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Newslinks for 4/14/2008

Charlton Heston
Submitted by: Michael Hiland

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Did he keep the compromising NRA more honest? I think so. They could bargain our rights away if we let them. Don't allow them to speak for you. Speak for yourself. Be inspired by great words and find the greatness in yourself. Then go forth. One man is dead. A great man preceded by many others. We are many more. Keep the flame of Liberty lit!

I never knew Mr. Heston personally. I do know people who knew him, including several friends of his. It's my profound regret we never met.

Submitter's note: Let's carry on and do more to advance our Freedom!

TN: Home Invader In Critical Condition After He Is Shot By Homeowner
Submitted by: Anonymous

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According to the investigators, police officers were called to the Boynton Drive address on a home invasion with shots fired call.

The officer spoke with the victims who said a black male, who was later identified as Joseph Postell, 27, entered their residence and held a gun to a woman's head. A second victim saw what was happening, obtained his own gun and began firing at Postell, striking him several times.

NRA Lobbyist: Despite New Rhetoric, Clinton's "Name is Synonymous With Gun Control, Like Rosie O'Donnell"
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Given the new "Second Amendment" rhetoric of Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, (see the New York Times' Julie Bosman's "Clinton Portrays Herself as a Pro-Gun Churchgoer" ) I thought it might behoove hunters to hear what the NRA thinks about all Clinton trying to "out-gun" Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois. "I'm not surprised by this," says Chris Cox, the chief lobbyist of the NRA. "They know that its bad politics to be on the wrong side of the gun issue. The political graveyard is full of gun control supporters and they are trying to avoid the same fate." Will Clinton be able to sell this new self to gun rights enthusiasts and hunters?

PA: Nutter defiantly signs five gun laws
Submitted by: Paul Shoemaker

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Mayor Nutter likened himself and City Council members yesterday to the band of rebels who formed this country as he signed five new gun-control laws that defy the state legislature and legal precedent.

The five laws - called everything from unconstitutional to criminal by critics - do the following:

Limit handgun purchases to one a month.

Require lost or stolen firearms to be reported to police within 24 hours.

Prohibit individuals under protection-from-abuse orders from possessing guns if ordered by the court.

Allow removal of firearms from "persons posing a risk of imminent personal injury" to themselves or others.

Outlaw the possession and sale of certain assault weapons.


Obama Concedes Remarks Were Ill Chosen
Submitted by: motoboy

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MUNCIE, Ind. (AP) - Democrat Barack Obama on Saturday conceded that comments he made about bitter working class voters who "cling to guns or religion" were ill chosen, as he tried to stem a burst of complaints that he is condescending.
I myself cling to guns to prevent becoming bitter.

PA: Retired city officer kills intruder, police say
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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A retired Pittsburgh police officer shot two teens burglarizing his daughter's Lincoln-Lemington home Friday afternoon, killing one and wounding the other, investigators said.

TX: Woman Shoots At, Terrifies Intruder
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Police said a woman shot at an intruder, scaring him directly through a glass door. Officers with the Friendswood Police Department said they responded to a residence in the 400 block of Regency Court after a homeowner shot at a man that had broken into her home. The woman said that at about 11:15 a.m. on April 12, she awoke to a loud noise followed by her alarm system sounding. She then heard footsteps going up to her second floor. The woman said she grabbed her pistol and walked into the living room where she saw a man standing in her house. She fired a shot in the man's direction, which sent him running through -- and shattering -- a glass door as he fled the scene. The homeowner was not hurt.

NY: Gun shops settle with city
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Five more gun dealers have settled lawsuits brought by City Hall accusing them of allowing illegal gun purchases that help flood New York City's streets with weapons. The agreements, which include monitors to track inventory and sales at the dealers, bring to 20 the number of gun dealers that have agreed to settle, the Bloomberg administration said. Three more shops are taking the suits to trial in Brooklyn Federal Court. A trial for Adventure Outdoors of Smyrna, Ga., is scheduled to begin on May 27, and Bob Moates Sport Shop of Midlothian, Va., and Trader World of North Charleston, S.C., have a trial date of Sept. 2.

CA: Assemblyman wants California to require 'smart guns'
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Gun-stealing thieves beware: Handguns of the future may recognize their owners instantly – and not fire for anyone else. A California lawmaker is so sure that current biometric research will produce "smart" guns that he's proposing to require them in coming years. Assemblyman Mark DeSaulnier has proposed legislation to ensure that new firearm models contain such technology within 18 months after it becomes commercially available. "I'm here to try to save lives," said DeSaulnier, D-Concord

WI: Top shooters earn trophies
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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The Manitowoc Recreation Department's Junior Rifle Tournament was held recently at the Manitowoc Sheriff's firing range. The shooting event culminates two semesters of the program and trophies were provided by the Manitowoc Sheriff's Association. Participants in the program fire 22 caliber rifles, while the main focus of the program is safe gun handling and marksmanship. It is affiliated with the National Rifle Association and the Civilian Marksmanship Program.

Russia: Russian priests urged to get guns
Submitted by: Barry Bright

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"During the latest raid in the Kostroma region, a gang of ten men believed to be organised criminals, blocked the nearby bridge, cut the electricity supply and phone lines and poisoned a guard dog before storming the church."

But the priests and the sheeple are still apparently too stupid to defend themselves, according to the poll.

GA: 'She's Got a Gun': Every picture tells a story
Submitted by: Uncle John

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"I remember telling my husband I want to buy a gun to know what it was like for my brother to have a gun," says Floyd, 51, an associate professor of photography at Georgia State University.

"And that's how it started."

The result: A yearslong project photographing women — preteens, grandmothers, cops, Olympic hopefuls — with guns. The series of color portraits, "She's Got a Gun," is on display through May 3 at the Solomon Projects gallery in Midtown. Floyd's book by the same name, which explores the history and images of women with guns, has also been published by Temple University Press. An artist's talk and book signing will be held at the gallery April 23 at 6:30 p.m.

NY: A new group against illegal guns
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Charlton Heston once famously said, "From my cold dead hands," and held up a rifle as a challenge to anyone who would dare take it away. Well, now he is dead. No word yet on the rifle, but the battle over guns continues. Latest on the scene is New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who wants to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. He formed Mayors Against Illegal Guns two years ago and helped to spin off State Legislators Against Illegal Guns and now County Executives Against Illegal Guns. If you think only urban officials are joining, meet Herd Sullivan. Sullivan is the county executive of White County, Tenn., population 26,000, and he is one of the newest group's 15 founding members.

CA: Morning Shows Hit Snooze Button on Court
Submitted by: Paul Shoemaker

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None of the April 11 editions of the network morning shows: ABC's "Good Morning America," CBS's "The Early Show," and NBC's "Today," noted the April 10 unanimous ruling of the California Supreme Court striking down a San Francisco handgun ban.


Why allow children to play with guns?
Submitted by: Shabby

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The unusual happenstance this day was a small group of preschool boys who were brandishing toy pistols. I was left to ask myself, "What sort of parent would allow his or her children to play with guns, much less allow them to be carried and displayed in public, especially in this modern era of school shootings and mass killings?"

Blood on those cold, dead hands
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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As president of the National Rifle Association, actor Charlton Heston was fond of stating that the only way gun-control advocates would take away his weapons would be "from my cold, dead hands." Heston died a week ago, and even if he happened to be clutching a gun in his death grip, I have no desire to remove it.

IL: A 26-Year-Old Secret Could Free Inmate
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The secret? He is innocent and lawyers knew all along.
"For nearly 26 years, the affidavit was sealed in an envelope and stored in a locked box, tucked away with the lawyer's passport and will. Sometimes he stashed the box in his bedroom closet, other times under his bed."

Submitted by: Chris Horton

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"Combat Packs" Ain't For Combat

After my last essay, Strippers, I received some disputatious comments regarding my insistence that only ammunition combat packed in stripper clips, bandoleers and easy-open steel ammo cans counted when the excrement hits the rotary oscillator. I was asked, "What about 'combat packs?'" For the uninitiated, "Combat packs" (also known as "Battle Packs") are plastic sleeves of boxed ammunition. The South African 7.62 NATO version is shown below.

U.S. parks at center of gun debate
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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D.W. Mays wants to be able to legally carry a gun with him wherever he goes -- even into a national park. "Protection is one of the main things that should be allowed," said Mays, 90, of Kent County. "If you are going to travel around, you don't know if punks are there. Punks are everywhere." He and other gun rights enthusiasts say they are glad federal officials are reviewing gun laws in national parks and planning to announce new rules allowing visitors to carry loaded guns -- if allowed by state law -- by the end of the month.

The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws. — Tacitus (A.D. 55?-130?)

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