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“Balanced” Gun Symposium Excludes Firearms Community From Panel
Submitted by: David Williamson

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What do you get when you combine the liberal bias of the bias of the media with an apparent “open” community event on the safe confines of a college campus, featuring leftists professors and researchers?

A witch hunt underhandedly attacking the Second Amendment.

MA: Texas Couple With Stockpile of Weapons Held Without Bail
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A husband and wife from Texas will be held without bail for four months as authorities continue to investigate why they had an arsenal including an AK-47, an AR-15 with a grenade launcher, a large-capacity shotgun, a bump stock and numerous rounds of ammunition in their Tewksbury hotel room. Francho S. Bradley, 59, and his common-law wife, Adrianne Jennings, 40, both of Frisco, Texas, were ordered held after a dangerousness hearing in Lowell District Court, six days after the weaponry was found in their room.

IL: CPD Releases March Crime Stats Touting 15 Percent Drop in Overall Citywide Crime
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Chicago Police Department released statistics for the month of March early Sunday that showed a significant drop in overall citywide crime, including decreases in both murders and shootings. The city's 2018 crime rate is down by 15 percent from the same time last year, according to CPD.

African-American Gun Rights Group Grows In The Age Of Trump
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Gun rights groups, including the NRA, have seen a rise in membership since the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., in February. But one group in particular has had a major increase well before that. The National African American Gun Association’s numbers tripled after the inauguration of President Trump.

UK: London Murder Rate Beats New York for Month as Stabbings Surge
Submitted by: jac

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The city of Big Ben and the tube that sits on the Thames River overtook New York in murders for the first time in modern history as the British capital dealt with a surge in knife attacks.

The Sunday Times reports that 15 people were murdered in London, against 14 in New York. Both cities are very diverse with large populations: London has over 8.7 million residents to New York’s 8.5 million.

In March, according to the British publication, there had been 22 killings in London versus 21 in New York.

Submitters note: Even if a ban on guns were possible, that won't stop violence, robberies and murder.

Open Range: Ready for Whatever the Weather
Submitted by: David Williamson

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I must confess I don’t recall too much about Helena winters when I was very young. I do remember my brother pushing me off the porch railing into the snow, where I wallowed around like an upside down turtle in my heavy snowsuit. And I either remember or have heard the story so many times I think I remember my brother and Tommy Patterson sledding down the hill on Harrison Street and looking up just in time to smack into a truck.

OPINION: Yes, They Are Coming for Your Guns – A Jew’s Perspective
Submitted by: David Williamson

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An opinion piece published at – by Bruce Bialosky

As Charlton Heston said: “From my cold, dead hands.”
The anti-gun movement has held out the falsehood that they are not coming after people’s guns as a central core of their effort to hide their existential goal. The lid was blown off that charade when a 97-year-old man who previously occupied a position at the top level of our country (retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens) advocated for the abolition of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in the paper of record – The New York Times.

Watch: The Sad And Ugly Truth About The Modern Newsroom
Submitted by: David Williamson

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“Objectivity” and “fair” and balanced journalism are simply superficial words that the majority of media members blatantly disregard after the first day of Communications 101. The assault on the truth and the degradation of reality is frighteningly evident with each line on the teleprompter that is skillfully read in newsroom across America.

FACTS MATTER! Afghan Vet Eviscerated Over Perhaps The Dumbest Anti-Gun Tweet Of All Time
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Anti-Gun Leftists are not interested in the facts or the truth if it interferes with their agenda. This is painfully obvious from what is being referred to as the dumbest tweet of all time.

Babes With Bullets: What One Training Academy Tells Us About Why And How Shooting Aims At Women
Submitted by: David Williamson

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For fun, Deb Ferns went to a shooting competition soon after her husband first gave her a gun at age 45. She lost terribly. “I think the only people I beat were the ones who fell down,” she remembers.

TX: 1 Dead, 2 Injured in Stabbing in Southeast Houston
Submitted by: David Williamson

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One person was killed and two others were injured in a stabbing in southeast Houston, police said. Police were called to the halfway house in the 6000 block of Hogue Street around 3:31 p.m. Saturday. According to investigators, a resident said two others were bullying him and he felt threatened.

These Florida Students Walked Out Of Class … To SUPPORT The Second Amendment
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Around 75 Florida students staged a different kind of walkout on Friday than what has been seen on the national news of late. Sporting at least one Gadsden flag and holding signs with messages like “I support the right to bear arms” and “guns don’t kill people, people kill people,” students from Rockledge High School in Brevard County, Florida wanted to make it clear that “not all students feel” the way other students nationally do when it comes to gun control.

MN: Pro-gun Rally Draws Over 1,000 to State Capitol
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Ted Nugent’s rocky version of the Star Spangled Banner kicked off the “2018 Capitol Rally for our Gun Rights” on Saturday. With American flags whipping alongside Gadsden flags, supporters, several of them armed, drove in from around the state for two reasons: To show their support for the Second Amendment and their disappointment of Minnesota legislators.

OR: Cowlitz County Libertarian Party Hosts '2nd Amendment Rally' in Longview
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Cowlitz County Libertarian Party hosted a '2nd Amendment Rally' in Longview, Washington Saturday. The event encouraged people to come show their 'support for an belief in our Constitutional Republic,' and 'stand with your countrymen against all forms of tyranny.'

CNN's Cuomo Wrongly Claims Liberal Justice Stevens Was Appointed By Reagan
Submitted by: David Williamson

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On Thursday's New Day on CNN, before a debate with Tim Schmidt of the Concealed Carry Association over whether the Second Amendment is in danger, host Chris Cuomo tried to bolster Second Amendment critic and liberal former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens by claiming that he was appointed by President Ronald Reagan when, in reality, he was appointed by President Gerald Ford -- a Republican President known for being less than conservative and actually a primary opponent to the more conservative Reagan.

Ron Jackson: Few Changes Since MLK's Death
Submitted by: David Williamson

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When you are 11 years old, you see things as only a child can — especially history in the making. However, one-half century later some things still look the same. As we reach the 50-year anniversary of the silencing of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I am trying to see things differently.

MN: Dakota’s Dad Put a Gun in Her Hand When She was 3 Years Old.
Submitted by: David Williamson

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It was a .22 rifle, “and I thought I scared her. She shot and she was very very quiet,” Todd Overland said. “And about a half an hour later she came up to me and said, ‘Dad, can I do that again?’” She tagged along on his hunting trips that same year.

NY: New Law Removes Guns from Abusers in Domestic Violence Cases
Submitted by: David Williamson

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"Fifty percent of the women that get murdered in this nation get murdered by an intimate partner" said Gov. Andrew Cuomo. With such startling numbers affecting women in our country, Cuomo has passed a new law to remove guns from abusers in domestic violence cases.

OR: 2018 Initiatives Could Include Votes on Guns, Abortion, Taxes
Submitted by: David Williamson

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When backers of restrictions on assault weapons announced an initiative drive for the Nov. 6 ballot, they echoed a refrain heard for over a century: If Oregon lawmakers won’t act, the people will. “We know that support for an assault weapon ban has been growing since Sandy Hook,” said Penny Okamoto, executive director of Ceasefire Oregon. “The Legislature has had five years to act on this.”

MI: 'Build Your Own AR-15' Class Draws Protesters
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Dozens of protesters gathered outside of a VFW post on Tuesday as a "Build Your Own AR-15" class was held inside. The AR-15 is the same military-style assault weapon used in several mass shootings in America. Organizers say the class is legal and was planned months ago, long before the mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida. The shooting prompted millions to take to the streets over the weekend calling for an end to gun violence through common sense gun laws.

WI: MMS Trap Team Hits The Range
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Meyer Middle School trap shooting team completed its first week of practice with 56 participants from grades 5-8 taking part in the fourth year of the program. All participants were required to attend an introduction to trap shooting night where kids are taught trap shooting range rules and etiquette and all guns are inspected and fitted. The team has 16 volunteer coaches, led by head coaches Belinda Hopp and Craig Rogaczewski, who teach the kids safety, rules of the range and tips to become better shooters.

Nuns, Fund Taking Gun Debate to Wall Street
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Some of Wall Street's heaviest hitters are stepping into the national debate on guns as investment firms ask firearms makers what they are doing about gun violence. The firms speak softly, but because they own trillions of dollars' worth of stock, their voices travel far. And they're now joining forces with some unusual allies, including smaller and untraditional investors. In this context, the investment fund BlackRock, which owns big stakes in three different gun makers, might end up working alongside a group of nuns.

WV: Deputies Investigating Shooting in Kanawha County
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Deputies say the evidence at the scene appears to back up the shooter's statement that the person was acting in self defense. At this time, deputies say, no charged are expected to be filed against the shooter. Law enforcement tells WSAZ the person shot is in stable condition and is still being treated for those gunshot injuries.

Interview with Erich Pratt Executive Director of Gun Owners of America
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Gun Owners of America is known as the “no compromise” gun lobby. Founded in 1976 by Bill Richardson, the organization, has been on the frontline of the battle to protect the Second Amendment. GOA has opposed everything from background checks to The Firearm Owners' Protection Act of 1986 (FOPA), which banned the private ownership of new machine guns.

“Conservative” Gov. Kasich Praises Anti-gun March; Gets Liberal-NeoCon Boost for 2020 White House Bid
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Ohio Governor John Kasich used his appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” program on March 23 to jump on the media-led, juvenile-exploiting, gun-control bandwagon known as “March for Our Lives.” Like Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, John Kasich is the kind of Republican CNN can be counted on to get behind. And the purpose of this particular CNN program with Kasich was to do precisely that: to promote his 2020 presidential race.

The power of the state is measured by the power that men surrender to it. — Felix Morley

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