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Newslinks for 4/24/2014

Elderly Man Calls Ambulance for Wife with Dementia, Cops Show Up and Beat Him
Submitted by: Anonymous

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It seems more and more these days that if you think a loved one is in danger in America, calling the cops should be your absolute last possible resort.
Missourian Elbert Breshears recently called for an ambulance because his elderly wife, who suffers dementia, had endured an episode and knocked a window out of their home.
According to ABC affiliate KSPR33 and unfortunately for Breshears, the cops showed up before the ambulance did:

AZ: Famed Arizona Sheriff Sends Ominous Verbal Warning Shot to Armed Militias
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Tough-talking Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio is warning civilians who embark on armed patrols in remote desert terrain that they could end up with “30 rounds fired into” them by one of his deputies.
His unapologetically terse comments came Tuesday after a member of an Arizona Minuteman border-watch movement was arrested over the weekend for pointing a rifle at a Maricopa County sheriff’s deputy he apparently mistook for a drug smuggler.
“If they continue this there could be some dead militia out there,” Arpaio said.

Why Bloomberg’s Nanny Campaign Will Backfire
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Does God need a nanny? Do any of us?
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg offered one of the truly rare defining moments in politics this week ...
Bloomberg has also spent years going after the National Rifle Association, launching Mayors Against Illegal Guns in 2006 to push gun-control legislation, an effort that has failed to build support for legislation. Dozens of mayors dropped out of MAIG over the last year when it became apparent that Bloomberg wanted to go after legal guns as well, pushing for so-called assault weapons bans and other new legislation rather than push for better enforcement of existing law.

NV: 'Militia' groups fear infiltration by feds at Bundy Ranch
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Militia groups are still surrounding the Bundy ranch days after the BLM ended its roundup of cattle. There is concern among some of them that they have been infiltrated by undercover federal agents.
One man, among the self-described militia, says at least two federal agents went undercover to gather information and are preparing to make arrests. This latest information is causing increased tensions among those who say their goal is to protect rancher Cliven Bundy. Around 50 people remain at the ranch, many living in tents, and are prepared to stay for weeks, even months. The men say they took an oath to protect, but they are worried there is a rat in the ranks

Whatever Supreme Court decides in gun carry case, infringements will continue
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"While different legal minds and 'informed' court-watchers are nattering on about judicial review, and whether intermediate or strict scrutiny should apply (and perhaps even contesting how many angels can dance on the head of a pin), what the High Court will not address, should they elect to hear the case, are the clear words those of us, without robes and law degrees and political connections with attendant obligations, understand instinctively:

"'... shall not be infringed.'"

GA: Georgia Governor Signs Law Allowing Guns in Schools, Churches, Bars
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Starting July 1, people in Georgia can bring firearms into bars, libraries, churches and even some government buildings that don’t already have door security. People convicted of certain misdemeanors can now legally get gun permits. Police can no longer stop someone “for the sole purpose of investigating whether such a person has a weapons carry license.”

The law does give businesses, churches and schools the right to say no with a sign or notice. A school board, for example, can vote to prohibit guns.

IL: Despite Gun Sales Being Banned in Chicago, Police Superintendent Still Blaming Lack of Gun Control For Violence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last night on The Kelly File, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul discussed the recent and ongoing rash of violence in the Windy City. Paul, who was in town for a school choice event, explained that the violence problem in Chicago goes far beyond guns and comes from a lack of leadership, education and guidance for young people in certain parts of the city. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel (like Barack Obama) is an opponent of school choice, which allows kids to get out of miserable, failing schools in violent neighborhoods.

GA: Georgia adopts law allowing guns at airports, bars, most other places
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Surrounded by people with guns, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal on Wednesday made the Peach State one of the gun-friendliest places on the planet.

At a picnic spot in north Georgia, Governor Deal signed a bill that allows gun owners who have permits to carry their weapons almost everywhere in the state except the state Capitol building. That includes bars, churches, and Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest in the world.

Business owners in Georgia can opt to keep their stores gun-free if they so choose, under the new law.

IN: City votes to override Kruzan's deer veto
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Griffy deer had a brief moment of relief when Mayor Mark Kruzan vetoed an ordinance that would allow for limited sharpshooting in the Griffy Nature Preserve, but it didn’t last long.

The Bloomington City Council voted to override Kruzan’s veto by a margin of 7-2 with no abstentions.

After more than 10 hours of deliberation on the ordinance, the council thought its job was done. It was in the early hours of the morning April 10 when the council passed the ordinance by a margin of 6-2 with one abstention.

KS: Comprehensive pro-gun bill signed into law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Among the many positive provisions for gun owners in the Sunflower State, HB 2578 will:

Expand Kansas’ firearms preemption provisions to open carry and will prohibit municipalities from implementing local ordinances relating to the transportation of firearms. Whether you choose to carry concealed, open carry or carry a knife for self-defense, this legislation will eliminate the complex patchwork of gun laws that arise from local regulations.

Meet The Militia Rushing To Cliven Bundy’s Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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James Yeager is calling from Cliven Bundy’s front yard, where he’s one of several (he won’t say how many) providing 24-hour security to the Bundy family. He and his friend packed up “a full medical kit and a camera” and drove 26 ½ hours from their home in Camden, Tennessee last week to document what he calls “a tremendous overreach of federal power.” He’s been posting daily videos to his YouTube site.
When asked if he also packed weapons, Yeager said, “of course. I’m always armed. This is not any different than any other day for me.”

Misleading Gun-Death Chart Draws Fire
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But sharp-eyed observers noticed that a graph accompanying many news reports seemed to suggest that gun deaths actually dropped, rather than jumped, after Florida adopted the law. "It is so deeply misleading that I loathe to expose your eyeballs to it," Lisa Wade, a professor at Occidental College in Los Angeles, wrote in Pacific Standard.

VA: Peninsula sees 5-year surge in concealed carry permits
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It was Michael Christin's former job as a pizza delivery driver that led him to the decision to carry a gun.

"I may be in Norfolk delivering pizza in a bad part of town where there might not be a cop on the corner. There is no time to call the police," Christin said. "Even if I'm at home and somebody were to try to break in my house, it would take 15 minutes for a police officer to get to me.

"What am I supposed to do in those 15 minutes?"

AZ: Brewer vetoes third gun bill this session
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has for the third time in two days vetoed a Republican gun bill.

Brewer vetoed House Bill 2338 by Rep. Brenda Barton of Payson on Wednesday. The bill would have allowed authorities to charge a person who's accused of wresting a gun away from someone else with aggravated assault. Proponents said it is a preventative measure in case a criminal were to take the gun of someone using it in self-defense.

Meet the newest from Heizer: the ‘Pocket AR’ PAR1 .223 derringer
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Their new model is a single-shot derringer chambered for .223 Remington. If the bullet doesn’t do the trick, the shock way probably will.

As far as self-defense is concerned, while any gun is better than no gun, a trip over to Ballistics by the Inch shows that .223 performance out of a barrel cut down this far is about as energetic as .22 Mag. But as far as range time giggles are concerned, this is going to turn heads (and pound eardrums).

OK: Resolution Deals With Second Amendment Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A joint resolution calling for a vote of the people in defining Oklahomans' right to bear arms, cleared the state Senate.

Republican Senator Greg Treat of Oklahoma City said the measure would clarify the right to carry firearms, through a voter-approved state constitutional amendment.

Several senators had questions about how such an amendment would affect licensed gun owners who pack heat on college campuses and at political rallies.

CA: State Assembly Hopeful’s Campaign Sign Depicts Rifle-Toting Woman
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A campaign sign for a 32-year-old Lake Arrowhead woman running for a state Assembly seat in the 33rd District is stirring up controversy in the high desert.

Michelle Ambrozic’s sign depicts a woman holding a rifle with the message: Less Government. Lower Taxes. Liberty.

“My belief [is] that the Second Amendment is very important to protect,” she said. “It’s not a gimmick. I think there are not enough people out there talking about the Second Amendment who are running for office, and I find it disturbing that somebody would say this is disturbing,” she said.

Our right to free speech must not be buried
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Obama administration/IRS gag-rule regs would have criminalized much of what NRA does. Mention any candidate’s name for any office, local, state or federal in any context during a political blackout period before any election, and you violate the law. Even referring to legislation, say, the “Feinstein gun ban” would constitute a violation.

The regulations would have banned NRA or the Sierra Club or any non-profit from holding non-partisan voter registration, or non-partisan meet-the-candidate forums or publishing voting records.

After a huge outcry from organizations of all political stripe, the onerous speech-strangling rules were postponed until after the November 4 elections.

NY: Victory: NY School Reverses Suspension for Student Wearing NRA Shirt
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It's not often the Second Amendment scores a victory in the state of New York, but they got one on Tuesday when the Grand Island School district decided to reverse its decision to suspend a student for wearing a T-shirt with the NRA logo.

WA: A ‘surcharge’ on critics of government
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Pick your favorite constitutional right. Then imagine the government putting a price on it.

Freedom to assemble? Passes to the protest sold at city hall.

Vote? That ballot will be $10.

Worship? Pay the county’s sermon fee.

Petition? One John Hancock, $25.

Bear arms? An 8 percent Second Amendment surcharge on firearms.

GA: Little political fallout expected from new Georgia gun bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It was delayed a couple of years thanks only to the politically powerful state university system's successful fight to eliminate a section that would have allowed guns on college campuses.

"Georgia is such a strong pro-gun state that candidates are expected to take the side that most Second Amendment advocates are gonna be on," said Political Science Professor Dr. Kerwin Swint of Kennesaw State University.

IN: Money, guns, politics: NRA convention comes to town
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The source of that clout, however, remains a matter of dispute. Opponents deride the 5 million member organization as a well-funded, tax-free shill for the gun industry, and proponents trumpet the NRA as an essential champion of the Second Amendment, one broadly misunderstood.

"Everyone thinks our strength comes from money. It doesn't," NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam told The Star, as the organization prepares to launch its annual convention in Indianapolis. "Our strength is truly in our membership. We have a savvy and loyal voting bloc, and they show up election after election after election."

Go to Heaven, Bloomberg
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Bloomberg told the Times he plans to spend $50 million this year against politicians who oppose his gun control agenda. According to the Times, the billionaire busybody's main goal is to "expand the background check system for gun buyers both at the state and national levels."

That may sound unobjectionable, until you realize that the whole point of the "background check system" is to strip people of their Second Amendment rights, often for trivial reasons. The Gun Control Act of 1968, for instance, bars gun ownership by "unlawful user[s]" of "any controlled substance."

MT: Firearm suppressor sales soar nationwide
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sales of firearm suppressors skyrocketed nationwide last year -- a trend that some analysts say can be traced to gun control talks in 2013, following the 2012 elementary school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.

CA: Think twice about carrying a gun
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A panel of the 9th Federal Circuit Court in Peruta v. County of San Diego (actually the county sheriff) surprised nearly everyone by upholding our Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms.”
Writing for the majority, Judge Diarmuid O’Scannlain stated: “Because the Second Amendment has always been an individual right to defend oneself … states may not destroy the right to bear arms in public under the guise of regulating it.”

Of course, that is not the final word on the matter.

California State Attorney General Kamala Harris has already announced that her office will appeal the decision.

GA: NBC Lets Critics Shred Georgia's New Gun Law; the 'Guns Everywhere Bill'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Wednesday's NBC Nightly News slanted steeply toward critics of Georgia's new gun bill, allowing them four quotes as opposed to just one for supporters of the bill. The state's legislation expands the places where citizens can carry guns to include bars, schools, churches and government buildings, with certain limits.

NBC's Gabe Gutierrez opened his report quoting the law's critics: "It's official name is the 'Safe Carry Protection Act' but critics call it the 'guns everywhere bill'." At least NBC gave the real name of the bill; the ABC World News only called it what critics have named it, as anchor Diane Sawyer reported: "The governor signed a bill nicknamed the 'guns everywhere bill,' churches, bars, schools."

Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.... We've been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. Well, if no one among us is capable of government himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else? All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden. The solutions we seek must be equitable, with no one group singled out to pay a higher price. — Ronald Reagan

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