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NC: North Carolina Legislature School Safety Committee Meeting
Submitted by: Liston Matthews

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A short report on the committee meeting, and comment on inaccurate data reported by a NC SBI staffer.

AK: A former Eagle River student posted a photo of a gun on Twitter. That got him barred from prom.
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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An 18-year-old Alaskan said Eagle River High School administrators have barred him from the school's upcoming prom after people complained about his social media posts, which included a picture of a firearm and then, about 10 hours later, one about the dance.

"It's a gun that I like, that's all it is," Kolton Hala said in an interview Monday about the photo he posted of a Hi-Point Model 4595, a .45 ACP semi-automatic rifle. "It wasn't directed toward anybody. I was just sharing what I like."

Hala dropped out of Eagle River High School last year following an accident that left him with third-degree burns to his face and upper body. He planned to go to the school's prom on Saturday as a friend's date, he said.

IL: Woman claiming self defense in deadly stabbing
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The woman police say stabbed 30-year-old Kendric Parker to death on Easter Sunday won't face charges at this time.

Police found Parker in his home with a stab wound to the neck. Peoria County State's Attorney Jerry Brady says the woman involved is claiming self defense. The case is still under investigation.

Wednesday night, Peoria Community Against Violence held a Stand Up for Peace in Parker's honor.

On heels of March for Our Lives, College Republicans host pro-Second Amendment events
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Several chapters of College Republicans around the country will host events to educate students about the Second Amendment and gun safety, efforts that come on the heels of the youth-led March for Our Lives gun-control movement.

CA: Man accused of killing his mother’s boyfriend claims shooting was in self defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man accused of killing his mother’s boyfriend in rural California claims the shooting was self-defense.

The attorney for Jacob Burdett said an ongoing family problem reached a boiling point and he shot his mother’s boyfriend, Ryan Prosser, to protect his wife, his seven-month-old baby and himself.

The attorney, Mark Coleman, told local media the incident began when Burdett’s wife was coming home and found a vehicle she didn’t recognize on the side of the road. As she tried to drive around, the driver block her. Burdett’s mother got out of the vehicle, banged on the wife’s car and threatened to kill her.

9th Circuit hears Ronan bear-shooting case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The case of a Ronan farmer convicted of killing a threatened grizzly bear came before the federal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on March 29.

Brian F. Charette was sentenced to six months in prison and a $5,000 fine after shooting a grizzly bear on his property in 2014. That decision was appealed, and three 9th Circuit judges heard oral arguments from both sides during a special sitting in Moscow, Idaho last week.

The judges first heard John Rhodes, a Federal Defenders of Montana attorney representing Charette. At the outset, he argued that “the executive branch has failed its burden of proof ... the government offered no evidence that Mr. Charette did not have a permit to shoot a grizzly bear.”

IL: Illinois village votes to ban some semi-automatic weapons; Residents who do not turn in guns face $1000/day fine
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Members of the village board in the northern Chicago suburb of Deerfield have voted unanimously to ban certain semi-automatic firearms.

WLS-TV in Chicago reports the amendment to the village’s gun ordinance restricts firearms that village leaders define as assault weapons along with high-capacity magazines. That includes the AR-15, which has been used in mass shootings, including the Parkland, Florida school shooting.

The Second Amendment Is A Positive Asset
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Second Amendment is the one of the greatest accomplishments in American history.

Ben Franklin said it best when he said: “People who would trade liberty for safety deserve neither and will lose both.”

Yet the attacks on our constitutional right to bear arms, the AR-15, and the National Rifle Association are as hostile as ever from liberals and the “March for Our Lives” group.

The Second Amendment reads: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

MD: Second Amendment allows gun regulation, as pro-gun Justice Scalia admitted
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Dick Heller was a security guard who wanted to bring his firearm home to his high-crime neighborhood in D.C. However, in 1976, the District of Columbia City Council had passed the Firearms Control Regulations Act, which banned most residents from owning handguns, automatic firearms or high capacity semiautomatic firearms as well as unregistered guns. In addition, any rifles or shotguns kept in the home were required to be “unloaded, disassembled or bound by a trigger lock or similar device.”

When the Supreme Court heard Heller in 2008, it reversed its earlier opinion that the Second Amendment concerned itself solely with militias and ruled there is an individual right to own guns.

OH: [College] Senator holds up replica Constitution as gun control debate heats up
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Cade Plotts, West Green Senator and an adamant opposer of the bill, responded by reciting the Second Amendment while holding a replica Constitution.

“The Second Amendment isn’t about having a big enough gun to hunt a deer, it’s about making sure the government doesn’t turn on us and take away our First Amendment rights,” Plotts said.

The debate continued as members threw quotes from the Founding Fathers across the room. Plotts threw out quotes from George Mason and Thomas Jefferson defending the right to bear arms, which Frate refuted with opposing quotes from Jefferson.

Why the Constitutional Amendment Process Needs to Change
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Now, it is considered a mortal sin by some to agree with the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on anything. While I certainly do not see eye-to-eye with him on all matters of law or Constitutional jurisprudence, I do join him in advocating for a redesign of the Constitution’s amendment ratification process. In a 2014 interview in which he advocated for a change in the amendment process, Scalia surmised that, in theory, it could take a ‘no’ vote from only about two percent of the population to prevent an amendment’s ratification, a mighty obstacle indeed.

OR: Sheriff: Shady Cove shooting believed to be in self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The man who shot another man near Shady Cove did it in self-defense according to detectives.

On Wednesday, Jackson County Sheriff's Office responded to a report of shots fired in the 2500 block of Indian Creek Road in Shady Cove.

Deputies arrived to find 37- year-old Toby Tyler Bicknell, a transient had been shot in the hip. Bicknell was later transported to Rogue Regional Medical Center by Mercy Flights helicopter.

IL: Lawsuit challenges Deerfield's assault weapons ban: 'It flies in the face of state law'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Deerfield resident and two gun owners advocacy groups filed suit Thursday against the village of Deerfield, saying the municipality does not have the authority to ban assault weapons under a 2013 state law.


Joining Deerfield resident Daniel Easterday and the Illinois State Rifle Association in the lawsuit is the Second Amendment Foundation based in Bellevue, Wash., which says its membership includes Deerfield residents.

“We moved swiftly to challenge this gun ban because it flies in the face of state law,” said Alan Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation in a statement.

MO: Missouri bishops issue gun safety statement to lawmakers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Archbishop Robert Carlson is joining the other three Missouri bishops in signing a statement on gun safety. It is directed at Missouri lawmakers. They say its time to talk guns.

Archbishop Carlson was unavailable due to travel obligations but Mike Hoey, of the Missouri Catholic Conference in Jefferson City, says lawmakers need to listen up.

“The attitude is you're only safe if you got a gun. If our society is getting to the point where everybody thinks they have to be armed then that's not a civilized society anymore," said Mike Hoey.

Take Two: Ben Shapiro vs. Piers Morgan on Gun Control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Piers Morgan picked a fight with conservative pundit Ben Shapiro on guns this week, marking the second time the two have sparred over the issue. The first battle occurred on Morgan's primetime TV show on CNN, which was canceled in February 2014.

In their first meeting, held soon after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Shapiro accused Morgan of stepping on the graves of the children who had been killed.

Scattergun Choices
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the beginning, shotgun actions were called locks. Eventually the flintlock made it practical to shoot flying birds by shortening “lock time.” That’s the interval between pulling the trigger and the bang. The flintlock is also why many shotgunners still consider side-by-side shotguns the classic form — and history is on their side.

Before self-contained cartridges appeared during the mid-19th century, a two-barreled muzzleloader was the only practical way to take a quick second shot at flying targets. Placing the barrels side-by-side was the most practical way to position a flintlock next to each barrel.

Is the Second Amendment for Just the Militia?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Let's begin with the simplest of observations. Our United States Constitution serves two distinct purposes.

The first is to explicitly enumerate the powers and procedures of our nation's central government, which was defined as the three distinct bodies (which, by the way, two thirds of the high school students currently lecturing us about the Second Amendment cannot name) – the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial, with levels of authority descending in that precise order.

The second is to explicitly enumerate the limitations of that central government's power, which is the sole reason why our Bill of Rights exists. The Constitution would not have been ratified in 1791 without the addition of these first ten amendments.

Second Amendment Foundation Files Suit Against Deerfield, Illinois’ Confiscatory ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Chicago suburb of Deerfield, Illinois, passed a surrender and confiscation ordinance for “assault weapons” Monday night and the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) responded by filing suit on Thursday.

Breitbart News reported that that ordinance is designed to give Deerfield residents 60 days to get rid of any “assault weapons” and “high capacity” magazines. This includes being sure no such weapons or magazines are in residents’ homes. The ordinance empowers the police chief to confiscate and destroy any “assault weapons” and “high capacity” magazines which residents’ hold to after 60 days.

How The NRA Worked To Stifle Gun Violence Research
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The growing momentum for tighter gun control after the deadly school shooting in Parkland, Fla., is highlighting the National Rifle Association's history of aggressively confronting challenges to what it regards as Second Amendment rights.

Federal limits on both research into gun violence and the release of data about guns used in crimes are powerful reminders of the lobbying group's advantages over gun control activists. For decades, the NRA pushed legislation that stifled the study and spread of information about the causes of gun violence.

MA: Target true causes of gun crimes
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Boston’s mayor, who proudly took to the streets in the anti-NRA #MarchForOurLives last month, is an unlikely hero for the Second Amendment crowd — but maybe he should be. The Boston Herald reports he’s spending another $2.4 million on more psychologists, social workers and nurses in the Boston school system to provide “more behavioral health support for kids.”

“Providing students with resources to help foster their physical, emotional and mental health goes a long way on putting them, and keeping them, on a path to success,” Walsh said. It’s also a much smarter way to prevent school shootings than the sort of broad-based gun bans Marty’s fellow marchers were demanding.

This 'Awesome Dude' Lost His Gun Rights by Saying Stupid Stuff on Reddit
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Because he said three stupid, deliberately offensive things about mass shootings on Reddit, Chris Velasquez became an early target of a new Florida law authorizing "risk protection orders" (RPOs) that bar people from buying or possessing guns. Last month, based on a police affidavit that falsely portrayed Velasquez as a ticking time bomb who had threatened to attack schools, a judge issued a temporary RPO against him. Yesterday, after taking a closer look at the evidence, the same judge declined to extend the RPO for a year.

That reversal shows how easily laws like Florida's can be abused and how much discretion they give judges to suspend people's Second Amendment rights.

FL: Florida Cities Ramp Up the Fight to Regulate Their Own Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Valdés-Fauli, along with other mayors across the state, are subject to a state law enacted in 2011 that threatens harsh penalties for municipalities who attempt to pass any of their own laws regarding gun control within their jurisdictions. If a city so much as calls a meeting to discuss the possibility, the officials who promulgate (or pass) such a law are each liable for a personal fee of $5,000, and could be removed from office by the governor. Their cities are also on the hook for potential legal fees incurred if Florida citizens or attorneys file lawsuits against them.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. — Senator Barry Goldwater, 1964 (1909-1998)

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