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Newslinks for 4/18/2008

David Codrea: Arguing for Gun Choice
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The original name of Mr. Horwitz' group was the National Coalition to Ban Handguns. There is no reason to think that goal has changed, yet he presents the 'gun show loophole' argument as the centerpiece of his legislative agenda — even though a Bureau of Justice Statistics survey concluded that over 99% of criminals get their guns from other sources."

"I am glad he has 'resolved to do all [he] can to prevent another similar tragedy,' but with thousands of citizen disarmament laws on the books at the federal, state and municipal level, I'm wondering when enough will be enough. In truth, we've tried things Mr. Horwitz' way, and all anyone will ever be able to do continuing down that path is 'watch in horror.' And go to memorials." ...

Mike Vanderboegh: Untouchable
Submitted by: Chris Horton

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... "'Another example is the manufacture of firearms. Can you imagine the prospect of unregulated manufacture of firearms to the public? The current situation with all its regulations is violent enough. An unregulated firearms industry will be more violent than what we have today.'"

"Actually, I CAN imagine the prospect of unregulated manufacture of firearms and their subsequent sale to the public. We actually had this common sense system for hundreds of years before the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Gun Control Act of 1968. You know, not even King George III thought to regulate colonial gunsmiths. We had to wait for 20th century liberalism to think that one up. And as usual, it didn't start out to be anything more than another way to tax the common man." ...

Waving the Bloody Shirt
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"One of the least attractive features of the anti-gun movement and its cheerleaders in the press is their ghoulish exploitation of murder to advance their own political ends. Amanda Ripley of Time is using the Virginia Tech dead as a platform upon which to stand and repeat her tired argument for truncating Americans' Second Amendment rights. It's an altogether unimpressive performance from the not-especially-talented Miss Ripley, and the worst of it is trotting out the myth that a magical 'loophole' exempts firearms sales at gun shows from background checks and other restrictions." ...

If the do-gooders really want to save the children, they should forget about guns and focus on doctors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last month, actor Dennis Quaid took to the airwaves on 60 Minutes to speak out about a medical mistake that nearly took the life of his newborn twins. Quaid just can't seem to understand why more people aren't aware of the problem ..."

"Perhaps the reason more people aren't aware of this problem is because people like Dennis Quaid have a history of spending too much time ranting about issues that impact far fewer lives, sucking up available air time ..."

"You see, according to the NRA-ILA, Dennis Quaid is among a group of celebrities who has 'lent their name and notoriety to anti-gun causes, speaking out for anti-gun legislation and providing a voice for anti-gun organizations.'" ...

Arms bared: Racist origins of the 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Racial politics dominated the talk in Washington after Barack Obama called on Americans to stop ignoring the country's racist past and move forward. The message apparently didn't reach the U.S. Supreme Court, where the justices were busy ignoring race during a hearing on the biggest case of the year."

"On the same day Obama gave his big speech, the court heard oral arguments in D.C. v. Heller, a case challenging the District of Columbia's 30-year-old law banning handgun ownership. ... Heller is mostly about gun ownership, but it's also about race— not that you would know that from the oral arguments." ...

Activists protests lax gun laws on anniversary of shootings
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"For three minutes, a silent crowd of demonstrators filled the steps of the Supreme Court with their lifeless bodies on the one year anniversary of the shootings at Virginia Tech in an appeal for stricter gun laws."

"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence sponsored the lie-in, which attracted prominent activists including the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke and Virginia Tech shooting survivor Elilta Habtu. The District was one of about 70 U.S. locations expected to hold held the protest."

"'The greatest tragedy is not learning from the tragedy that occurred one year ago today,' Jackson said." ...

Dingell-McCarthy Statement on the One Year Anniversary of the Virginia Tech Tragedy
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Representatives John D. Dingell and Carolyn McCarthy released the following statement today, which marks the one year anniversary of the Virginia Tech tragedy:"

"'One year ago, a sick young man killed thirty-two of his fellow students and wounded many more on the campus of Virginia Tech University. Our thoughts and prayers are with the survivors of this tragedy, the family members of the victims, and all those members of the Virginia Tech community who have been affected. This tragedy was all the more regrettable because it could have and should have been prevented. The gunman had been adjudicated mentally ill by the state of Virginia, and under existing law should not have been able to purchase the guns he used to kill his classmates.'" ...

Arms and the Right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Like the Third Amendment against the peacetime quartering of soldiers in private homes, the Second Amendment used to be one of those obscure constitutional provisions that Americans could safely ignore. Legal opinion was agreed: this relic of the late eighteenth century did not confer an individual right ... While a few gun nuts insisted on their Second Amendment right to turn their homes into mini-arsenals, everyone else knew they were deluded. Everyone knew this because the Supreme Court had supposedly settled the matter by unanimously dismissing any suggestion of an individual right in 1939." ...

MN: Homeowner thwarts burglars, provides clue that leads to arrests
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A homeowner who chased off two burglars during a home invasion and fired a gun at one of them might have provided the clue that led Wright County Sheriff's deputies to the suspects."

"The homeowner woke up about 5:50 a.m. Tuesday to find two thieves inside his house ... He grabbed his gun and fired as he chased one of the suspects down a flight of stairs and into the yard. The suspect got into a Chevy Tahoe that had been reported stolen about 75 minutes earlier and drove away ..."

"The homeowner went back inside his residence and found that the second suspect escaped through a window. He also found that several items had been taken, the sheriff said." ...

OH: Slain woman's family blames 911 dispatchers
Submitted by: Michael T. Hughes

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"Franklin County 911 dispatchers heard a woman’s cries for help, her face being repeatedly slapped and her phone being ripped from the wall but did not explain the seriousness of the domestic-violence call to the responding police officer, the woman’s family claims in a wrongful-death trial that began today."

"The Franklin Township officer who responded to Deborah Kirk’s apartment knocked on the door but left when no one answered, the lawsuit says. Kirk was found beaten and strangled the next day." ...

"Marvin T. Moss, Kirk’s estranged boyfriend, later confessed to holding her down, his hand over her mouth, as the officer knocked. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: 9-1-1 fails again!

VA: Virginia Tech remembered
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"April 16 always will hold a different meaning for those of us who remember the shootings that took place at Virginia Tech a year ago. With the one-year anniversary of the massacre, numerous questions arise." ...

"There seems to be something horribly wrong with our generation that causes this sort of violence. Our parents' generation had no 'Virginia Techs,' no 'Columbine High Schools' ..." ...

"Some argue concealed weapons should be allowed on campus to deter shootings, and professors should be allowed to carry guns while they teach. Are these people delusional?"

"If everyone packs heat, how would the authorities find out if someone plans to shoot up the school?" ...

Clinton, Obama Play Both Sides of Gun Issue
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Sens. Hillary Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois, still scrapping for the Democratic presidential nomination, tried to reconcile their gun-control records with their professed campaign-trail support for gun ownership on Wednesday night."

"Both candidates bowed to the nation's hunting culture -- yet insisted that 'common sense' should prevail. Both candidates said they support and respect an individual's right to own guns, but the positions they endorsed -- an "assault weapons" ban, expanded police access to federal gun-trace data, and keeping guns out of the 'wrong hands' -- are straight out of the gun-control play book." ...

The Democrats and Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Imagine an election race of Pat Robertson versus James Dobson, each of them appearing at organic grocery stores and Starbucks throughout Massachusetts, with each candidate insisting that he alone deserves the vote of gay-marriage advocates. An equally silly spectacle is taking place these days in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Indiana, West Virginia and Kentucky, as Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama compete for the pro-gun vote."

"Mr. Obama supports the Second Amendment – or so his surrogates have been claiming all over Pennsylvania ... The effort was set back last weekend with the publication of Mr. Obama's remarks claiming that people in small towns ... 'cling' to guns because they are 'bitter' ..." ...

MA: Candidate supports college club's push for student weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A U.S. Senate candidate supported some Framingham State College students who said yesterday, on the anniversary of the Virginia Tech shootings, that they want the ability to protect themselves."

"Jeff Beatty, a Republican from Harwich who is vying for the Senate seat held by John Kerry, appeared at a forum yesterday hosted by students at the campus. Members of the college's conservative group have said students should have the option to carry a weapon on campus for protection. The school also is considering whether to issue guns to its police force." ...

MT: Obama's stance on guns is wrong for Montana
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When it comes to gun rights, Barack Obama isn't shooting straight with Montana."

"I'll be the first one to admit, Barack Obama is one of the finest political orators I've ever heard. But he can't talk his way out of this simple fact: his views on the Second Amendment are simply out of step with the values of a vast majority of Montanans. Through both his words and his deeds, Barack Obama has shown that if elected President, he will try and take away many of the freedoms we hold dear n freedoms that were bestowed upon us by our nation’s Founding Fathers." ...

At State Level, More Attempts to Limit Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State lawmakers across the country are ramping up efforts to pass new restrictions on guns, following nearly a decade in which state legislative efforts have been dominated by gun advocates."

"Much of the proposed legislation — some 38 states are considering gun-related bills — focuses on cutting off gun access to convicted criminals and the mentally ill and on improving methods to trace guns used in crimes."

"Underlying many of the proposals is an effort to redefine the gun debate as a law enforcement issue, rather than one that focuses on broad-based gun ownership, to sidestep prickly Second Amendment concerns." ...

OH: Bill sets self-defense rule
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If a man's home is his castle, then that man has every right to shoot an intruder who would dare to break in."

"That's the gist of Senate Bill 184, the so-called Castle Doctrine. It presumes that a resident acted in self-defense if he or she used force against someone who unlawfully enters the person's home or occupied vehicle. Pushed by the National Rifle Association, the bill passed the Senate unanimously yesterday and now moves to the House."

"Sen. Stephen Buehrer, R-Delta, said his bill is 'affirming a fundamental exercise of Ohioans' Second Amendment rights.'" ...

MI: Michigan House Bills 4490 and 4491 Pass House
Submitted by: Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners

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... "These bills would (1) eliminate the current requirement in the Michigan handgun licensure law that pistol owners obtain safety inspection certificates; (2) require that all existing records of inspection certificates maintained by local and state law enforcement officials be destroyed; and (3) eliminate the misdemeanor crime of failing to have one's pistol inspected." ...

IL: Illinois should pass concealed carry law
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The morning paper indicates that, not unlike Jesse Jackson bringing his own demonstrators to Decatur some months ago, our governor brought his own Chicago lobbyists to Springfield to pass a bill limiting the purchase of handguns to one a month for Illinois residents. For whatever good that would do? A bit ironic, because handguns are illegal in Chicago anyway. Wiser downstate heads prevailed, and the bill did not pass, at least not this time."

"The illegal purchase of a handgun on certain street corners in Chicago is likely just as easy as buying drugs. Which is to say, as simple as falling off a log. It is disingenuous to equate down state with metropolitan Chicago." ...

IL: House votes down gun sale restriction
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Against the backdrop of the Virginia Tech massacre anniversary, Illinois House members on Wednesday voted down added gun restrictions here."

"The proposal would have required that people wanting to sell or give guns to someone else would have to go to a licensed gun dealer and have a background check done. The provision was designed to crack down on private sales and transfers that are not subjected to background screenings."

"The restriction -- which came two votes short of approval -- would have applied only to handguns. The vote was 58-58."

"Supporters said the restriction is needed to reduce gun violence, particularly in Chicago." ...

PA: Judge blocks Philadelphia from enforcing new gun laws
Submitted by: jac

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"A judge on Thursday temporarily blocked the city from enforcing five gun-control ordinances pending a challenge from the National Rifle Association."

"The NRA argues that state law prevents Pennsylvania municipalities from regulating guns, a view that even the city's crime-weary district attorney shares."

"'The city has no basis to pass any of these gun-control ordinances and they know it,' lawyer C. Scott Shields argued on the NRA's behalf."

"City lawyers contend that Philadelphia can pass gun-control ordinances if the laws are outside the scope of state measures. As an example, lawyer Mark Zecca told the judge that one Pennsylvania county had banned guns at its courthouse." ...

OK: Oklahoma Sheriff Charged With Running Sex-Slave Operation From Jail
Submitted by: jac

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"The sheriff of Custer County resigned on Wednesday just as federal prosecutors filed 35 felony counts against him for allegedly running a sex-slave operation at the jail."

"Mike Burgess quit the position he'd held since 1994 shortly before appearing in court on 14 counts of second-degree rape, seven counts of forcible oral sodomy and five counts of bribery by a public official."

"Burgess ... was released from custody after posting $50,000 bail. ..."

"Among other things, Burgess is accused of having sex with a female drug court participant who was in his custody. The crimes allegedly occurred between October 2005 and April 2007." ...

OH: Gun show promoter takes time out to chase down 'no-guns' signs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To residents of southwest Ohio, the name Goodman is synonymous with some of the best gun shows in the state."

"But Buckeye Firearms Association has long been familiar with the fact that the men involved in Bill Goodman's Gun & Knife Shows are also pro-gun activists who stay intimately involved with the daily battle to protect and defend our Constitutional right to bear arms."

"Dave Goodman took the time to email a local restaurant about a newly-posted 'no-guns' sign, and the following correspondence from the 17-store Donato's Pizza chain proves it was time well spent." ...

NY: Keep information on permits private
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Under no conditions should anyone other than law enforcement have access to pistol permit records! Would-be robbers, criminals, drug dealers -- or anyone who has been denied a permit -- would have a field day. Let's just invite them over for dinner!

On another note, does anyone worry about having their child spend the night over at Tommy's, when his dad or police officer mom has a gun? Parents should ask these questions, and be bold, don't be shy. You as parents have the right to know your child is safe. Are the guns locked up? Do any have trigger locks?

Please keep our Second Amendment clean and private; its our God-given right.

Let freedom ring.

May God have mercy on us all.

Austin J. Lord

Port Crane

Australia: 'Convertible' guns banned
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"GUNS that can be easily modified to become lethal semi-automatics will be banned under laws to go before State Parliament today."

"Ministers believe some military-style weapons are being 'detuned' abroad to beat import laws -- then converted back on arrival here."

"Police Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon will get the power to declare such guns as category D and E, for use by the military and police only."

"The State Government fears guns are being tailored to be rated as category A, B and C -- able to be used by licensed civilians -- then turned into weapons that should be rated D or E."

"Police Minister Bob Cameron said such weaponry needed to be kept out of the wrong hands." ...

Gun control? It's the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I'm a bad guy, I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We'll see who wins. — Sammy "The Bull" Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

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