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Newslinks for 4/29/2008

FL: Man Shot, Killed In SWAT Encounter
Submitted by: Jim Howard

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Man Shot, Killed In SWAT Encounter
Broward County Florida Sheriff Swat Team

Ed.: That'll teach him not to try to commit suicide! Seems Broward Co. SWAT would rather kill you than let you kill yourself.

NC: County handgun applications are up
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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More Mecklenburg County residents are arming themselves for protection. Since 2005, there's been a steady increase in applications to buy handguns, capped by a spike so far this year: a 38 percent jump in applications for the first three months compared to the same time a year ago. Officials can't pinpoint a single reason for the rise. But experts say people turn to guns when they have a fear of real or perceived crime and have lost confidence in police.

Japan: Rash of 50 detergent suicides in Japan; chemicals could hurt bystanders
Submitted by: Anonymous

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At least four people killed themselves Friday by inhaling fumes from a detergent mixed with other chemicals amid a wave of similar suicides that has reportedly claimed about 50 lives this month in Japan.
Authorities are alarmed by the sudden rise in such incidents - an average of two a day were reported in April - because the chemicals are easy to get and the fumes could spread to affect bystanders or rescuers. ...
All died after inhaling hydrogen sulfide gas, produced by mixing detergent and a bath lotion.

All this in gun-free Japan!

Ed.: "The [Japanese] government said 32,155 people killed themselves in 2006. Japan has a population of 128 million."

UK: Londoners discover safety abroad
Submitted by: JDRoss

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To many foreigners - and to some Americans - the tolerance of guns in everyday American life is simply inexplicable... Why is it then that so many Americans - and foreigners who come here - feel that the place is so, well, safe?

Submitter's Note:
The great thing about the truth is: eventually it becomes self evident. The longer the disastrous experiment of gun control goes on the mosre surely it will be slain for good by free, thinking peoples.

Ed.: This one is easily today's Editor's Choice article. Thanks JD.


National Low-Flow Toilet Blowup Day
Submitted by: Low-Flow Toilet Awareness Project / Boomershoot

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At 1pm, Sunday, April 27, over 100 shooters gathered at Boomershoot to unite in therapeutic self-expression, taking their toilet annoyances out of the bathroom and onto the gun range. Shooters fired at a low-flow toilet filled with reactive targets to create fiery explosions, reducing the porcelain commode into smithereens. Spectacular photos/videos here: -- Direct link to Boomershoot here:

TN: Dean considers movement to clamp down on ‘gun show loophole’
Submitted by: ChareltonHest

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Uselton is especially fond of the phrasing at the end of the amendment, “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

If the National Rifle Association was looking for a Nashville-area spokesman, Uselton would make perfect sense. Besides his gun shops and manufacturing business, he’s also a deputy sheriff in Sumner County.

But there’s one issue where Uselton breaks the party line and that’s on the topic of perceived lackadaisical laws surrounding sales at gun shows.

“In this era, the idea that there are places criminals can go and buy guns with no accountability, it doesn’t do my business any good and it doesn’t do law-abiding gun dealers any good,” Uselton said, referring to the loophole.

Canada: No Charges In Death
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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***Complete Text***

Self defense is the finding from the Crown Prosecutor's Office after a home invasion that left one man dead.

In January, Starthmore RCMP were called out to a house in Langdon were two men broke in and attacked the occupants. Sergeant Patrick Webb says the home owner killed Lance Norton of Carsland during the struggle. The other man suffered injuries and was taken to hospital. He survived and is now facing various charges. Webb says he can't release the name of the home owner or the intruder who survived due to privacy concerns. All parties in the incident knew each other.

VA: Against campus carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In light of the previous week being Firearms Awareness Week and reading the multiple articles about passing the concealed carry law, I felt compelled to write in and bring up some issues that most people seem to be overlooking.

The main argument I hear in favor of the concealed carry on campus is that if students were allowed to carry guns on campus, events like those on April 16, 2007 could be prevented or at least lessened if students had concealed weapons to protect themselves. Personally, I believe that is ridiculous, but even if this was the case, I don't think that is a strong enough argument to let people carry guns into classrooms.

I'm a Bitter/Clingy Gun Owner - and I'm Happy About It!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Obama, the great healer of America, the hope of our nation, came out last week and whizzed on millions of Christians and firearm fans calling us bitter Cling-Ons to religion and guns. I, personally, wasn’t insulted because I really like God and my rifles, and I make a good living off my rage.

Yes, when I heard BHO blast us in front of his sassy San Fran crowd and attempt to put a dig into us plebeians, I thought, finally, this man has spoken the truth, unlike all the rest of the stercore tuari he’s been spewing about his dear pastor, his home boy, Bill Ayers, and his audacity of hype

NY: Supreme Court reviews tough D.C. gun law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There are 27 words that every outdoorsman should know: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

When the U.S. Supreme Court decided to hear the case of the District of Columbia vs. Heller, it was undertaking an issue that has gun owners in the U.S. holding their breath.

Not since 1939 has there been a challenge to the Second Amendment rights that has been escalated to the highest court. How the court decides on this case will have far-reaching effects on gun ownership.

DC: Public safety in Supreme danger
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The future of gun control is at stake in the U.S. Supreme Court this spring. The court will rule on a case involving the basic Second Amendment right to bear arms - and what it decides just might throw gun laws across the country into total disarray. In the current case, involving a challenge to Washington's strict ban on handguns, legal experts predict the court will - for the first time - explicitly declare that the Second Amendment protects the "individual right" to own firearms for private purposes, such as self-defense or hunting.

MD: Gun lobby coddles felonious dealers
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Philip F. Lee of Maryland Citizens for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms defends rogue gun dealer Sanford Abrams ("Store was source of few city guns," letters, April 18). Mr. Abrams ran the Valley Gun Shop, which was cited for more than 900 federal gun law violations. He sold hundreds of firearms traced to crime, ranking in the top 1 percent of gun dealers in total crime guns traced to his store. Despite this record, the National Rifle Association granted Mr. Abrams a seat on its board of directors and even provided legal counsel for Mr. Abrams to sue the federal government to prevent revocation of his gun dealer license.

CA: Clerk Shot Robber In Self-Defense
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Los Angeles police say a mini market clerk has shot and killed an armed man who was trying to rob the business. Officers responding to a shooting call Saturday afternoon in the San Fernando Valley found 30-year-old Marvin Sanchez lying on a sidewalk shot to death. Investigators say Sanchez walked into the Del Gaudio mini market, pulled a handgun and demanded money. The male clerk grabbed a handgun and shot Sanchez. The incident is under investigation.

RI: Senator Reed answers readers' questions in live chat
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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MikeR: It is my understanding that you are "Anti-Gun". If this is the case why do you choose not to support a citizens individual right guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the US Constitution and Article I, Section 22 of the Rhode Island State Constitution?...

Senator Reed: I support sensible rules with respect to gun ownership. There are thousands and thousands of responsible Americans who use firearms for recreation and for hunting. This is a long and recognized tradition in the United States. The challenge is to balance the legitimate use of firearms with the need to protect public safety. ... At present, the Supreme Court is considering a major Second Amendment case regarding the District of Columbia.

OR: Medford paper wins access to concealed handgun licenses list
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Mail Tribune in Medford has won a court fight over public access to concealed handgun licenses.

The newspaper had sought the list of concealed handgun permits in Jackson County from Sheriff Mike Winters as part of an investigation into news that a South Medford High School teacher had such a permit and wanted to carry her gun at school.

The paper contended the list was a public record and took the issue to court.
Jackson County Circuit Court Judge G. Philip Arnold granted the paper access in a decision last week.

IL: A look beyond the handgun ban
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Deputy Police Chief Eugene Williams had a tough week. In less than a week, more than 40 shootings, at least a dozen of them fatal. As he managed his constantly pinging email and two BlackBerrys vibrating at regular intervals on his desk, he suggested a worrying paradox. "The regular citizen in Chicago cannot go anywhere and buy firearms," says Williams, eyebrows raised. "And yet, in one year, in the 1990s, we had more than 19,000 weapons recovered. In one year. We've been averaging 10,000 weapons recovered every year for the last 10 or 12 or 14 years. And that's with a ban."

What the gun industry can learn from scuba divers
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The Supreme Court will issue a major interpretation of the Second Amendment in coming weeks. But even as both sides in the gun debate await the D.C. v. Heller ruling, the gun industry should set its sights on a different target: certification. It should develop and adopt a private licensing and certification program fashioned on the highly successful scuba diving industry model to provide safety, legal, and marksmanship training to all gun owners and users. Such a private mandate will ensure a base of safer and more knowledgeable gun users and develop a fresh and lucrative revenue source for the whole industry.

MA: Good intent misfires
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Given human nature and most people’s preference to have as little to do with the police as possible, the results to date are hardly surprising. In a city where legal possession of a handgun - the best weapon for self-defense - is difficult to obtain, I suspect that a large number of otherwise honest citizens own illegal guns for protection on the theory that it’s better to be tried by 12 than carried by six.

...we might want to consider what will happen if parents allow police to search for a gangbanger’s gun. He’s going to be angry with his parents ... and he’s going to get another gun, thus either supporting the illegal gun market or by stealing it from a law-abiding owner.

FL: Letter writer presented another erroneous translation of Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Re the April 9 letter, "Second Amendment protects us": Speaking of erroneous translations of the Second Amendment, this one takes the cake.

When this amendment was written, there was no standing army, National Guard, or for that matter, not many local police forces. Therefore militias (with arms) were needed to protect the community against attack. Today, we have Army, National Guard and police forces to protect us. Additionally, the pioneers could not run down to the local Publix or Winn-Dixie to pick up some meat. Therefore, there was a need to have a rifle to hunt for food.

Ed.: Yet another anti-gunner who insists on "translating" the Second Amendment from English into whatever tickles their fancy.

TN: Panel OKs resolution honoring actor Heston
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A resolution proposed by Commissioner Greg "Lumpy" Lambert's to honor the late actor Charlton Heston divided the Knox County Commission on Monday.

Heston, who died April 5 at 84, was head of the National Rifle Association.
Lambert is a gun enthusiast who pulled a gun on a would-be robber at his used-car lot. The accused thief was charged shortly afterward with killing a truck driver.


It calls Heston a "Hollywood legend and prominent gun-rights advocate," cites his Academy Award for "Ben Hur" and says he "was a champion of our Second Amendment rights" who "will undoubtedly be considered an outstanding role model and inspiration for our youth."

FL: State moves to ban fake testicles on vehicles
Submitted by: Mitch

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"Senate lawmakers in Florida have voted to ban the fake bull testicles that dangle from the trailer hitches of many trucks and cars throughout the state.

Republican Sen. Cary Baker, a gun shop owner from Eustis, Florida, called the adornments offensive and proposed the ban. Motorists would be fined $60 for displaying the novelty items..."

Submitter's note: Mr Baker wants to ban things that offend him. He owns a gun shop. Sarah Brady finds his products to be offensive, does he think she should be allowed to ban his wares?

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero (42B.C)

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