SAF Hails California High Court Victory Over S.F. Handgun Ban
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"The California Supreme Court made the right decision in rejecting an appeal by the City of San Francisco that sought to uphold its handgun ban, the Second Amendment Foundation said."
"SAF was joined in a lawsuit against the handgun ban by the National Rifle Association, Law Enforcement Alliance of America, California Association of Firearms Retailers and San Francisco residents. The lawsuit was filed just days after voters in the city passed Proposition H in November 2005."
"How many times must the courts tell the City of San Francisco that it cannot pass this kind of a Draconian measure," wondered SAF founder Alan M. Gottlieb. ..." ... |
CCRKBA Says Stimulus Checks Should Be Spent on New Guns, Ammo
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"Americans should 'let the government buy your next gun' by spending part, or all of their economic stimulus checks on a new firearm, ammunition or shooting accessory, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today."
"Economic stimulus checks will be going out in the mail this spring as an incentive for American citizens to go shopping to help boost the nation's sagging economy. CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb thinks it would be a boon to America's firearms industry for that money to be spent on pursuits guaranteed by the Second Amendment, while also providing jobs and paychecks, and creating new jobs for people in the industry." ... |
Dueling Columns: Gun Control pt.2
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... "Too often, the debate on gun control has followed distinct party lines, with the Democrats calling for stricter weapons regulation and the Republicans demanding the opposite. The truth, however, is that this not a partisan issue. It is a constitutional issue. And the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees every citizen's right to own a gun."
"While some people may disregard the constitutional argument, citing technicalities with comma placement or original intent when it comes to those exact lines in the document, facts are hard to ignore."
"And the simple fact is this: Gun laws don't stop gun crimes." ... |
Dueling Columns: Gun Control pt.1
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"For the first time in years, the Supreme Court agreed to examine a case concerning the Constitution's Second Amendment."
"On March 18, the Court heard arguments on the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975, a Washington D.C. gun ban."
"The last thing this gun-crazy country needs is more people owning and carrying handguns. Handguns serve little other purpose than shooting other human beings. While rifles and shotguns can obviously kill people, they can at least be used for hunting. And it's much harder to hide a rifle in public than a pistol." ... |
Guns should be legal, but there can also be reasonable controls
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"I could not be in more agreement with the article ... entitled, 'The answer to school shootings isn’t more guns' by John Crisp ..."
"Crisp is a teacher at Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, Texas. He states in part, 'Would he want a weapon in his possession at Northern Illinois University on Feb. 14? Of course.'"
"Would he want any of his students to be permitted to carry concealed weapons on Campus? Absolutely not!" ...
"I am not in favor of abridging anyone's rights in accordance with the Second Amendment."
"However, when it is a case of self-preservation, I am definitely opposed to the possibility of everyone carrying a weapon." ... |
FL: Go ahead, make my day
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... "The Florida Senate passed a bill Wednesday that will allow workers to keep guns in their cars during the workday, even if the employer does not want to allow it. The bill, waiting to be signed into law by Gov. Charlie Crist, does not include workplaces like schools, nuclear power plants or places that involve national security. Also, the employees may only keep the guns locked in their cars, and only if they have a permit can they carry the weapon."
"Personally, I am not sure whether or not the bill is such a great idea. How much is a gun locked in the trunk of a car going to help when an attacker comes out of the shadows while an employee is walking out of the building? ..." ... |
PA: Parents file suit against man who fatally shot son from Somerset County
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"The parents of a Somerset County man shot and killed when he knocked on the wrong door looking for a party have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the man who said he shot to defend himself."
"Jay and Carolyn Zimmerman of Central City, the parents of the late Perry Zimmerman, are seeking unspecified damages against Matthew Eperjesi ... in connection with the April 8, 2006, shooting ..." ...
"State police said Eperjesi fatally shot Zimmerman ... during the early-morning hours. Eperjesi claims he shot the men in self-defense after they caused a disturbance outside his apartment and kicked open his front door." ...
"In August, a coroner's jury recommended no criminal charges be filed against Eperjesi." ... |
Florida, Georgia Pass New Pro-Gun Laws
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"First of all, Clive Owen is ridonkulously hot. ..."
"Anyway, as much as we'd like to dwell on that thought, the title of Owen’s latest film Shoot 'Em Up seemed appropriate today given the rat-a-tat-tat of gun-related stories. First we have Florida, which has passed a 'Take Your Guns To Work' law. Not to be outdone, Georgia passed a new law yesterday that allows concealed weapon permit (CWP) holders to take their guns to public parking lots, state parks and historical sites."
"Wait, historical sites? Like our man Charlton Heston, we’re all for the Second Amendment, but unless Confederate reenactors have suddenly decided to start playing with live ammo, we’re not aware of a compelling need to pack heat during a history lesson." ... |
PA: City Council passes tough gun measures, legal challenge expected
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"City Council passed five gun control measures today that are expected to still face a legal challenges."
"Mayor Nutter has said he will sign the bills into law. The five bills limit handgun purchases to one a month; require lost or stolen firearms to be reported to police within 24 hours; forbid individuals under protection from abuse orders from possessing guns if ordered by the court; allow removal of firearms from 'persons posing a risk of imminent personal injury' to themselves or others, as determined by a judge; and outlaw the possession and sale certain assault weapons."
"Council members ... have sued the state legislature seeking the authority to enforce the kind of laws they enacted today. ..." |
IL: House turns down limit on handguns
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"An effort to bar Illinois residents from buying more than one handgun a month failed Wednesday, the latest setback for an old idea given new attention by a rash of gun deaths involving children."
"House Bill 4393 got only 53 of the 60 votes it needed to pass the Illinois House, but the sponsor, Rep. Luis Arroyo, D-Chicago, could bring it back for another vote later."
"Supporters say limiting people to one gun a month would make it harder for shady middlemen to buy dozens of guns and then resell them illegally. They called that a reasonable response to gun violence in Chicago — something that even people in other parts of the state should support." ... |
NY: County to vote on weapons ban
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"Come Friday, it could be a crime to bring weapons of any kind into buildings owned or rented by Oswego County government."
"County legislators are scheduled to vote on a measure to ban carrying rifles, shotguns, pistols imitation pistols, explosives, debilitating chemicals or gases and knives."
"The law also would ban items such as scissors and penknives that could be used as weapons."
"But guns are the target of the law, said County Clerk George Williams."
"Williams, who is also the chairman of the county Republican committee, has been a proponent for the law that he said would help protect county employees." ... |
GA: Gun legislation passes in General Assembly
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"The 2008 Georgia General Assembly closed with a 'bang' last Friday when Georgia lawmakers passed House Bill 89."
"HB 89, backed by the [NRA], is legislation that will expand the rights of law-abiding gun owners and concealed carry permit holders."
"According to the NRA, HB 89 preserves the self-defense rights of law abiding men and women as they travel to and from work."
"'HB 89 has been a legislative priority for the NRA, because it is good public policy for the tens of thousands of law-abiding permit holders in Georgia,' said Chris Cox, NRA chief lobbyist. 'Right-To-Carry reduces crime, and the citizens of Georgia will be safer in public parking lots, state parks and historical sites as a result of this measure.'" ... |
NY: County Executives Against Illegal Guns
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"New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Westchester County Executive Andy Spano have announced the formation of a new coalition of County Executives Against Illegal Guns."
"The new group, which at its formation has 15 chief elected county officials as members, will work closely with the bi-partisan coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns and the bi-partisan coalition of State Legislators Against Illegal Guns on shared goals. The county executives have pledged to enlist their colleagues in county seats across the country in an effort to identify common sense policies that will help to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. ..." ... |
IL: Board passes symbolic assertion
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"A resolution supporting a person's right to 'keep and bear arms' was approved by the Kankakee County Board, but not by a wide margin."
"The resolution, supplied by the Illinois State Rifle Association in retaliation of anti-gun legislation coming out of Cook County, passed the county board by a 14-9 vote on Tuesday."
"For some county board members, the rub lies in the fact that the resolution indirectly opposes a legislative bill that would ban the possession and sale of assault weapons, among other things." ... |
NC: Police: Sheriff's Daughter Refused Sobriety Test
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"Two Henderson police officers who participated in a traffic stop involving Vance County Sheriff Peter White's daughter last month said the woman refused a roadside sobriety test and became abusive toward deputies." ...
"Vance County District Attorney Sam Currin said he has no evidence to pursue further charges against Shahita White because deputies didn't administer a sobriety test during the traffic stop."
"... one deputy tried give Shahita White a breath test to check her sobriety but couldn't obtain a reading. White then slapped the deputy's arm away and refused to cooperate with another test."
"'Get that (expletive) out of my face. My daddy is the sheriff,' Hobgood quoted her as saying." ...
"They described her as smelling of alcohol, being unsteady on her feet, slurring her speech and having red, glassy eyes. They also said she appeared to have urinated on herself." ... |
NC: Investigation Sought in Traffic Stop of Sheriff's Daughter
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"Vance County District Attorney Sam Currin on Thursday asked for a state investigation into a recent traffic stop involving the daughter of Vance County Sheriff Peter White."
"Currin asked the state Attorney General's Office for a State Bureau of Investigation review of the March 23 stop in which Shahita White, 34, was charged with reckless driving. The move came after WRAL obtained memos filed by two Henderson police officers that participated in the traffic stop." ...
"After they stopped the SUV and realized who was behind the wheel, the deputies called emergency dispatchers, saying she was 'blistered.' ..." ... |
FL: Officer Gets 1-Year Probation For Making Woman Perform Oral Sex On Him
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A former Edgewater police officer has been sentenced to probation for making a woman perform oral sex on him in exchange for not taking her to jail.
Efren Vazquez will serve one year probation and has to relinquish his law enforcement certification. Investigators say Vazquez arrested a woman for marijuana possession during a traffic stop in 2005. Prosecutors say the woman was released after she performed the sex act behind the police station.
Vazquez pleaded no contest. -------
H/t to David Codrea. |
MA: Boston police commish "taken aback" by public opposition to door to door gun searches
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"Boston.com recently reported that the Boston Police Department is had delayed its program to institute warrantless searches of people's homes because of strong opposition to the plan."
"OK, even though I've read the article four times it hasn't stopped causing me to hyperventilate. It isn't that the police administration would actually try to search people's houses without proper cause ... that is bad enough, it is because they had are SURPRISED PEOPLE WOULD OBJECT."
"As if inviting the police into your home to search without cause is your civic duty or some such nonsense. If such actions don't cause the good citizens of Boston to fire their current mayor and demand the resignation of the chief of police they never will. |
IL: Elgin officer charged with battery in Chicago
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"An Elgin police officer was arrested at a Chicago tavern over the weekend, officials said Wednesday."
"Terrence Allen, 41, was charged with battery, according to Chicago police."
"An incident involving Allen occurred Sunday evening at the Cubby Bear, 1059 W. Addison, while Allen was off duty, police said."
"When a Chicago police spokeswoman was asked about the incident and the victim's condition, she replied, 'This is information that we would not ordinarily release.'"
"Elgin Deputy Police Chief Bob Beeter said Wednesday that Allen had been placed on restricted duty depending on the outcome of the court case." ... |
IL: Granite City officer accused of kicking man in face during bar fight
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"A longtime Granite City Police officer was charged today with aggravated battery following a bar fight."
"Walter C. Milton, 53, is accused of kicking Dana Howard in the face and head ... Granite City Police Major Jeff Connor said Milton, a patrolman for about 27 years, was not on duty at the time of the alleged incident, and retired shortly afterward." ...
"Howard suffered fractured bones in his face and head."
"Milton also is accused of grabbing Howard and preventing him from leaving the bar." ...
"Madison County prosecutors charged Milton with aggravated battery, which is punishable by up to five years in prison, and unlawful restraint, which carries a maximum sentence of three years in prison." |
PA: New York City officer charged in Berks County bank robbery
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"A New York City transit officer robbed a bank at gunpoint Thursday and was arrested a few blocks later, authorities said."
"Christian Torres, 21, of Queens, confronted a Sovereign Bank employee as she opened up a branch in Muhlenberg Township at about 8 a.m., FBI spokeswoman Jerri Williams said."
"Torres forced bank employees to lead him to the bank's vault, then stuffed a large sum of money in a white shopping bag and fled in a car, she said."
"Bank employees pointed out his vehicle to police and Torres was soon pulled over. He had a gun in his waistband and identified himself as a New York City police officer, township police said." ... |
OH: Trial scheduled for Lima officer charged in shooting death
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The Lima police officer charged with shooting to death a Lima woman and wounding her 1-year-old son is to go on trial July 28 in Allen County Common Pleas Court.
During a pretrial hearing Thursday morning, Sgt. Joseph Chavalia, 52, waived his right to a speedy trial.
Chavalia, who has been on paid leave since the shooting, is charged with two misdemeanors, negligent homicide and negligent assault, stemming from the Jan. 4 shooting death of Tarika Wilson, 26, and the non-fatal injuries to her son, Sincere, during a drug raid at her Third Street home. |
NY: City supervisor forged gun permit: DOI
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"A city Sanitation Department supervisor from Long Island was arrested Tuesday after he was accused of providing a retired city police officer with a handgun permit while working at a sanitation training unit in Maspeth last year ..."
"John Fitzgerald ... was charged Tuesday with forgery and criminal possession of a forged instrument ..."
"Fitzgerald allegedly met with a retired sanitation police officer in July 2007 and gave him a photocopy of a handgun permit that he had been issued by the city's Police Department ... At the time, Fitzgerald had been working as a sanitation police lieutenant at the Sanitation Department's Police Field Training Unit at 51-13 Flushing Ave. ..." ... |
OH: (More) Proof Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson lies about need for local gun control
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"Last September, anti-gun Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, in a continuing struggle to get ahead of the public relations debacle he faces ... launched another salvo in his effort to divert blame for his city's crime problems."
"In a September 10, 2007 press release ... Jackson stated as follows:"
"'Right now, if a young person was walking down any Ohio street brandishing an assault weapon, the police could not arrest him for that.'" "So you can imagine what a shock it must have been to Cleveland residents was when, on April 1, 2008, viewers of Cleveland's ABC affiliate were greeted with the following news:"
"Two teens accused of carrying guns while walking down the street were arrested in Cleveland on Tuesday." ... |
NJ: Gun 'enthusiast,' 84, avoids jail time
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"An 84-year-old man who kept nearly 500 guns, 800 pounds of gunpowder and 75,000 rounds of ammunition at his Ridgefield home pleaded guilty Tuesday to creating a community hazard."
"Sherwin Raymond had rejected plea offers since his arrest in 2005 and insisted that his stash of rifles and pistols was nothing more than that of a gun enthusiast." ...
"Raymond, however, was not charged with possession of the guns, most of which were not registered. There is no clear legislation or case law that requires the weapons to be registered, prosecutors said." ... |
Pakistan: Top 60 Punjab officers to get Glock-17 pistols for self-defence
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"The Punjab Home Department has issued Non-Prohibited Bore (NPB) gratis licences (free of cost weapon licences) to 60 top bureaucrats from the administrative hierarchy of the province for their self-protection."
"The Punjab government will import Glock-17s, an Austrian-made handgun that costs between Rs 60,000 and Rs 70,000, to be given to the 60 officers."
"Of the 60, 15 are administrative and special secretaries at various departments, and the remainder hold offices of above BS-18 grade, including four armed forces officers."
"'The Punjab government will soon request the federal government to issue a no-objection certificate (NOC) for the purchase and import of the Glock-17, an NPB weapon,' an official source said." ... |
Russia: Clergy advised to arm themselves
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"RUSSIAN clergymen are being urged to arm themselves with guns to defend themselves against gangs attempting to steal church icons."
"'The police are recommending to priests that they should apply, as private individuals, to the Interior Ministry's offices and request a licence to own firearms for self-defence,' said regional police spokeswoman Yelena Kirshanova." ...
"Last year, thieves killed a priest in the Urals region of Sverdlovsk to steal church icons. There have been other incidents of armed gangs stealing the icons from unprotected rural churches where police take a long time to respond." ... |
Philippines: Philippine judges to be given loans to buy guns for self-defence
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"Judges in the Philippines are to be given interest-free loans to buy guns for self-protection, following a rash of attacks on members of the judiciary, the Supreme Court said Saturday." ...
"Judges will be able to borrow up to 50,000 pesos and can pay it back in 36 monthly payments or forfeit the gun, according to the government guidelines. Qualifying judges cannot be more than 67 years of age, nor be under any disciplinary suspension."
"The guidelines do not authorise judges to carry firearms outside their homes but an agreement with the police in 2005 makes it easier for them to get permits to carry firearms, especially if they are receiving death threats." ... |
Australia: Machete man nearly severed arm and should be jailed, court told
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"A MAN who nearly chopped another man's arm off with a machete was a 'dangerous person' and should be sent to jail ..."
"Crown prosecutor Kevin Taverner submitted that James Gregory McAinsh's decision to take up a machete ... made him dangerous." ...
"McAinsh told his trial he had gone to Mr Farr's home ... and swung the machete when Mr Farr ran at him with a knife."
"Mr Farr denied being armed with a knife ..."
"Justice Sulan said if the jury accepted Mr Farr's version of what happened, McAinsh would have been found guilty of causing grievous bodily harm with intent."
"He said a 'sensible' view of the case was that McAinsh acted in self defence 'in his own mind' but that his conduct was 'disproportionate to the threat'." ... |
UK: 5ft barmaid 'broke up Glasgow pub knife fight'
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"A BATTLING barmaid known to her regulars as 'Wee Maggie' waded in when one of her regulars was attacked with a knife ..."
"Margaret Kilbride, 59, who is 5ft tall and weighs nine stone [126 pounds], broke up a fight at the Tall Cranes pub ..."
"The High Court in Edinburgh heard she stepped in between Thomas Reid and John Coyne ..."
"Reid ... was said to have beaten Mr Coyne with a metal bar, called him 'a Fenian b******' and slashed him with a knife ..." ...
"The fight was only halted when Maggie Kilbride separated the men." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Thank God they have gun control! Otherwise a 56-year old woman might have been able to rack a shotgun to break up a fight instead of risking her life to do so. |