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Newslinks for 4/10/2008

CCRKBA Hails Passage of Bill to Protect Rights of Gun-Owning Employees
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms praised the Florida Legislature today for passing a measure that expands and protects the right of Sunshine State gun owners to have firearms locked in their cars while they are working."

"The so-called 'take-your-guns-to-work' measure prohibits business owners from banning firearms that are kept locked in cars by their employees when those vehicles are parked on company property."

"'We believe this legislation will prevent unfair sanctions against workers who simply want to exercise their constitutional right to have a firearm for their personal protection while traveling to and from work,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. ..." ...

Not shooting straight on gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are in a tight race, not to see which one earns their party's nomination for president, but evidently to see which one is the bigger liar and how fast they can run from the tales they spin."

"Nowhere is this more obvious and transparent than in the candidates' positions on gun control and the Second Amendment. On this subject, both Obama and Clinton would do well to remember the words of that great president, Abraham Lincoln, who cautioned, 'You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.'"

"But, of course, Lincoln was a Republican." ...

A Tribute to Charlton Heston
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As someone who served as a vice-president under Charlton Heston during his five-year presidency of the NRA and to have been privileged to later hold that same office, I'd like to pay tribute to an extraordinary American hero."

"There have been several articles written about Heston since his passing, all moving accounts of his full life and contributions to this country. While each mentions his NRA leadership, I am personally grateful for what Charlton Heston did for the NRA, for America's 90 million gun owners, and for yet unborn generations of Americans who will inherit freedom undiminished in no small part because of Mr. Heston’s unwavering devotion to our constitutional rights." ...

Guns are in our blood?
Submitted by: none

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"Last week's column on carnage in our cities prompted this thoughtful, illuminating missive from Illinois attorney and novelist Robert Isham Auler, author of the forthcoming thriller 'Keep and Bear Arms' (Mayhaven):"

"Some good insight in your column about the problem of violence in the cities. But the solution, if available at all, will not be found in the neo-fascism necessary to start a 'war on guns' that would make the 'war on drugs' seem highly successful. And the DEA, FBI and SWAT teams of today will seem like ACLU acolytes."

"If Southerners are raised in a tradition of pride and retribution, it is a pale ... shadow of the macho of the inner city black and Latino, or even Russian or post-military youth ..." ...

GUNS Magazine: April 1958
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'Its time we acted. Its time the legislators saw our faces. Theoretically there are 17 million shooters. Imagine what we could get if the lawmakers saw us as a voting unit!'" ...
"The guy knew what he was talking about 50 years ago. Too bad more gun owners didn't feel as strongly. I also like the idea of sending a fast draw expert on sponsored tour at car dealerships!"

"These articles, Elmer Keith prepping for Africa, hunting, shooting, equipment, and of course, the classic period ads (and prices)."

"The April 1958 issue of GUNS Magazine is now online."

Advocates of gun control plan lie-in at Virginia Tech
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gun-control advocates planning to protest April 16 on Virginia Tech's Drillfield said Tuesday that they hope to reach a compromise with the university that will allow them to protest without interfering with remembrance events."

"Peter Hamm, spokesman for the Brady Campaign to Stop Gun Violence, said the group has been working with Tech students on the protest. ..."

"The Brady Campaign sent out a media advisory Thursday announcing the event ..."

"Hamm was initially discouraged by what he saw as a hard-line stance by the university against issuing a permit and said Tuesday morning that the event would go ahead as scheduled -- permit or no permit." ...

Gunplay and Jamie Lynn Spears
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Louisiana and Mississippi certainly are not California and if you are a member of the paparazzi that wants to play on private property you may want to get an understanding that folks down south have guns. While the paps chase Jamie Lynn Spears big sister Britney Spears all over Los Angeles ... down south they might have to watch out for Jamie Lynn's gun-toting boyfriend." ...

"Casey Aldridge, the unofficial fiancée and official baby daddy of Jamie Lynn Spears was tooling around ... on his ATV and he tells a photographer in no uncertain terms to get off his property."

"Just in case he needed to make his point a bit clearer he makes certain the paparazzo sees his gun that he has with him. ..."

OH: Dayton Fifth Third Bank Robbed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police are searching for a man they say got away with cash from an afternoon bank robbery. This took place at the Fifth Third Bank on Patterson."

"Police say the robbery happened about 1:40 this afternoon, and they've been combing local neighborhoods for the alleged getaway car in search for the suspect"

"The Fifth Third branch was temporarily closed, police say, thanks to a very demanding customer. Lt. Michael said the suspect handed the teller a note demanding money. Dayton police say a white male suspect walked into Fifth Third, and got away with a bag of cash after showing an employee the robbery note." ...

Submitter's Note: For those who don't know, Fifth Third is a Criminal Friendly Zone.

Join online debate - Guns on Campus
Submitted by: Dustin

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"There is a new online debate titled 'Critical Mass Journalism Project: Guns on Campus.' Currently the anti gun folks are the majority of entries, all spewing the same predictable rhetoric with absolutely no basis in fact. I encourage everyone to join in on the discussion, because we can only share the truth if we open our mouth ..."

"Below is an example of the types of video opinion pieces already there stating opinion with no reference to facts:"

"Having guns on campus to me is somewhat of a slippery slope . . . in all honesty, If there weren't any guns, there would be no need for protection, or no outright need for protection ..."

CO: CU students to advocate for guns on campus
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"University of Colorado students, during a week-long demonstration, will carry empty holsters and advocate for the right of licensed individuals to carry concealed firearms on the campus."

"The 'peaceful protest,' from April 21-25, will be staged at colleges across the country. Organizers say the empty holsters are meant to symbolize that students and employees at CU are defenseless on campus." ...

NC: State law, school policy clash over guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For Robert Lumley, the decision to bar his East Wake High School club marksmanship team from a statewide shooting tournament was as arresting as a shotgun blast."

"Less than a day before the ... competition, one of East Wake's principals, with the support of the area superintendent ... stopped the team from participating."

"The reason: Ammo and students don't mix, the school officials said."

"... Wake County bans deadly weapons from campuses and prohibits students from carrying them on school trips. But the decision to bar the East Wake team from the tournament extends that prohibition to students participating in an off-campus event sponsored by a state agency and supervised by adults certified in firearms safety." ...

Is Obama's Position on the D.C. Gun Ban a Mystery?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Conservative columnist Robert Novak, who last month claimed Barack Obama 'has weighed in against the D.C. [gun] law,' now describes the Illinois senator's position as 'unrevealed':" ...

"But ... Obama made it pretty clear that, while he believes the Second Amendment protects an individual right to arms, he does not think Chicago's handgun ban or the D.C. gun law ... violates that right:" ...

"... Obama's past positions on gun control and recent statements about gun rights provide little reason to believe he takes the Second Amendment seriously. And as I've argued, it's hard to see what meaningful restrictions the Second Amendment imposes on gun control if something like the D.C. law can pass constitutional muster."

McCain has 'work to do' with gun owners: NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If Sen. John McCain expects the support of gun owners in this year’s presidential race, the Arizona Republican must make an effort to overcome some decisions the National Rifle Association (NRA) has found troubling."

"'John McCain still has some work to do to give them a comfort level,' Chris Cox, executive director of the NRA, said ... 'Truth be told, he’s not there yet.'"

"Cox said McCain and the anti-gun control group have endured some 'high-profile disagreements' in the last several years that have left many gun owners concerned about his candidacy." ...

Clayton Cramer Interview
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As announced earlier, historian, software engineer and Second Amendment activist Clayton Cramer is running for Idaho State Senate (District 22)."

"The author of numerous books and publications, Mr. Cramer played an instrumental role in proving that 'Arming America' by Michael Bellesiles was based on fraudulent research, resulting in revocation of the Bancroft Prize and Bellesiles' resignation from Emory University. Cramer's work has been cited in RKBA-related legal cases, such as Emerson, and he recently devoted his knowledge and research skills to the current Heller case,partnering with attorneys David T. Hardy and Hamline University's Joseph E. Olson on the brief filed by Academics for the Second Amendment." ...

"Make-Or-Break" Day On Your Right To Carry A Gun For Self-Protection In A National Park
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What happens tomorrow -- Wednesday, April 9, 2008 -- will probably determine whether or not you will be able to carry a gun in a national park."

"The first key vote will be a vote to cut off debate on the motion to take up the 'alternate' version of the 'parks bill.' That bill is S. 2739."

"Why, you might ask, is such an arcane procedural vote so important?"

"To answer that question, it is necessary to look at a little history: Earlier this year, the first 'parks' bill came onto the Senate calendar. It was not a good bill ..."

"But Senator Tom Coburn was able to use the Senate rules to secure a right to offer his gun amendment to that first bill -- an amendment which would affirm your right to carry a firearm for self-defense in most national parks." ...

OH: Castle Doctrine Substitute Bill Introduced
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today the Senate Judiciary Committee held the fifth hearing on Senate Bill 184 (Castle Doctrine) and revealed a substitute bill. OFCC Member Gary Witt was in attendance and Jeff Garvas arrived following the Ohio Supreme Court hearing in time to hear the final witness testify against the legislation."

"It is expected that the committee will hold another hearing to vote on the substitute bill next week or in the coming weeks. Senators Grendell and Seitz aggressively defended the legislation against opposition testimony."

"Ohioans For Concealed Carry has received a copy of the substitute bill that can be found here [.pdf] ..."

NY: Register all firearms
Submitted by: Gun Legislation & Politics in New York

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Sen. Eric Adams introduced S-7486 which requires gun owners to register all firearms at a cost of $15 each and renew the registration every year at a cost of $10 per firearm.

KABA Note: Well, not all gun owners and firearms, the Supreme Court ruled years ago that criminals are not required to register their guns.

NH: Shooting blanks: Shea-Porter and guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"REP. CAROL Carol Shea-Porter has a gun problem."

"Specifically, she seems unsure of her position on the 2nd Amendment. She has always proclaimed herself a supporter of the 2nd Amendment's declaration that 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.' It is what she thinks that statement means, however, that is unclear." ...

FL: Guns at Work
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The gun battle is almost over and when the smoke clears the Governor will declare the NRA the winner. A bill allowing people to keep guns in their cars while at work passed through the Senate Wednesday."

"For three years, the NRA fought with the Florida Chamber of Commerce over the issue. The Florida Chamber says business owners should have the final say so about what to allow in their parking lots."

"Marion Hammer of The NRA says people need to keep guns in their cars for protection."

"'The importance of the bill is it maintains the right of protection no matter where you park your car.'" ...

"The Governor has a week to sign the bill. If signed into law, it will go into effect July 1st of this year."

FL: Fla. lawmakers OK take-your-guns-to-work law (another view)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Most Florida residents would be allowed to take guns to work under a measure passed by Florida lawmakers on Wednesday." ...

"Backers say the measure upholds the vision of the authors of the U.S. Constitution, who made the right to bear arms part of the Bill of Rights." ...

"Critics say the measure usurps business owners' rights to determine what happens on their property and puts workers and managers at risk from disgruntled employees."

"Dozens of workplace shootings occur every year in the United States, and studies have shown that job sites where guns are permitted are more likely to suffer workplace homicides than those where guns are prohibited." ...

NC: DA: No Evidence to Charge Sheriff's Daughter
Submitted by: jac

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"Vance County District Attorney Sam Currin said Wednesday there is 'no proof' to charge the daughter of Sheriff Peter White with drunken driving, although he questions how a traffic stop last month was handled." ...

"When the deputy realized the SUV driver was Shahita White, 34, he called Vance County dispatchers to report the incident, telling them Shahita White was 'blistered.' A dispatcher then called the sheriff to notify him his daughter had been charged with reckless driving, and the sheriff went to the scene to pick her up. The dispatcher told White that his daughter was '55,' using a police radio-code shorthand for an intoxicated driver." ...

Submitters note: I'm sure that you or I would have received the same consideration.

CA: DA: 'Laziness' at Orange County Jail
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Results of a grand jury investigation released Monday show that an Orange County sheriff's deputy watched TV and sent text messages while jail inmates beat a fellow prisoner to death."

"The findings were compiled in a report released by District Attorney Tony Rackauckas, who told reporters the jail probe found 'institutionalized laziness.' He has said, however, that the grand jury could not find criminal negligence among jail staff." ...

H/t to David Codrea, who asks "if 'The Only Ones' can't protect people who are in their direct custody, how on earth can anyone seriously maintain they will protect people who aren't?"

IL: Elgin cop turns himself in to sheriff
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer charged with two felonies stemming from a Jan. 1 brawl turned himself in to the Kane County Sheriff's Office at noon Wednesday, said sheriff's Lt. Pat Gengler."

"Elgin police Officer Christopher Darr, 32, is charged with two counts of aggravated battery after an investigation of his off-duty conduct immediately after a New Year's Eve brawl at a city hotel. After surrendering, Darr was booked, paid $500 bond and was released about an hour later, Gengler said."

"Darr had been on restricted duty, with no gun, badge or contact with the public. Chief Lisa Womack said she put Darr on paid administrative leave after learning of the charges Tuesday." ...

OH: Lawyer says concealed-carry law doesn't prevent cities from restricting guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There's nothing in the state law allowing people to carry concealed firearms that prevents cities from declaring parks off-limits to guns, concealed or otherwise, a lawyer for the northern Ohio city at the center of a closely watched case told the Ohio Supreme Court this morning."

"John C. McDonald, a former legislator who represents the city of Clyde in the gun case, said gun-rights advocates are exaggerating what would happen if Clyde were allowed to enforce its no-guns-in-parks law." ...

"If Clyde wins the Supreme Court case, other cities will rush to punch holes in the concealed-carry law, said Jeff Garvas, president of Ohioans for Concealed Carry." ...

CA: S.F. ban on handguns dealt a final defeat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The state Supreme Court dealt a final blow Wednesday to San Francisco's voter-approved ban on handguns, rejecting the city's appeal of a lower-court ruling that sharply limited the ability of localities to regulate firearms."

"The court's unanimous order was a victory for the National Rifle Association, which sued on behalf of gun owners, advocates and dealers a day after the measure passed with 58 percent of the vote in November 2005. The initiative has never taken effect." ...

NY: Guns: For Criminals Only (three letters)
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Thomas A. Reppetto's article, 'Murder Spike: NYPD's Needs,' (PostOpinion, April 7) fails to mention that the Sullivan Law does more than forbid 'unlicensed persons to possess a handgun.' It forbids law-abiding citizens from acquiring carry licenses unless they are rich." ...

NY: County Execs Join Gun Battle
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A third group of elected officials is joining the war on illegal guns - county executives, Mayor Bloomberg announced yesterday.

He said he and Westchester County Executive Andy Spano have formed an anti-gun coalition with county executives from as far away as Texas.

They join similar groups Bloomberg assembled with mayors, now about 300-strong, and state legislators.

NY: Hunters can sight weapons at Fort Drum range
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Hunters and other gun enthusiasts can use a Fort Drum range to sight in their weapons over several weeks in April.

The post is offering Range 21 for their use from 9am - 3pm on April 12, 13, 19, 20, 26 and 27.

Rifles, muzzleloaders, handguns and shotguns are allowed. A temporary skeet range will be available.

Participants must bring their own equipment and targets, including clay pigeons.

Those bringing a handgun to the range must bring a valid New York State permit.

For more information, contact Range Branch at 772-1924 from 7:30am to 4:00pm Monday through Friday.

PA: Pa. girl hit with game controller dies
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A 2-year-old girl died after being beaten with a video game controller by her mother's boyfriend, police said Tuesday. Darisabel Baez's mother overheard the beating Sunday but did nothing until she realized the girl was unconscious, police said." ...

Submitter's note: We need to ban Nintendos and XBOXes! After all, it's for the children!

Canada: Tories refunded millions to gun owner under fee waivers, amnesty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Conservative government refunded nearly $21 million in licence fees ... after years of railing in opposition against the national long-gun registry."

"The latest report by the federal firearms commissioner, made public Tuesday, also estimated that some 76,000 gun enthusiasts failed to renew licences that ran out during 2006."

"That meant, by year-end, that the holders of those expired licences were deemed ... to be illegally in possession of roughly 234,000 weapons."

"Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day announced in May 2006 that the Tories would waive the fees for licence applicants for the next two years and would also grant a one-year amnesty to owners of unregistered rifles and shotguns." ...

The merit of our Constitution is not that it promotes democracy, but checks it. —HORATIO SEYMOUR

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