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TX: Broadway convenience store clerk kills robber
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A grand jury will decide whether a Houston convenience store owner was justified when he fatally shot one of two men who tried to rob his business late Thursday night, authorities said today."

"Peter Quang Dan fired at two men as they fled his store in southwest Houston, hitting one in the head, Houston Police said. The man's name has not been released." ...

"Dan, 50, told investigators one of the men pistol-whipped him after demanding cash, then forced him to lie on the floor of the store. As the two fled, Dan grabbed a pistol he keeps in the store and fired, police said."

"Dan was not seriously injured in this attack." ...

TX: Homeowner Shoots Suspect After 2 Break-Ins
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A southeast Houston homeowner shot a burglary suspect Thursday afternoon after he was victimized twice in a week ..."

Thomas Williamson ... said he stayed home from work on Thursday after a burglar hit his home twice in a few days."

"Williamson said he looked out his window at about 1 p.m. and saw a man walk across his back yard. The man went into Williamson's garage and tried to steal an air compressor ..."

"When the burglary suspect walked out of the garage with bolt cutters, Williamson said he grabbed his shotgun." ...

"Williamson said he shot the man when he tried to run. ..." ...

OK: State Senate halts gun bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"OCCC President Paul Sechrist gave a nod of approval March 31 when the state Senate halted a bill that would have allowed concealed weapons on college campuses."

"Sechrist credited many people with stopping the bill."

"'The many voices throughout the state that rose up in opposition to HB 2513 had a big impact,' Sechrist said."

"'All the law enforcement agencies, all of the college presidents, most of the faculty associations and the State Chamber of Commerce all joined together to help defeat this bill.'"

"Sechrist said the general consensus from safety experts is having concealed weapons on campuses would not increase safety ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Well as long as there's a "general concensus", that's almost like having "evidence", right Paul?

FL: UCF Student Group Seeks Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bill Bunting expects more than 40 University of Central Florida students to attend his gun class Saturday."

"In addition to a shared interest in guns, Bunting, chairman of the Pasco County Republican Club's executive committee, agrees that college students in Florida should be able to carry concealed handguns on campus if they hold the proper permit. Under state law it is illegal to bring a firearm onto a school campus."

"The students in Bunting's class are members of UCF's Republican club; some also are members of the Knight Rifle Association, a group of students who educate peers about Second Amendment rights and other gun-related issues." ...

PA: Political science students to examine epidemic of handgun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Students in Clarion University's State and Local Government class will attend the 'National Symposium on Handgun Violence' at Duquesne University on April 9. The course is taught by Dr. Kevan Yenerall, associate professor of political science."

"The historic symposium will address gun violence in schools, in cities, and directed at public officials. Speakers will include:"

"Jim Brady, President Ronald Reagan’s press secretary, shot during assassination attempt on the President in 1981; namesake of 'Brady Handgun Bill.'"

"Alan Korwin, author of 'Gun Laws of America' and a nationally-recognized expert on Second Amendment rights."

"Marisa Randazzo, former Secret Service agent who specializes in terrorism and threat." ...

Obama Misfires On Concealed Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun Control: Barack Obama says he won't take folks' guns away as long as they're hunters. But when the hunted are his constituents, well, that's different: He opposes concealed carry and the right to self-defense."

"There's something about an election that brings out the sportsman in a Democratic presidential candidate. Recall John Kerry's sudden fondness for hunting four years ago."

"And speaking in Idaho earlier this year, Barack Obama told the crowd, 'We got a lot of hunters in the state of Illinois, and I have no intention of taking away folks' guns.'"

"Except he does."

"In a 1996 questionnaire, Obama wrote that he 'supported banning the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns.' ..." ...

AZ: AZ SB 1214 Update CCW on Campus
Submitted by: Dustin

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"There were not enough votes to pass SB 1214 in the Senate without making an amendment to the bill that essentially adds a requirement to pass a couple of additional shooting skills tests before you can receive a special 'School Safety Endorsement' on your CCW permit that would allow 21 & older adults with the endorsement to go into College & University Buildings while carrying their concealed weapon. Without the special endorsement CCW permit holders would still be allowed to go onto College & University Grounds, but not into the buildings." ...

Submitter's Note: Arizonans - call your Senator to request support of SB 1214 which would allow CCW holders to carry on College & University Campuses.

FL: Florida a step closer to guns at workplace
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Senate is poised to give final approval next week to a bill allowing people with permits to carry guns to work regardless of their employers' wishes."

"The bill, sponsored by Sen. Durell Peaden, R-Crestview, has been one of the most heavily lobbied this session, pitting business interests that opposed the bill against the pro-gun lobby and trial attorneys."

"After less than an hour's floor debate Thursday ... the Senate brought its bill in line with the version that passed the House last week."

"The bill says private businesses cannot prevent customers or employees who hold concealed weapons permits from bringing their guns onto employers' property as long as the guns stay locked in cars. ..." ...

GA: Concealed Carry Bill Goes To House (another view)
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Georgia is a big step closer to allowing more people to carry guns in public places. On Wednesday, the state Senate voted to allow people to carry their guns into some restaurants, and onto some buses and trains -- but only if they have permits to carry concealed weapons." ...

GA: Fulton County Repeals Ban On Carrying in Parks
Submitted by: Mark McCullough

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In response to GCO's suit against it, Fulton County has repealed its ban on carrying firearms in its parks. A copy of the revised ordinance may be viewed here.

Submitter's note: Fulton County removed the prohibited carry of any rifle, pistol, shotgun, BB gun, or pellet gun, but saw fit to keep the prohibition of bow and arrows and slingshots.

GA: Expanded gun rights on brink of passage
Submitted by: Mark McCullough

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"Critics stunned as measures to allow firearms in more places suddenly pick up steam at end of session."

"After two years of bitter fighting and brutal behind-the-scene politicking, gun advocates say they are confident that 2008 is the year they broadly expand the state's right-to-carry-weapons laws."

"Provisions that would allow guns in restaurants, state parks, some employee parking lots and on public transportation — including MARTA trains — will be in the mix Friday, the last day of the legislative session." ...

"[Rep. Tim] Bearden said 43 other states allow guns on public transportation. Thirty-seven states allow permit holders to carry weapons into restaurants."

"'It's not like we're on the cutting edge here,' he said." ...

FL: Senate to vote on worker gun bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The state Senate is cocked and ready to vote next week on a guns-at-work bill that would allow people with concealed-weapons permits to leave their guns locked in their cars at workplace parking lots."

"Senators slotted the bill Thursday for a vote after rejecting several proposed changes from Democratic lawmakers."

"The legislation, which mirrors the version recently passed by the House, prohibits employers from asking workers if they carry guns in their vehicles. It also makes it illegal for employers to base hiring or firing decisions on an employee's gun-carrying status."

"The bill excludes schools, prisons, nuclear facilities and airports." ...

Anti gun folks already calling Hunting Rifles Sniper Rifles
Submitted by: Dustin

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Just as I predicted, the anti gun folks are already saying that Hunting Rifles are similar to Sniper Rifles:

Louie Garcia, assistant special agent in charge, said the sniper rifle - similar to those used by hunters - was taken by agents from a car stopped southeast of Tucson over the weekend.

Bid to Ease Gun Ban at Parks Challenged
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Seven former directors of the National Park Service ... have signed a letter opposing the Interior Department's plan to reconsider regulations restricting loaded guns in national parks."

"The former park officials say current regulations requiring that visitors to national parks render their weapons inaccessible were working well and have helped make national parks among the safest places in America."

"'These rules ... are essential to park rangers in carrying out their duties of protecting park resources and wildlife, and in assuring the safety of visitors to the parks,' the letter said. 'In all our years, we experienced very few instances in which this limited regulation created confusion or resistance.'" ...

MO: Badge may have saved officer a felony gun charge (follow-up)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A St. Louis County police officer accused of pointing a pistol at a parking attendant could have faced a felony charge in the incident if it hadn't been for his badge, officials said." ...

"... A civilian in similar circumstances could have been charged with unlawful use of a weapon. State law makes it a felony when a person 'exhibits, in the presence of one or more persons, any weapon readily capable of lethal use in an angry or threatening manner.'"

"Police officers have been exempt from prosecution for that violation for some time. In 2003, legislators included off-duty police officers in the exemption." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

IL: Chicago Police officer relieved of duty after confrontation with wife (last story)
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"A Chicago police officer facing misconduct charges after allegedly confronting his wife and her male acquaintance while on duty has been relieved of his police powers."

"Police officials say 16-year veteran Donald Branch was placed on no-pay status pending the outcome of an internal investigation. Branch also appeared in court and was ordered to surrender his Firearm Owner's Identification card ..."

"Prosecutors allege Branch was on a plainclothes detail in an unmarked car when he went to his wife's home."

"Assistant State's Attorney Michael Evans says Branch confronted his estranged wife and a male friend as they were leaving the home. He allegedly struck the woman and pointed his gun at the man, who fled." ...

IN: Detective accused in drive-by shooting
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A Gary police detective is accused of being involved in a drive by shooting.

He is now on a paid suspension while the department investigates the matter.

Detective Corporal Steven Andrus is a six-year veteran of the Gary Police Department.

Andrus and at least three other Gary officers are also suspects in the shooting, which took place on March 18.

Investigators say the shooting happened outside a home in Portage following an argument at a bar. Charges have not yet been filed.

NJ: Veteran Officer Charged With Sexually Assaulting Girl
Submitted by: jac

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"A veteran New Jersey police sergeant was charged last month with sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl."

"Sgt. Brian Robinson, 47, of Gloucester Township, was charged with aggravated sexual assault, a first-degree crime, aggravated assault, and two counts of endangering the welfare of a child."

"He has served on the Cherry Hill police force for 18 years."

"Cherry Hill police officials wouldn't speak on camera."

"But some officers off camera said many at the department were surprised by the sexual assault charges leveled against one of their own."

"Robinson is accused of sexually assaulting the teen in Lindenwold and Gloucester Township locations over the past three years, authorities said." ...

PA: Constable Accused Of Abusing Power
Submitted by: jac

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A Cumberland County constable is accused of abusing his power.

State police charged Aaron Nigro, 27, with official oppression.

The charge stems from a March accident in West Pennsboro Township. Police said Duane Kough, 38, rear-ended Nigro's private car. Kough told police Nigro forced him from his car then handcuffed, kicked and threatened him.

Police said Nigro had no authority to enforce the vehicle code.

NH: Grandmother Arrested, Dog Impounded Over Old Parking Tickets
Submitted by: Benjamin Rush

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"Police in Portsmouth, New Hampshire have a long history of arresting motorists over minor offenses. Despite recent promises of reform, the force on Monday not only threw the book at a 58-year-old woman, but her dog as well. Susan Lehman alleged crime was failure to pay a couple of parking tickets issued eight years ago."

"'It wasn't fun,' Lehman told the Portsmouth Herald newspaper. 'I was totally dumbfounded by the situation.'"

"Police nabbed her in the afternoon as she attempted to refuel her car at the Lafayette Road gas station. The grandmother of three was handcuffed and led away to be booked while her 10-year-old canine companion, Sally, was impounded at the SPCA in Stratham." ...

Submitter's Note: When will this lunacy stop?

NJ: Immigrants' suit: Home raids violated our rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ten immigrants yesterday charged that warrantless and abusive pre-dawn raids by federal authorities violated their constitutional rights." ...

"According to the lawsuit, agents rebuffed the efforts of at least one lawful resident ... to show them her documentation and she was detained for nearly 36 hours." ...

"A lawyer at the firm, Scott Thompson, said, 'None of the home raids in today's case involved valid warrants allowing the agents to enter, and none of the residents gave consent.'"

"'The Constitution is very clear about the circumstances under which law enforcement may enter a private home, and the entries in this case did not even come close,' Thompson said." ...

FL: Man threatens Va. Tech-like attack
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"A 20-year-old with a weapons cache that included four AK-47s was arrested after threatening over the Internet to undertake a Virginia Tech-style massacre ..."

"Oregon authorities learned of a March 25 Internet message allegedly posted by Calin Chi Wong in which he threatened to re-enact the Virginia Tech killings. Two days later, Homestead Police searched the home ..."

"Wong had 13 firearms in all, more than 5,000 rounds of ammunition, some that could pierce armor, and 100 rounds in a feeding clip with bullets 'meant to take down aircraft or military machinery,' [Detective] Aquino said. He had hidden two AK-47s in his parents' closet ..." ...

Submitter's Note: "take down aircraft or military machinery"?!? HUH?!?

PA: Praise for Republicans who buck the NRA
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"I am very glad that some Pennsylvania Republicans are willing to go against the pressure of the National Rifle Association and vote for sensible handgun legislation that would require the reporting of lost or stolen handguns to the police ("Pa. gun bill draws some GOP support," March 31)."

"Handguns have made a combat zone of Pennsylvania, wreaking havoc from the inner city to rural communities. Every day in the United States, an average of 77 people are shot to death. They are the casualties of war, a war caused by guns. That's almost 30,000 Americans killed annually by firearms; by comparison, during the many years of the Vietnam War, about 58,000 Americans died there. ..." ...

UK: A bulletproof hoodie: The ultimate fashion item for Britain's lawless teenagers
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"Youths on Britain's increasingly dangerous streets will soon be able to equip themselves with bulletproof hoodies ..."

"The hoodie can allegedly stop a bullet from a 9mm Magnum handgun and protects the entire upper body." ...

"While the hoodie is being marketed as a sensible precaution, critics will certainly see bulletproof protection as another step up in the spiralling violence among Britain's youngsters - by prompting gangs to arm themselves even more heavily."

"Barry Samms, who owns its British manufacturer Bladerunner, said today: 'This hoodie stops bullets.'"

"'Last year we launched a knife-resistant hooded top in the UK and it's selling very well. I was taken aback at how well it has sold.'" ...

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human liberty; it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. — William Pitt

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