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Newslinks for 4/15/2014

Unfolding Sharpton snitch scandal could overshadow Yee allegations
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Assuming their sting activities are over so the FBI can no longer dismiss inquiries using an 'ongoing investigation' excuse, this would appear to be the type of law enforcement operation that cries for oversight hearings. ..."

Civil Disobedience Grows as NY “Assault Weapon” Registration Deadline Approaches
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Come Tuesday, owners of assault weapons in New York will be faced with a choice: Register those firearms with the state or potentially face a felony charge.' That’s the blunt, entirely accurate assessment of of the situation facing New York gun owners who possess unregistered 'assault weapons' who are refusing to abide by the mandate created by the dead-of-the-night SAFE Act. And just in case you didn’t get the message . . ."

"'The consequences of ignoring the deadline are severe,' the McPaper repeats. Felony as in jail. As in the permanent loss of gun rights (such as they are in the Empire State)." ...

Attack at school in Pennsylvania: Mental illness root of problem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Washington’s crusade against guns was dealt a severe blow on Wednesday. No, it ... wasn’t an executive order handed down by the administration. It was the brutal assault by a high school student in Pennsylvania against his fellow students – with a knife."

"Those who have long advocated banning or severely limiting gun ownership in this country should be silenced as a result of the stabbing of 20 high school kids by a mentally disturbed sophomore at the same Pennsylvania high school."

"The incident left would-be gun banners with a dilemma. If this most recent assault was not gun-related, they either have to change their mantra to banning knives along with the guns, or deal with the heart of the problem: mental illness." ...

Perspectives: That’s why we have the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This past weekend, there was very nearly a gun battle pitting private citizens intent on protecting their rights against a corrupt political machine."

"It wouldn’t be the first time such an event was necessary."

"Few people are familiar with the Battle of Athens that took place in 1946 in McMinn County in Eastern Tennessee. McMinn County had long been under the control of a corrupt political boss named Paul Cantrell." ...

"The ex-GIs faced the choice of defending their rights against the murderous behavior of Cantrell’s men or submitting to their supposed authority. They chose to stand up for their rights."

"They visited nearby National Guard and State Guard armories and secured weapons and ammunition then headed for th

TROY Pump Action AR-15 – Another Gun Control State Compliant AR-15
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve long wondered when someone would come up with a pump action AR-15. The ergonomics and the way the bolt works with the magazine was all there."

"Mossberg came out with their bolt action MVP rifle that takes AR-15 magazines which was a step in that direction."

"Now, Troy Industries has taken the next steps and introduced a pump action AR-15 that looks like it would be legal in nearly every state, even those with the strictest laws governing semi-auto rifles." ...

MAC Confirms TTAG’s Take on the Remington R51 (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The gun is just flawed.' 'Unfinished.' 'It just doesn’t feel good to me.' 'I really hope this doesn’t blow up.' 'It’s just dangerous.' These are a few of the phrases that Tim at the Military Arms Channel uses to describe the Remington R51. We published our two star review of the Remington R51 a while back and got a lot of flak from the fanboys, claiming that it was a 'sandbag job.' They said we were just biased against Remington and that the gun was in fact fine. Tim is one of the few people outside of TTAG who I really trust to give a fair review, and in his recently posted video . . ."

"he describes and confirms every single flaw that I found in the gun…and then some. ..." ...

Remington Sells Out To NY For $80 Million "Sniper" Rifles Government Contract
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back in February, several gun manufacturers decided to boycott law enforcement in states that are hostile to the Second Amendment, states like New York for instance. They would not be providing weapons or ammunition. Within a week that number had grown by over 700%. In the first article I provided information for several gun manufacturers that could be contacted to come on board with this boycott, including Glock, Sig Sauer, Smith & Wesson and Remington. Well, now we know where Remington stands. They stand on the side of government as they have let it be known that they will be staying in New York and they have now acquired a government contract worth $80 million." ...

"Smart" Guns, Their Surprising Critics, and Powerful Allies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "A spokesman for the law enforcement union Fraternal Order of Police offered a perhaps even stranger objection to 'smart' guns -- and not only for issue to the police themselves ... Nope -- the FOP spokesman is concerned about even the criminals being limited to such guns -- for this remarkable reason:"
"We want a police officer to be able to take any gun, his partner's gun, a criminal's gun, any gun, and use that gun to his advantage. If he is in a scuffle, and he gets a criminal's weapon and it's useless to him, we've got a safety problem."
"So safety requires that a police officer be able to shoot a suspect with the suspect's gun. Certainly a creative argument." ...

Moms Demand Action Demand Safety After KC Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America released the following statement from Reverend Michelle Reed, a member of the Kansas chapter of Moms Demand Action in response to the shootings at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City and Village Shalom where at least 3 people were killed today . . ." ...

"Reading Moms Demand Action’s post-shooting press releases is like looking at an M.C. Escher staircase. Their arguments for civilian disarmament are also a call for armed self-defense. Because it’s absolutely true: 'none of us is immune– gun violence knows no boundaries of religion, race, class or age' (although I’d drop the word 'gun' from 'gun violence'). So . . . guns." ...

Gabby Giffords: Hold Hearings on 'Preventing Gun Violence Against Women'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.) wants members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to hold a hearing on 'preventing gun violence against women,' the first step to passing (gun control) legislation, she says."

"'[M]any of those who perpetrate violence against women are still allowed easy access to firearms,' Giffords wrote this month in an open letter to the Judiciary Committee."

"Giffords writes that women are more likely than men to be killed or stalked by an intimate partner; and she says having a gun in a household with a history of domestic violence makes it much more likely that a women will be killed there." ...

Submitter's Note: Say it with me kids; Correlation does not equal Causation!

Justice Stevens Tries To Solve Gun Crisis The Dumbest Way Possible
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an op-ed published in the Washington Post on Friday, Justice Stevens wrote about his proposal to correct the Second Amendment. His proposal to 'add five words' to the Second Amendment to fix it comes from his new book, Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution ..."

"It’s a worthy endeavor for a former justice to examine the Constitution and propose the changes that judicial interpretation alone cannot reach (or at least are not reaching for political reasons). However, if his solutions to the other five amendments are as dumb as his answer to the Second Amendment, we’re all in trouble…." ...

America needs to find middle ground on gun control issue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the founding principles of our country is the right to bear arms. The second amendment of our constitution guarantees us this right (depending on how you interpret it). Americans are allowed to purchase guns, keep them in their homes and carry them when they go out in public. This liberty is as old as the country itself, but it is a freedom that comes at a price."

"The U.S. has the gun crime rate of a failed state, with nearly 32,000 deaths and 74,000 injuries occurring in 2011 alone. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: And yet . . . we have a third of the (non-homicide) violent crime rate 1.49 times the non-gun related homicide rate of the UK. If guns are the problem why aren;t our crime rates the same?

TTAG Exclusive: Kirsten Joy Weiss Peep Mayhem! (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Resurrection? Rebirth? Renewal? Sure, those are traditional Easter themes, but it seems that in recent years, Peep hate has crept into the annual spring repertoire, too. And marshmallow markswoman Kirsten Joy Weiss has totally jumped on board the Peep pejorative bandwagon. ..."

On Respect for the Law and Respectable Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If we are to live in peace in a nation of laws, two things must happen. 1) Citizens must respect and obey the law, and 2) governments must make and enforce respectable laws. Every day Americans obey the laws that govern things from speed limits on the streets to keeping their lawn properly trimmed. Only a tiny fraction of a tiny fraction of laws require the intervention of police and the courts. This is a wonderful thing and reflects very well on the character of America’s people. I think one cannot be a good citizen without respect for the law and for those charged with writing them and enforcing them . . ."

"But this social compact is beginning to unravel. ..." ...

NC: Grass Roots North Carolina-PVF Alert 4-13-14: Candidate Recommendations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To better defend your rights, Grass Roots North Carolina and its federally registered political action committee, the GRNC Political Victory Fund, are further expanding two principal election efforts:"

"'Remember in November' Candidate Evaluations: GRNC now surveys ALL candidates for state and federal office for primary elections. With the inclusion of sheriff and statewide judicial races -- a first for 2014 -- that means evaluating nearly 500 candidates!"

"GRNC-PVF Candidate Recommendations: GRNC-PVF makes recommendations for effective voting strategies in key races which are contested and in which there is a clear pro-gun candidate. For the 2014 primaries, the PVF is making recommendations in 40 races, with more to follow." ...

NH: The second coming of Scott Brown
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "During his Senate tenure, Brown sought to cement his independence supporting a list of liberal causes, ... supporting a federal ban on assault weapons ... Over the course of his eight-month quest for the Senate seat, he’ll likely be tasked with accounting for all of it for the new, less liberal constituents he wishes to court."

"'Republicans are different in Massachusetts than they are here,' Rubens, Brown’s primary opponent, told me at a New Hampshire Republican Party event in Dover on Friday. 'We are strong defenders of the Second Amendment here. We don’t want it compromised in any way. It’s not acceptable.'" ...

CO: Mike Kopp Breaks Down His Agenda After Claiming Top Line At GOP Primary Ballot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Colorado’s political world was surprised over the weekend when former state Sen. Mike Kopp claimed the top line of the GOP gubernatorial primary ballot." ...

"Boyd: If you get the nomination and the chance to run against Gov. Hickenlooper in November, what is the thing that will put you over the top?"

"Kopp: He’s vulnerable. I think people are looking for a leader, somebody who can actually advance a case ...
People ... see the failures of government — things like Obamacare, things like these excessive Second Amendment overreaches ... Right here in the state of Colorado they see these things and they’re costing people opportunities, and (those) are the issues I’m going to address on the campaign trail." ...

OH: Tea Party Challenger Says Boehner Suffers 'Electile Dysfunction' (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Tea Party candidate challenging House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is out with an online ad that says the speaker suffers from 'electile dysfunction.'"

"The ad, titled 'When the Moment Is Right,' parodies a Cialis commercial to tout challenger J.D. Winteregg's conservative ideals while linking Boehner to President Barack Obama." ...

"'Used on a daily basis, Winteregg in Congress will help you every time the moment is right — to have your voice heard at the federal level,' the narrator adds. 'When using Winteregg, it’s important to note that the borders will be secured, Second Amendment rights protected ... and common sense will be used in solving the nation’s problems.'" ...

MS: As Primary Battle Escalates, Mississippi Tea Party Group Calls On State Chairman To Resign
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A statewide Mississippi Tea Party group called Monday for the resignation of state GOP chairman Joe Nosef over negative comments he recently made about state senator Chris McDaniel, who is challenging Sen. Thad Cochran in the GOP primary there."

"The resignation call from the Mississippi Tea Party, distributed to press by the group’s president Laura Van Overschelde, is the latest escalation in an increasingly bitter primary fight in Mississippi, where the Cochran campaign's recent attacks on McDaniel have set off a simmering racial debate." ...

NY: SAFE Act repeal bills die in Assembly Codes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republican assemblymembers seeking a full repeal of the New York SAFE Act learned the unfortunate fate of their bills last week. The Assembly Codes Committee voted to keep a number of repeal efforts from being debated on the Assembly floor, nearly a week after thousands of pro-gun advocates rallied at the Capitol against the controversial new laws." ...

RI: Rhode Island: Senate & House Committees to Hear Over a Dozen Gun Bills this Week
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anti-gun state lawmakers continue their assault on the constitutional rights of Rhode Island gun owners this week in Providence."

"Tomorrow, April 15 2014, the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hear a full slate of anti-gun bills starting at 6:00 p.m. in room 313 of the State House. The anti-gun bills scheduled to be considered tomorrow only attack the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens and do nothing to address violent crime or public safety." ...

No Justice Stevens, We Don’t Need To “Fix” The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, a Gerald Ford appointee who ended up becoming a stalwart of the Court’s liberal wing, is out with a new book in which, among other things, he proposes various changes to the Constitution. Scott Lemieux discusses each of those proposals at length in this post at The American Prospect, but it’s Stevens’s comments about the Second Amendment, which expands upon in a Washington Post Op-Ed, that are getting the most attention:" ...

Stevens’ view of Second Amendment: Part denial, part grudge, all wrong?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today’s edition of USA Today covers a new debate over the Second Amendment, ignited by former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens in his new book about how he would change the Constitution, leaving one to wonder if this rant is part denial and part grudge over being on the losing side in two major Second Amendment rulings."

"A careful reading of the 2008 Heller ruling leaves one convinced that Stevens is all wrong about the right to keep and bear arms, and always has been. His essay on the subject, published by the Washington Post, is part of his new book 'Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution.'" ...

CA: Courts May Favor New California Gun Rights Push
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun rights activists in California are again pushing for the state to legalize the open carry of unloaded firearms, only this time the courts may be on their side."

"Four years ago, a group of gun owners in Northern California tried to sway public opinion on the issue by provocatively carrying their guns at meet-ups ..."

"'Fighting to change people's opinions about guns by carrying guns in public is not very productive,' [said] Gene Hoffman, chairman of the CalGuns Foundation ... 'Why not just wear a T-shirt saying, 'I'm carrying'? Problem solved.'"

"This time, the battle will be waged in court, where recent rulings have emboldened the push by gun rights activists and angered proponents of gun reform." ...

TX: Denton sheriff deputy charged with official oppression
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Denton County sheriff’s deputy has been charged with official oppression and theft after being accused of stealing $1,700 in cash from two men while in uniform."

"Joshua G. Laningham, 28, was charged late Thursday with theft over $1,500 and under $20,000 by a public servant and with two Class A misdemeanor counts of official oppression. He turned himself in to the Denton County Jail at 10:30 a.m. Friday after being notified that a warrant had been issued for his arrest. His bond was set at $15,000." ...

NJ: NJ Homeowner [Barely] Avoids Jail for Racking Shotgun at Intruders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Of course, once the cops cooled-off a bit and realized that they’d arrested an American exercising his natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms in defense of innocent life and private property, all charges were dropped. McGraw took some good-natured pictures with the arresting officers, who shook his hand and promised to keep an eye on Mr. McGraw’s family on his behalf. Not."
"After a year of waiting and a five-day jury trial in Superior Court in which he was found not guilty of both charges on March 11, McGraw said he is still having trouble getting his life back to normal." ...

WV: Former police officer indicted on sexting charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former northern panhandle police officer was indicted this week by the Hancock County grand jury."

"Former New Cumberland and Chester police officer Eric Maruca, 27, of New Cumberland, was indicted on one count of displaying obscene matter to a minor, a felony."

"Maruca allegedly took a nude picture of himself to a 16-year-old girl. Her mother filed the original complaint last fall." ...

CO: Henry Ford arrested on child sex charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Adams County deputy was arrested Thursday on child sex assault allegations. Henry Ford is a deputy in the jail division."

"The arrest stemmed from an investigation that began Wednesday, according to the Adams County Sheriff's Office."

"According to booking information 9News obtained late Thursday, Ford was arrested on suspicion of sexual assault on a child related to a pattern of abuse." ...

MI: Kalamazoo County sergeant, who had machine gun in locker, handed $250 fine at sentencing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Kalamazoo County sheriff's sergeant, who was indicted last year on weapons charges, has been sentenced to pay a $250 fine on a misdemeanor charge in the case."

"Matthew E. Emmert, 54, reached a plea agreement in January in which he pleaded guilty to one count of willful failure to supply information. As a part of the plea deal, the indictment against Emmert was dismissed and he avoided trial on felony charges of possession of an unregistered machine gun and possession of a machine gun." ...

H/t to David Codrea who notes: I'm sure Wayne Fincher will be happy to hear that "law enforcement" gets special treatment.

Submitter's Note: I'm sure David Olofson is also relieved that it's only a misdemeanor offense, not something you could go to prison for.

NY: Good Morning to New York’s 1 Million New Illegal Gun Owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Governor Cuomo awoke this morning to a massive problem, one million plus new felons, all armed with scary, high capacity, assault weapons!"

"An estimated million plus, formerly law abiding, gun owners have refused to comply with Cuomo and down state Democrat’s naive belief that the NY Safe Act, passed in a so called emergency session of the New York legislature, could force free people to register their hard earned property." ...

IL: ISRA URGENT ALERT: Suburban “town hall meetings” turning into recruitment drives for anti-gun activists
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"ISRA is calling on suburban gun owners to spring into action to thwart our opponents and let them know gun owners aren’t apathetic and asleep at the switch."

"By all means, we encourage Guns Save Life members up north to participate. Wear your IGOLD shirts or simply come neatly dressed in business casual."

"Remember, gun haters are easily intimidated by freedom-loving pro-gun folks."

"Pocket flag or two while you’re at it."

"It’ll be fun and our Founding Fathers will smile upon you from the heavens above." ...

MI: Michigan 2014 Second Amendment March Reminder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 2014 Second Amendment March will be held on Tuesday, April 29 2014 at the Michigan State Capitol from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm."

"A procession of gun owners will take place beginning at 9;45 am from the intersection of Michigan and Pennsylvania Avenues and proceed to the Capitol lawn."

"The event will feature a tent with booths and pro-Second Amendment speakers and elected officials. Carry is welcome on the Capitol lawn, in the Capitol Building and in legislative office buildings." ...

NY: Growing pains in gun groups
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tom King, the president of the state's largest and oldest pro-gun group, has never had a bigger pulpit — and he's never had so many of his fellow believers yelling at him."

"The ... New York State Rifle and Pistol Association saw its membership nearly double last year to more than 41,000 after passage of the state's most divisive gun control law in decades ..."

"But 15 months after passage of the SAFE Act, New York's often boisterous Second Amendment movement is showing signs of growing pains as King — an NRA board member — has come under increasingly strident criticism from those in newer, upstart groups who accuse him of not taking a hard enough line in pushing for the law's repeal." ...

Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? — THOMAS JEFFERSON (1801)

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