Obama Should Apologize for Insulting Millions of Armed Citizens, Says CCRKBA
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Democrat Barack Obama on Tuesday insulted millions of legally-armed American citizens when he told a Pennsylvania newspaper that concealed carry poses a threat to innocent people, and he should immediately apologize for that remark, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today."
"Senator Obama, quoted by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, admitted, 'I am not in favor of concealed weapons. I think that creates a potential atmosphere where more innocent people could (get shot during) altercations.'" ... |
Why a Peaceful Society is an Armed Society
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"To hear the left scoff at the premise that an armed society is a polite society, you would think Americans are uncivilized barbarians just waiting for a chance to shoot each other. Such a backwards thought process isn’t limited to gun control, their distrust of average Americans is rampant in the left’s pantheon of ridiculous beliefs."
"Their duplicitous ways are exposed most readily when it comes to guns since they claim to champion the poor and then disarm them in the face of common criminals, and they claim to champion individual freedom except for when it comes to self-defense involving guns. Finally, their absurd notion that if everyone has to carry a gun then it proves society is unsafe flies in the face of common sense. ..." ... |
Handgun Violence, Public Health, and the Law
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Firearms were used to kill 30,143 people in the United States in 2005, the most recent year with complete data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A total of 17,002 of these were suicides, 12,352 homicides, and 789 accidental firearm deaths. Nearly half of these deaths occurred in people under the age of 35. When we consider that there were also nearly 70,000 nonfatal injuries from firearms, we are left with the staggering fact that 100,000 men, women, and children were killed or wounded by firearms in the span of just one year. This translates into one death from firearms every 17 minutes and one death or nonfatal injury every 5 minutes."
"By any standard, this constitutes a serious public health issue ..." ... |
FL: Woman calls for BB-gun ban in Ocala
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"A city resident will ask the City Council at Tuesday's meeting to prohibit shooting BB guns within Ocala."
"I just don't expect to look out my back window and see someone with a backpack and a rifle over their shoulder, said Glenda Vietinghoff, who is scheduled to address the council at the meeting."
"Currently, residents over the age of 15 are allowed to shoot BB or pellet guns without supervision as long as they are not hunting in a city park, said Greg Graham, Ocala's deputy police chief."
"'What most people do is shoot squirrels,' he said."
"Her reason for proposing the change in local law is not anti-gun, but pro-safety, Vietinghoff said." ... |
VA: Guns and reason
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"Like Joseph Schultz in the letter, 'Or we could check our guns at the door,' March 28, I believe the Second Amendment matters. The valid reason for tolerance of gun ownership is to protect our most cherished freedoms ... But the debate has shifted from the reasonable to extremes."
"The moral good will to act as a public person without routinely carrying weapons is essential to the positive conduct of our society. ..."
"We must cherish reason and set aside the cowardice and callousness so built into our natures. We can gather in our public pursuits without weapons. We can own weapons, yet have more stringent ... gun laws. We can walk to and from our cars with the courage of our convictions instead of the poverty of our pistols." ... |
Understanding the Second Amendment
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"As we await this summer's Supreme Court decision on District of Columbia v. Heller, it is important we have a good understanding of the Second Amendment."
"First we must know the Founding Fathers of the new American republic had all been rigorously educated in the classical European tradition and were not just backwoodsmen with a love of guns. They had studied the writings of great philosophers like Nicollò Machiavelli, Cesare Beccaria, Hubo Grotius and Charles Montesquieu, who, without exception declared a democracy could not exist without the right of the citizens to have and bear arms." ... |
Gun rights vs. government tyranny
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"Debate on gun control and the Founding Father's intent when they penned the Second Amendment continues unabated, as evidenced by many such letters, the latest from Dr. Michael Polito (March 27), in which he attempts to defend the right of individuals to bear arms for the purpose of protection of life and property from home invaders."
"I am writing to make a point that very few people in this country, including the most rabid of gun advocates, seem to understand."
"The preamble to the Bill of Rights says that the reason for attaching these amendments to the Constitution was (and I am paraphrasing) in order to prevent government's misconstruction or abuse of its powers … ." ... |
Middle Ground: The Supreme Court's Opportunity in DC v. Heller
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"In a few months, the U.S. Supreme Court will issue the most important decision it has ever made about the Second Amendment. Who will win? If the Court wisely heads for the sensible middle ground, everybody will win." ...
"Heller, and amici ... urge the Court to apply strict scrutiny. That would be an unprecedented and enormous mistake. ... Strict scrutiny would lead to a crushing wave of constitutional challenges to every firearm law in the nation and risk invalidation of even the most reasonable, common sense restrictions on guns."
"If the Court agrees with Heller ... but also concludes that the right is subject to reasonable regulations, the Court will have made a decision that both sides truly could call a victory. ..." ... |
Supreme Court Confronts 'Right to Bear Arms' in Case
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"'That would be an odd 'right of the people' if limited to militias,' commented Chief Justice John Roberts in the Supreme Court hearing March 18 in District of Columbia v. Heller."
"The case concerns whether the District of Columbia’s ban on handguns violates the Second Amendment guarantee that 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.'"
"Referring to the American Revolution, Justice Antonin Scalia noted that 'tyrants took away the people's weapons, not just those of the militia.'"
"For the American settlers, Justice Anthony Kennedy added, 'Wasn't there a need for self defense against Indian attacks, robbers, wolves and grizzlies?'" ... |
The Heller Question, ignored and begging to be asked
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"With the Supreme Court about to render a decision in DC v. Heller, there is a lot of lengthy discussion and questions posed. However, citizens should remember that the Supreme Court is without actual power to alter the 2nd Amendment. From this perspective, a decision which changes the 'unalienable right to keep and bear arms', and its original purpose, would be null and void. On the other hand, from a practical standpoint, any such decision would be 'enforceable' since the government would use force, indeed deadly force, to compel compliance with the terms of any wrongful decision. ..." ... |
LA: Gun laws sufficient, require more understanding
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Your article of March 25, 'Gun-law case may be felt in Louisiana,' illustrates the obvious anti-firearms bias of the Gannett News Service."
"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, a vociferous anti-gun organization whose goal is the virtual ban on private gun ownership, is quoted rating Louisiana as being 'lax' in regulating guns. No opposite views of pro-Second Amendment rights organizations such as the NRA, the Firearms Coalition, Second Amendment Foundation, Second Amendment Sisters, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Rights, Gun Owners of America, Arming Women Against Rape and Endangerment or Citizens Committee Right to Keep and Bear Arms, just to mention a few. ..." ... |
MD: Leave 2nd Amendment alone
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"It looks like the Supreme Court is about to change the court’s 1939 decision regarding the Constitution’s Second Amendment. The 1939 decision was that the term 'well-regulated militia' means a state-regulated militia."
"When I wrote about this before, someone responded saying I had overlooked the definition of the word 'militia.' But the writer of that letter missed the point. The Second Amendment does not just say 'militia'; it says 'well-regulated militia.'"
"The court will make a mistake if it changes the 1939 decision. The duty of the court is to interpret the Constitution, not change it. But the majority of the justices were appointed by Republican presidents and the [NRA] pretty much controls the GOP. ..." ... |
VT: Gun control efforts silly and dangerous (second letter)
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"The notion that this paper would publish an editorial supportive of Washington's gun ban and their battle in the Supreme Court for its constitutionality is somewhat laughable ... Most of the readers of this paper enjoy the renowned calm and safety of a state that regulates firearms less than any others while Washington, D.C., swims in an ocean of violence in spite of their gun bans."
"The most chilling notion that few individual rights are absolute and a government ... has the right to infringe on a citizen's right under the protection of the Constitution is ludicrous. The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights, like all the other amendments, was an acknowledgement of American citizen's rights that government can't touch. ..." ... |
MD: Senior Citizen Holds Burglar At Gunpoint
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Rob Perkins
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"A senior citizen in Pasadena caught a burglar in his home and held him at gunpoint until police arrived. Tom Walker told Suzanne Collins he just didn't want the young man to get away with it."
"Erick Bjorntwedt ... went on a crime spree in Pasadena until he was stopped by a 74-year-old homeowner dressed in long johns."
"'He came in, I put the pistol up toward his head. I said, 'Get down on the floor.' I said, 'No, get down with your face on the floor,' Tom Walker said." ...
"Police say it worked out this time, but confronting a burglar isn't the best idea because they could be armed."
"'If you're able to flee the residence, we would rather you flee instead of taking on the suspect as this individual did,' said Sgt. John Gilmer." ... |
SC: Police believe gunman in late night shooting was defending himself
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"Authorities believe a shooting in the Woodside Community late last night ... was an act of self-defense, a Greenville County Sheriff's Office spokesman said this morning."
"Investigators are passing along the results of their findings related to the shooting to the 13th Circuit Solicitor's Office to determine whether charges will be filed ..." ...
"Late Tuesday, a man was shot in the head with a .22-caliber handgun in a home where his mother and her boyfriend live ..."
"Investigators questioned the boyfriend for several hours but believe he might not have been the aggressor."
"'At this point, no arrests have been made and it appears that the shooting may have occurred in self defense,' Smith said." |
Is Pizza Worth Dying For? Pizza Hut Seems to Think So
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"This story I found through Hot Air angered me unlike any in a while. A pizza delivery man defended himself from armed robbery with a gun, and Pizza Hut has suspended their employee for this act of defense (not fired -- yet -- but they have fired people for this before). Now this is almost standard stupidity you kinda just get used to, but then there was this quote in the article:"
"Vonnie Walbert, vice president of human resources at Pizza Hut’s corporate offices in Dallas, said last week that employees are not allowed to carry guns 'because we believe that that is the safest for everybody.'" "Now, this got me imagining what was the actual discussion of this issue at Pizza Hut corporate offices. ..." ... |
Pizza Hut: No work for those who defend themselves?
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"A Pizza Hut deliverer fired shots at an armed robber who threatened his life, wounding him and leading to the criminal’s capture by police. What kind of reward did James Spiers get for his self-defense? Unemployment:" ...
"Pizza Hut has every right to set its employment conditions. If they think that their corporate image is better served by having their deliverers die on doorsteps around this nation than to have the ability to defend themselves, that's entirely their decision. People can choose to work for a company that routinely puts them in harms' way while insisting that they remain defenseless even though legal recourses for their self-defense exist. ..." ... |
VA: Virginia keeps campus vulnerable (second letter)
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"While I, like everyone with a heart, feel nothing but sorrow for the victims of the Tech shooting, the offer from our state of $100,000 to the victims' families not to sue truly sickens me."
"Did the state or Virginia Tech make that maniac execute those folks? Are the taxpayers to be held responsible? Do you think the politicians will get in their own pocketbooks to settle this?"
"The question nobody is asking is why these people were denied their Second Amendment rights while on campus. ... Until we as a state tell our elected officials we're tired of them putting us in vulnerable positions, it can happen again." |
SC: 18-Year-Olds Can Now Buy Guns
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"People as young as 18 can now buy and own handguns in South Carolina. Governor Mark Sanford signed a bill into law Wednesday to lower the minimum age from 21."
"'People who are old enough to fight and die in the military should be able to purchase handguns, and the bill will put our laws more in line with those of other states,' Sanford spokesman Joel Sawyer said."
"The law went into effect immediately." ... |
FL: Gun-free zones don't stop crime
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"The prohibition of guns in particular locations, known as gun-free zones, has never been effective. As a matter of fact, such policies and laws are actually counterproductive. The recent shootings at Virginia Tech provide a clear example of the futility of such policies."
"Criminals do not obey such bans, yet law-abiding citizens do, providing an unopposed opportunity for such cowardly and heinous crimes. Gun-free workplaces can provide similar opportunities because a person bent on mayhem and murder sees such places as an opportunity to act without opposition."
"In reality, this law does not allow guns into the workplace itself, but only in locked vehicles ... and only to those with concealed weapon or firearm licenses. ..." ... |
SC: Sanford getting gun list bill
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"All eyes are on Gov. Mark Sanford to see if he’ll approve a bill making a list of S.C. residents with concealed-weapons permits private."
"Currently, the information is available to anyone who requests it from the State Law Enforcement Division (SLED.)"
"Those on the list have passed a background check and taken at least eight hours of handgun training, allowing them to carry a gun into certain public places."
"Last month, The State newspaper requested the list and learned one in five lawmakers has a permit while only one in 50 South Carolinians over the age of 21 has one." ... |
GA: Another gunfight may be brewing in the Senate
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Mark McCullough
Website: http://www.georgiacarry.org/
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"Alice Johnson, the lobbyist representing Georgians for Gun Safety, smells a gunfight in the air."
"She notes this morning that the Senate Rules Committee has put H.B. 257 on today’s calendar."
"The bill adds constables to the list of law enforcement and judicial personnel permitted to pack heat in public buildings."
"'The bill opens up the 'public gathering' section of the Georgia firearms code, and is a likely vehicle for language previously proposed by Rep. Tim Bearden in H.B. 89 and H.B. 915,' Johnson reports." ... -------
Submitter's Note: anything that has Alice Johnson upset must be good for GA gun owners. |
NY: Should you know who owns a gun?
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"If your neighbor has the right to own a pistol, should you have the right to know he does?"
"Should that neighbor have a right to know about your pistol, if it's licensed and legal?"
"That's the debate now playing across New York, touched off by an Albany-area newspaper's Freedom of Information Law request for a list of pistol-permit-holders in a three-county region with a total population similar to that of Broome, Tioga, Chenango and Delaware counties. The question is the modern-day equivalent of 'Do I have the right (freedom of speech) to yell 'Fire!' in a crowded theater, if I could cause a stampede that might harm others?'" ... |
GA: Giving Gunowners the Right to Carry Concealed on MARTA
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Mark McCullough
Website: http://www.georgiacarry.org/
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Today's coming gunfight in the Senate could get interesting.
See this post for the topic's origins this morning.
We're hearing the deal that's been cut on amendments to H.B. 257 would allow those with the proper permits to carry concealed in restaurants — even those that serve alcohol — and on MARTA.
One scenario theorizes that, once the bill is sent back to the House for its decision on whether to agree or disagree, the NRA-backed portion to allow employees to keep guns in cars parked on company lots will again be added.
But we're hearing that one Senate Democrat, J.B. Powell of Blythe, will offer an amendment to that effect on the Senate floor, to ensure that the fireworks start that much earlier. |
WV: Manchin Signs Young Hunters Bill
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West Virginia schools can soon offer courses in hunting if their principals approve the change in curriculum.
Governor Manchin signed legislation yesterday to allow the 10-hour course in the state's public schools.
The original bill would have mandated that schools offer the course. It was changed to give principals the option of whether to offer the class -- a move Manchin spokeswoman Lara Ramsburg says the governor supported.
The new law's goal is to teach firearms safety and boost the sale of hunting licenses. |
TN: Guns-in-bars bill stopped at the door
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"A Tennessee legislative subcommittee holstered until next year the last guns-in-bars bill that was pending in the General Assembly today."
"State Rep. Joe McCord, R-Maryville, the House sponsor of the bill allowing gun-carry permit holders to take their firearms into places that serve alcohol, asked the House Criminal Practice and Procedure subcommittee to defer the bill until 2008 and that the issue be examined by a legislative study committee during this summer and fall."
"But while gun enthusiasts ... lost that battle for another year, they won another in the same committee: the NRA-supported bill to close off public access to the names of Tennessee gun-carry permit holders advanced ..." ... |
NC: Wesley Chapel postpones gun decision
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The village council Tuesday postponed voting on a proposed ordinance restricting firearms use following a contentious public hearing.
The measure would limit gun firing inside the town limits to hunting with neighbors’ permission and for self-defense.
The council tabled the ordinance to make technical changes, which may include clearer language on the types of firearms and activities the ordinance would govern.
The council will reconsider the matter at its April 14 meeting. |
Army Seeks New Ammo Suppliers for Afghanistan
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Perhaps not surprisingly, U.S. Materiel Command is hunting around for new suppliers of ammunition for Afghanistan's military. Just as a reminder, the New York Times late last month revealed that the U.S. military had awarded a contract worth as much as $300 million to a company 'led by a 22-year-old man whose vice president was a licensed masseur.' The Times reported, that among other problems, the military lacked any standards for 'nonstandard' ammunition (i.e. ammunition meant for Soviet-made weapons), so old, badly packaged equipment was showing up in Afghanistan." ... |
MD: City officer charged in sexual assault of teen
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"A Baltimore police officer has been suspended without pay after being arrested and charged this week with sexually assaulting his 13-year-old female cousin ..."
"Officer Troy Jacquan Gee Sr., 32, who has been on the force nearly 11 years, was charged with four sex offense counts, two counts of assault and one count of sexual child abuse ..."
"Police said the incident occurred Wednesday in the officer's North Baltimore home. ..."
"The girl told detectives that she was fondled while alone with the suspect in his basement, and that he wouldn't let her leave, according to the charging documents. She also told police that he took a photo of her on his cell phone camera, according to the documents." ... |
OH: Lorain Patrolman Emilio Morales faces discipline for improperly disposing of guns
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"A 16-year police officer with a spotless record faces disciplinary action for dumping two handguns in a city sewer."
"Patrolman Emilio Morales told authorities he was trying to help a longtime friend who had gotten the guns from her sister. The sister was having domestic problems and wanted the guns out of her house. The friend didn't want the guns either and asked Morales to get rid of them, Chief Cel Rivera said."
"'It was extremely poor judgment and clear violation of policy,' Rivera said."
"The chief said he will make a disciplinary recommendation to the city's safety director by the week's end. ..."
"Morales, who remains on the job, could not be reached for comment. ..." ... -------
H/t to David Codrea. |
NY: Hornell Police Officer Charged with DWI Suspended
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A spokesperson with the Hornell Police Department says Sergeant Mark Mahoney has been suspended with pay. Police say an administrative review will be conducted to evaluate his position.
Mahoney was charged with drunk driving on Friday night. Police found him unconscious in his car on Maple City Drive in Hornell. Mahoney was off-duty at the time.
He's been an officer with the department since 1983. |
MD: Boy, 12, Kills Man Who Attacked His Mom
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"A 12-year-old boy fatally slashed a man who was attacking his mother at the boarding house where they lived, authorities said."
"Salomon Noubissie, 64, died at a hospital after he was slashed across the neck Monday night in the home in the Landover area."
"Cpl. Diane Richardson, a spokeswoman for Prince George's County police, said Wednesday that authorities hadn't decided whether the boy would be charged with anything. They were reviewing the case with the state's attorney's office." ... -------
Submitter's Note: What could these morons charge the kid with? Defending his mother from a lunatic by "taking the law into his own hands"? Failure to call 911? Anyway, a good outcome to a bad situation -- and no guns involved. |
Canada: Ottawa police officer charged with sexual assault
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"An Ottawa police officer was charged Monday with sexual assault and breach of trust stemming from an incident last November."
"The charges came after an investigation by the Special Investigations Unit after a woman reported that she was sexually assaulted by an on-duty police officer on Nov. 3, 2007."
"The woman approached the Ottawa Police Service with these allegations two days later ..."
"Acting Sgt. Rohan Beebakhee, 38, faces one charge of sexual assault and one charge of breach of trust. ..."
"Investigators with the SIU declined further comment on the case, saying the matter is now before the courts." ... |
NJ: NJ Intent on Destroying Sarco
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David Codrea
Website: http://waronguns.blogspot.com
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... "This news story confirms what was discussed on the forum--a former employee stole around 50 firearms. Gee, no wonder missing guns are 'showing up in places they shouldn't.' And now it looks like bigger thieves are set on victimizing the supplier again. The police state of New Jersey seems to have found a way to influence the national supply chain and destroy a business they hate, all in one stroke." ... |
OH: Dealer in Stupidity...The Toledo Blade and Guns on Campus
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Editorial Board of the Toledo Blade has outdone themselves this time and has become hysterical to the point of incontinence. The subject: Internet sales of guns and gun related parts (a legal activity) and the responsible carry of handguns for self-protection by college students."
"The editorial begins by slandering Eric Thompson, president of TGSCOM Inc. by calling him a merchant of death. In reality, Eric operates one of the largest sites on the web for the purchase of aftermarket parts for Glock handguns. Blaming Mr. Thompson for the actions of others is like blaming your local car dealership for selling a car to someone who kills another in a drunken driving accident. ..." ... |
NY: Pistol owners want privacy: Proposed law would keep permit info from public
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"We asked our readers: Should information about who has pistol permits remain available to the public? Why or why not? Here are your responses:"
"People who have pistol permits should have the right to privacy from the public. It should be up to the individual if he/she wants anyone other than the Sheriff's Department to know they are permitted to legally own a handgun." ...
"My worry about random criminal burglary, however, would significantly increase if a local drug dealer could easily find out that I, at my address, have six handguns, which are easily converted into the 'coin of the realm.' They could in one night hit 10 locations in sequence known to have such assets -- very efficient!" ... |
VA: Suing the state over shootings would be suing its taxpayers (first letter)
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"The shootings at Virginia Tech were a tragedy of unimaginable proportions. However, Ira Stancil would have you believe that the state of Virginia and Virginia Tech are malevolent entities that somehow made negligent decisions and need to be punished ('Tech shootings involved more than simple negligence by the state,' March 28 letter)."
"Virginia Tech is a public university and, just like a public corporation, it does not make decisions. Its executives do. If the governor felt, after reviewing his commissioned report, that gross negligence occurred, he should have fired these executives. If they felt they had been unjustly terminated, they should have the right to sue members of the committee." ... |
Australia: Packing Heat - Pick On Someone Your Own Calibre
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"The gay community has always had to live with violence. While we've definitely made in roads towards acceptance, the cold, hard reality is that all too often gay friendly spaces are confined to small inner city locations, and even those are not without their element of danger. ..."
"... We've always had strategies to deal with the constant threat of violence ..."
"When it comes to protecting oneself, the Pink Pistols is one group in America who are taking a very different approach. Their motto is simple – gays who carry guns don’t get bashed."
"To Australians, carrying a gun for self-defence is a totally foreign concept, but in America the number of gays packing heat only continues to grow. ..." ... |
AZ: Man Fatally Stabbed in Arizona Mall
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"Something seemed wrong with Bernard Allen as he went to the register and asked for a butcher's knife. Employees at the store noted Allen was acting strangely, though nobody stopped him as he walked out and into the adjoining shopping mall with a new eight-inch blade in hand."
"Minutes later, a man was dead. Issaruh Jackson, 31, of Tempe, had the misfortune of bumping into Allen in the Fiesta Mall food court restroom on Monday. When he turned around, police said, Allen took out the butcher knife and thrust it into his back." ... -------
KABA Note: According to the Mall's Guest Services department (480-610-0842) guns are not allowed inside the mall. |
UK: Man stabbed to death in front of family
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"A man was stabbed to death in front of his mum and sister, a court heard."
"David Stunell, 22, bled to death after allegedly being knifed once in the neck by his sister's boyfriend in the street."
"The attack is alleged to have happened after Mr Stunell and his mother, Carol, 51, went to his sister Hayley's flat near the Seven Dials to confront her about her relationship with Aaron Aymer, 18, who denies murder."
"Mr Stunell approached Aymer, who was sitting in the front passenger seat of Hayley's car, parked in Montpelier Crescent."
"It was then that he was allegedly stabbed once in the neck with a kitchen knife, Lewes Crown Court heard yesterday." ... |