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Newslinks for 4/27/2018

‘Stand For the Second’ School Walkout Planned May 2
Submitted by: David Williamson

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High School students at some 200 high schools are preparing to stage a walkout on Wednesday, May 2 but they’re not pushing for gun control, they are “Standing for the Second Amendment,” according to organizer Will Riley.

The 18-year-old Carlsbad, N.M. high school senior said in a telephone interview that “The media portrays my generation as anti-gun, anti-constitution. The fact is, when I look around at my fellow students, half of them just don’t agree with that.”

AK: Palmer OKs permit for contentious gun range — but it’s not likely to be in the old Fred Meyer
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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An indoor gun range that drew protest for plans to locate in downtown Palmer got the permit it needs to proceed.

But officials say there may be little chance the range will actually end up in the former Fred Meyer building that owners hope to occupy.

The Palmer City Council voted 5-2 in favor of a noise permit for the range Tuesday night after 2 1/2 hours of public testimony. Officials also received 75 written comments.

A local company called Valkyrie Security and Asset Protection Inc. is proposing the large 29-lane range and hopes to add a weapons manufacturing business.


YETI vs the NRA, It’s About More Than Discount Coolers
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Before I get started, let me thank you from the bottom of my heart on behalf of my entire family. The last seven months have been difficult at AAR Ranch (my house). With the exception of my two radio broadcasts, I've spent the last few weeks focusing on my family, in particular, my wife's full recovery after a frightening breast cancer diagnosis back in October of last year.

LA: Committee Passes Pro-Gun Bills to the House Floor
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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House Bill 602 would allow for concealed handgun permit holders, visiting a school, to carry a concealed firearm into any school, school campus, or school bus. House Bill 602 is scheduled to be considered tomorrow.

Senate Bill 402 would allow both volunteers with a valid concealed carry permit to serve churches or houses of worship as armed security. Further, this legislation defines training requirements for those churches whose insurance liability requires it.

Why is the CDC Hiding Its Defensive Gun Use Statistics?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But according to Reason, new findings by the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) unearthed by Kleck in April show that the CDC quietly conducted its own surveys about defensive gun use in 1996, 1997, and 1998. The results are stunning.

“During the last 12 months,” respondents were asked, “have you confronted another person with a firearm, even if you did not fire it, to protect yourself, your property, or someone else?”

In each of the three surveys, the researchers—who carefully worded their questions to exclude occupations which involve regular gun use (e.g., police officers)—found evidence that using firearms in self-defense is more common than many would believe.

FL: Miami Man Cleared of All Charges In McDonald’s Shooting, Thanks to Stand Your Ground Law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Miami judge has dismissed charges against a young Black man accused of shooting at an unarmed patron who threatened him after wrongfully thinking he jumped the line at a local McDonald’s.

Devin Gibbs was cleared this month under Florida’s controversial “Stand Your Ground” law after making his case to the judge that he acted in self-defense when he shot Phillip Ledea at the popular fast food restaurant in December 2015, the Miami Herald reported. Ledea reportedly began hurling racial slurs and threats at Gibbs after thinking he cut in line to place his order.

LA: Bond Commission becomes 2nd Amendment battleground
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An effort to block Citigroup and Bank of America from doing business with Louisiana because of the companies' gun policies fell just short during a fractious State Bond Commission meeting here Thursday.


But in the end the vote was 8-6 to pass a substitute proposal from Gov. John Bel Edwards' top attorney allowing the commission to consider the companies' policies when making a decision on awarding bids on bonds, but not to bar them.

OR: Bend city councilor intends to file petition to stop pro-gun initiative in Deschutes County
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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At least two Deschutes County residents intended to file petitions by Friday’s deadline in circuit court in hopes of snuffing out a pro-Second Amendment measure before it can make the county ballot.

One of those was Bend City Councilor Barb Campbell, who on Thursday said she intended to pay the $265 fee to challenge the wording of Initiative Petition 9-2018-1, also known as the Second Amendment Protection Ordinance, the local version of a statewide effort.

WA: Anti-Gun Group Files Ballot Initiative After Failing in Legislature
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On April 23rd, Michael Bloomberg’s front group, the Alliance for Gun Responsibility, filed a ballot initiative in Washington to restrict the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. This egregious attack on your freedoms comes just months after failing to enact their gun ban agenda in Olympia. Proponents of the so-called “Gun Violence Prevention” initiative will have until July 6th to get 259,622 valid signatures to place the initiative on the November ballot.

KS: Urge Your Lawmakers to Consider Self-Defense Legislation During Veto Session
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Today, the Kansas Legislature officially entered its 2018 Veto Session. House Bill 2042 was previously passed out of conference committee and sent to the Senate floor for consideration. Please contact your state Senator and strongly urge them to CONSIDER and SUPPORT House Bill 2042.

House Bill 2042 seeks to recognize all out-of-state concealed carry permits and allow those who have been licensed to carry a firearm for self-defense to do so lawfully in Kansas. HB 2042 was also amended by Rep. Brenda Landwehr to allow individuals who are 18 years of age and up to apply for a Kansas concealed carry permit.

5 Self-Defense Tips for Women
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Most of us in the shooting community have embraced the idea that we are each responsible for our own personal safety. But if you're a woman, there might be far more to this. Not only are we responsible for our own safety, but we might very well be the final line of defense for others in our lives.

The harsh reality is that even a sub-average criminal will try to remove his biggest obstacle first—and that will most likely be any man you're with. That leaves you.

What about when you're out with the girls, or the kids? Has anyone given much thought to what to do when a bad guy appears? Well, he has. That leaves you.

About that weapon of choice, not just another tool of self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But in “looking at a CT scan of one of the mass-shooting victims” from the high school, Sher saw something very different: “The organ looked like an overripe melon smashed by a sledgehammer,” with extensive bleeding.

That’s because the AR-15 is “different,” its bullets traveling “at a higher velocity” and “imparting more than three times the energy” of a typical handgun projectile. Think of it like this: “The bullet from an AR-15 passes through the body like a cigarette boat, traveling at maximum speed through a tiny canal.”

PA: Judge drops charges against woman who fatally shot husband
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Helena Crosby acted in self-defense when she shot and killed her drunken, violent husband, according to Northumberland County President Judge Charles Saylor Thursday.

Saylor issued his ruling in the case Thursday, tossing out all seven charges — including involuntary manslaughter — against the 48-year-old Kulpmont woman.

Crosby was charged Sept. 24 after Kulpmont police said she shot and killed her husband, Vincent Crosby, 53, with a pellet gun. The bullet from the gun lodged in Vincent Crosby’s brain and he died three days later.

OK: House Approves Constitutional Carry Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Yesterday, the Oklahoma House approved Senate Bill 1212 with a pro-gun amendment by a 59-28 vote. Senate Bill 1212 will now be sent back to the Senate for a concurrence vote. Please contact your state Senator and strongly urge them to SUPPORT Senate Bill 1212.

Senate Bill 1212, as amended, would recognize the rights of law-abiding Oklahoma residents to carry a firearm for self-defense without having to first obtain a government mandated license to do so.

MN: Gun debate to continue at Capitol
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Republican House Speaker Kurt Daudt revealed Wednesday that there have been behind-the-scenes talks for some time about possible compromise legislation on gun control. He didn’t rule out action on gun measures before the session concludes in a few weeks. “I hope that there is. I think there will be. I think there can be. I don’t know what that looks like yet.” Daudt said he has had limited personal involvement in the discussions and was guarded about exactly what is being talked through.

TN: Stop making weapons of mass destruction
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Once again, I woke up to the news that more innocent people had been shot to death on the streets of America. Whatever happened to the good old days before the National Rifle Association got greedy and gun manufacturers started mass producing weapons designed to kill a lot of people fast. Some people who have vowed to ride or die with the NRA say that these atrocities are staged and are just to force politicians to enforce laws that will take away our constitutional rights to have a gun.

NV: School board aiming to tighten up campus gun policy
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Lyon County School Board Trustee has asked that the board tighten up its policy regulating guns on campus.

The Nevada Revised Statutes state that firearms are prohibited from school campuses unless express permission is given by the school's principal. The district took its policy, passed in 2016, a step further in spelling out who, other than a peace officer, can carry a weapon onto a school campus.

FL: Will Gov. Scott push back hard against NRA’s lawsuit — or will he roll over?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The NRA suing the Florida Legislature is like a parent suing the children. That’s Mom and Dad taking Johnny to court because he won’t eat his broccoli.

Of course, the NRA picked as its target a patsy who probably won’t fight back too hard. It doesn’t have the guts to go after its real enemy, the courageous children of Parkland.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott has never been shy about advocating for “state’s rights.” He refused to comply with Obamacare even after the Supreme Court upheld it; and he blocked federal stimulus funds for a high-speed rail line between Tampa and Orlando. Now we’ll see how hard he resists the NRA’s challenge to Florida’s right to regulate handguns.

VT: Gun clubs, dealers sue state over new laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Vermont Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs — a group based in Morrisville — and three other organizations are suing the state government over the recently approved ban on high-capacity magazines that will take effect Oct. 1.

The federation, Vermont State Rifle & Pistol Association, Powderhorn Outdoor Sports Center in Williston and Locust Creek Outfitters in Bethel assert that a law capping magazine capacity at 10 rounds for a long gun and 15 rounds for handguns violates gun owners’ rights under Article 16 of the Vermont Constitution, which protects citizens’ right to bear arms.

NV: An 8th-grader is suing his school district over its dress code ban on pro-gun shirts
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“Any social studies teacher should know, the First Amendment protects students’ right to speak on political or social issues — including the right to express what school officials may consider unpopular or controversial opinions,” the boy’s attorney, David O’Mara, added, the Associated Press reports.

The nonprofit gun rights organizations Firearms Policy Coalition and Firearms Policy Foundation are both supporting the lawsuit and have published materials to inform students who are pro-gun on how to best assert their rights in the wake of school walkouts.

'Common-sense gun control' isn't so simple
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“Survey data indicate that half of all Americans will qualify for a psychiatric diagnosis at some point in their lives, while a quarter of them do in any given year,” Jacob Sullum, a senior editor at Reason, wrote. “Does [Gov] Rick Scott or Wayne LaPierre think the government should strip 160 million people, or even just 80 million, of their Second Amendment rights because their mental illnesses might predispose them to commit mass murder?”

People with mental illnesses aren’t even more likely to commit violent crimes. According to the American Mental Health Counselors Association, only 3-5 percent of all violence, including firearm violence, is attributable to serious mental illness.

UK: Is Great Britain Still a Free Country?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Under pressure and after an outcry, the cops decided not to pursue the matter against him further, even after some supporters built a memorial shrine to the deceased criminal outside the house. But the point stands: Britain has not only disarmed its citizenry of firearms, it is stepping up "knife control" efforts, which is exactly as cartoonishly ridiculous as it sounds. Do Britons still have any meaningful right to self defense? Or is protecting their lives and property -- especially with forbidden tools -- more of a possible ticket to prison than anything else?

OR: Supporters push for Second Amendment Proposal
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Josephine County gun supporters want to make sure their Second Amendment rights are safe.

“I don’t aim to hurt anybody with guns. It’s there for my protection, my support, the type of gun doesn’t make it bad,” gun supporter Jeff Frank said.

The push comes after an initiative was started to ban “assault weapons” in the state of Oregon. Supporters are gathering signatures and the initiative could end up on the ballot this November.

Gun control? It's the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I'm a bad guy, I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We'll see who wins. — Sammy "The Bull" Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

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