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Newslinks for 4/16/2014

The Second Amendment right to firearms commerce
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week the Harvard Law Review published an on-line symposium about current Second Amendment issues in the lower federal courts. My essay addressed a question on which a split is developing between the Fourth and Seventh Circuits: does the Second Amendment include the right to engage in firearms commerce, such as by operating a gun store?"

"... the answer is clearly yes: The American Revolution was caused in part by the British monarchy’s efforts to eliminate firearms commerce in America. The Heller decision recognizes a right to engage in firearms commerce; this right is not unlimited, and so the commercial sale of firearms can be subjected to conditions and qualifications, but there is still a right to firearms commerce." ...

Alarms being raised over new government ammo buys
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Newsmax is reporting today that alarms are being raised about a new surge of government ammunition buying, and a Bellevue-based gun rights advocate is among those keeping a close eye on these purchases."

"Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, told Newsmax that 'a highly unusual amount of ammunition (is) being bought by the federal agencies over a fairly short period of time.' The U.S. Postal Service is reportedly soliciting for 1.5 million rounds, while the State Department has a Friday deadline for a separate ammunition purchase." ...

Second Amendment Patriot’s Jim Tomes to Speak at NRA Annual Meetings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just as a reminder, the NRA has asked me to mention again the information about the NRA/ILA Grassroots Workshop that will take place during the NRA Convention in Indy." ...

"They have asked me to speak for about 30 minutes beginning about 11:00 a.m. These NRA conventions are a lot of fun. There are a lot of people to meet and things to see. The exhibit halls will have manufacturers, both nationally and internationally, to display their products including ammunition, firearms, optics and everything in between." ...

Grand Funk Railroad's Mark Farner makes no apology for gun rights anthem; says everyone should be 'packing heat'
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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"Don't count on an apology from Mark Farner for writing what's becoming an anthem for some gun rights advocates."

"Farner helped start Flint's own Grand Funk Railroad ... in the late 1960s, but he said this week that he's no pacifist when it comes to guns."

"'There's no other way for me to protect my family except that gun,' Farner said. 'The world is a crazy place. Look what happened to poor John Lennon. ...'"

"Farner has noticed the attention that a song he wrote nearly 40 years ago for the final Grand Funk album, 'Don't Let 'Em Take Your Gun,' has been getting recently -- and he doesn't mind a bit."

"'I think every one of us needs to be packing heat' to help prevent (incidents like school shootings),' Farner said ..." ...

New from SIG SAUER: Elite Performance Ammunition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Porsche makes most of its money selling SUVs, but the Mom-mobiles weaken the sports car maker’s brand. Eventually. I repeat: brand extensions are profitable in the short term. Long term they take a company’s eye off the ball. IMHO. In SIG’s HO 'Every product SIG SAUER produces will have the same attributes for which our firearms are known around the world – reliability, accuracy, and unparalleled performance,' said Jeff Creamer, SIG SAUER director of product management. As for the Elite Performance Ammunition . . ." ...

ShootingTheBull410: 9mm Ammo Quest – Winchester Ranger (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When it comes to defensive ammo, you’ve probably heard it said many times – 'I use what the cops use.' But is that really the best idea? The thing is, the cops don’t use little 3-inch barreled pocket pistols. So how does cop ammo, designed for full-size duty pistols, perform from a pocket pistol? ..."

Freedom Group Killing AAC?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Confidential sources tell TTAG that the Freedom Group is about to eliminate the Advanced Armament suppressor brand. [Note: we've put in a call to Remington.] According to our informant, TFG will merge AAC and TAPCO to create a new, as-yet-unnamed firearms accessory brand. If so, it’s a bold, not-to-say reckless move; both Tapco and AAC have considerable brand recognition. That said, Freedom’s shown itself to be a die-hard cost-cutter (e.g., their decision to move Marlin and Bushmaster’s manufacturing to Remington’s New York factory). Watch this space. ..." ...

Dr. Laura Hayes: I’m OK, You’re A Potential Spree Killer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Writing for, psychologist Laura Hayes [above] reckons mental illness isn’t such a big deal, gun violence-wise. 'Violent crimes committed by people with severe mental illnesses get a lot of attention, but such attacks are relatively rare. Paolo del Vecchio of the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has said, 'Violence by those with mental illness is so small that even if you could somehow cure it all, 95 percent of violent crime would still exist.' Yes, but if vilifying mentally ill people (and taking away their guns) saves just one life . . . I kid. And kudos to Dr. Hayes for putting things in perspective. Oh wait. Oh dear . . ." ...

Inside the Twisted Mind of a Gun Control Advocate: President Obama Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... During his first presidential election, Obama left voters (and your humble scribe) with the impression that he viewed gun control as a political third rail/non-issue. If you like your gun you can keep your gun. Like that. And then Newtown . . ."

"The President hopped on the civilian disarmament train and rode it all the way – to the end of the platform. Thank God. Since that resounding defeat, the President has repeated his call for 'common sense' gun control legislation at every opportunity. Specifically, after every firearm-involved atrocity ..." ...

Studs packin' heat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is in reference to the guest column on allowing military personnel to carry their personal weapons on military installations ... The writer started his column on a political note and it got worse from there."

"The writer said he was a retired law enforcement executive and an expert in public safety policy. I’m not an executive or an expert; I’m only a simple soldier. I did wear a military uniform for almost 35 years (not including four years of college ROTC). Most of my 35 years were in a combat unit, Army (armor units). I wore all ranks, from private to colonel."

"I could not disagree more with the guest column’s writer." ...

The 'public health crisis' that is America's gun culture
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three days after Frazier Glenn Miller tried to kill some of the Jews he has spent his life despising (the self-styled paramilitary warrior actually wound up gunning down three Christians instead), the [NRA]'s website remains silent about the attacks."

"Instead, the site features, among other things, a Fox News appearance by the NRA's chief legislative lobbyist about the need to defeat Barack Obama's nominee for surgeon general."

"The nominee, a doctor named Vivek Murthy, has publicly called gun violence, which kills thousands of people a year here, a 'public health crisis.'"

"Imagine. The gall of the man. Clearly a poisonously biased partisan unfit to serve as a guardian of the nation's medical well-being." ...

Michael Bloomberg On Gun Control: 'This Is A Battle For The Hearts And Minds Of America'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg promoted his new $50 million gun control campaign on NBC’s 'Today' show this morning, in an aggressive financial push to fight the National Rifle Association’s influence on gun policy."

"Bloomberg plans to use the money to merge his Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America into a new group called 'Everytown for Gun Safety.'"

"'This is not a battle of dollars, this is a battle for the hearts and minds of America so that we can protect our children, protect innocent people,' he said." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: At last I've found something that the Little Nanny and I can agree on: This IS a battle for the hearts and minds of America.

Michael Bloomberg: 'I Have Earned My Place in Heaven'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Former New York City mayor is pledging to spend $50 million this year to push gun control ... For this and other deeds (such as taking on obesity and smoking), Bloomberg believes he's going to heaven."

"'I am telling you if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in heaven. It’s not even close,' Bloomberg told the Times." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: His vision of heaven is a place of total state control over the individual and where all firearms are in the hands of state employees.

The rest of us know it as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or "North Korea."

Michael Bloomberg Is Starting A Gun Control Organization To Take On The NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former New York City mayor and very, very rich man Michael Bloomberg plans to take on the National Rifle Association and other Second Amendment advocates by forming and financing a new organization focused on gun control. He's pledged at least $50 million to the effort."

"From The New York Times:"
"The plans call for a restructuring of the gun control groups he funds, Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. They will be brought under one new umbrella group called Everytown for Gun Safety." [emphasis added] ...

Submitter's Note: The very definition of AstroTurf® organizations.

AK: Second Amendment enforcer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Now that our Senate Judiciary Committee has unanimously voted Senate Bill 176 out of committee ... it’s time to begin visualizing the new form of our university-to-be."

"A typical day finds the former president, now known as Sheriff Gamble, preparing to meet with a student known as Sundance regarding a proposed UA policy he finds objectionable. Sheriff Gamble: 'Howdy, son.' Sundance: 'Ah don’t much care for yer proposed new policy, Sheriff! Take that!' … beginning a quick-draw … then, 'Ouch!'… as he drops to the floor, shot through his heart by the sheriff, who has out-drawn him. As his (armed) secretary drags the late Sundance out the door feet first, Sheriff Gamble blows the smoke from his gun barrel ..." ...

TN: Open-carry firearms are too provocative
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although a staunch defender of Second Amendment rights, I don’t see the wisdom in open carry of pistols, especially without training."

"Strapping a pistol on your belt makes a strong statement that sometimes inflames others similar to a person wearing a very offensive T-shirt. I can envision a 300-pounds “Bubba” with his girlfriend and after four beers passing a gun-toting person on the sidewalk that has that 'attitude look' on his face. Alcohol and pistols don’t mix, another reason for not having open or concealed pistols in bars. Police will now have additional considerations when it becomes necessary to deal with people walking around with loaded pistols." ...

AZ: Aggressive gun-handler worse than aggressive panhandler
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two constitutional rights have recently been in the news."

"The first involves the right to free speech, and the second involves the right to bear arms. The City Council bravely took action against panhandlers who act in a way that 'intimidates' people via speech, action or signs. ..."

"The second involves a recent letter detailing a visit to the local library by two armed men dressed in camouflage carrying semi-automatic weapons, and the letter-writer’s perceived sense of intimidation at that time."

"I ask you: Which is more intimidating?" ...

Submitter's Note: Well, for those of us who are not panty-soiling hysterics it certainly is *not* a lawfully armed individual peaceably minding their own business.

Ron Paul On Bundy Ranch: Feds Won’t Give Up Easily, May Return With Waco-Like Force
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although federal agents left the Nevada ranch standoff over Cliven Bundy’s land this past weekend, former Rep. Ron Paul is one of several officials predicting that the situation is likely far from over, warning that government agents ultimately returned to end the 1993 Waco standoff with deadly force."

"Speaking on to Fox News Monday, leading libertarian advocate of minimal government, Paul said that he is glad the Bureau of Land Management stood down from the cattle showdown with rancher Cliven Bundy – but continued land battles are on the horizon." ...

Daily Digest: Death & Taxes Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In case you hadn’t heard, Barry Elliot from the YouTube gun channel Iraqveteran8888 (and Moss Pawn and Gun) passed away over the weekend. IV8888 put up an announcement on their Facespace page yesterday, and I first read about it on ENDO this morning. Eric from MP&G followed it up yesterday afternoon with the 85th and final episode in their Gun Gripes series, titling it Final Farewell. Barry was one of my favorite YouTube gun guys, and like many others, I learned quite a bit over the last few years from watching him. He was a force for good in the gun community, and he will be missed. Godspeed, sir . . ." ...

TX: Jewelry Store Owner Shoots and Kills Burglar With Shotgun, Suspects Family Speaks Out (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to local media reports, 41-year-old Robert Trevino smashed the glass of the front door of a jewelry store in Elgin, TX around 1am this morning."

"The store owner happened to be in the back of the store. After hearing the commotion, the owner armed himself with a shotgun and confronted Trevino in the front of the store."

"Trevino was facing the owner and holding a hammer in his hand. That’s when the owner fired a single shot that police say killed the suspect instantly."

"The owner then walked out the front door and noticing Trevino’s truck had two accomplices inside, opened fire on the vehicle."

"... Both women ... were arrested for involvement in the crime." ...

MI: Flint homeowner shoots and kills teen during alleged break-in, police say
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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"A homeowner shot and killed a 17-year-old man who was allegedly breaking into his home, according to Flint police."

"The homeowner was sleeping when he awoke Tuesday just after midnight to the sound of his home being broken into, police say."

"The man fired his gun, striking one of the intruders inside the home on Bradley Avenue near Court Street."

"The suspect was found dead about a block-and-a-half away in front of a party store."

"Three other suspects were also arrested and lodged in the Flint City Lockup pending home invasion charges. The incident remains under investigation." ...

Defensive gun reports for the month of March
Submitted by: Justin

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"The return of the Defensive Gun Use Report! We've been away a long time because of a lot of other projects. The stories were still getting posted but nobody was around to compile them into the report. That's over and we're back to sharing what can be found in the media on DGU's." ...

"On to the good stuff. For those of you who are ADD, the short version is:
- 101 Total Defensive Gun Uses that made enough media coverage to be found
- Texas lead the way (as usual)
- Florida came in second
- Detroit residents fought back
- Women reminded people why gun control can impact them the most
- An armed attacker took a shotgun blast to the balls" ...

It Should Have Been A Defensive Gun Use: Florida Bear Attack Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A couple of years ago, just before the school run, as a weak winter sun struggled to light-up the sky, I went outside to put some trash in the bin on the street. As I turned to head back to the house, I came face to face with a coyote. This in suburban Providence, RI. He looked at me. I looked at him. My hand went to my gun. The coyote went towards Presidents Avenue. I mention this because a) coyote attacks are a thing, b) so are bear attacks, and c) a gun is a good thing to have on your person when animals attack. For example . . ." ...

CT: Authorities not yet enforcing weapons law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State police are still wading through the 50,000 assault weapon and high-capacity magazine applications received last year prior to a Jan. 1 deadline. Current owners were required to register their weapons under state legislation passed in the wake of the Newtown massacre."

"While gun owners who didn’t register could face a Class D felony conviction carrying a maximum of five years in prison, state police spokesman Lt. Paul Vance said there are no plans for enforcing the law right now."

"'We’re still in the processing stage,' he said. 'We have no plans over and above that.'" ...

NY: Angry New Yorkers shred gun registrations in deadline day protests
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Firearms’ owners and Second Amendment activists in New York made it loud and clear to lawmakers that they weren’t on board with a new gun registration law that took effect on Tax Day, gathering in downtown Buffalo and shredding the very documents they were supposed to fill out and sign."

"The protest drew dozens and was aimed at turning back the legislative tide of the hastily passed SAFE Act that as of April 15 bans state residents from buying certain types of weapons and requires those who already own those types of weapons to register them with the government." ...

NY: Despite deadline, protesters ‘will not comply’ with SAFE Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Owners of assault-style weapons were supposed to have registered their guns by Tuesday."

"But there is no way of knowing exactly how many of these weapons there are in the state and how many were registered under the NY SAFE Act."

"The state refuses to say how many were registered, claiming it is confidential information protected by the law."

"Gun-rights advocates estimate compliance will be less than 10 percent."

"And in Erie County, the sheriff says he will not force his deputies to enforce registration." ...

NY: Gun owners shred documents to protest SAFE Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun owners and Second Amendment rights advocates gathered in downtown Buffalo’s Niagara Square Tuesday afternoon to protest the NY SAFE Act by shredding gun registration forms."

"April 15, 2014 marks the deadline for when people who owned assault weapons prior to the passage of the SAFE Act were supposed to register them with New York State."

"The SAFE Act redefines an 'assault weapon' as almost any semi-automatic weapon with a 'military-style feature,' including a telescoping stock, long guns with a pistol grip, or the ability to hold a detachable magazine." ...

NY: Report: Up to one million New York gun owners set to disregard gun control law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"April 15 is not only tax day, it is also the deadline for New York gun owners to register their 'assault weapons' and high-capacity magazines in accordance with the SAFE Act, the new gun control law signed by Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo last year. But, Bearing Arms said Monday, as many as one million gun owners in that state appear ready to disregard the law, citing a report at Forbes."

"According to Bearing Arms, unofficial estimates suggest that just 3,000-5,000 of the estimated 1-2 million firearms redefined as 'assault weapons' under New York’s new law have been registered. ..." ...

How did John Boehner's opponent get his campaign ad to go viral? Humor. (+video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Some old themes have come back this cycle, such as the candidate showing off his firearms prowess by shooting a piece of legislation. In 2010, Democratic Senate candidate Joe Manchin of West Virginia literally took aim at his own party’s environmental legislation, known as 'cap and trade.'"

"Democrats weren’t too happy with the ad, but Mr. Manchin won the race. They were happy about that."

"This cycle, it’s a GOP House candidate in Alabama, Will Brooke, wielding various firearms in a show of Second Amendment support as he shoots a rather hefty printout of the Obamacare law." ...

AR: Colonel Conrad Reynolds Preparing for 2nd Congressional District Race (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Colonel Conrad Reynolds shares how he is preparing for the 2nd Congressional District seat. He talks about his main issues being: Veteran Affairs, The Second Amendment, Balanced Budget, Education Reform, Lower Taxes, Pro Life and Limited Government." ...

WA: Wash. gun control backers plan Wednesday event on heels of poll
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Backers of an 18-page gun control measure will gather Wednesday morning at the Seattle Center ostensibly to 'mark multiple anniversaries of mass shootings in America,' according to the Seattle, but there will doubtless be plenty of talk about the results of a new Elway poll released today regarding Initiatives 591 and 594."

"The Seattle Times this afternoon reported the results of an Elway poll, conducted with 504 voters via telephone April 9-13. Elway released the results of that survey Tuesday morning, noting that 55 percent of the respondents 'were inclined' to vote for I-591, 72 percent 'were inclined' to support I-594, and 40 percent said they 'were inclined' to vote for both initiatives." ...

WV: Mingo’s Marcum receives ‘A-plus’ from NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association’s political arm has announced its ratings and endorsements of candidates in the May 2014 primary."

"Several coalfield candidates received either 'A' or 'A-plus' ratings from the group that advocates for gun ownership. Two incumbent coalfield House Democrats, Justin Marcum and Rupie Phillips, earned the top score of 'A-plus.'"

"The NRA’s Political Victory Fund scores legislators and candidates based on their recorded or stated position on various issues related to Second Amendment rights, as seen by the largely conservative group. In fact, the organization’s explanation of what grades mean says an 'F' goes to a candidate who is a 'true enemy of gun owners' rights.'" ...

ID: PRIMARY: Back these 6 candidates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Why is the 2014 Attorney General’s race important?"

"One of the major issues facing all Americans is the federal government’s relentless pursuit of gun control and the disarming of law abiding Americans."

"With this in mind, I would like to inform Second Amendment advocates that they have an enemy in the Idaho State Attorney General’s office. For all intents and purposes, Lawrence Wasden is the Eric Holder of Idaho." ...

PA: Tom Wolf wrong for Pa.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... Your stance on gun rights is interesting. I’m glad you think that by infringing on my Second Amendment right as a U.S. citizen that you will protect me and others from violent crime. Dictating to me what weapons I may or may not buy at this time will do nothing to stop bad people. This may come as a surprise to you but criminals, by definition, will not follow your archaic and emotionally fueled laws. My Constitution was written to protect me from people like you. " ...

NC: NRA endorses U.S. Senate candidate Thom Tillis
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund has endorsed Republican Thom Tillis in North Carolina’s U.S. Senate primary."

"Victory Fund chairman Chris Cox called Tillis 'a champion on Second Amendment issues.'" ...

WA: Dueling Gun Initiatives Could Both Pass
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new poll is out today showing that two competing gun initiatives on the November ballot are both ... heading to victory in November. The survey, though, reveals that there is a much voter confusion over what the conflicting background check measures actually do."

"The results ... found that 72 percent were inclined to vote for Initiative 594, which would require criminal background checks on gun show and Internet firearm sales in Washington."

"But the poll also found that 55 percent were inclined to vote for Initiative 591. Sponsored by Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation,. I-591 seeks to prevent any state-level gun regulations that haven’t been enacted nationally" ...

‘Small Arms Treaty’ a violation of rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have honorably served in the United States military and I am a retired police officer. Through my entire adult life I have sworn to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution and continue to do so proudly."

"Once again I see another threat to our Constitutional rights. With the full backing of the Obama administration, the United Nations is attempting to enact the 'Small Arms Treaty,' which would clearly 'infringe' upon our Second Amendment rights. In fact, Article V of the Treaty mandates that countries establish a 'National Control List' (a national gun registration database). Gun registration is the just the first step toward outright gun confiscation. ..." ...

MO: Senate Debates Bill Nullifying Federal Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With only weeks left in the legislative session, senators considered a House-passed bill that would nullify any federal attempt to limit gun ownership in Missouri."

"The bill, sponsored by Rep. Doug Funderburk, R-St. Peters, passed through the Missouri House earlier this month, and was debated by the Senate General Laws committee on ... April 15."

"If passed, the bill would declare invalid any federal law that infringes on a Missourian’s Second Amendment rights. It would also give school districts the option to designate specially trained teachers to carry concealed weapons on school grounds. Democratic opposition of the bill claims that more public opinion is needed to decide whether or not guns should be allowed in schools." ...

CO: Castle Rock council approves open carry special election
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Castle Rock Town Council has agreed to let voters decide whether or not to repeal the town's ban on openly carrying firearms in town-owned buildings and parks."

"The approval came Monday after a successful petition against council's vote to repeal the ban in January."

"The special election must be set for late summer or early fall, the city announced Tuesday." ...

NY: NY Safe Act's chance of repeal? 'Highly unlikely,' say some behind the effort
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Any repeal of the NY Safe Act in this session is 'highly unlikely,' says one supporter of a small, but vocal, effort to erase the state's latest version of gun control laws."

"'It's tough,' said Assemblyman Bill Magee, D-Nelson. 'It's going to be extremely difficult. It's probably highly unlikely.'"

"Today is the deadline for gun owners to register semi-automatic guns that were legal before Jan. 15, 2013, the day Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the new definition of an assault weapon into law." ...

AK: Coghill’s campus guns bill halted
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill that would allow people to conceal carry handguns onto University of Alaska campuses has been holstered."

"Senate Bill 176 sponsor Sen. John Coghill, R-North Pole, said on Tuesday that with less than a week before the end of session he told the Senate Finance Committee, where the bill sits, not to take up the bill." ...

TN: Constitutional Open Carry defeated in House committee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last night, contrary to a 6 pm report by WVLT anchor Ted Hall, the House Finance Subcommittee voted 10-1 to defeat the Constitutional Carry bill, making it apparently DOA for this legislative session. Liberty lost this time."

"Knoxville Police Chief David Rausch weighed in with tired, disproven arguments about the old wild west, prompting this column to write him," ...

AK: Big ideas, little support for them: But volatile subjects in Legislature did lead to good public involvement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The second session of the 28th Alaska Legislature is coming to an end, and with it will die several pieces of legislation. Many don’t get much attention; some don’t even get much of a hearing before being ignored for the rest of the time lawmakers are in Juneau."

"Others get a lot of attention — and perish because of it."

"That’s certainly the case with some high-profile proposals of the current Legislature: one to strip the University of Alaska Board of Regents of its ability to limit the presence of guns and knives on its campuses ..." ...

Documents: 'Fast and Furious' guns found their way to El Paso and Columbus, NM
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Smugglers from Arizona being monitored through the U.S. government's Operation Fast and Furious helped supply firearms to a gun-trafficking ring led by officials in Columbus, N.M., according to court documents." ...

Bundy Ranch - What You're Not Being Told (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are some very powerful people who have done their best to cover up what really happened at the Bundy ranch in Clark County Nevada. Fortunately they failed."

"In this we're going to present you with evidence of blatant corruption and criminal activities that anyone, including law enforcement, can easily verify."

"But before we go into the details, it's important to acknowledge here, that the political left and the political right are watching this crisis through very different eyes. ... underneath the appearances there is something here that all Americans need to see, whether they consider themselves conservative, liberal or none of the above." ...

MN: North Mankato cop faces drug charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"North Mankato police detective is accused of stealing OxyContin."

"Officer Jeremy Swenson has been charged with four felony counts after he was accused of taking the prescription drugs from a friend." ...

OH: Timberlake police chief, officer arrested and jailed in Lake County
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The police chief of the Lake County community of Timberlake is jailed, along with an officer there."

"38-year-old police chief David Phillips, and 36 year old Officer Ann Murray, were arrested Friday in Parma." ...

"A Lake County grand jury found the pair stole property or services valued at $7500.00 or more, and used their status as public officials to 'aid in committing the offense'." ...

KS: Wichita Cops Take Aim at Black Men
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Herington claims Williamson shot her son to death merely because he was in a white car, and the officer had heard a report of a drive-by shooting coming from a white car. ... Herington claims her son was complying with Williamson's order to stop and turn around, raising his hands into the air, when William shot at him five or six times, then shot him three more times in the back as he lay on the ground. The black bag contained only a few personal items; her son was unarmed, Herington says."

"She claims Williamson had shot his gun while on duty in two previous incidents, claiming that people had shot at him, but that 'The WPD could not substantiate Officer Williamson's stories from any of the shootings.'" ...

NY: 'I will never know why I got in the car'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rensselaer Police Chief Rick Fusco doubled over with his face in his hands on Friday as his son apologized in court to the family of his best friend, who was killed in an alcohol-related crash a year ago."

"Former Rensselaer police officer Mark Fusco was sentenced to three to nine years in prison as part of a plea agreement. In March 2013, his speeding car slammed into a tree on Third Avenue Extension, killing his passenger, Sean M. Murphy, 22, a Union College student." ...

PA: Legal experts question prosecuting South Fayette boy for recording bullies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "South Fayette police Lt. Frank Kurta charged sophomore Christian Stanfield, 15, with disorderly conduct on Feb. 12 when his mother confronted school administrators about students bullying her son on a seven-minute recording he took on his iPad one day earlier. The school's principal, Scott Milburn, initially told police he believed he had a 'wiretapping incident.'"

"Stanfield's mother said he was diagnosed with a comprehension delay disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and an anxiety disorder. He told South Fayette District Judge Maureen McGraw-Desmet that he made the recording to show his mother the extent to which he was being bullied, according to a transcript of the March 19 hearing." ...

NY: Federal Agent Tried to Blame Him for an Accident — Little Did He Know This Key Piece of Evidence Existed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A video circulating on the Internet appears to show a member of the U.S. Border Patrol crash into a civilians car — then wrongly blame the accident on the other driver, probably not knowing his dash-camera recorded the entire incident."

"The April 10 video shows a man coasting through a New York intersection when a U.S. Border Patrol van with it’s siren on suddenly makes a left turn in front of him, causing him to crash into it." ...

"According to a police report posted by Ted, the agent reiterated the same talking points to authorities, telling them that Ted had run a red light."

"Little did the agent know, the entire incident had been captured on a dash-cam video. It shows that Ted’s light was, in fact, green." ...

IL: Chicago Police Supt. Blames Lax Gun Laws for Weekend Shootings, Murders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last weekend at least 36 people were shot in Chicago, four fatally. reports that Police Supt. Garry McCarthy’s getting heat for failing to curtail the 'gun violence.' When pressed, McCarthy put the focus on the locus of the problem: Chicago’s gangs and the politicians who protect them. OK, the gangs. And weak gun control laws. 'McCarthy said police have identified some gang rivalries at work in some of the most recent shootings, and were moving to intervene; but the superintendent said ‘lax state and federal gun laws’ thwart the department’s efforts.' You mean there aren’t enough laws to charge people who shoot people unlawfully? No, of course not! It’s about . . ." ...

He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself. — Thomas Paine

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