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Newslinks for 4/22/2014

‘Everytown’ Facebook poster providing lesson about assumptions
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "What gave the poster special credibility for this correspondent is because the level of ignorance it displays has been seen before over the years. Similar blunders had been pointed out in two related posts on The War on Guns blog. One demonstrated cluelessness by 'Authorized Journalists' who ran a photo of an Iraqi woman holding two rounds of unfired ammunition she claimed hit her house. The other, from budding college journalists, featured a handgun 'firing' complete cartridges as a front page headlined centerpiece." ...

Sorry, Mike Bloomberg, Trampling Gun Rights Isn't Worthy of Heaven's Praise
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Billionaire former Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s bizarre revelation that he thinks he already earned a spot in Heaven with his campaigns to destroy the Second Amendment proves just how arrogant and delusional he has become with his riches." ...

"Bloomberg, quoted ... discussing his latest gun control effort, dubbed 'Everytown for Gun Safety,' said, 'I am telling you if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in heaven. It’s not even close.'"

"The remark is outrageous and revealing."

"One does not earn his way into Heaven by trampling on the civil rights of his fellow citizens. Bloomberg can’t buy himself a spot inside the Pearly Gates ..." ...

Random Thoughts About Children and Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I write well over a million words a year for this website. I do so knowing I’m only as good as my last post, and there isn’t a last post. Not until or unless some series of unfortunate events interrupts this endless marathon or, more likely, time takes its toll. In any event, when it’s all said and done, I probably won’t remember a word I’ve written. I will remember the friends I’ve made along the way and the precious moments I spent with my girls. As of this writing, only a few of these family moments have involved firearms . . ." ...

The High Cost of Liberalism: Part II
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Liberals can be disarming. In fact, they are for disarming anybody who can be disarmed, whether domestically or internationally."

"Unfortunately, the people who are the easiest to disarm are the ones who are the most peaceful -- and disarming them makes them vulnerable ..." ...

"What is happening in Ukraine today is just a continuation of the old story about nations that disarm increasing the chances of being attacked by nations that do not disarm."

"Any number of empirical studies about domestic gun control laws tell much the same story. Gun control advocates seldom, if ever, present hard evidence that gun crimes in general, or murder rates in particular, go down after gun control laws are passed or tightened." ...

Why we need a public option for guns, ammo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I was inspired today. I watched this video in which left-leaning journalist Ezra Klein interviews Susan Crawford, the former Special Assistant to President Obama on Science and Innovation Policy, concerning a public option for the Internet and it got me thinking about universal gun ownership."

"To save you the trouble of watching the entire video, the heart of Crawford’s argument is that Internet connectivity in today’s day and age is too important to be left to the private market because like light, power and water, the Internet is an essential public utility."

"'We need a public option for Internet access because Internet access is just like electricity or a road grid,' Crawford explains." ...

Gear Review: NorCal Kydex Humboldt Hideaway AIWB Holster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m a somewhat recent convert to the world of appendix carry and while I agree that it isn’t the most comfortable method of carry, it does win out in the categories of concealability, retention, and speed on the draw. You may or may not agree, and that’s fine. But for me, AIWB is my preferred method of carry. Normally, I carry my piece in a CompTac 2 O’Clock AIWB holster. At $60, its a good buy, but money’s tight these days, so a less expensive option is always worth consideration. Enter NorCal Kydex’s Humboldt Hideaway AIWB holster . . ." ...

First Impressions: SIG SAUER’s MPX SMG
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We’ve been hearing a lot about SIG SAUER’s new pistol caliber personal defense weapon, the MPX, ever since it was unveiled at SHOT Show a few years back. At the time the plan was to release both a pistol version of the firearm (with short barrel and no stock) as well as one with a permanently attached muzzle brake that would bring the barrel length to an ATF-appeasing 16″ in length. While the fate of that brake-festooned version is still in legal limbo, SIG is planning on finally releasing the pistol version to the civilian markets soon. We had an opportunity to get our hands on the gun and get some trigger time before anyone else, and boy is this thing a blast . . ." ...

MT: Bitterroot ammo makers ramp up as retailers struggle to meet demand
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For the past several years, Chris Bonner has had a waiting list of 40 to 50 people who want to buy .22-caliber ammunition but can’t find it anywhere." ...

"There are three ammunition manufacturing companies in the Bitterroot Valley, and all have been racing furiously to produce enough of certain types of ammo to keep customers happy."

"Michelle Turner, the operations manager at Armscor Cartridge Inc. ... said her company recently ordered five new machines to increase production."

"'... the one thing we can’t keep on the shelf is the rimfire ammo, the .22,' she said. 'Rimfire is in a worldwide shortage. It’s the .22 long rifle ammo. You used to be able to walk into Walmart in Missoula a year ago and find a shelf full of it. ...'" ...

First Impressions: SIG SAUER’s MCX Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It all started with the Honey Badger, a strange yet awesome creation from the R&D department of Advanced Armament Corp. back in the day. The plan was to create a do-it-all weapon, one that’s shorter and quieter than an MP5, has the barrier penetration and “stopping power” of an AK-47, uses as many standard AR-15 parts as possible, and can swap from subsonic to supersonic ammunition without needing to adjust any settings on the gun. That’s how the 300 AAC Blackout cartridge came to be, and now SIG SAUER is in the process of perfecting the rifle even further. Enter their MCX . . ." ...

'Smoke screen' over gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mr. Vince Picarello's letter of April 19, 'Punish gun lawbreakers, not all gun owners,' is a classic gun advocates’ smoke screen. The National Rifle Association has successfully defeated congressional efforts to develop the data needed to identify those Mr Picarello claims abuse the 'right' to own guns."

"The NRA’s lobbying efforts have defeated many federal and state level initiatives to require background checks, gun registration, pre-licensing training, licensing, safe gun-storage requirements, gun identification numbers inscribed by manufacturers, reporting gun sales between private individuals, and controls on interstate commerce of guns." ...

States United to Prevent Gun Violence Revealed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You’ve no doubt heard about Mayor Bloomberg’s reorganization of his gun control groups. The recently purchased media darlings Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and their less photogenic older sibling (Mayors Against Illegal Guns) are now subsidiaries of the newly formed Everytown for Gun Safety. Everytown Mayors Demanding Illegal Gun Action for Demanding Moms isn’t the only new conglomerate on the gun control block. The above video was produced by States United to Prevent Gun Violence, a gun control group that’s been around for four years. Checking their Affiliates page . . ." ...

Clinton reportedly to headline gun control fundraiser on eve of NRA convention
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former President Bill Clinton is reportedly scheduled to headline a fundraiser Wednesday night in New York City for former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords’ gun control organization, Americans for Responsible Solutions, according to Politico, just as the City of Indianapolis rolls out the welcome mat for the National Rifle Association’s 143rd annual convention."

"While the NRA event will kick off Friday in the Indiana Convention Center, the Giffords gig will reportedly be held at the home of a New York real estate 'mogul.' Politico reported that Giffords' 'super PAC,' that she founded with husband Mark Kelly, had 'several quarters of strong fundraising.'" ...

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Support the Second Amendment, But Demand Orange County Stop Issuing Concealed Carry Permits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America/Everytown for Gun Safety wants to ban civilian firearms ownership. Only they aren’t going to come out and say it. Americans would never support a gun ban for law-abiding citizens. So MDAGSA/EGS lobbies for 'common sense' gun laws and 'gun safety' and an end to 'gun violence.' They push laws that would ban 'assault weapons' and 'high capacity magazines.' They even talk about members who own guns, and claim that the majority of NRA members are behind 'universal background checks.' But it’s all BS, a relentless campaign to put Americans on the slippery slope to civilian disarmament. Here’s more proof, if proof be needed, via a petition/letter to Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchins . . ." ...

Perspectives: What is the militia?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Few words in the English language evoke a stronger reaction than the word 'militia.' In our day, it’s a word that conjures up images of antisocial radicals dressed in camouflage and running around in the woods."

"More often than not, these perceptions are based on social conditioning rather than actual instances of wrongdoing. For instance, when the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City was blown up 19 years ago, blame for the bombing was placed at the feet of the entire political right — but especially the militia movement." ...

"The problem with this narrative is that the men who were eventually tried and convicted of the Oklahoma City bombing were not militia members, but former members of the United States Armed Forces. Oops." ...

Watch Amazing 1.43 Mile Shot With .338 Lapua (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Long range shooting has really come a long way in recent years with the improvement of range finder technology, ballistics software, better optics and newer rounds, such as the .338 Lapua. Combine all of these together in the hands of a shooter who knows what they’re doing and you can make some magic happen."

"Liveleak user Grizzman uploaded the above video on Sunday and it has quickly gone viral, getting over 100,000 views in less than 24 hours." ...

MA: Concealed carrier fights back after gun held to his head
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... Actually, there isn't a news story about the defensive gun use... it's a story about the accomplice of the now dead robber being charged."

"That's right... defensive gun use - not news worth in Massachusetts. Criminals being charged - news worthy." ...

"According to police, the 'victim' was a concealed carry licensee who was returning home with a friend when the two thugs confronted them. Blake stuck a shotgun in the victim's face] while Williams put a handgun to the head of his friend and forced them both inside the building."

"As Blake turned to talk to someone behind him, the concealed carrier took action. He drew his .357 Magnum and fired multiple shots at Blake - striking him twice in the chest." ...

CA: Business owner kills 1 criminal, gets wounded by accomplices
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 68-year-old California plumbing company owner is recovering today from multiple gunshot wounds to his legs after a robbery of his business turned into a gunfight"

"The story begins just after 1 o'clock Friday morning (April 18th, 2014) when the man's wife heard noises outside their home. ..."

"His wife woke him and told him she heard the noises, so he grabbed his .45 caliber pistol and went to investigate."

"The owner startled one of the intruders, identified by police as Pierre Reddrick Jr., and shot him in the chest. Reddrick was seriously wounded and managed to flee over a fence despite bleeding profusely."

"It was then that several accomplices of Reddrick came back onto the property and opened fire on the owner. ..." ...

TX: Man protects wife with 357 Magnum
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Usually when people kick in a door and come in on you for a home invasion when you're there, they're not just there to steal your things,' said Houston Police. 'They're trying to hurt you. It's good these people had a weapon and he was able to protect himself and his wife.'"

"It was shortly before 5 o'clock Sunday morning when a Houston, Texas couple was startled from sleep by the sound of their front door being rattled. The homeowner grabbed his .357 Magnum and his wife called 911." ...

EveryFAIL: When Parody Perfectly Mimics Reality [Updated]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Michael Bloomberg’s 'Everytown' roll-out has been a colossal failure, from the egotistical Bloomberg’s arrogant ... claim that he’s 'earned' his way into Heaven ... to his social media director’s failure to secure the applicable Facebook pages, leading to dozens of obvious—and sometimes delightfully subtle—parody clones."

"One of these mocking Facebook pages so successfully parodied the general ignorance of all things gun-related that they convinced a number of gun sites—Bearing Arms included—that the parody image above was real." ...

"When people can’t tell the difference between the parody image and the repeated ignorance displayed by the real organization, what does that say about the organization being mocked?" ...

Pro-gun ‘Everytown’ Facebook page shut down, social media flooded with others
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Perhaps it was doomed from the beginning, but the 'Everytown for gun safety' Facebook page has shut down. The pro-gun admin claiming to be responsible for it closed shop over the weekend."

"Eric Reed, founder of Gun Rights Across America, claims to be the one who scooped the Everytown page before the newly formed Michael Bloomberg-backed group could claim it. He told Examiner that he shut it down due to a legal notice he was given over the weekend."

"The page gained more than 20,000 likes and inspired numerous other groups to launch their own Everytown pages." ...

Activists who out-drew Bloomberg are ‘cybersquatting,’ says ‘Everytown’ official
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The conflict between Bloomberg’s $50 million effort to create a 'grassroots' movement and the genuine grassroots effort involving gun rights activists in the Facebook blitz was notable for its speed. Within hours after Bloomberg initially announced his 'Everytown for Gun Safety' project last Wednesday, the cybersquatters had created scores of pro-gun safety Facebook pages. The speed at which this was accomplished underscores the efficiency with which gun rights activists have learned to use the Internet." ...

‘Not a Parody’: See How Quickly You Can Spot the Glaring Problem With Anti-Gun Group’s Depiction of a ‘Speeding Bullet’
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An anti-gun Facebook page posted a photo on Sunday that had gun owners rolling their eyes."

"The image features a [cartridge] shooting out of the barrel of a rifle — anyone who has ever fired a rifle should immediately notice the problem:" ...

Special Forces Members Among BLM Agents at the Bundy Ranch
Submitted by: none

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"Sgt Daniel Love, U.S. Army Airborne – 'Green Beret,' was among the BLM agents in the Bundy Ranch Confrontation. In 2010, he was with the 7th Special Forces Group. Sgt Love, part of Special Operations Detachment A (ODA), served in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. Several Special Forces Members were among the BLM agents during the standoff, according to information received by USMC. They were likely sent by President Obama. Why do we think that? Let’s look at it. ... Daniel Love is part of an 'A-Team.' ODA teams have 12 members. They are 'self-sustaining and autonomous,” which means that they take orders directly from the White House. They are experts at insertion, and can survive in the middle of nowhere for extended periods of time. ..." ...

Cattle Shot, Buried On Bundy Ranch
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Nevada rancher in a fight with the federal government over grazing land his family has been using since the late 1800s is revealing some of the damage he blames on the U.S. government: cattle shot and killed and then dumped into trenches and buried." ...

"The standoff has resulted in damaged fences, damaged water troughs and dead cattle ..." ...

" earlier reported damage to the grazing land includes holes in water tanks, destroyed water lines and broken-down fences." ...

"At the time, Fox News reported BLM officials said it needed to destroy 'illegal structures' ... to 'restore' the land. But Fox noted that a court order justifying the operation only granted permission to 'seize and impound' cattle." ...

Conservative blogger: Harry Reid inciting bloody civil war over Bundy ranch
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... Vanderboegh said he intends to award Reid the 2014 'Incitement to Civil War' trophy ..."

"'When Dirty Harry Reid tells us that 'This isn't over' and calls the Bundys and their supporters 'domestic terrorists' he is using -- literally -- the 'bully pulpit' to solicit the next American civil war,' Vanderboegh said. 'Reid is a corrupt bully and he understands that this struggle is not about tortoises or cows or even the vast spaces of the American west claimed by the federal government, it is about power, federal power to use naked state-sponsored terrorism to compel the American people to do what the perfumed princes of Harry Reid's Mandarin class insist is for their own good, even if it kills them.'" ...

NY: New Yorkers Protest “Assault Weapon” Registration Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"April 15 was the deadline for residents of New York to register 'assault weapons' that they owned before the passage of the state’s SAFE Act gun control law. But on the day of the deadline, pro-Second Amendment advocates, in an act of protest, gathered in downtown Buffalo to shred gun registration forms."

"'They have been shredding the Constitution for years,' Russ Thompson, the leader of the April 15 rally was quoted by the Buffalo News as saying."

"'You shred the Constitution, we’ll shred any form you want us to fill out. They can’t arrest a million people. What are they going to do?'" ...

CT: Conn. Legislators Plan No Additional Efforts to Enforce New Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There's good news and bad news for Connecticut's gun owners. The bad news is that the state passed new gun laws that required law-abiding citizens to register their assault rifles. The good news is that the state can't enforce its new laws just yet ..." ...

"[State Police spokesman] Lt. Vance also noted that there haven't been any prosecutions under the new law. Additionally, pro-gun control state legislators have said that there are no new plans in the legislature to enforce the law. Also, pro-Second Amendment lawmakers in Connecticut are also urging gun owners to comply with the new regulations, entrusting the Supreme Court to strike them down as unconstitutional." ...

LA: Gun bill shot down
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Among the cache of Second Amendment bills under consideration by the Louisiana Legislature, House Bill 707 by state Rep. Ray Garofalo, R-Chalmette, was shot down by House Administration of Criminal Justice committee members April 16. The bill aimed to allow teachers with concealed carry permits to carry their firearms with them on school campuses."

"Meanwhile, the Louisiana Senate voted down Senate Bill 651 by state Sen. Bret Allain, R-Franklin, which would have authorized legislators and legislative officers who have concealed carry permits to carry firearms at the state Capitol. ..." ...

Supreme Court pushes consideration of N.J. gun case to April 25
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Supreme Court has pushed its consideration of a case challenging New Jersey’s mandate that citizens show a 'justifiable need' to carry a gun in public for protection to April 25."

"The case — which involves John Drake, who runs a Sussex County business that owns and services ATMs, as well as other plaintiffs — had been scheduled to be heard in conference on Friday. But it was not listed on an order list of cases the court has agreed to hear and those it has denied that was issued on Monday."

"An updated schedule for the case released Monday by the court says that it’s been distributed for a private meeting among justices on April 25." ...

Take Your Guns To Town: Expanding the Scope of the Second Amendment Beyond the Home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The following article originally appeared in the Mississippi Law Journal and is reprinted here with permission." ...

"In 2008, the Supreme Court of the United States concluded that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms as applied to the federal District of Columbia.[1] Two years later, the Court incorporated that individual right ... Yet the statutes struck down in these two cases dealt only with the in-home possession of handguns; the question of whether the United States Constitution protects the right to keep and bear arms outside the home remains undecided. ..."

"The courts remain undecided regarding what level of scrutiny should be applied to statutes which ban carrying a firearm in public. ..." ...

FL: FDLE: Deputy solicited nude photos from woman (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Osceola County deputy is charged with bribery after he told a woman he'd drop charges against her if she gave him nude photographs, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement."

"The FDLE says Deputy Marc John Jordanides, 33, used the influence of his position to solicit the pictures from a suspect in a drug case." ...

GA: Former DeKalb County Police Officer Indicted for Child Molestation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former DeKalb County police officer, Manuel Williams, has been indicted on three counts of child molestation, reports WSB TV."

"In October, the 18-year veteran resigned from the DeKalb County Police Department after being charged with child molestation."

"According to police, Williams, 50, allegedly molested a friend of his teenage daughter." ...

IL: Peoria Mayor Sends Police to Track Down Twitter Parodist
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Politicians can be a thin-skinned bunch. You'd think they'd let insults roll off their backs given how much power they have over the lives and livelihoods of others. But if you have all that power, why bother letting insults roll of your back when you can use that power to disproportionately punish people?"

"Jim Ardis, mayor of Peoria, Illinois, ordered police to track down whoever was responsible for a parody Twitter account mocking him."

"As a result, police raided a West Bluff home, seized property, and detained three people for questioning. ..." ...

FL: BankUnited in FL Closes Gun Shop’s Account Resulting in Two Weeks of Lost Business
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yet another example of a financial institution refusing to business with the multi-billion dollar gun industry."

"In this case, a local gun shop in Florida had their long standing account closed after their local bank was bought out by New York financial interests." ...

"However, this is America, and if there is a legal business niche that needs to be filled, it will be filled. Where the big banks are missing out, smaller financial institutions catering specifically to gun vendors are beginning to popup in increasing numbers. A Google search reveals several institutions that are marketing themselves specifically to those in the gun industry." ...

OK: ‘I blame both sides,’ Oklahoma militia members join fight against feds
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A land dispute in Nevada between rancher Cliven Bundy and the federal government began decades ago." ...

"As authorities herded the cattle, a standoff was sparked with members of the militia."

"Organizers with the Oklahoma Militia say they have members in Nevada who claim Bundy’s cattle were unlawfully herded by the bureau."

"The Oklahoma Militia says it is made up of nearly 50,000 volunteers."

"Members say they are taking Bundy’s side and fear this practice could spread to the Sooner State."

"Scott Shaw said, 'Evidently in America we don’t actually own the property anymore if you ever did.'"

"Shaw says Oklahoma Militia members are ready to take up arms against the federal government if needed." ...

Mexico: Mexico “Reforms” Terrorist Laws to Take Down Citizen Militias
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over at, we learn that Mexico’s legislature has 'reformed' their anti-terrorist laws to do, well, anything they want (Harry Reid is jealous). What they really, really want: reign-in the auto-defensa or citizen militia groups that have taken over large swathes of Michoacan. The ADs (as they are now called) took-up arms, illegally, to stop the rape, torture and murder inflicted on the residents by the Templario drug cartel, under the watchful, well-paid eyes of the local police and Mexican military. While AD infighting reveals the potential for an out-of-the-frying-pan-into-the-fire sitch, anything is better than the horrors perpetuated by the cartels, supported by the government. ..." ...

Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. — Thomas Paine

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