again. But since I’m not much of a basketball fan, I’m going to focus on another type of madness that is currently gripping our country. I would like to focus on the madness surrounding gun control. You see, politicians and organizations that are vehemently anti-gun have been trying for years to implement significantly stronger gun control laws. The problem was that the majority of Americans were not in favor of increased gun control, according to multiple surveys. There was no political will to enact further gun control measures. ..."

"Then, in December, a horrible, unthinkable tragedy took place in Newtown, CT ..." ...

Smith & Wesson Shares Hit by Assault Rifle Ban Fears
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Shares of gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson plunged this week,' reports, 'despite reporting third quarter earnings that surprisingly more than tripled from the prior year quarter.' The Great Gun Surge has pumped-up the volume on the gunmaker’s bottom line. Revenues rose 38.8% ($136.2m). Profits soared by 26 cents per share ($14.6 million). That’s a 228% increase from the prior year quarter. To say Smith & Wesson Security Solutions has been a drag on profits would be like saying Rosie Huntington-Whitely would look good holding a double barreled shotgun. Which Smith doesn’t make. Anyway, S&W tried dumping the division. ... So that’s good too. What’s not so good . . ." ...

Did you hear that? Tips for Protecting our hearing…
Submitted by: mike

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"It is no secret that a gunshot can create an immensely loud noise. In fact, a single gunshot creates the same volume of noise as that of a firework display listened to only three feet away. One shot can be measured at 150dB, 65 decibels louder than what is considered to be a safe volume of noise. This can seriously affect your hearing and cause a variety of problems including tinnitus and temporary hearing loss." ...

Firearm Magazines: A Short Primer on Selection and Use…
Submitted by: mike

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... "A clip is literally that, a device that clips your rounds together, examples are the Garand en bloc clip or the half-moon clips the old S&W pistols used for speed loading."

"All magazines are spring powered. They can be single stack or staggered (double stack). Single are thinner and longer, staggered are shorter for the same amount of rounds and thicker. Ruger has a unique rotary magazine, much like a small drum magazine." ...

Self-Defense Tip: How to Find Your Shoulder Pocket (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tiger McKee at writes:"

"When it comes to long guns, one of the most common issues we see is shooters not getting the stock of the weapon in the actual pocket of the shoulder. This creates several problems. If you’re firing something with serious recoil, especially shotguns, the stock will slam into the shoulder with enough force to bruise. The stock needs to be in the pocket for accuracy, creating a consistent platform and efficient recovery from recoil for follow-up shots. Getting the stock located in the pocket is also crucial for efficiency. When you bring the muzzle up and obtain a cheek weld against the stock the sights should fall into alignment with your eyes, without having to reposition your head . . ." ...

JAMA Gun Control Study: More Mush from the Wimps
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dr. Michael S. brown writes:"

"The headline at the top of Thursday’s front page of The Columbian: 50-state study says more gun laws equal fewer deaths. It’s an AP story based entirely on an article published in JAMA Internal Medicine called Firearm Legislation and Firearm-Related Fatalities in the United States. The study is a heavily biased, scientifically unsustainable piece of 'research' cobbled together from suspect data, created by the usual suspects (e.g., Harvard’s David Hemenway). For years, small groups of Northeast intellectuals have been churning out anti-gun agit prop supported by grants from liberal donors. They never stand up to careful scrutiny . . ." ...

Isn’t Gun Control Supposed to Reduce Violent Crime? (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Finally, an honest politician!"

"A Colorado state lawmaker, discussing her bill to eliminate the right to carry concealed weapons on college campuses, argues against an amendment that would seek to measure whether violent crime increases or decreases after its implementation."

"'I don’t know how on earth they can draw a casual relationship… I make no assertion that this bill will either increase or reduce violent crime. That is not the premise of the bill … '"[emphasis added] ...

MA: Times beg reinterpretation of the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Watching the hearings on assault weaponry and the testimony of the father who lost his child to such weaponry leaves one in doubt as to the general sanity of this country at large."

"We seem to have completely lost our way as a republic of distinction, once the home of law and order, reason and the protection of its people. Now we are in an ongoing firefight with ourselves on a daily basis — no outside enemy at our deathbed, just a neighbor armed with a weapon lethal enough to wipe out a fam­ily, a person, or a whole neighborhood in minutes. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: And that weapon would be $5 worth of gasoline? (Inflation.)

Brennan takes oath on draft Constitution—without Bill of Rights
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Oh, dear. This is probably not the symbolism the White House wanted."

Hours after CIA Director John Brennan took the oath of office ... the White House took pains to emphasize the symbolism of the ceremony."

"'There's one piece of this that I wanted to note for you,' spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters at their daily briefing. 'Director Brennan was sworn in with his hand on an original draft of the Constitution that had George Washington's personal handwriting and annotations on it, dating from 1787.'" ...

"... But troublemaking blogger Marcy Wheeler points out that what was missing from the Constitution in 1787 is also quite symbolic: The Bill of Rights, which did not officially go into effect until December 1791 ..." ...

PA: Mystery gunman shoots suspected robber in SW Philly (video available)
Submitted by: jac

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... "Police say two women in a car were stopped at the location when a man, armed with a gun, opened the passenger side door and attempted to rob the victims."

"An unidentified man then came from behind the suspect and opened fire, striking him several times along with several parked cars." ...

TN: Teen fires shot at armed prowler
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A teenager who was home alone on Tuesday afternoon fired a gun at a prowler who was also armed, law officers said."

"It happened at a Mirandy Road residence, says a report by Putnam Sheriff’s Deputy Bo Sherrell."

"The 18-year-old boy was home alone when he noticed 'a male standing by the shed outside the house,' the report says."

"'He approached the male with a shotgun, and when he got the male’s attention, he was about 20 yards away from him. He said the male then started to raise a pistol toward him, so he shot at him with a 410 bird shot.'"

"The intruder then took off running, heading south." ...

TX: Boy in TX Grabs Gun and Sends 2 Violent Home Invaders w/ Plans of Murder and Sexual Assault Fleeing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, Authorities on Thursday released the names of two men charged in connection with a home invasion that involved sexual assaults and an abandoned murder plot."

"A boy broke from his binding and grabbed a handgun that sent the suspects fleeing from the Webster home invasion, which started about 4:30 a.m. Wednesday ..." ...

"One suspect was charged with two counts of aggravated sexual assault of a woman and her daughter and with two counts of aggravated kidnapping, according to" ...

VA: Business Employee Draws Gun on Knife Wielding Customer Who Stabbed Him Twice
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here is the preliminary details from the William County Police Department."

"Aggravated Malicious Wounding – On March 7th at 1:16PM, police responded to the Pawn City ... for an initial report of a robbery. The investigation revealed that a known customer to the business, identified as the accused, was in the process of completing a transaction with the victim, a 62 year old man of Burke. ... After completing the transaction, the accused displayed a knife and stabbed the victim in the neck. The victim fell to the ground, at which point, the accused got over the counter and stabbed the victim a second time. The victim was able to retrieve a firearm causing the accused to flee the business in a vehicle. ..." ...

WA: Suspension of Wash. state child who talked about toy Nerf guns overturned
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 6-year-old boy was suspended from the James McGee Elementary School in Pasco, Wash. for talking about his toy Nerf guns with classmates. The Pasco School District decided to overturn the suspension on Thursday after speaking with the child's parents."

"On Feb. 28, Noah, a first-grader, was sent home after another student said she thought he had a gun with him when he talked about his toy Nerf guns that his family had recently bought him during a vacation."

"The young girl who had overheard Noah reportedly stated that she felt her 'health and safety were threatened.' ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Seriously? A 6 or 7-year-old girl used that phrase? What the f$%# is going on in our schools?!?

Cops in Schools? We Can Do Better Than That!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Sean McCutcheon—an officer in the Lloyd, N.Y., police department and a school resource officer (SRO) for Highland Central School District [somewhere in the picture above]—accidentally discharged his gun at 1:38 p.m. Tuesday in the hallway of Highland High School,' reports. I think the word they’re looking for is 'negligently.' Oh wait. Maybe not. ... One of those 'gun going off' deals eh? I don’t think that means what they think it means. Meanwhile, the town suspended its SRO program. According to, 'Administrators were exploring hiring trained security personnel with law enforcement backgrounds and allowing them to carry their side arms in the building.' Nope. Not good enough. Let’s review . . ." ...

Rep. Mark Meadows On School Safety (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC-11), my Congressman, was on Cam and Company yesterday to discuss his bill that would reallocate monies to the existing Cops in Schools Program. HR 751- Protect America's Schools Act of 2013 - would shift $30 million to the Cops in Schools program by reallocating $30 million in unobligated balances from NOAA. In other words, it would increase school security without raising the deficit." ...

MI: Michigan Elementary School Confiscates “Insensitive” Cupcakes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a terrifying brush with violence, the administrators of Schall Elementary School in Caro, Michigan have boldly done what was necessary in order to protect a classroom of vulnerable 3rd graders."

"They have taken a little boy’s birthday cupcakes and confiscated those frosted harbingers of evil."

"Why? you may be asking yourself. ..." ...

"They had plastic green army guys on them. With plastic green GUNS. Can you imagine the fear the class must have felt when the container of cupcakes was opened and they saw all those GUNS aimed at them? Can you imagine the terror? There’s no time for a lockdown! Those cupcakes are IN THE CLASSROOM. They must have been simply paralyzed with fear." ...

SD: South Dakota Teachers Will Now Be Able to Carry Guns in Classrooms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From, Despite opposition from the education community, the school sentinel bill was signed into law Friday by South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard."

"The bill gives school boards the authority to allow armed personnel in school buildings." ...

OH: To the Editor: Board should permit teachers to carry guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a teacher at East High School, I think teachers and school personnel with concealed-carry licenses should be allowed to carry their weapon with them to school. The Ohio Revised Code gives teachers and school personnel this right if their Board of Education gives them permission." ...

Blam! These Tykes Got Busted for "Guns" Made of Legos, Pop-Tarts, and Paper
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In the wake of the Newtown massacre and the NRA's call for putting armed guards in America's schools, some school officials have reacted severely to young kids' play around the subject of guns. Recent cases have included the suspension of students as young as five years old simply for talking about playing with toy weapons. The offenders' arsenal has included breakfast pastries, Legos, and Hello Kitty." ...

Parallels between Washington, Colorado striking in gun debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The two states where voters last fall approved the recreational use of marijuana – Washington and Colorado – have something else in common this winter."

"Both have been hotbeds of anti-gun political activity, but the Centennial State’s gun prohibitionists have so far proved more adept at pushing legislation and more inept in their public statements than their contemporaries north of the Columbia River. ..." ...

House Republicans launch ‘2nd Amendment Initiative’ v. Obama gun agenda
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The House Republican Study Committee (RSC) has launched a Second Amendment Initiative for the 113th Congress under the leadership of Indiana Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R-Third District) to counter what they believe is President Barack Obama’s 'out-of-touch agenda' on gun control."

"In a press release, RSC Chairman Rep. Steve Scalise (R-Indiana) asserted that the president’s 'radical anti-gun agenda is a threat to our constitutional right to keep and bear arms.'" ...

Gun trafficking laws already exist: Opposing view
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday describes the newly minted crime of 'gun trafficking.'"

"That sounds great on the surface. Digging further, however, reveals that the activities lumped under the new legal term gun trafficking — purchasing a firearm for someone who is otherwise prohibited from possessing a gun, buying guns to be illegally smuggled out of the country, delivering guns in the knowledge that they will be used in the furtherance of crimes — are already illegal under existing law." ...

AR: Arkansas House rejects bill to cut concealed carry fee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Arkansas House has rejected a proposal to cut in half the application fee for obtaining a concealed handgun license."

"By a 31-52 vote, lawmakers on Friday rejected the measure, which would have decreased the concealed carry permit application fee from $100 to $50. It also would have further reduced the fee for veterans, people over the age of 60 and residents who have obtained a restraining order." ...

CO: Colorado Senate advances gun control measures
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A sweeping package of gun control measures advanced in Colorado on Friday, with expanded background checks and other limits as states seek to curb gun violence after the massacre of 20 children in Connecticut."

"The Democratic-controlled state Senate passed four measures by an informal voice vote, including requiring gun buyers to pay for their own background checks and banning firearms purchases by people who are convicted of domestic violence crimes." ...

OH: Sen. Joe Uecker introduces legislation to close media access loophole
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Dayton Daily News is reporting that Ohio Senator Joe Uecker (R) has introduced Senate Bill 60, legislation that would close the media access loophole that currently allows journalists to view the private, personal information of persons who have obtained a license to carry a concealed handgun from the State of Ohio." ...

ME: Maine town seeks to require gun ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A town of 140 people in western Maine is considering an ordinance making gun ownership mandatory, the latest of a handful of communities nationwide to pass or consider such a rule even though the measures are widely considered unenforceable." ...

CO: Gun rights organizations step up activism in the wake of legislation advancement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Friday brought a 12 hour debate on gun control in Colorado’s State Senate. Many of the measures which had been proposed and debated advanced, though two of them were withdrawn. Protesters filled the area around the capital, waving signs and honking horns in support of Second Amendment Rights, but even more action is called for this weekend, with the final votes on the bills scheduled to take place on Monday." ...

UT: 2nd Amendment Preservation Act Passes Utah House, 49-17
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Salt Lake City this morning, the Utah State House of Representatives voted to nullify all federal gun laws, rule, regulations and orders on firearms, firearm accessories and ammunition."

"House Bill 114 (HB114), introduced by Representative Brian Greene state, in part:"

"An officer or employee of the federal government may not enforce or attempt to enforce any federal statute, order, rule, or regulation relating to the intrastate ownership, possession, sale, or transfer of a personal firearm, a firearm accessory, ammunition, or ammunition component." ...

H/t to Guns Save Lives.

MA: Cops’ firing for drugs reversed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Six Boston cops fired after testing positive for cocaine have been ordered reinstated — with back pay — after a state board struck down hair tests as 
unreliable in a bombshell ruling that could have a far-reaching impact on how city workers are drug-tested." ...

"For McGowan, the positive test was her second — and she testified before the commission that she was formerly a 'regular' cocaine user, the ruling states. ..."

"Their union-paid attorney, Alan Shapiro, called the ruling 'enormously gratifying.'" ...
H/t to David Codrea who notes: Yet they'll gladly ruin someone else's life.

WV: Wheeling Police Officer Charged in Sex Assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"West Virginia State Police arrested Wheeling Police Officer Matthew Kotson Thursday on sexual assault charges after he was allegedly seen peering in the window of a local Catholic grade school ..." ...

"One of Kotson's alleged victims arrived at the West Virginia State Police Wheeling detachment Thanksgiving Day, claiming she was sexually assaulted by the officer earlier that morning."

"The alleged victim said Kotson was at her Wheeling residence when he began making unsolicited sexual advances, reaching under her shirt. The woman's repeated refusals did not deter Kotson ... She made her way to the bathroom, where Kotson followed. He then pushed her against the wall and sexually assaulted her." ...

NC: SBI agrees to open investigation into possible criminal activity by WPD
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The SBI has agreed to open an investigation into possible criminal activity by the Wilmington Police Department on behest of the District Attorney's Office, according to SBI spokesperson Noelle Talley."

"Both New Hanover County District Attorney Ben David and Wilmington Police Chief Ralph Evangelous called for the investigation."

"David held an emergency meeting with his staff Thursday in response to a botched undercover sting in 2012 that led to the reorganization of the Narcotics Unit of the Wilmington Police Department." ...

Etya Krichmar: Native of former USSR understands importance of Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I came to the USA in 1978. Five years later I proudly pledged my allegiance to its flag. ..."

"I’m not a political person, but as so many other Americans I am upset by the current political events taking place in our country. It’s disheartening to me to observe the present administration’s obsession with the implementation of tougher gun control measures that may include universal and mental background checks. I’ve no problem with the mental check. It’s the other background check that makes me uncomfortable; it sounds like an infringement on the second constitutional amendment — the right of people to keep and bear arms." ...

CT: Many misconceptions about gun rights, crime prevention
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and appreciate the letters of support published by the Republican-American. There are, however, some issues that have not received much attention that I would like to discuss."

"Second Amendment cases have been heard by the U.S. Supreme Court in the past. The justices have ruled that a citizen has a right to bear arms of the common type. Currently, the AR-15 platform and the semi-automatic pistol are among the most popular platforms in circulation." ...

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government. — George Washington

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