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Newslinks for 4/21/2014

Gabriel Razzano: ‘Ineligible’ in NY, and Fighting Back
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Razzano himself became 'ineligible' after Rep. Carolyn McCarthy’s (D-NY 4th) office sicced the cops on him after an animated meeting over immigration issues, and they confiscated his legally registered weapons — nine rifles, 15 handguns, and his fiancée’s handgun. They revoked his pistol license three weeks later over his 'suitability.'"

"In other words, an American citizen, with no criminal charges against him, no convictions, no mental health diagnoses, no adjudication of any kind, was stripped of his supposedly Second Amendment-guaranteed rights essentially because he exercised those promised in the First Amendment." ...

More Victories For The Second Amendment Foundation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"PATRIOTS: Another month into 2014 means more victories for the Second Amendment Foundation."

"SAF’s latest victory came in New Mexico when the chief U.S. District Court judge granted a permanent injunction against the State of New Mexico’s 'citizens only' concealed carry law."

"This discrimination ruling makes it increasingly difficult for gun control advocates to chip away at gun rights. It helps build case law. If legal aliens have rights, citizens obviously do, too. The more people that have rights in the U.S, the harder it will be for the anti-gunners to take those rights away." ...

Lax Data Security at NAGR
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"On Friday evening we were contacted by Jeff Hulsey, a retired gunsmith from the Gulf Coast region of Texas. Jeff had a problem. Starting back in August of 2013 He began receiving emails at his personal email inbox, which is through the popular Gmail domain, that it did not appear were intended for him."

"The emails were from the National Association for Gun Rights, a Colorado based 501c4 organization with the stated purpose of 'Educating gun owners and gun rights’ supporters in gun rights issues both at the local and federal level'." ...

"What concerns Jeff is the fact that even though he is trying to point out the fairly obvious error that they are making that they are leaking personal information to an unknown source. ..." ...

Update: Facebook ‘Everytown’ pro-gun page taken down
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Less than 72 hours after gun rights activists outmaneuvered Michael Bloomberg’s launch of a $50 million 'Everytown for Gun Safety' effort by grabbing Facebook presence with that title, the page was taken down sometime late Friday or early Saturday and now people will find a Bloomberg site, but with angry comments posted by pro-gunners."

"But Facebook did not pull the page, according to Eric Reed, one of those responsible for launching the pro-gun grassroots effort to grab the 'Everytown' presence on the social media site. Late Saturday evening, Reed told Examiner via telephone that 'The page was not yanked by Facebook, it was pulled on our end.' Reed is founder of Gun Rights Across America." ...

A Gun Graphic that Will Depress Your Leftist Friends
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s easy to get discouraged if you believe in small government and individual liberty."

"It seems that the burden of the public sector is always expanding and that politicians and bureaucrats are always figuring out new ways to restrict our freedoms."

"But let’s not lose hope."

"We still have a lot of economic liberty, particularly if you count non-fiscal policy factors."

"And we still have the Second Amendment."

"Heck, we don’t just have the right to keep and bear arms, we exercise that right in massive numbers."

"Take a look at this impressive graphic. We’re #1 in some bad ways, but it seems we’re also #1 in a very good way." ...

Columbine anniversary should inspire revisitation of gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On April 20, 1999, the mass shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado shocked the nation and ignited a fierce debate about the Second Amendment that has raged in Congress and state legislatures ever since. Fifteen years after two armed students took 13 lives and then their own, this country continues to grapple with the politics of gun control. The long history and place of guns in American culture has all but ruled out a ban on handguns or assault weapons. However, lawmakers have not implemented appropriate measures that coincide with general public opinion." ...

Submitter's Note: Here's a "compromise gun bill" I can live with.

Former Mayor Bloomberg Challenges National Rifle Association (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sunday marks the 15th anniversary of the Columbine High School massacre, and on the national level the gun control debate continues to rage on. The former mayor of New York City made some headlines recently with the stance he took."

"One year ago last Thursday, the US Senate failed to pass a bill that would have required background checks for all firearm purchases in our country."

"The bill also would've banned military-style rifles and limited ammunition capacity. Recently, former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg said he will spend $50 million to take on the National Rifle Association to help make a climate more supportive of gun control." ...

Former Supreme Court Justice Stevens takes on the NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens is creating a stir with his new book, "Five Chiefs: A Supreme Memoir," in which he makes the case for six amendments to the Constitution, including amending the Second Amendment. The title of the book refers to the five chief justices that Stevens served with during his long tenure on the Court, but it also evokes the five-member ruling on guns that is at the center of his argument that change is needed." ...

S.E. Cupp: Michael Bloomberg Is ‘The Best, And By That, I Mean The Worst Face For Gun Control’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "After Zeleny’s repudiation of Bloomberg’s efforts, Cupp continued to dismantle Bloomberg:"
"Going after the NRA is a very odd thing. The NRA represents law-abiding gun owners, like myself, they don't represent criminals. They don't event represent gun manufacturers. So why Mayor Bloomberg is turning his figurative guns on people like me when there are criminals out there seems a very strange way to go about reducing gun crime. His efforts on this issue have been measurable failures." ...

Mayor Bloomberg has every right to spend his $50 million promoting his cause
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "As a senator, Reid has access to the media. Others have to buy it. On April 14, billionaire Mike Bloomberg announced he will spend $50 million of his money to lobby for more restrictions on guns in an effort to counter the National Rifle Association, which claims a membership of 5 million people."

"Good for him. Even the staunchest defender of the Second Amendment should recognize that it is his money and he has the God-given right to use his money to promote his ideas and work to elect and re-elect like-minded people."

"The First Amendment recognizes this right." ...

Pro-gun activists hijack Bloomberg’s new anti-gun Facebook page
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"File this under the early bird gets the worm."

"Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced this week that he plans to spend $50 million of his vast wealth to create a 'gun safety' group that he hopes will 'outmuscle' the NRA, according to The New York Times."

"But the new group, 'Everytown for Gun Safety,' was a little too slow on the draw when it came to getting control of the group name on Facebook, with pro-gun activists acquiring the name first, BuzzFeed reported." ...

OR: Carrying guns on the beach may be legal, but it's not civil
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let us consider the stories of two Oregon Coast men who enjoy walking on the beach but go about it in dramatically different ways."

"One man, Matt Love from Astoria, walks on the beach at least five times a week with his 15-year-old husky ... He just turned 50 and works as a writer, publisher and educator."

"The other man, Dustin Harris from Lincoln City, walks down Highway 101 and across the beach open carrying a rifle, pistol and a permitted concealed weapon and causes multiple people to call 911 and report a potentially dangerous situation. ..."

"The older man recently read an article about the younger man open carrying a rifle in Lincoln City and the beach and contacted him via Facebook, requesting an online interview ..." ...

Submitter's Note: How is this different from: Well of course colored people are allowed to use the beach! But it would be un-civil of them to actually do so . . .

The Rule of the Lawless -- Armed federal agents defend turtle habitat but fail to secure our national borders.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Deserts always feel like my natural habitat, and I am very fond of them. That being said, I have, for my sins, spent a fair amount of time in Clark County, Nev., and it is not the loveliest stretch of desert in these United States, or even in the top twelve. Protecting the pristine beauty of the sun-baked and dust-caked outskirts of Las Vegas and its charismatic fauna from grazing cattle — which the [BLM] seems to regard as an Old Testament plague — seems to me to be something less than a critical national priority. At the same time, the federal government’s fundamental responsibility, which is defending the physical security of the country, is handled with remarkable nonchalance: Millions upon millions ... have crossed our borders illegally ..." ...

The United States of SWAT? -- Military-style units from government agencies are wreaking havoc on non-violent citizens.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Regardless of how people feel about Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s standoff with the ... [BLM] over his cattle’s grazing rights, a lot of Americans were surprised to see TV images of an armed-to-the-teeth paramilitary wing of the BLM deployed around Bundy’s ranch."

"They shouldn’t have been. Dozens of federal agencies now have [SWAT] teams to further an expanding definition of their missions. It’s not controversial that the Secret Service and the Bureau of Prisons have them. But what about the Department of Agriculture, the Railroad Retirement Board, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Office of Personnel Management, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? All of these have their own SWAT units ..." ...

TX: Houston, Texas Resident Shoots Home Invader Twice in the Gut
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At around 4:50am on 4/20/14 a resident of Houston, TX and his wife awoke to the sounds of someone breaking into their home."

"The man did what many Texans would do in such a situation, he armed himself (Texas represents the state with the most defensive gun uses we’ve been able to document by a wide margin)."

"After the suspect kicked in the door, the homeowner, shot the suspect twice in the abdomen." ...

CT: Armed thugs meet armed combat veteran
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A National Guard Staff Sergeant found himself in a combat situation at home - in Hartford, Connecticut. ..."

"Just before 2:30 Saturday morning (April 19, 2014), the Staff Sergeant encountered two cars blocking the road he was driving on. He honked and asked the drivers of both cars - identified by police as Leanardo Vasquez and Edwin Franqui - to let him pass."

"Vasquez and Franqui drove off but quickly turned around and came back. Franqui then rammed the Staff Sergeant's car head on. Vazquez got out of his car and drew a gun on the Staff Sergeant, asking him if he had a problem."

"The Staff Sergeant drew his legally concealed handgun and opened fire on both suspects, striking Vasquez in the chest. " ...

TN: Kristi Davis responds to gun rights quiz 2014
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun rights questions below were submitted to political candidates recently. Here is the response from Kristi Davis, candidate for Circuit Court Judge, Division I." ...

Why can't rifles, carbines be returned?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What do the liberal, progressive politicians like [former New York City mayor Michael] Bloomberg, President Obama, Gov. McAuliffe and our two Virginia senators, Warner and Kaine, not understand about the U.S. constitutional right in the Second Amendment for Virginians and all U.S. citizens to keep and bear arms?"

"President Obama, by presidential order, stopped about 350,000 M1 rifles and carbines from coming back home to America. These weapons were made here and should be returned. By this order, he prevented many people from doing their jobs and disrupted our economy. As a Korean veteran, I, like many others, was looking forward to recovering a souvenir from the Korean War. ..." ...

MO: Missouri Republicans outline new gun proposal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Missouri Republicans are considering a new approach to prevent federal agents from enforcing laws the state considers to be infringements on gun rights — barring them from future careers in state law enforcement agencies."

"The change marks the most recent version of Missouri's attempt to nullify some federal gun control laws. It was endorsed by a state Senate committee this past week and is likely to reach the chamber floor." ...

NY: SAFE Act undermines American way of life
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am a 17-year-old hunter and the new gun laws are very upsetting because they are turning a 17-year-old Boy Scout and member of my school track team into a criminal."

"The founding fathers guaranteed our Second Amendment rights, just like they did our freedom of speech and freedom to practice the religion we like. It stands to reason if the government can infringe on one right, what is to say it won't infringe on any other rights that citizens are guaranteed?" ...

ID: Hundreds rally to support Second Amendment: 'Welcome fellow domestic terrorists'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Saturday, about 300 people gathered at the Gladys Buroker Building at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, to participate in a rally supporting the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. A number of those in attendance openly carried pistols, shotguns and rifles, causing one speaker to call it the safest place in town."

"'Welcome fellow domestic terrorists,' said former Bonner County Commissioner Cornel Rasor. The greeting, a clear slap at Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., who called Bundy ranch supporters 'domestic terrorists,' was well received by everyone present. Rasor went on to define Reid's 'domestic terrorists' as polite, kind people who love their country." ...

CO: No negotiation, only victory over anti-gun fanaticism
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An article by the Denver Post reports that the number of background checks conducted on private firearm transfers in Colorado under that state’s new law is only about half of what was first reported by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. The revelation shines a new light on the debate over repealing the law, which gun control supporters had previously heralded as a success."

"The false tally of background checks is newsworthy in its own right. However, at the end of its article, the Post reminded readers of something that applies to the gun control debate generally: the irrationality of some of the people that Second Amendment supporters are up against in that ongoing effort." ...

MO: Authorities point to possible straw buyer in shooting of three at Jewish facilities
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a felon, F. Glenn Miller Jr. had no legal right to a gun."

"What's more, a gun dealer would face prison time for selling him a weapon."

"Even a friend who gave or sold him guns would risk federal prison time for arming someone they knew or suspected was a felon."

"Yet the proud racist and anti-Semite stands accused of firing a shotgun and a handgun in the murder of three people at Jewish facilities in Overland Park last weekend."

"So who put his finger on a trigger?"

"Investigators tracing the source of the guns allegedly used by the felon think he was aided by a straw buyer who could clear background checks likely to foil Miller ..." ...

Submitter's Note: OMG! You mean a murdering racist broke the law to commit his racist murders?

NY: Second Amendment is not about hunting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In addressing the Second Amendment and the SAFE Act forced upon the law-abiding citizens of New York State by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, he said, 'Nobody needs 10 bullets to kill a deer.' The Second Amendment has very little to do with the hunter. Let me also say that a 'militia' is like a posse, not formed until needed. Militias were in use prior to the Revolutionary War on down to the Alamo and beyond." ...

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. — LORD ACTON (1887)

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