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Tactical Handgun Choices for the Organic Lifestyle - What Would Al Gore Pack?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today's progressive lifestyles often run into an unavoidable conflict with the tactical warrior mindset. Specifically, how does one balance one-shot stopping power with the desire to leave a carbon-neutral footprint?"

"In an effort to aid the eco-warrior in making environmentally friendly choices in carry gun and ammunition choices, this article will examine defending yourself and your family in the context of ecologically friendly manufacturing processes, components and recycling within the ccw paradigm."

"Is a metal gun's manufacturing process more harmful than the fossil-fuel intensive polymer materials in non-metal guns? Is a 9mm steel round greener than a 45 ACP jacketed lead hollow-point ..." ...

Comrades Against Arms
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"I simply cannot believe that this topic must be aired yet again, and I also cannot believe that I am hearing and reading, yet again, that 'constitutional scholars' are trying to determine what the Constitution really says about the individual right of private non-government citizens owning and keeping firearms. Precisely who is it that holds themselves out to be 'constitutional scholars?' I'll tell you who they are, but if you visit this site with frequent regularity, you already know who they are! They are communists, socialists, fascists, 'liberals,' Nazis and other similar forms of depraved humanity with diplomas from law schools!" ...

Second Amendment protects an already existing individual right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regarding the Scripps Howard column of March 24, 2008: 'Is gun ownership really an individual right?'"

"Ben Boychuck got it right in the column. The Second Amendment protects an individual right."

"Mind you, it does not give one a right. It protects a pre-existing, inherent right of self-defense. ..."

"... Joel Mathis, on the other hand, made an interesting point bringing up O.W. Holmes' observation that the First Amendment doesn't give one the right to yell 'fire' in a crowded theater."

"This is true, but no one is allowed to stuff a rag into your mouth upon entering that theater to prevent you from doing just that. That would amount to prior constraint – a la a handgun ban preventing you from defending yourself." ...

Later May Be To Late
Submitted by: chris horton

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... "In many ways it is easy to empathize if not identify with our forefathers because like them we are increasingly subjected to government oversight, regulation, taxation, and continual loss of our privacy."

"Now, with the Supreme Court 'looking into' the question of the Second Amendment, Americans are once again faced with the real problem of what response will be appropriate to any threat of being disarmed by a government out of control." ...

Another Pinhead Commentator Lives the Gun Control Dream
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As it becomes clear to the anti-gun minority that the District of Columbia v. Heller case will ultimately be decided in the favor of the Second Amendment as an individual right to bear arms, they are becoming increasingly hysterical."

"It is already clear their talking points are based on convincing people that 'over 70 years of legal precedent' needs to be overturned to find in favor of an individual right. As if saying over and over again that the Second Amendment as long since been held to be a collective right will change the inevitable or cast doubt on what appears to be a perfect storm for the pro-gun movement." ...

Second Amendment Applies to All, Say Americans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A large majority of adults in the United States believe the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the rights of Americans to own guns, according to a poll by Gallup released by USA Today. 73 per cent of respondents agree with this assessment."

"Conversely, 20 per cent of respondents think the amendment applies only to members of state militias such as National Guard units."

"The U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment guarantees Americans the right 'to keep and bear arms.' Some American states have enacted their own gun control regulations, independent of existing federal legislation." ...

Valhalla Training Center, LLC: The Future of Tactical Training Schools?
Submitted by: none

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"I started noticing advertisements about this school cropping up in several firearms publications, around a month ago. Valhalla Training Center, LLC is currently billing its curriculum as 'the most progressive reality-based training on the planet.' Big words. To use an even bigger word to describe that kind of language (for instance, if I were pedantic, which I'm not), I'd say it's 'hyperbolic'."

"Crazy thing is, Valhalla might actually be onto something interesting, at least from a marketing and branding standpoint. The Valhalla Training Center appears to be combining a serious tactical shooting/edged weapons combatives/hand-to-hand combat school with a high-end luxury resort fantasy camp for rich guys who are also James Bond fans. ...

Warnings of lead in venison irk hunters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thousands of pounds of venison donated to food pantries this year has become a contentious gift in three states."

"Officials in North Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa warn that the meat could be contaminated by lead from bullets. Hunting groups are calling it an overreaction."

"'It's alarmist and not supported by any science,' said Lawrence Keane, a vice president and lawyer for the ... National Shooting Sports Foundation ... 'High quality protein is now taken out of the mouths of needy, hungry people.'"

"North Dakota health officials on Wednesday told food pantries in the state to throw out donated venison, saying it may have lead fragments. Officials in Minnesota and Iowa followed with similar alerts ..." ...

Statement of Brady President Paul Helmke on the Passing of Rex D. Davis
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Paul Helmke ... issued the following statement on the day of the burial of former Federal law enforcement leader Rex D. Davis:"

"'The Brady Center ... and I are proud to pay tribute to Rex D. Davis, a great champion in the cause of preventing gun violence. Rex Davis ... and is being memorialized today ... He spent a lifetime protecting America, from his days flying combat missions in World War II, to his years working to stem the epidemic of gun violence here at home.'"

"'As the first Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Rex understood that we need to use every available resource, including strong laws, strong enforcement, and civil liability to prevent dangerous people from getting dangerous weapons. ...'" ...

IL: Chicago Pupils Push for More Gun Control
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Twenty desks — enough to fill a classroom — sat empty in a downtown plaza Tuesday, each bearing a pair of sneakers and representing a Chicago Public Schools student killed by gunfire this school year."

"Several hundred more sat empty in city schools, as busloads of teens skipped classes to attend a gun-control rally — their absences sanctioned by the district, whose CEO says he's angry that too many students talk about 'if' they grow up, instead of 'when.'"

"'This doesn't happen in other countries,' Arne Duncan said. 'We just value our right to bear arms more than we value our children, and our priorities are fundamentally backwards.'" ...

Supreme Court should recognize Second Amendment
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Supreme Court has agreed to hear, for the first time since 1939, a Second Amendment case, this time to arbitrate the constitutionality of individual rights to keep guns in their homes. By agreeing to review the District of Columbia's Federal Appeals Court ruling ... the court may shed light on the long standing controversy over the amendment’s meaning."

"The anti-gun faction insists quite vocally that the clause ... references a state militia. The original version of this clause contained but one comma after the word 'State' — the later addition of the first and third placed commas would not have survived the red pencil of my high school English teacher." ...

Guns and the law
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Does the U.S. Constitution protect the absolute right of Americans to own guns for personal use?"

"Never in our history has the Supreme Court ruled conclusively on this basic issue."

"Under the Second Amendment, which was ratified in 1791: 'A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.'"

"What this means is now being debated by the nine justices on the high court. Their decision, due in a few weeks, is expected to have a sweeping impact." ...

CO: Protect gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You would think that a 'supposedly' intelligent person such as the mayor of Washington, D.C., would guess that their gun ban is the very reason that Washington is the crime capital of the nation."

"If his house was on fire, would he put gasoline on it to put it out? (He likely would.)"

"It's been proved many times that more gun controls lead to more crime. When honest citizens are disarmed, they have no protection. The crooks are free and happy."

"Chicago is another example. The crime rate is out of sight, and the mayor wants to ban what guns aren't already banned. ..."

"We can only hope that the Supreme Court uses common sense on their ruling on the Second Amendment."

WA: Control in hands of court (fifth letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here comes Robert Dean, in a March 20 letter, 'Substitute interpretation,' wanting to take the Second Amendment right out of the Constitution and substitute 'read books' in place of 'keep and bear arms.' I admit that with a hardcover book, I can make a dandy book report by closing it abruptly, but that is hardly enough to scare off a burglar. Supposing we reword it to say: 'The right to bear books shall be closely regulated by the federal government, but the right to bear guns shall not be messed with.' That seems to me more the intent of the framers of the Constitution."

"I suppose, though, that the U.S. Supreme Court will 'reinterpret' the Constitution to say that guns are banned and books are allowed to run rampant. ..." ...

IA: Pizza Driver: "There Was No Way Out" (follow-up)
Submitted by: barbarossa58

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"A Des Moines pizza driver who was suspended from his job after he shot an armed robber said today he has been overwhelmed by support from people who cheered what happened."

"'But no one had contacted me directly about a job offer,' said James William Spiers III, 38, who was sent home with pay by Pizza Hut managers after he fired multiple shots at a man who put a gun to his head Thursday and demanded money ..."

"The suspect, Kenneth Jimmerson, 19, was arrested when he later called for medical help. ..." ...

"Spiers, who has a valid handgun permit, said he’s been 'pretty much in the dark' about his job since the incident. Vonnie Walbert, vice president of human resources ... said last week that employees are not allowed to carry guns ..." ...

MI: Ted Nugent's Western Michigan University RKBA Speech
Submitted by: Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners

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"People were shouting, clapping, and raising their hands to the sky, some sitting in the pews, others standing, but if there had been decent aisles they surely would have rolled on down with all the fervor one finds on a Sunday morning in an all-black church below the Mason-Dixon Line! It was a good day to give the devils some hell!" ...

"'SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED is not ambiguous. It means don't tread on me! It means leave me alone!'" ...

MI: Ted Nugent touts gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The atmosphere was more like a rock concert than a public speech as Ted Nugent brought his message of 'God, Guns and Rock 'n' Roll' to Miller Auditorium ..."

"The 'Motor City Madman' did not disappoint the near-capacity crowd as he spoke for more than two hours, answered questions and ended the night with a distortion-heavy version of 'The Star-Spangled Banner' on his electric guitar." ...

"Nugent ... was invited to Western Michigan University's campus by the College Republicans."

"An outspoken gun-rights advocate, Nugent spent much of the evening discussing how the U.S. Supreme Court has taken up the debate over gun control, hearing an important Second Amendment case last month out of the District of Columbia." ...

GA: A Group of Georgia Third Graders Plot To Attack Teacher
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"It's the type of news you don't expect to hear coming out of an elementary school."

"Nine third grade students suspended at Center Elementary in Waycross for an alleged plot to attack their teacher."

"'This plot was uncovered at the point that something dangerous was brought to the school,' says Lt. Dwayne Caswell with Waycross Police."

"'They had a broken steak knife, a crystal paper weight, toy handcuffs ...' says Lt. Caswell." ...

"The school district says all the students are suspended until further disciplinary action is decided." ...

"Police say no criminal charges will be brought forth against the students."

"The District Attorney is handling the case and students will most likely face juvenile charges of Unruly Child."

GA: 11 Students Plotted To Kill Third-Grade Teacher (another report)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Eleven students got together and plotted to kill their teacher, even going so far as to bring handcuffs and a knife to school, Waycross police said."

"One of the teacher's relatives said each child at Center Elementary School in Waycross had a job to do, including one assigned to wipe up the blood."

"The plot unraveled over the weekend when a student tipped off police ..."

"School officials said they never imagined that some of the 8- and 9-year-olds boys and girls at the school would think of bringing physical harm to a teacher ..." ...

"The children could face expulsion and criminal charges pending the investigation." ...

Submitter's Note: Thank goodness none of the little dears found a gun at home and decided to bring it in.

KABA Note: Well obviously they knew that guns were banned at school, that's why they planned to use a knife.

VA: George Mason University to Talk About Guns on Campus
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Since the tragedy at Virginia Tech in April of 2007, the debate about whether students, teachers and faculty members should be allowed to carry guns on campus has received a lot of attention."

"This week, that debate comes to George Mason University."

"The College Republicans and Students for Concealed Carry will hold a symposium about gun ownership, personal safety and the rules for guns on campus. ..."

"'If only the bad guys have guns, how are you going to protect yourself?'"

"GMU has a strict ban on guns and School Spokesman Dan Walsch says that is not likely to change. He says anyone not affiliated with the university who carries a gun on campus -- even with a permit -- will be asked to leave." ...

PA: It's Obama over Clinton for Pennsylvania Gun Owners
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gun owners in Pennsylvania, which has the highest per capita National Rifle Association membership in the nation, could provide Sen. Barack Obama with a key inroad to rural white voters who have so far backed Sen. Hillary Clinton, according to gun advocates. 'The gun vote matters,' says Ray Schoenke, founding president of the American Hunters and Shooters Association. And in Pennsylvania, he says, gun owners who follow key Washington legislation aimed at limiting ownership are moving in Obama's direction because of his support of past legislation to prohibit the use of federal money to confiscate weapons during a disaster like Hurricane Katrina. ..." ...

PA: House votes against requiring lost, stolen handgun reporting
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A proposal to require handgun owners to report to police when their weapons are lost or stolen was defeated Tuesday in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives."

"The 75-128 vote was a defeat for gun-control advocates who said it would have helped prevent criminals from using straw buyers to circumvent Pennsylvania's gun sales regulations."

"'Seventy-five is great, on one hand,' Rep. Dwight Evans, D-Philadelphia, said afterward. 'The reality is, we want to have a law on the books.'"

"Twenty Republicans voted for the measure - all from Philadelphia or its suburbs - and 81 were against it. Fifty-five Democrats supported it and 47 voted no." ...

FL: Businesses may not usurp constitutional rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In attacking the common-sense legislative proposals contained in SB 1130 and HB 503 ('Guns at work' affects more than one right,' My View, March 28), George A. Allen completely misses the mark."

"The right to keep and bear arms is clearly protected by both the U.S. Constitution and the Florida Constitution. 'Bear' means transport and 'keep' means you can take it with you. Further, the Florida Constitution specifically makes it clear that the right to keep and bear arms for self-defense is pre-eminent."

"Neither Constitution says 'except in a parking lot or on a piece of asphalt.' And lest we forget, the Constitution begins, 'We the People,' not 'We the Corporation.'" ...

OH: SB184: Castle Doctrine scheduled for another Senate committee hearing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Senate Bill 184, Ohio's Castle Doctrine bill, has been added to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice's agenda for Wednesday, April 2 at 10:00 a.m. in the Senate Building's North Hearing Room.

The purpose for Wednesday's hearing is so that the committee may adopt amendments via a substitute bill.

For more information on Ohio's Castle Doctrine legislation, see: Buckeye Firearms Association Endorses HB264/SB184; Castle Doctrine Legislation.

Thank you for responding to our call to use our Write to Legislators website feature to contact your legislators. Please encourage your friends and family to do the same.

OK: Panel won't hear state campus firearms bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A procedural move Monday killed a bill that would have allowed military veterans and others with firearms training to carry concealed weapons on campus."

"The Senate Appropriations Committee was scheduled to hear House Bill 2513 on Wednesday, but the measure ... was not listed Monday on the agenda. ..."

"'The bottom line is it's dead,' said Sen. Johnnie Crutchfield, D-Ardmore, co-chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee."

"'Both of us decided we didn't want to hear it,' said Sen. Mike Johnson, R-Kingfisher, the other committee co-chairman."

"President Pro Tempore Mike Morgan said legislators want to be sensitive of Oklahomans' Second Amendment rights, but 'we've got to be practical.'" ...

FL: Happiness isn't a warm gun at work
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What happens when the land of the free is pitted against the home of the brave?"

"Such is the case with the so-called 'guns at work bill.'" ...

"The Log joins chambers of commerce across the state that have taken aim at the bill. Destin's Shane Moody is leading the local charge."

"'Shouldn't the employers … be able to determine what can and can't be brought to their places of business?' Moody asks."

"Moody is dead on in his assessment that this bill really isn't about weapons at all. It is about big government eroding personal property rights." ...

KABA Note: Calling a tail, a leg doesn't make it one. This is not a 'gun at work' bill, it is a 'gun in permit holder's car' bill.

PA: House considers whether to require lost, stolen handgun reporting
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Pennsylvania House of Representatives edged closer Tuesday to voting on a goal of gun-control advocates, a measure to require handgun owners to report to police when their weapons are lost or stolen."

"The sponsor, Rep. David Levdansky, D-Allegheny, said the bill would prevent criminals from using straw buyers to circumvent Pennsylvania's gun sales regulations."

"Owners would have 72 hours after they learn a weapon is missing to report it. Police who come across an unreported lost or stolen handgun in a criminal investigation could charge a first-time offending owner with a summary offense."

"A second offense would be a misdemeanor, and a third offense would constitute a felony." ...

US Airways shot raises fears about guns on planes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The recent accidental discharge of a pilot's gun highlights tensions over whether the number of authorized guns aboard U.S. commercial aircraft translates into safer skies."

"A long list of travelers are permitted by law to carry guns on planes, including federal air marshals, certain pilots and law-enforcement agents traveling for business."

"Supporters of the practice insist that the presence of armed pilots and law enforcement agents ... cuts the chances of hijacking."

"But others argue that the sheer number of guns on planes greatly increases the likelihood of an accident such as the one on a US Airways flight on March 22, when a gun carried by a pilot went off during flight in the cockpit. No one was injured." ...

MN: Lakeville cop charged in teen pornography case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Lakeville police officer finds himself on the wrong side of the law, charged with using a camera to video tape and take pictures of minors involved in pornographic poses."

"According to a complaint filed today in Dakota County District Court, Nicholas Albert Reitmeier, 25, and friend Shin Taniguchi, 25, invited two 17-year-old girls to Reitmeier's Lakeville house on the morning of Dec. 23 where the men allegedly served them alcohol, then took pictures while the two girls kissed and fondled each other while they had some of their clothes off." ...

FL: Video Of Woman Pushed Down Stairs Prompts Calls For Charges Against Officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Video showing a woman being pushed down some stairs by a police officer that led to a battery charge against the woman has prompted calls for charges against the officer." ...

"Trinidad was caught on tape pushing Jessica Asprilla, 27, down some steps at the now-defunct Club Paris ..." ...

"Asprilla was charged with battery on the officer after she was pushed ..." ...

"An Orlando police investigation found Trinidad did push the woman, causing her ankle injury ..."

"Also, investigators said Trinidad entered 'inaccurate, false or improper information' in his report."

"But in January, Orlando Police Chief Val Demings issued only an eight-hour suspension for Trinidad's conduct." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

OH: Tallmadge City Removing Illegal 'No Guns' Signs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently we received a submission from OFCC supporter B. Clark showing just how powerful well written letters can convince public officials of their innocent mistakes."

"Thanks for Mike Kinsey's article Hamilton Township Removing Illegal 'No Guns' signs! I used this same letter to inform the Tallmadge City law Director of Public Service to relocate the gun signs in our parks to the building locations."
"It's always great to hear when others can reproduce success with the same initial effort. This isn't the first time OFCC or someone who has recreated what OFCC had done has been successful in this very same manner. ..." ...

NV: We're free at last in Nevada
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Having moved to Nevada almost five years ago from Modesto [CA], I still enjoy reading The Bee online. I especially enjoyed 'Letter writer is an 'apple-pie American' ... about Dan Cron, a friend. Dan is a perfect example of a real American and tells it like it is. My husband and I left California for most of the reasons Dan writes about."

"In Nevada, an honest citizen is able to get a permit to carry a weapon by passing a test and background check. The Second Amendment gives the right for citizens to bear arms, except in California and D.C. ..."

"My husband was born and raised in Modesto and had a hard time leaving family and friends. But the freedom Nevada offers more than makes up for that."

CA: Friends of the NRA Dinner to be held Saturday, April 12
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"This year's Friends of the National Rifle Association Dinner, a benefit for the shooting sports in the Indian Wells Valley, will be held Saturday, April 12, 2008. Tickets are going fast, and none are expected to be available at the door. Last year, people were disappointed, so get yours today."

"You don't have to be a member of the NRA to attend the Friends of NRA dinner."

"The event will be held at the Kerr-McGee center, with popular local celebrity, Eric Kauffman returning as Emcee."

"Dinner ticket prices are: Adult $40, Couple $75, Child under 15, $25. Each Ticket entitles you to: 1 Banquet Dinner, 1 Entry for Main Door Prize, 1 Drink Ticket, 1 Welcome/Appreciation Gift." ...

MA: Pistol Team Finishes in Fourth at NRA Intercollegiate Championship
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The MIT pistol team closed its season with a fourth-place finish at the [NRA] Intercollegiate Championship held the week of March 9. The team collected seven All-American awards, led by Edward S. Huo '08, who ranked fifth overall and earned All-America First-Team honors in free pistol, standard pistol, and air pistol. Fuzhou Hu '09 received air pistol Second-Team and free pistol Honorable Mention honors. Daniel Jang '10 and Christine T. Hsueh '10 earned Second-Team awards in free and air pistol, respectively."

"The Engineers captured a silver medal in the air pistol team championship with a total of 2,200 points, equaling the mark of national champion U.S. Naval Academy and finishing three points ahead of Ohio State University. ..." ...

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