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Newslinks for 4/30/2014

Brady Campaign-endorsed Illinois politician facing child pornography charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A leader in the fight against concealed carry in Illinois was 'charged Monday with using both personal and state-owned computers to trade hundreds of images and videos depicting child pornography,' The Chicago Tribune reported yesterday. Former State Rep. Keith Farnham also reportedly bragged in online chats about molesting young children ..." ...

"The charges are ironic, because the former representative 'twice co-sponsored bills in the House that toughened penalties for child pornography.'"

"He was also a leading proponent of 'gun control,' described by Gun Rights Across America President and Founder Eric Reed as 'one of the 'ringleaders' in Springfield opposing a concealed carry bill.'" ...

Random Thoughts About “Gun Supremacists”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When former Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced the debut of 'Everytown for Gun Safety' I had to laugh. 'Everytown.' Not 'Every Town.' 'Everytown.' If Mayor Mike’s minions had called his gun control meta group 'Every Town for Gun Safety' that would have been a claim. You know: every town in America supports gun safety. Which they do – if you use the common understanding of the words 'gun safety.' As in 'being safe with a gun.' Which the anti-gunners don’t. They use the term 'gun safety' in place of 'gun control' to avoid the word 'control,' lest they reveal their true intentions. Where was I? Ah yes, 'Everytown' . . ." ...

Rasmussen: Holder not so popular; NRA’s Cox says he should have been fired
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new Rasmussen poll released today says Attorney General Eric Holder 'remains one of the best-known and least-liked members of President Obama’s cabinet,' and considering remarks made by top National Rifle Association lobbyist Chris Cox at the association’s convention over the weekend, he will get no sympathy from gun owners." ...

Young people align more with Republicans than Democrats on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite Democrats’ best efforts to reform the nation’s gun laws, a new poll has found that Millennials align more with Republicans than with Democrats when it comes to the Second Amendment."

"According to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, 49 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 39 say Republicans’ opinions on gun control are closer to their own, compared to just 36 percent who sided with Democrats."

"Among all adults, 44 percent said they aligned with the GOP’s views on gun control rather than their political counterparts."

"... The party committee opposes legislation that would limit the capacity of clips and magazines ... and outlines its opposition for a federal gun registry." ...

NP3 Firearms Finish Goes to Space Aboard the International Space Station
Submitted by: Justin

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"NP3 has boldly gone to space to provide its self lubricating properties to the International Space Station. This is yet another example where NP3 is plated on critical components that lives may depend upon." ...

New from SRM: “Silent Slug” Low Velocity, Low Recoil, Extremely Quiet Shotgun Slug
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The guys over at SRM have been refining their 1216 shotgun, adding in all kinds of new bells and whistles. Improved plastics for the magazine to prevent warping, better materials for the stock, and even a better design for the receiver will all be available this year for new buyers. ... After a session showing off their latest tricks to a team of special forces soldiers, the guys asked them to do something ingenious: make a lethal shotgun slug that’s quieter than a .22 caliber gun (even without a silencer) and won’t penetrate walls and still be lethal on the other side. So they did. And it’s going on sale soon . . ." ...

Gun Tweet of the Day: Is Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Jefe Shannon Watts a Pathological Liar? Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m fascinated by gun control advocates’ intellectual dishonesty. The 'logic' underpinning their crusade for civilian disarmament is fundamentally, demonstrably false. I repeat: the facts do not support their arguments. Which is why antis ultimately resort to emotional arguments. Look at this baby! We know they’re lying to the public. They have to. But are they lying to themselves? Do they believe their own anti-ballistic B.S.? Or are they pathological liars? According to Wikipedia, that depends on their compensation . . ." ...

The Sanest Approach to Gun Policy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association has just finished its annual meeting in Indianapolis. I don’t think I’m being reductionist in describing the NRA’s position on gun safety as pretty basic: Guns are good; gun regulations are bad. That’s unfortunate because the key insight in the perpetually fruitless gun control debate is that our social problem is deaths from guns, not the guns from themselves."

"That distinction opens up the door to what I’ve always believed is the sanest approach to gun policy: a public health approach. What if we treated guns like cars, cribs and small electrical appliances? What if we focused less on the guns and more on when, where and why people get hurt or killed by them?" ...

Liberal Daily Kos compares NRA meeting to Nazi rally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The effort to marginalize and demonize anyone who supports the Second Amendment ... continues, as the far left-wing Daily Kos compared the recent NRA meeting in Indianapolis to a Nazi rally ..."

"'Wayne LaPierre and Sarah Palin at the [NRA] is what an American Nazi Party rally would sound like if Germany had won the war,' wrote featured blogger 'Hunter.' 'The flag, the cross, the obsession over the danger posed to the ruling class by violent minorities and the warning that arming yourself to the teeth in order to prevent the demise of the very nation at the hands of those violent minorities, the petty mocking of the rule of law and mocking of the quaint sensibilities of those who would not commit crimes against the nation's enemies.'" ...

The End Game – Ban All Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are many strategies antigun zealots use to undermine the Second Amendment."

"Let’s take a look at a few of them. One way is through enactment of Federal and State Statutes. At the moment we have hundreds."

"The antigun zealots push for more. They try to hoodwink the public. To do so, they bide their time until a calamity occurs. Then they pounce, exploiting personal misfortune shamelessly."

"The tragedy at Newtown, Connecticut gave the zealots a grand opening. They took it. They attacked gun ownership directly and tried to ban many firearms under the fiction of 'assault weapons.'" ...

NRA gathers its best troops in an echo chamber
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Second Amendment absolutists complain that gun-control advocates are an out-of-touch elite seeking to destroy the way of life of real men who pack heat, pass weapons on to their sons and are a rampart against government tyranny. It's dangerous out there."

"At the National Rifle Association's convention in Indianapolis last weekend, Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre warned his members that their lifestyle was under assault." ...

"There's no better venue than this gathering to experience the pain and joy of gun owners. To those not steeped in guns, the exhibition hall with weapons arrayed as far as the eye can see is a frightening display. It is also a place where the young and female are pursued. ..." ...

GA: State’s new gun law could have dangerous consequences
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s official: Gov. Nathan Deal last week signed the 'Guns everywhere' bill that expands the public areas where persons with a carry license can legally take firearms."

"The governor’s action, which had been long expected, prompted differing reactions from different groups." ...

"Outside the bill’s circle of supporters, the exhilaration was much more subdued. In various media accounts, the new law was described as 'radical,' 'reckless,' 'the most extreme gun bill in America,' and 'out of the mainstream.'"

"What will be the consequences of allowing more firearms in public venues? Let’s look at some incidents that have happened around the country in recent months." ...

MI: Craig says it's 'ludicrous' to blame him for Detroit homeowners shooting intruders
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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"The city’s police chief insists his vocal support of responsible gun owners is not to blame for a recent rash of homeowners shooting intruders."

"In the latest incident, a 50-year-old woman fired one shot at a man after he climbed into the bedroom window of her home in the 12200 block of Heyden on the city’s west side."

"The 24-year-old suspected intruder, who was shot in the arm, fled, but was quickly arrested by responding officers and taken to a hospital, where he was listed in temporary serious condition." ...

TX: Armed Citizen Captures Would be Purse Snatchers at Gunpoint in Texas (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The local media in Houston, TX is calling this armed citizen an armed good Samaritan, and rightly so."

"The man interjected himself into a robbery in progress in order to protect a mother and her children from two would be robbers."

"As seen on a local business’s security cameras, two assailants in a vehicle attempted to grab a woman’s purse and drive away. However the woman was still attached to her purse ..."

"The armed citizen, who was sitting in his car, got out, drew his firearm and pulled the suspects out of their car at gunpoint. He then forced them both to the ground and held them at gunpoint until police arrived."

"The two suspects were arrested and the armed citizen bought some candy for his kids before leaving." ...

GA: “No Guns” Sign Prominently Displayed During News Report Covering Today’s FedEx Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you followed today’s shooting at a FedEx facility in Georgia in which six people were injured and the shooter was killed, you might have noticed something ironic in the parking lot of the building."

"As you can see in the screenshot above, the building is a gun free zone."

"In Georgia, signs don’t hold legal weight, but if you were a FedEx employee and violated this policy I’m sure you could be terminated. I doubt many people would take that risk."

"It’s just the latest example of a mass shooting in a gun free zone."

"According to media sources, the weapon used by the shooter was a shotgun. This further illustrates that ... even simple sporting arms can be used to inflict great harm when the victims are unarmed." ...

AZ: GoDaddy Exec Christine Jones Running for Arizona Governor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Calling herself an 'unapologetic conservative,' former GoDaddy exec Christine Jones has filed the necessary paperwork to run for governor in Arizona."

"Jones, 45, the former chief legal counsel and vice president at GoDaddy, is reported to be running without public funding in the August Republican primary."

"She said as governor of Arizona, she would fight for gun rights, border security, and to eliminate federal intrusion into school policy." ...

FL: Benacquisto, Tallahassee elites bested by Clawson, grassroots
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Not to take anything away from Curt Clawson, but grassroots and [South-west Florida] Citizens Alliance were a significant factor in Benacquisto’s 12 point margin loss. Message to Tallahassee politicians: 'Enough! Everyday citizens are fed up with elites ignoring the voters on important issues like stopping Common Core and Second Amendment Preservation. Ignore the grassroots at your political peril!'"

"The loss can be attributed to many key factors. Just to name a few: ...

- The arrogance of her refusal to attend most job interviews (i.e. forums) astonished voters.

- Her refusal to file the Florida Second Amendment Preservation companion bill to HB 733 in the Florida Senate." ...

Administration Limits Exported Magazine Capacity Of 30 Rounds And Higher
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NSSF has learned today that the U.S. State Department has made a 'policy decision' to limit the export of 30 round and higher capacity magazines solely to government, law enforcement and military end users. The policy is expected to be posted to the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) website this week. ..." ...

Marco Rubio says Second Amendment is unique in speech to NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., went all in for gun owners in a speech to the NRA as the potential presidential candidate sought to squelch any doubts about his commitment to gun rights."

"Rubio ... described the right to own a gun as part of the American Dream, highlighted the 'futility' of existing gun laws and chastised the media for stigmatizing gun owners."

"At one point, Rubio described the Constitution of the United States as unique."

"'I'm always amused that those who come up to me and say no other country has a constitutional right like this,' he said. 'As if to imply that there is something wrong with us. But we say no other country has a constitutional right like this not with scorn, but with pride.'" ...

[Sen.] Kaine: Treaty doesn't infringe on gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Carl Grenn Sr. of Fredericksburg recently wrote a letter, published elsewhere, challenging a vote I cast related to the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty."

"While the U.S. Senate has yet to vote on ratification of the international treaty, on April 2, 2013, I voted against an amendment to the Senate budget that would have prevented the Senate from considering the measure altogether."

"The treaty, which in no way affects our Second Amendment rights or domestic gun sales, establishes common, worldwide guidelines to keep weapons out of the hands of human rights abusers and criminals who fuel violent conflicts around the world, like in Iraq or Afghanistan." ...

CA: Calif. Assembly Democrats Gun Down Civil Rights Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a party line-vote, the California Assembly Public Safety Committee failed to pass AB 1563, Assemblyman Tim Donnelly’s handgun carry license reform bill."

"The measure, sponsored by gun rights group [CAL-FFL], would have replaced the current unconstitutional system with an entirely new, 'shall-issue' framework. This framework was designed to drastically speed up license processing and help all law-abiding people exercise their constitutional rights."

"'This was about fighting for the Second Amendment rights of all Californians and visitors of our great state,' explained Donnelly. 'My bill would have ensured that the poorest among us had the same access to their right to bear arms as the wealthiest and most politically-connected.'" ...

MI: Gun bill targets open-carry rules that conflict with Michigan law, proposes fines for local officials
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Rep. Tom McMillin joined open-carry advocates outside the Michigan Capitol on Tuesday, announcing new legislation that would make it easier for residents to challenge local gun rules that conflict with state law and penalize elected officials who might enforce them."

"McMillin, speaking to a crowd of roughly 200 gun-toting residents following a 'Second Amendment March' in Lansing, said his pending bill would strengthen the Michigan firearm preemption law of 1990 ..."

"'There are ordinances that cities have that violate state law by saying residents can't open carry where state law says they can,' the Rochester Hills Republican told MLive later Tuesday. '... cities like Grand Rapids have used them to harass citizens ...'" ...

TX: Ex-Central Texas officer gets probation over drugs planted in ex-wife's vehicle, custody fight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Central Texas police officer has been sentenced to five years of probation for having drugs planted in his ex-wife's vehicle during a 2011 custody dispute."

"A jury in Bryan last week convicted ex-Madisonville police Sgt. Jeffrey Covington of retaliation. Covington on Monday reached a sentencing agreement for probation and also must serve 30 days in jail, plus give up his peace officer's license. Drug and official oppression charges were dropped." ...

CA: Police in Long Beach Fatally Shooting a Man in the Back (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In the video, the man can be seen fleeing from the police with a wooden stick in his hand. According to the police, officers first fired a 'stun bag' and then rubber bullets at the fleeing suspect. Police say this is when the suspect confronted the officers. Although the video reveals the suspect is still running with his back to the officers, police said, 'believing the suspect had just engaged deputies in a gunfight, was still armed, and remained an immediate threat to law enforcement and the public gathered on the beach,' they opened fire."

"The video shows the suspect being shot in the back a number of times, and writhing on the ground in pain for around two minutes before the police finally approach him. ..." ...

FL: Pembroke Pines officer charged after stealing watch from burglary scene (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police have arrested and charged a police officer after he was captured on surveillance video stealing a watch from a jewelry store that was robbed by thieves."

"Pembroke Pines police officer, 37-year-old Kevin Burgs, was one of several officers who responded to a break-in at the Jared, The Galleria of Jewelry store ..." ...

"According to the Pembroke Pines Police Department, Burgs was captured on surveillance video carrying a ladder around the store. On another surveillance, two watches are seen on the floor. Burgs is seen putting down the ladder to pick up his gun. As he picks up the gun and leaves the store, only one watch remains."

"Investigators said they found the nearly $8,000 watch inside Burgs police cruiser." ...

France: Two Paris cops charged with raping Canadian tourist
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two elite French police officers were charged Sunday with raping a Canadian tourist in their Paris headquarters in a case that has sent shock waves across France."

"Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said in a statement sent to AFP that the two officers would 'face the full consequences' if they were found guilty."

"Four policemen were taken into custody after the 34-year-old woman filed a complaint saying she had been raped in the police headquarters overnight Tuesday."

"Two of the members of the elite BRI unit that fights gang crime were charged overnight, a source close to the investigation said, after the other two were released on Saturday." ...

PA: 'Gunners' gather outside Pa. Capitol to celebrate 'God given right' to carry a firearm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pouring rain did not deter several hundreds of so-called 'patriots' and 'gunners' from gathering on the front steps of the state Capitol this morning to celebrate what the rally's organizer called 'their God-given right' to carry a firearm."

"The ninth annual Pennsylvania Second Amendment Action Day featured a line-up of speakers including legislators, gun rights group leaders, a gun shop owner and a pro-gun mayor, all issuing a plea to the crowd to keep the pressure on lawmakers ..."

"... Joseph Junguzza told the crowd that the next time anyone asks them about the Second Amendment they should tell them, 'We do not attend gun rallies. We attend rallies for freedom. We do not carry a gun to spread fear but to secure safety.'" ...

MI: Hundreds attend gun rights rally in Lansing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Standing steps away from the state Legislature, Kenetha Gibson kept a .45-caliber pistol holstered at her hip Tuesday to send a message."

"Guns should not be feared."

"'It's an important right,' the Lansing woman said. 'You don't have to be afraid of it. It's not going to jump off my hip. It's a tool.'"

"Gibson, 41, was among several dozen gun advocates who openly carried their pistols and semi-automatic rifles during a gun rights rally this morning outside the Capitol."

"A few hundred people attended the rally, which was designed to push for gun rights legislation and educate the public ..."

"The event, which drew participants from throughout Michigan, was coordinated by the Second Amendment March group." ...

MI: Gun rally at Michigan Capitol '2nd Christmas' for Second Amendment advocates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They came from all across Michigan, pistols strapped to their waists and legs, rifles slung over their shoulders."

"Some were semi-automatic, most were loaded."

"For Alan Graham, Johann Deffert and Sandi Beahan, it was a 'second Christmas.'"

"'It’s wonderful to be around like-minded people who understand how the government should work,' said Deffert of Grand Rapids, who added that there was a diverse group of people at the rally."

"Some 200 people came to the Capitol in Lansing on Tuesday for the annual event to raise awareness about the Second Amendment and gun ownership." ...

PA: Hundreds rally in support of gun rights in annual event outside Pennsylvania Capitol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A few hundred gun rights advocates took their cause to Pennsylvania lawmakers on Tuesday as part of Second Amendment Action Day, an annual event that focuses on one of the state's most divisive political issues."

"The rally brought dozens of sympathetic legislators to the steps of the state Capitol, and after an hour of speeches in a steady rain, those in attendance fanned out to make their case directly to the elected representatives. Speakers warned that Second Amendment rights are at risk and described pending legislation that could further broaden gun rights." ...

PA: Second Amendment Action Day Rally in Harrisburg (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several hundred people gathered outside the capitol Tuesday to celebrate their gun rights for the ninth annual Second Amendment Action Day . They were joined by state lawmakers who discussed legislation that would broaden gun rights. Representative Daryl Metcalfe (R) , 12th district, discussed his proposed House Bill 357 known as the Right to Bear Arms Protection Act. The bill would make any new federal gun control laws unenforceable in Pennsylvania." ...

Missing the target (third letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It seems a shame that former Justice John Paul Stevens offered his views ... on altering the Second Amendment to the Constitution without bothering to confirm some of the statements he presented as facts."

"First, Justice Stevens writes that '... the Second Amendment provides no obstacle to regulations prohibiting the ownership or use of the sorts of automatic weapons used in the tragic killings in Virginia, Colorado and Arizona.'"

"No automatic weapons were involved in any of these terrible massacres."

"Only one weapon used ... could even remotely be termed an 'assault weapon,' ..."

"The remaining weapons in these instances were legally obtained handguns, plus a shotgun and a semi-automatic rifle chambered in 9mm." ...

A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves...and include all men capable of bearing arms. — Richard Henry Lee, Additional Letters from the Federal Framer (1788) at p. 169

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